if god exists then..

I'm not sure how old you are which is why I mentioned in loco parentis, It means in place of parents, that is someone to take care of you if your parents are away. A school teacher is in loco parentis, i.e., responsible for your welfare while you are at school unless your parents are there with you.

i'm 40, and no one told me that. well, god told me that. but as far as i can tell, no one agrees with me, or wants to understand what i'm talking about...

which just serves to provide evidence which supports my perception of this.
i'm 40, and no one told me that. well, god told me that. but as far as i can tell, no one agrees with me, or wants to understand what i'm talking about...

which just serves to provide evidence which supports my perception of this.

Would you blieve me, if I told you I have fairies at the bottom of my garden ? If you refuse, I shall take it as evidence that my fairies are there and that you are in denial
everything you experience and see and hear and taste and touch is obvious. people are so busy trying to figure out this and prove that due to their own egotisical inclinations that they don't take the time to experience the truth.

Let's dispense with the dramatics. Your words are superfluous, insinuating that "truth" is somehow this spiritual thing to experience. Truth is not the same thing as life.

Why is everything I experience and see and hear and taste and touch obvious? It is, but why is it?

Think about why it is obvious.

God could learn a thing or two about the impact of making things obvious about himself. It would have saved tens of thousands of lives from religious wars. God (if he exists) is not black or white, as religion would have you believe. He is on his own side, and we were created for his purpose. (if you believe the Bible)

You are right about one thing though, the truth about God can only come from experience.
Would you blieve me, if I told you I have fairies at the bottom of my garden ? If you refuse, I shall take it as evidence that my fairies are there and that you are in denial

The fact is that I don't really care if there are fairies in your garden. I mean, I may be interested but, in the grand scheme of things...

My point is that from what I can see, the vast majority of people, religious and non, are much more concerned with being right about what they think than with they are in experiencing life and openly and honestly seeking truth.
The fact is that I don't really care if there are fairies in your garden. I mean, I may be interested but, in the grand scheme of things...

My point is that from what I can see, the vast majority of people, religious and non, are much more concerned with being right about what they think than with they are in experiencing life and openly and honestly seeking truth.

Agreed. Both sides need to become more agnostic and appologetic. I believe religion does not provide answers and doesn't seek them for fear of heresy. And I also believe science is too "narrow-minded" to be trusted. People can become fanatical in either practice.
sevral questions in one

if god exsiste, then why won't he show himself and prove it?

if god is so kind, then how can he condem millons to deth in hell just becuase there parents taught them a false religon

how can god exsiste?


Because he's an arse. :D
I think i would be right in saying that most people believe in God, santa claus, bogeyman and tooth fairy when they are young and all are told and taught this by their parents. When we understand that it is a lie we deal with the disillusionment associated with loss of belief. Yet we then go on to teach the lies Santa,toothfairy, god etc all over again. People who believe in God as a real person arn't they just being naieve, God is a good construct with some essential ethics that societies law is based on. When your friend tells you that there is no santa you don't believe him as it's not possible, santa has always been there as long as you can remember, y would your parents lie to you?? but they do, perhaps if god exists he lives with santa at the north pole
I think your approach is interesting but although I beleive in God I wouldn't call that naive. I would say having lived my life I've been presented with a choice and that choice is that I believe in something greater than the physical reality. Even if I had not been preached to or knew about the concept of God and lived in the Amazon I would look up to the stars and wonder 'is there something greater?'. If I later discovered that there were others like me than I would of course be ecstatic about this. Of course I would want to know more about my world first and this is where the atheists come in for they will doggedly carry out the work of those who believe in the possibility of something greater and return their findings that seem to point to an organisation of sorts. So just as elements combine and atoms are exchanged or spat out perhaps we are standing on the paradigms laid down by previous organisations before us. Free will for example must have an outlet of intelligence. Take the sea dragon as an

example, now in my opinion this animal isn't an accident or freak of nature but rather the progress of free will being expressed through its genes to be incorporated by the next generation of sea horse. What if that free will can be carried not just through genes but also upward into a place of potential. And that place of potential is called God. Now I don't mean a bearded man but rather an organism that grants free will and a desire to become, to unfold into something better which imho is clearly what the sea horse sort to do.
So my point is this, free will and desire have to have an outlet if we are to evolve futher and allow individual consciousness to express itself. That outlet is God. Perhaps it is the image of God which most people are strugling with instead of embrasing it as that place full of potential that allows the further unfolding of reality.
I think your approach is interesting but although I beleive in God I wouldn't call that naive.
I put god as a real person, against the belief of a concept.
I would say having lived my life I've been presented with a choice and that choice is that I believe in something greater than the physical reality.
Are you dead and this is from beyond the grave??
Even if I had not been preached to or knew about the concept of God and lived in the Amazon I would look up to the stars and wonder 'is there something greater?'.
As you have been preached to you might find that indegineous people of the amazon look to the forest and surroundings as a norm.

Of course I would want to know more about my world first and this is where the atheists come in
Our world Brother..
Free will for example must have an outlet of intelligence. Take the sea dragon as an

example, now in my opinion this animal isn't an accident or freak of nature but rather the progress of free will being expressed through its genes to be incorporated by the next generation of sea horse. What if that free will can be carried not just through genes but also upward into a place of potential. And that place of potential is called God.
C'est Quoi???????
if we are to evolve futher and allow individual consciousness to express itself. That outlet is God. Perhaps it is the image of God which most people are strugling with instead of embrasing it as that place full of potential that allows the further unfolding of reality.

Do you know anything about what man has been through to try to evolve further but was held back by being branded as a heretic's,just to alllow an individual's belief based on fact on evolution and history over just blind faith. A lot were slaughtered, the outlet for this cold-blooded murder was the name of God, and I think you have been smoking too much weed.:blbl::m:
Let's dispense with the dramatics. Your words are superfluous, insinuating that "truth" is somehow this spiritual thing to experience. Truth is not the same thing as life.

i wasn't being dramatic and i don't like censorship. it seems disrespectful and inappropriate, especially given that this setting is a discussion forum, correct?

I actually believe that truth is law, or determined by law, and it encompasses all that exists and doesn't exist and why, including the spiritual and physical. i don't know that it's possible to conceive of all of this truth in it's entirety, in this physical realm, and certainly not in one's lifetime. so we have a window.

my point has to do with how we use or value that window...whether we look.

Why is everything I experience and see and hear and taste and touch obvious? It is, but why is it?

Think about why it is obvious.

God could learn a thing or two about the impact of making things obvious about himself. It would have saved tens of thousands of lives from religious wars. God (if he exists) is not black or white, as religion would have you believe. He is on his own side, and we were created for his purpose. (if you believe the Bible)

You are right about one thing though, the truth about God can only come from experience.

well, i'm so relieved that i'm right about something. ha, ha. hey, people are hateful, greedy, power-hungry murderers and god is their convenient excuse.
Do you know anything about what man has been through to try to evolve further but was held back by being branded as a heretic's,just to alllow an individual's belief based on fact on evolution and history over just blind faith. A lot were slaughtered, the outlet for this cold-blooded murder was the name of God, and I think you have been smoking too much weed.:blbl::m:

The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind here as an example, are their others I should know about? I'm sure there are if so there is an obvious lesson we should have learned and that is that power in the wrongs hands can upset the balance of things and lead to war and attrocities commited against man and his neighbour. We obviously have no control over what has come before and who knows how many ansestral lines have come to a sudden halt as a result of pushing rather than teaching the word of God. Maybe we should be going about teaching God in a different ways eg the free distribution and sale of illisit drugs. Expand the mind and you shall find God, or even know the mind. How many people can really claim they understand the workings of their own mind? Anyway I'm going off on a tangent here, for me the concept of God is one that the Christians have won and no matter what you atheists say it's here to stay. The best you might be able to do is contribute to what we don't know about the physical. Get to work now you plebs! :geek:
The fact is that I don't really care if there are fairies in your garden. I mean, I may be interested but, in the grand scheme of things...

My point is that from what I can see, the vast majority of people, religious and non, are much more concerned with being right about what they think than with they are in experiencing life and openly and honestly seeking truth.

Anybody who thinks wants to believe he is right as far as it goes. A rational mind recognizes tha knowledge is always provisional. The history of science demonstrate that and shows that sciectist will sooner or lateraccept new ideas if satisfactory evidence is presented.

The religious thinker doesn't think in this way . He arrives at a position where he believes in a god and, from that time on, will refuse to consider any evidence which might undermine his belief.

Anybody who thinks wants to believe he is right as far as it goes. A rational mind recognizes tha knowledge is always provisional. The history of science demonstrate that and shows that sciectist will sooner or lateraccept new ideas if satisfactory evidence is presented.

The religious thinker doesn't think in this way . He arrives at a position where he believes in a god and, from that time on, will refuse to consider any evidence which might undermine his belief.

i don't care about being "right". i care about truth and knowledge and remain open to it, leaving my ego and paradigms in the back seat. they do no good.
i don't care about being "right". i care about truth and knowledge and remain open to it, leaving my ego and paradigms in the back seat. they do no good.

So you have no paradigms. How do you hope to relate one piece of knowledge to another without some sort of framework ?
So you have no paradigms. How do you hope to relate one piece of knowledge to another without some sort of framework ?


The lack of making use of a paradigm does not necessarily exclude the establishment of relations.
So you have no paradigms. How do you hope to relate one piece of knowledge to another without some sort of framework ?

i have a framework. i just don't mind if something comes along and blows it all to hell and back. actually, it's happened to me many times, and i have to believe that it's because i've wanted and allowed it to happen. i have found that getting to the truth takes humility and sincerity, like the mind of a child.
i have a framework. i just don't mind if something comes along and blows it all to hell and back.

Exactly the point I was making.

Both from an ontological and epistemological position, there is no strict need for any paradigm: nominalism suffices quite nicely.
Relations are created on an ad hoc basis and are not rigid; it is the choice of the individual in question whether or not to substantiate a relation, as well as to determine it's 'lifespan'.

Ultimately, all relations are contingent.