if god exists then..

You should first address this issue: Do you not believe in the existence of a God or you do not WANT to believe so?
Why should God show Himself to you if you are just so blind not too see the logical necessity for His existence all around you. How can this vast infinite universe be there without an intelligenct creator. If your logic accepts this, go on then...

You can find existence of Bart Simpson around you, if you want to look for it.
I think there is a confusion between existence and reality the reason why God does not communicate or show itself is because it is not real (it is a mis-understood concept). Even though it exists you have as much of a chance of meeting God as you do taking Scooby Doo for a walk or giving Bart Simpson a wedgie:wallbang:
You should first address this issue: Do you not believe in the existence of a God or you do not WANT to believe so?
Why should God show Himself to you if you are just so blind not too see the logical necessity for His existence all around you. How can this vast infinite universe be there without an intelligenct creator. If your logic accepts this, go on then...

And who told you God condemns millions to death just because there parents chose a wrong religion. These are the lies mindless fanatics only believe. No one knows who will be admitted into the paradise and who will not. I do not believe that paradise is exclusive to members of one religion only; Instead I think that anybody who believes in him with a sincere heart and does good deeds will be rewarded with eternal bounties indifferent of their religion. It is not necessarily correct that x goes to paradise because he is a muslim and y goes to the hell because he is a jew. It all depends on your deeds in this world. And by the way God has given people intelligence and logic to reason for themselves and find the correct way, religion included.

I think the first question that should be addressed is that of evidence for god's existence, In the absence of such evidence, all the rest becomes totally meaningless.
I think the first question that should be addressed is that of evidence for god's existence, In the absence of such evidence, all the rest becomes totally meaningless.

So you don't believe in any higher organisation at all, and everyone who believes in God is either deluded, misguided or mad? Then you won't mind at all if I steal your soul after you die? Bids for Myles soul have just started any takers?!
I wholeheartidly agree with you, yet there are many who think that their consciousness and what has gone before ie creation is a fluke. To me that is illogical and flies in the face of common sense. My guess is God for some unknown reason wanted us to have faith and with that faith make other leaps of faith, now if you pile faith upon faith the same happens as when you pile infomation on information you get a whole new view of reality a much more etherically intellectual view that allows one to see for the first time to breath a real breath and receive a response from nature and the world around. Yes I believe that without faith in a higher organation and lets face it even the quantum world look organised, then you can't make assumpstions that lead to question which are not yet answerable or may never be answerable, that doesn't mean they are not real. those who yel prove this and prove that are either dogmatically scared of the unknown or get this cannot employ new paramaters into thier belief system. In other words they have structured their mind in such a way so as to bring in new factors not based on the known causes a breakdown of their normal opperating system and functions. :D

The very fact that you can put together this very awesome pile of incomprehensible statements to make your point is enough to prove there is a God :D
You can find existence of Bart Simpson around you, if you want to look for it.
I think there is a confusion between existence and reality the reason why God does not communicate or show itself is because it is not real (it is a mis-understood concept). Even though it exists you have as much of a chance of meeting God as you do taking Scooby Doo for a walk or giving Bart Simpson a wedgie:wallbang:

Can you explain your point a bit more clearly?
I think the first question that should be addressed is that of evidence for god's existence, In the absence of such evidence, all the rest becomes totally meaningless.

What kind of evidence do you need for that? Sicentific evidence or what?
So you don't believe in any higher organisation at all,
I understand organisation but "Higher Organisation" is just added mysticism higher than what or who how can Organistations be greater than the Organisers themselves.
Then you won't mind at all if I steal your soul after you die? Bids for Myles soul have just started any takers?!
£2.43....Do you have pay pal?:deal::mufc::deal:
So you don't believe in any higher organisation at all, and everyone who believes in God is either deluded, misguided or mad? Then you won't mind at all if I steal your soul after you die? Bids for Myles soul have just started any takers?!

Please feel free to take my soul. How will you know when you have found it? What size is it, what colour is it, how much does it weigh?
What kind of evidence do you need for that? Sicentific evidence or what?

The sort of evidence I, or any reasonable person, would expect If you said you had an uncle who was 20' tall and invisible.

To put it another way, what sort of evidence would you ask for if I told you I was convinced there were fairies at the bottom of my garden?
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I understand organisation but "Higher Organisation" is just added mysticism higher than what or who how can Organistations be greater than the Organisers themselves.

£2.43....Do you have pay pal?:deal::mufc::deal:

Now uou have offended me. I would expect at least £ 1,000 for a carefully used, pre-owned soul. Pre-owned is superior to secondhand any day.
S'awl smoke and mirrors to me.
sold me soul to the fishmonger.
's ole ting got me all confused.
devil wears diamond souled shoes.
S'awl smoke and mirrors to me.
sold me soul to the fishmonger.
's ole ting got me all confused.
devil wears diamond souled shoes.

Your soul reason for posting seems to be to make fun of my ass-soul.

Back on thread, is there a relationship betwen one's physical size and that of the sole. What proportion of your bodyweight isaccounted for by your soul ?
If you want to believe God has made an appearance then that is your right. However, it is wrong to preach it religiously. Until God makes a personal appearance, then it is simply guesswork, it is not gospel.
Can you explain your point a bit more clearly?

Since professional exegesis on the bible, on its history and origins as opposed to its context has been done you can pinpoint its origins within a 100 years or so, so you can find the beginings of the One God concept and under what conditions they were written.
Man has always created Gods as to his own needs Odin,Kali,Jupiter,Allah,Yahweh e.t.c the list is endless.
Even early man thought modern day natural occurances vengence of Gods tsunami's, volcano's,thunder,lightning,pestilence e.t.c. and thought gifts/sacrifice would appease this. This was the only logical explanation at the time mysticism becomes triviality in the blink of an eye.
One God concept the ideals of a one God as opposed to a range of Gods,a God of Gods has not always been around.Through the crusades it wiped out many forms of deity worship deemed as heresy, for the 1 true God.
The literatary content, bearing in mind not many people could read or write and scribe was a much sort after job so story's which gave foundation to heritage were handed down by word of mouth.Think of the distortion between what your grandad told you a about life and how you see life today.
A few generations of chinese whisper's and =

Noah built an ark took, two of evey animal and sailed out in the flood which covered the earth.

There is a flood or poss tidal wave, the land cannot feed the people or cattle,a man named Mo-ah (poss) has a fishing boat and takes 2 of every animal they know 2sheep,goats,camels,dog,cows and thats prob it and sailed out to sea to find somewhere green,as man did not travel as a norm their knowledge of the world was around 500sq miles (in my opinion).

Jesus cured blind people, we know that in india and other parts of the world they were removing cataracts well before the time he was about,and as he travelled the chances are that someone showed him how to do it.

Fed the 5000 with a few fish and some bread, divide the 5000 by 3, double the amount of food, you make fish soup with croutons,you can ferment a variety of plants/fruits into alcohol some only take a few days you have water into wine.or they had some wine but watered it down.

Most things are hugely glorified but are probably an everyday norm now,which is not to say it didn't happen.
My belief,religion,tribal tendancies or eccentricities revolve around man and nature only so there is no needs for gods,god,paridise,hell.
I put some posts on 'Proof of god' posts 72,74,76,78,80 as to the difference between reality and existence because there is a big and defining difference between them both.also in 'the modern prophet'
I've got a book which i've been reading for about a year or so it's written by one of the greatest theologian's a Jesuit called 'HENRI DE LUBAC' the book is 'THE DRAMA OF ATHIEST HUMANISM' publisher 'IGNATIUS' which is his look at the great philosophers and fact, and gave me understand as to both sides of the argument. There are many things that exist which are not real type into google, if it exists you will find it fairys,unicorns etc you get sites for them because they exist but they are not real. If you type in Tabblefunkichocohol you should get nothing as it is not real and doesn't exist there is nothing wrong in hailing the existence of God as long as you can percieve the form it exists in,you cannot say it doesn't exist becuase it is not real or there is no proof as many things exit which aren't real but we don't question their existence. Pheew I need a cup of tea
Now uou have offended me. I would expect at least £ 1,000 for a carefully used, pre-owned soul. Pre-owned is superior to secondhand any day.

Yes your majesty... sorry your majesty lol
any bids on £2.43 going once.........
Please feel free to take my soul. How will you know when you have found it? What size is it, what colour is it, how much does it weigh?

Well the funny thing is you don't know you have one until 1) you either fight for it or 2)You no longer have it.

Appartantly yours is the normal weight of 21 grammes it's colour is shrouded in a dull grey and it is the size of a small mustard seed.
The sort of evidence I, or any reasonable person, would expect If you said you had an uncle who was 20' tall and invisible.

To put it another way, what sort of evidence would you ask for if I told you I was convinced there were fairies at the bottom of my garden?

How could you prove that the universe came about? Did it happen all out of accident?
Well the funny thing is you don't know you have one until 1) you either fight for it or 2)You no longer have it.

Appartantly yours is the normal weight of 21 grammes it's colour is shrouded in a dull grey and it is the size of a small mustard seed.

I only find one bit hard to understand,. Where can I find a mustard seed that weighs 21 grammes ? The rest is perfectly clear.