if god exists then..

How could you prove that the universe came about? Did it happen all out of accident?

I don't know. There is a lot of scientiofic evidence that supports the Big Bang theory but the honest answer is that at this point in time no one be certain.

What is your opinion ?
I only find one bit hard to understand,. Where can I find a mustard seed that weighs 21 grammes ? The rest is perfectly clear.

The wait has nothing to do with it, going twice to my house mate for £2.43
Since professional exegesis on the bible, on its history and origins as opposed to its context has been done you can pinpoint its origins within a 100 years or so, so you can find the beginings of the One God concept and under what conditions they were written.
Man has always created Gods as to his own needs Odin,Kali,Jupiter,Allah,Yahweh e.t.c the list is endless.
Even early man thought modern day natural occurances vengence of Gods tsunami's, volcano's,thunder,lightning,pestilence e.t.c. and thought gifts/sacrifice would appease this. This was the only logical explanation at the time mysticism becomes triviality in the blink of an eye.
One God concept the ideals of a one God as opposed to a range of Gods,a God of Gods has not always been around.Through the crusades it wiped out many forms of deity worship deemed as heresy, for the 1 true God.
The literatary content, bearing in mind not many people could read or write and scribe was a much sort after job so story's which gave foundation to heritage were handed down by word of mouth.Think of the distortion between what your grandad told you a about life and how you see life today.
A few generations of chinese whisper's and =

Noah built an ark took, two of evey animal and sailed out in the flood which covered the earth.

There is a flood or poss tidal wave, the land cannot feed the people or cattle,a man named Mo-ah (poss) has a fishing boat and takes 2 of every animal they know 2sheep,goats,camels,dog,cows and thats prob it and sailed out to sea to find somewhere green,as man did not travel as a norm their knowledge of the world was around 500sq miles (in my opinion).

Jesus cured blind people, we know that in india and other parts of the world they were removing cataracts well before the time he was about,and as he travelled the chances are that someone showed him how to do it.

Fed the 5000 with a few fish and some bread, divide the 5000 by 3, double the amount of food, you make fish soup with croutons,you can ferment a variety of plants/fruits into alcohol some only take a few days you have water into wine.or they had some wine but watered it down.

Most things are hugely glorified but are probably an everyday norm now,which is not to say it didn't happen.
My belief,religion,tribal tendancies or eccentricities revolve around man and nature only so there is no needs for gods,god,paridise,hell.
I put some posts on 'Proof of god' posts 72,74,76,78,80 as to the difference between reality and existence because there is a big and defining difference between them both.also in 'the modern prophet'
I've got a book which i've been reading for about a year or so it's written by one of the greatest theologian's a Jesuit called 'HENRI DE LUBAC' the book is 'THE DRAMA OF ATHIEST HUMANISM' publisher 'IGNATIUS' which is his look at the great philosophers and fact, and gave me understand as to both sides of the argument. There are many things that exist which are not real type into google, if it exists you will find it fairys,unicorns etc you get sites for them because they exist but they are not real. If you type in Tabblefunkichocohol you should get nothing as it is not real and doesn't exist there is nothing wrong in hailing the existence of God as long as you can percieve the form it exists in,you cannot say it doesn't exist becuase it is not real or there is no proof as many things exit which aren't real but we don't question their existence. Pheew I need a cup of tea

I have never had any good time discussing with those who use philosophical reasonings. The main reason, you can never guess at the end whether they are for or against your idea :cool: . Did you mean that you belive in the existence of a god or not?
I don't know. There is a lot of scientiofic evidence that supports the Big Bang theory but the honest answer is that at this point in time no one be certain.

What is your opinion ?

I don't mean the big bang, that's only a theory. My question is not about a theory;what I mean is how was that pre-big bang mass generated at all. I mean how did zero come into existence?
Then you won't mind at all if I steal your soul after you die?

Well, someone here has been watching too many horror movies. Come on, surely you're beyond such nonsense? What I do find intriguing is someone that is seemingly religious even giving thought to 'stealing a soul' when surely that would be the devils work? Is there something you need to say?
I have never had any good time discussing with those who use philosophical reasonings. The main reason, you can never guess at the end whether they are for or against your idea :cool: . Did you mean that you belive in the existence of a god or not?

things exist that are not real,the concept of one god exists so you rejoice it, but you won't meet it as its not real it only exists in belief which means it exists.
its not philosophical reasoning its logic based on fact over myth and chinese whispers....:shrug:
things exist that are not real,the concept of one god exists so you rejoice it, but you won't meet it as its not real it only exists in belief which means it exists.
its not philosophical reasoning its logic based on fact over myth and chinese whispers....:shrug:

So.. is there a real God out there wondering (as I do) what eventually you mean by these lines, or not?
I don't mean the big bang, that's only a theory. My question is not about a theory;what I mean is how was that pre-big bang mass generated at all. I mean how did zero come into existence?

In the first place we do not know that "zero" came into existence.
If your question is not abourt a theory I cannot offer you a better answer than the one I gave you previously.We have nothing better than theories to go on
In the first place we do not know that "zero" came into existence.
If your question is not abourt a theory I cannot offer you a better answer than the one I gave you previously.We have nothing better than theories to go on

So, isn't it time to start wondering about the answer?
So, isn't it time to start wondering about the answer?

Scientist continue to explore and some progress had been made. Wondering about something will not provide anything better than a personal belief because it will not produce evidence.

No one can say anything for certain at present but the best we can do is to use the scientific method. Wondering or speculation will only lead to a dead end. You are unlikely to come up with an answer that philosophers have not considered.
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So.. is there a real God out there wondering (as I do) what eventually you mean by these lines, or not?

read my posts in 'proof of god' 72-80.

there is a big difference between something which exists and something which is real, scooby doo exists but you can't take him for a walk.you can praise the glory of God, live your life by the scripture but you can't meet it because it is a concept not reality.

I think you should do some research into the origins of the bible as opposed to the context or content held within we know when it was roughly written and we know that most of the old testement is based on Babylonian fairytales,legends and myths.

We can prove that man created God no-one has proved that God created man.

read the other post 72-80
I don't mean the big bang, that's only a theory. My question is not about a theory;what I mean is how was that pre-big bang mass generated at all. I mean how did zero come into existence?

Primative man put belief in anything unexplained or unexplainable at the time as acts of Gods or other mystic forces.As all the other things in history which were once thought acts of God have been rationalised to common sense or natural occurances, why should the begining of this planet be any different???

Unless you have proof of Gods hand in any other natural happenings then i'll take it as just as the rain,thunder,lightning,comets and eclipses have been proved as natural occurances, that the begining was a natural occurance 2,as natural as all the other planets
sevral questions in one

if god exsiste, then why won't he show himself and prove it?

if god is so kind, then how can he condem millons to deth in hell just becuase there parents taught them a false religon

how can god exsiste?


first of all, do you believe everything your parents tell you?

second of all, god does not "send" people to hell. people choose to be in hell when they purposefully ignore the obvious, out of a reluctance to seek truth.
first of all, do you believe everything your parents tell you?

second of all, god does not "send" people to hell. people choose to be in hell when they purposefully ignore the obvious, out of a reluctance to seek truth.

Most children believe what their parents tell them Santa Claus. Fairies and god.
Some kids grow up, get educated and realize that their is no reason to believe in god rather than Santa. Other kids grow up physically but not mentally.

" People choose to be in hell"....do you believe everything your parents or those in loco parentis tell you ?
Most children believe what their parents tell them Santa Claus. Fairies and god.
Some kids grow up, get educated and realize that their is no reason to believe in god rather than Santa. Other kids grow up physically but not mentally.

" People choose to be in hell"....do you believe everything your parents or those in loco parentis tell you ?

loco parentis? what does that mean? are you dissin' my daddy man? all i'm saying is that people create and choose to stay in hell by their own choices.
first of all, do you believe everything your parents tell you?

second of all, god does not "send" people to hell. people choose to be in hell when they purposefully ignore the obvious, out of a reluctance to seek truth.

What the heck??

What is so obvious?

If God was real, he put the tree in the garden of eden knowing that Adam and Eve would take the bad apple. So, in the end, it was God's choice to make a "hell" in the first place for all the sinners who he gave the apple to and said, "Here is this apple, but don't eat it if you want to live."

But, that would be obvious and choice would be clear if it were that simple, and God was a daily occurence to everyone.

I mean there are people who would defy God if he was proven...but not all those that Christianity believes will go to "hell" do not deserve to go there because they did not have a choice....

But, as it is now...no one has an informed decision because God (if he were real) is choosing to stay out of our lives....physically. Physically is important no matter what type of relationship you have with others. Long distance relationships rarely work, but yet it's our fault if we gave up hope...no blame whatsover on the other party.
loco parentis? what does that mean? are you dissin' my daddy man? all i'm saying is that people create and choose to stay in hell by their own choices.

I'm not sure how old you are which is why I mentioned in loco parentis, It means in place of parents, that is someone to take care of you if your parents are away. A school teacher is in loco parentis, i.e., responsible for your welfare while you are at school unless your parents are there with you.
What the heck??

What is so obvious?

If God was real, he put the tree in the garden of eden knowing that Adam and Eve would take the bad apple. So, in the end, it was God's choice to make a "hell" in the first place for all the sinners who he gave the apple to and said, "Here is this apple, but don't eat it if you want to live."

But, that would be obvious and choice would be clear if it were that simple, and God was a daily occurence to everyone.

I mean there are people who would defy God if he was proven...but not all those that Christianity believes will go to "hell" do not deserve to go there because they did not have a choice....

But, as it is now...no one has an informed decision because God (if he were real) is choosing to stay out of our lives....physically. Physically is important no matter what type of relationship you have with others. Long distance relationships rarely work, but yet it's our fault if we gave up hope...no blame whatsover on the other party.

everything you experience and see and hear and taste and touch is obvious. people are so busy trying to figure out this and prove that due to their own egotisical inclinations that they don't take the time to experience the truth.