if christ returned,how would Atheists take it?

davewhite04 said:
Hello there,

Why did you feel it was worth posting the above? What do you think it added to the discussion? You will find that the majority of what I wrote was original.


Relevance? You could say the same about 90% of threads posted in www.sciforums.com. The relevance is that when a person needs to quote from the bible, it means they cannot rely on self testimony. I disregard any body who quotes from bibles as irrelevant as I personally believe the bible is a load of crap! Ergo Relevant! No disrespect to anyone, its just my own opinion.
I'm not athiest, but i think it would be hilarious. Even for me, i would be like "WHAT THE FUCK?!"
Firstly let me apologise for an equally lengthy post :)

In the quote it mentions “all” of His plagues; the bubonic plague was not one of the plagues mentioned.

No disrespect meant at all, but this comes across as being mildly pedantic. You are seemingly claiming that these 10 plagues alone encompass the complete knowledge and power of god, and anything other than that is a purely natural event, or perhaps the action of someone elses god. However, in either case it doesn't really take away too much from what I have been trying to reach.

Let me concur with your claim for a moment, and consider that 'all' of god's plagues are those shown in Exodus.

"In 1999 an environmental catastrophe happened in the town of New Burn, North Carolina. The residents woke up to find the waters of their river - the Neuse - had turned red. More than a billion fish died."

As you can see, for the sake of your claims, I have moved away from the bubonic plague and directly to one of god's plagues as featured in Exodus. Modern day science would tell us this was a result of pfisteria. Of course it is possible that god caused this due to a big bunch of sinners living in North Carolina, but isn't it more probable that ancient people merely could not diagnose something that is entirely natural, and as a consequence passed the event onto a powerful being?

Once again I would like to ask if you think ancient people could diagnose pfisteria?

Do you acknowledge the possibility that the plagues have a completely natural explanation that these ancient people simply could not comprehend, and that they supplied the only answer that would suffice for them?

This indicates that leprosy was not from God, but it is open to your own interpretation.

Might I ask where it came from then? Did it come into existence naturally? Did a different god create it?

How would those who believe god created everything reconcile your statement that leprosy was not from god?

If god did create it, is it not safe to say that he created it to disfigure and kill mankind? Is not it's entire 'purpose' in life to cause absolute pain and misery to humans? And then if god is the creator of all things, it can only be accurate to state that he created these things in order to cause absolute pain and misery to humans. He didn't even stop there apparently.. Not only are there an astounding abundance of 'man-killers', but also and abundance of 'animal-killers'. For the human HIV there is the ape SIV etc etc.. This negates the idea that we are inflicted with these diseases due to sin, unless you are to conclude that animals also commit sin, and are also punished by god for those sins.

Now don't get me wrong, I personally agree with you, considering I do not believe in a god. However, this is based as an 'if'. If there is a god and he created everything, then he created 'human-killers', and for no other purpose than to kill humans. Many would conclude that they have been created due to humanities sins, but then we need to look at the questions I have raised.

If God had caused leprosy He would have warned them that He was going to do it as His past record showed.

Did he warn everyone before drowning them?

The verse tells me God was advising the Israelites on how to deal with this plague.

Ah... So I take it from this sentence that you're actually stating that these ancient people had no medical knowledge, or very limited medical knowledge? As a result, do you think they would have been able to diagnose pfisteria?

If God had inflicted Leprosy in the days that Jesus walked the earth, then why did Jesus cure these people? It would go directly against what God intended for these sufferers if you were to conclude that leprosy was from God. Can you see the flaw in the logic here?

Perhaps I could if there wasn't a thorn sticking in the side of this issue. Not just a little thorn, but a massive, sharp as a needle kind of thorn. I shall present this thorn now:

Exodus 4:11 The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD ?

So, you are hereby stating that jesus was going directly against what god intended for these people by curing the deaf and blind.

What's amusing to me, is how the NT claims demons cause people to be blind, whereas in the OT god happily accepts responsibility for it. Jesus then goes about undoing god's work and blaming it on the devil.

I spoke a long time ago here about how jesus did everything in the opposite manner to how the OT god did things, and that the NT itself completely went against the OT. One such example:

In the Old Testament terminology angels are called sons of god while men are called servants of God. In the New Testament this is reversed. Angels are the servants and christians are the sons of god.

I was going to write a complete analysis of this, but unfortunately didn't get round to it. I will pick up again from where I left off.

This is two of the reasons why I believe there is a difference between plagues from God and natural plagues that occur due to the state of the earth and everything in it.

So these 'natural plagues' came into existence by themselves?

It’s sufficient because it explains everything that is needed to get an understanding of God and where we’re ultimately going.

But obviously there is a flaw somewhere, be that with humanity or with the bible. A massive portion of humanity are not christian, and have no way of discerning reality from fiction with the oh-so-many other religious texts on the planet. Humans are far from perfect, and any being that desires man to get close to him can easily take some further steps to ensure it.

I have already suggested a possible NNT. This would prevent people getting mislead by false prophets such as David Koresh etc, and would also bring about a set of rules and way of living that is more relevant to today's society. I mean c'mon, all the stoning people to death, sacrificing cows etc is old forgotten god commands, and the more modern day commands such as a woman not being allowed to speak in church, need to be revised to fit our times. As no man can add to or change the bible without having all the plagues sent upon him, it would be pertinent to state that only god can do it, and I would merely suggest that perhaps it give it some consideration. It's not like it would hurt.

I find it somewhat strange that you would use the term "sufficient" when speaking of god's word. It most certainly is far from perfect, and that's what one would expect from the book of god. I'm sure it is 'sufficient' for some, but for the majority it clearly isn't. An NNT would certainly aid god aswell, in his desire to have humans get closer to him.

if the Bible doesn’t contain enough answers as regarding this then what else is needed exactly?

You could ask that question to two thirds of humanity. Clearly something is going wrong somewhere. As I have stated above, perhaps an NNT is the best all round solution.

It’s amazing how quickly you atheists blame a non existent God (in your eyes) for bad things, yet congratulate yourselves for the good things in life.

While I could say it's amazing how you religious folk blame all the bad things on the rest of us humans, yet congratulate a non existant god, (in my eyes) for all the good in life, and thus try so hard to point man as being some worthless reject, I wont.

Instead I will just reflect that I, (and 'us atheists'), do not believe in a god, and as a result do not blame it for anything. What you need to understand however is that you do believe there is a god, and debating arguments must generally be used as an "If" in order to debate fully. I hope you understand that.

God did show himself at the beginning but this didn’t stop us from becoming pagans and worshipping statues, obviously this didn’t have any lasting affect. He also showed up throughout the Bible.

And I often comment about this 2000 year dissapearance. Is itperhaps because man has generally progressed? Is it possible that as mans understanding progresses, that god dwindles further into the void, as I suggested earlier?

It was the majority of my point. You see, several hundred years later, man are blaming plagues on rats, germs, and other such things. We now call rivers of blood pfisteria, not god's hand. These people had no way of diagnosing or understanding why and how a river would turn red like blood, and as a consequence, gave the only answer they as a people could comprehend. We have moved beyond that, and god has become completely irrelevant to life, other than a safe passage to a better world for scared and lonely humans.

If you can try and understand the scripture(the one you said is false) regarding that revelations is the last book of the Bible, and everything else is not from God then you can conclude that if AIDS or Cancer is not in the book, it is not from God. This is what I believe, but I could be wrong.

There would be no reason or justification for AIDS to be written in the bible. These people knew nothing of it, nor did it exist. The best god could manage was to explain that people with red spots had leprosy and to kick them out of camp. He didn't explain the cure for leprosy, (which we don't even have now), or even how to hold it at bay, (which we do have now). The best advice god could give was "send them away", and while it is good advice in that respect, it shows but a simple medical knowledge of people, not divine beings.

The people could not treat it, but they recognised the symptoms and summarily booted people out of camp because of it. HIV and cancer are far far more complex to understand than leprosy. What I mean by this, is that leprosy is openly apparent, whereas the others are not. These people didn't have x-rays or the ability to check for and diagnose illness and disease.

When God has unleashed a plague in the past, it has been for a purpose. I see no purpose in the bubonic plague or AIDS or cancer to be honest.

Oh come now. They kill sinners, just like the ten plagues did. Look at the people during the time of the bubonic plague:

Whores, queers, people who thought incest was a good thing, witches, and other such things that we all know god finds abhorrent. You must have read the scripture?

I think you just need to try and understand that there is a difference between God’s plagues and natural ones

Alas I did not realise you were a proponent of evolution and disease coming into existence without the express desire on the part of god. What do you mean by 'natural'?

Disease exists because of the fall, as I explained in an earlier post. I cannot explain it from my point of view any better. God can cure these things you know…

He can? So can the local hospital.

However, the hospital did not create them or make their entire purpose in life the annihilation of man.

An example of a natural disease that has existed for some time, I don’t disagree that disease isn’t a recent thing. My biblical quote above talks about leprosy.

So, I can only conclude here that you believe that there are things that have not been created by god, but have 'arrived' by some natural means?

Well I believe God still works through man, but I’m biased I suppose.

This sentence shows the very point of the Mark Twain essay.

Man is capable of so much, hmmm, I would agree if I never watched the news or read any history. You can’t detach a man from his bad deeds as this would not make them a human being, would you agree?

Certainly. However, people view things differently, and if I may, I would like to provide a recent example:

About an hour ago, my wife and I went up the road to buy a curry. We stopped at the bank machine and noticed that the card slot was different, (I use the bank every day of the week). I gave it a mild tug and the whole panel ripped off. Some foreign dude came up, snatched the panel and ran off. In short, it was one of those scam bank things that have been in the news a lot. My wife was concerned, and spoke about how we could have been stabbed, etc. I on the other hand showed my delight that we hadn't been stabbed.

Some people choose the negativity in life, whereas some, (like myself), prefer to focus on the good aspects. While I will not deny man can be evil, I notice all the good that man can accomplish. You on the other hand seem intent on noticing the evil while ignoring, or sweeping aside the good that can come from man.

Instead of thanking the man for saving your life, you'd undoubtedly thank the sky instead, and completely lower the value of man to nothing. You make us all valueless, worthless, and meaningless. For all the worth you give to man, we might aswell be automatons, running this simulation for the amusement of god. Personally I find that absolutely sickening, dare I say abhorrent?

Where is the contradiction?

There seems little point in me telling you. That is something you must work out for yourself.

Who said I would try so hard to stay away from it?

Fighting to survive is fighting to not die, which is fighting to keep heaven and the meeting with god that much further away.

Usually when someone close dies then basically you’re left here without them which is hard for any human being no matter how strong their faith is.

Away from? Absolutely not. They're now with god who the majority of christians are supposedly in contact with, and you should seemingly be more happy that your loved one has now gone to the perfect place, and is perfectly happy. While you are temporarily distanced, (in the flesh - which is meaningless), their spirit is happy and you'll soon be joined together forever.

I personally pray for them and live in hope that one day we will be united. So it’s similar to the way you would react I guess

No way near similar.

but we keep the hope part. What is wrong with that?

It's weak.

Really, what works did Koresh do in the book world (which is the context that this answer falls under)?

Never read his texts? He wrote about the seven seals, how to understand them yada yada yada. As you've not got round to reading his texts, perhaps we should just mention Joseph whassisname, (the mormon guy).

Matthew 7
15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.

I know the passage, and I have no quarms with it, but it is irrelevant to what I'm saying.

"If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book"

It doesn't say "If any real prophet", it says "If any man", which would undoubtedly include David Koresh. He added to it, as did that Joseph guy - and yet none received any of god's small collection of plagues.

Actually there is evidence that brain surgery was performed, but I do not have it at hand at the moment so you can trust what you wrote above or look into yourself.

Could they diagnose pfisteria? Apparently they couldn't even figure out what to do with a leper without the help from god, so it is very doubtful.

So you have concluded that the people who built the pyramids knew nothing of nature because if they did the Bible stories could actually be authentic.

I haven't concluded anything. I am stating that just because they could build pyramids, does it mean they could diagnose a natural disease such as pfisteria?

Thank you.

I just think they could tell if something strange regarding the God of the Bible was going on or not. I don’t think these people would have been easily spooked.

No? everyone would be spooked if a river turned red like blood, especially people that could not analyze it and diagnose an accurate answer. And who are you referring to when you say regarding the god of the bible? Are you talking about those who you mentioned earlier as for not paying any attention to god even though he was visible and present? The pagan worshippers? Who?

And bare in mind that the plagues came and gone when Moses’ said they would.

According to who? Oopsie, we have a problem.. According to most, Moses wrote this part of the bible. So what we would conclude is that Moses said that the plagues started and stopped when Moses said so.

At least if someone else wrote it we'd have a witness, but with all your knowledge of mankind, you should know how presumptuous it is to trust a man who says that something is true because he says so.

Maybe they were thinking the same way as you, that these plagues were purely coincidental, until the penny dropped.

The penny dropped instantly. The Pharoah said "cool, they can go", but alas, god wanted to show his abilities so he hardened the pahroahs heart.

But then on the other hand.. Did the penny ever drop? Even after all ten plagues, Pharoah went out to get them all. god then drowned the buggers, (which he is somewhat infamous for), and that's the end of that chapter.

If we take this approach, it would be pertinent to state that the penny never fell, hell it never even left the wallet.

Maybe I should have just responded to this instead of including all the other stuff. Tell me, what is the issue?

To see whether these people could have diagnosed natural diseases, and if not, how one can conclude that their conclusions are valid. None of that dares state that there is not or cannot be some entity in space that blipped the world into existence, but that these people have mistaken a natural occurence as being actioned by that possible space being.

There could be a space being that we would give the label 'god' that merely blipped existence into being and then vanished in a puff of smoke. It need not be a 'he', it need not demand worship, and it need not care about the jews, (or anyone else for that matter).

Ok, so why do you still blame Him for bad things that happen (Don’t tell me you never have)?

It doesn't exist. I have nothing to blame on it's non existence, and not only because it doesn't exist, but because things are not that bad. As I explained earlier, I prefer to "look on the bright side" of things.

Have you EVER given thanks to God for anything?

It doesn't exist, but regardless to that, what would I be thanking it for?

Yes, civilisation has advanced. Tell me why don’t car manufacturers just build cars that do 70 miles per hour?

Are you claiming that there was no morality before jesus?

No he didn’t add to those words, as my Bible and every other Bible does not contain the Koresh stuff.

Fine, fine.. what about the translators and bible publishers that add to it by putting stuff in brackets, change words, (as can be seen in the many differing translations), and so on. Any plagues there?

You do seem to like the 100% literal approach, and being 100% literal, these people did add to it.

What do you mean by “the absolute truth”?

A belief that the bible is completely literal. There are people out there that do.

Ok. So are you saying that there’s no such thing as free will?

Pretty much, yes - but not in the exact manner someone would percieve the whole "free will" context.

We do have the ability to choose, but the choices we make would be directly because of a billion external influences: How we were raised, the things we experience, etc etc.

I would suggest reading Mark Twain's "What is man". I can provide a link if you're interested.

Becoming an atheist is a choice.

Sure, determined by many factors. I didn't openly choose to be an atheist. I was led there by the experiences in my life.

Good story. But you’re comparing humans to animals which I don’t go along with, but I understand your position. We humans have the power to make intelligent decisions, intelligent decisions that are way above anything the animal kingdom can comprehend.

I don't deny man's ability to make decisions, nor do I deny an ants ability to make a decision about whether to go left or right. However, in both cases those decisions are only made due to external influences. While the ant's influences might be more readily simplistic, such as a smell - man's influences are easily seen when you look for them. Why do fat people "choose" to go to weight loss clinics, whereas skinny people wont? Is it really just simple choice, or an external influence?

So the saying “A leopard never changes its spots”, is applicable to everyone in your opinion?

Yes and no. Yes people never change what they are, but those that 'choose' to try and change what they think they are, only do so because external influences have made them the kind of person that would try to change what they are.

I think you should read some testimonies regarding how the belief in Jesus Christ has changed people as a matter of fact, in reality we’re talking.

Would that not be the ultimate of "external influences"?

It’s more complicated then that.

To you perhaps, but not to the person I spoke to a while back, that stated that was the very reason he considered bigfoot or whatever as fiction and god as fact.

Let’s look at a current day example. Billy Graham. He has brought millions to Christ yet the least in Heaven will be greater then he. That’s altruism.

There's a hierarchy in heaven? There will be posh cities and local slums? Considering the least would be greatest, wouldn't that put the atheist at the top of the ladder?

But I think they understood the difference between a common cold and lightening and fire coming down from the skies on the command of a man.

They had the scientific knowledge to know what lightning and shooting stars were?

Why are there billions of stars for example?

Because god made them to light our tiny little planet? Because god made them to allow the angels to play billiards?

You tell me, what are they there for? What are the billions upon billions upon billions of stars and planets devoid of any life there for?

After all, they're only going to be snuffed out eventually, (along with us), as seen in Ezekiel, Joel, Matthew etc etc. Mark even says that they're going to fall from the sky, as does revelations. It even states they'll fall onto the earth and stick out the ground..

But before I digress to much from the question, I would like to return it to you for your explanation.

Because you were trying to tell me that what I believe is hogwash, I should just move on.

Man, you can do what you want, or more succinctly, do what is natural to you. That of course doesn't stop me debating the issue with you, because that is natural to me.

If you were prime minister you would probably outlaw all religious education and burn all Bibles. I could be wrong though.

I would certainly separate the issues. I would not force little teeny weeny children to be force fed it. If their parents want them to be told all about god, jesus, allah and whatever other entity out there, there are adequate places for it, (i.e church, synagogue, mosque, sunday school). I would ensure that children stick to fact, stick to reality - or if they really must be taught religion, then all religions must be taught to the same degree, aswell as beliefs in unicorns, flying hedgehogs and singing bananas.

No. Christ was the final sacrifice required for salvation.

Hmm.. salvation.. salvation...

"These then are the regulations for the burnt offering, grain offering, the sin offering, the guilt offering, the ordination offering and the fellowship offering."

Ok, we can disclude the sin offering - jesus was the scapegoat for that one, (and that is the salvation part out the way). But what about the offerings of fellowship, ordination and perhaps just a thanks to god? Earlier you were asking me if I have ever thanked god. Wouldn't a part of that thanks come in the form of sacrifice which pleases him a great deal, (according to the bible)?

These offerings were demanded not only for sins, but as a sign of respect. Are you saying that people need no longer respect god?

jesus getting himself killed somehow made your wifes period cleaner? Is that a part of salvation? Is it a sin for a woman to bleed?

No, I may have simply just studied the Bible more than you.

You're more than welcome to your assumptions.

The most important part of the Bible is the New Testament, as it’s more appropriate to us Gentiles.

jesus disagrees, as seen in Matthew 5:17-19

"Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete them. In truth I tell you, till heaven and earth pass dissapear, not one dot, not one little stroke, is to dissapear from the law until all it's purpose is achieved. Therefore, anyone who infringes even one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be considered the least in the kingdom of heaven.." (alongside all the top worshippers, and priests undoubtedly. Strange to think those that spend their entire life praising jesus and bringing people to him, get exactly the same position in heaven as those who can't abide by the laws).

So, stoned anyone to death recently?

Time permitting, study the whole Bible.

You too.

The Israelites were ex-slaves. They were under a new rule and they were going to have to be very well prepared in their new role as they had many enemies to overcome, as the Pharaoh said. The last thing they needed was trouble in their own tribe. Well that’s my take on it; obviously this won’t cut the mustard for you.

Well c'mon, they could perform brain surgery. It's a fairly recent achievement for the western world, and we also have enemies, but you don't see god giving us lessons in survival and we've managed ok - hell, better than the jews have.

He hasn’t

Sure he has.

Can’t you see that the rules for Levite priests were meant for Levite priests?

Matthew 5:17-- It says 'anyone' who infringes. It doesn't say 'any levite who infringes'. I know how you like to take a completely literal stance.

John 8
3 And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst,
4 They say unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act.
5 Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what sayest thou?
6 This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.
7 So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
8 And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground.
9 And they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.
10 When Jesus had lifted up himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee?
11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Amazing. In the OT, god would have closed her womb, struck her down and infected her with plague. He spent all that time telling everyone how abhorrent it is, and how much he detested it and how no person should do it, so sayeth "Yahweh your god". And if they dared do so, they would be "vomitted out", so sayeth Yahweh your god.

It is actually not good if we even judge other people. Look:

This does not concern 'we', it concerns him.. And the bible shows he hated it, and that people who engaged in it would be vomitted out, so sayeth Yahweh your god. That was his judgement, not ours.

Their interpretations change. My Bible is the same as anyone else’s, bar the fact that there have been slight changes to make it easier to read over the years. But if you show me a KJV (Or your NIV) of the Bible I bet it is identical to mine.

This is a contradiction. If there are 'slight changes' it cannot be 'identical'. And I can prove the contrary merely by pointing out the differences in the bible. You know as well as I do that different bibles differ, and although it's generally nothing too major, it most certainly can cause a completely different interpretation of the text.

So just because we have not found any earlier evidence for the Bible you have concluded that the Sumerian text is more genuine because of some fleeting resemblances?

We have found earlier evidence, (i.e the Sumerian texts), and it is a lot more than "fleeting". You would know that if you studied it. You've already admitted you haven't, so how do you justify the conclusion that it's "fleeting"?

So why don’t you apply this philosophy to the existence of God? Maybe you do, I don’t know what flavour of atheist you are.

Ok, if it sounds pleasing: Something big and "ooh that's funky", might exist somewhere. I have not scanned the entire galaxy to show otherwise. The same could be true for leprechauns and flying centipedes. However, trying to give a definition to something based upon a single opinion of an ancient group of people who knew nothing, is an act of lunacy, especially given the fact that there are a shitload of differing versions.

Why was there a flood?

Because of a lot of rain, that caused the rivers to overflow, which caused a flood. The "whole world" idea wouldn't be a surprise statement from an ancient people that would have no idea about the overall size of the planet, or thought that the planet came to an end where the horizon is.

Why did Jesus show up?

He was born just like everyone else, and just like David Koresh thought he was something special.

I’m not saying everyone should latch onto to everything.

But just latch on to your beliefs?

But what I’m saying is, just because you haven’t experienced something, it doesn’t mean it’s not real.

So you entertain a 'possible' belief in dragons, unicorns, fairies and leprechauns?

I wasn’t talking about just the Bible here. It is always tragic when someone dies young, it’s one of the reasons why I believe kids should be taught the Bible at an early age, and they have some time to decide whether or not to believe it.

The Quran aswell, or is that just nonsenical garbage? How about the Enuma Elish, the Mahabharata etc? Surely to decide whether to believe in something or not, children should be given the entire picture, and not just your chosen version of it?

but what a nasty pasty you would look/be if you were responsible for removing religious studies and prayers from school, if there is actually a God.

Are you a supporter of schools teaching children the Quran, Enuma Elish, Mahabharata etc as much as, and along the same lines as the bible?

This is the reason why there are missionaries and establishments that cater for various adults and children. If you want to inherit the kingdom of heaven you have to become like a child, this suggests that children are covered and depending what you mean by mental retards, broadly speaking they are too. You don’t have to be literate to believe in Christ.

It's actually quite relevant that this be brought up. Today I had lunch in the Tesco cafe, as it was local, and found myself surrounded by a bunch of seriously mentally handicapped individuals. I could have gone over there and mentioned jesus, love, god and pixies, and these 40 something year old men would just sit there sucking their thumbs - completely devoid of any understanding as to what I'm saying. To inherit the kingdom of god, I could become like a child and googoo and gaga at them all day long, and that would have no impact either, except perhaps a few googoo's and gaga's in return.

You could speak jesus until you're blue in the face and hell has frozen over, and these people would not care about nor comprehend a word you're saying.

One of the guys had been spoon fed his entire existence, has his bum wiped for him, and can't even walk. He dribbles and drools, and waggles his hands - very often punching himself in the face.

Needless to say, he's never met a christian trying to convert him.

Same here, but what is important is the fruit the person produces, in other words how they act.

I've never met any christian that acts the same as another - save for a few formalities. Some are abusive, some are rude, some don't care, some do care. The list is endless. All of them tell me about these 'fruits' and then apply a completely different interpretation as to what these fruits are. To some it's faith, to some it's works yada yada yada. It was even the same in the bible. John and his cronies couldn't even agree with each other.

Do you not think that getting down on your knees and believing in Christ is a bashing to your pride if you class yourself as wise or intelligent?

Not in the slightest. It's just.. irrelevant and non evidential. Believing in jesus is no more a viable option than believing in floating apple peels. Pride doesn't come into the equation.

What did you expect exactly?

Nothing. (jot this down for future reference).

Because I would trust the experiences of the masses over the experiences (or lack of) of the minority.

"Masses" being who exactly? The handful of people who wrote the bible?

Thinking that 50 people are correct instead of them is close minded in my opinion.

Would that include the 50 people that wrote the bible? (sure that figure might be different, but you're not really in a position to say "billions" of people wrote the bible).

Look at what Jesus taught, and imagine (if you can) a world where everyone followed it. If you got this far, what did you imagine?

I imagine a world where everyone is killing their family. A man against his father, a woman against her mother yada yada yada. jesus did not come to bring peace, (so that's that out the window), but a sword. Right now we'd probably all be dead.

Why do you think this?

Hammurabi managed it over a thousand years earlier. It just shows that you don't need to be god in order to make wise rules.

What makes you think that it’s what He wanted?

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother..." (Matthew 10:34)

If you killed your dad, it’s murder. Please answer the above.

Murder? Who cares? you were earlier telling me all about the meaninglessness of the OT. All I need to do is love my neighbour, and I do love my neighbour.

So is there a simpler explanation to our current predicament then the story of Adam and Eve causing all this by doing something they shouldn’t have done?

Adam and Eve is not simple by any means. And beings as it's all part of gods master plan, Adam and Eve did something that they were supposed to do. Further to which, having no knowledge of good and evil, means they would not know that what they were going to do was bad until after they'd already done it.

No, but the Bible explains why there is no peace. Basically the fall of man opened up a can of worms.

But we can still find peace... Oh wait... oops... it's not what jesus wants or came for.

The Bible doesn’t teach this, quite the opposite actually but that’s another thread most certainly.

Not according to jesus, who came to bring a sword - not peace. He came to 'set a man against his father, a woman against her mother'. We're only doing what he wants.

It wasn’t a failure, it was perfect and will be perfect once more once this mess has been cleared up

This is a contradiction. If it was "perfect", it wouldn't mess up in the first place.

My answer would be: This would have made us robots if we did not have free will. God gave us a choice; He left it to us, which falls in line with an aspect of love that you agree with (I think).

A 'choice' can only be made if you understand the directions. Having no knowledge of good or evil left Adam and Eve incapable of determining what the choices signified. It's like putting two balls of cheese in a cage with a mouse. If the mouse goes to the cheese on the right, you annihilate it, but if it goes to the cheese on the left, you give it all the cheese it could ever want. It is a mere lottery, luck of the draw. The mouse knows nothing of the choices it is faced with.

It's a farce, nothing more. A poorly written one at that.

Let me give you an example of what I think Jesus meant by this. If you cut yourself then you will put a plaster on or call an ambulance if it’s bad, maybe someone will do this for you. Now if you see someone who has cut themselves and they have no resources and you did, you could choose to put a plaster on their cut or call an ambulance. This someone could potentially be someone who you hate.

Which is all fine and dandy unless the guy happens to be your father, in which case jesus wants you to go against him.

Well I would say that I do know, just like I know that I exist.

That was to be expected.

The colour of Jesus is irrelevant, as I’m sure you agree.

Hell no.

Ok, sorry if I hit a sore spot.

You didn't.

I can assure you its love and not pity.

But the answer is biased. Your assurances become meaningless.

Surely the kids should be left to decide for themselves?

Indeed, and therefore the best course of action is all or none. Picking one out of the hat is ignorant.

After all it never did generations gone by any harm, or did it?

Sure it did. Those who learnt muslim beliefs are now apparently doomed to hell. Those who learnt the jewish beliefs are now apparently doomed to hell. Etc etc etc.

Love is actually pretty simple it’s just difficult to put into words these days.

I disagree.

Jesus also wasn’t given the right to speak by the leaders of the time

Didn't seem to make much difference. From the looks of it, he never stopped talking. However, I would concur that he was never given the right to write.

but He did and was crucified for doing it.

I thought he was crucified to save mankind, or was that just a convenient after effect?

What I explained is that the “us” might mean the angels, as they know good and evil.

Apologies but it seemed you missed what I was referring to.

Gen 1:26 seems to imply other beings of the same status.

Maybe. But if the Biblical scholar believed in the flood they would realise that the Euphrates river now may not be the same one described in the Bible.

The location can be gathered anyway, not just because of the Euphrates but because of the Tigris aswell, the land details, (the Tigris flows to the east of Assyria), and so on.

Ok, well I would hazard a guess that you have fallen for the evolution point of view, which is your choice and is a completely different debate.

Fallen? No. Arrived at is more to the point.

I am assuming that you have a slight doubt about whether or not God exists

Not in the slightest.

or why else would you be having this discussion and browsing the forum?

I find it interesting. I used to run a chatroom talking to alien abductees. That doesn't mean I believe in aliens, but that I find the topic interesting from a discussion point of view. I didn't choose to find it interesting, I just do.

If you had left the joke part out of your response then it would tell me that you at least wanted to know that you were slightly interested in finding God. But something tells me that you maybe have tried in the past or you did actually have a go, I hope so. What did you ask for (From God)?

Apologies, but I find a small dose of humour to be healthy. I wrote a small story a little while back that might be worth reading. You can do so Here

You don’t have to state anything. You may have had a real occurrence of meeting a pink flying elephant, so therefore it is a fact to you. If you want to push your opinion of pink flying elephants onto others then that’s when you’ll find that the fact is only relative to you (and maybe many others, but we’ll use sciforums as the test site) and you could be unfairly dismissed as delusional because the vast majority of people do not agree with your opinion. You can replace the pink flying elephant with anything that is not commonly understood as a fact or in your words “a good fact”.

And therefore it is inherently worthless to anyone other than yourself. As a question to this, I would ask then why you would try and convince others of something when you already realise that the fact is only relative to you.

Regards :)

P.S Apologies for any grammatical mistakes and typos. It's far too long for me to bother correcting.
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Hello SnakeLord,

SnakeLord said:
You are seemingly claiming that these 10 plagues alone encompass the complete knowledge and power of god, and anything other than that is a purely natural event,

No, not at all, lol. What I am suggesting is that there is a distinction between a plague from God and a natural plague caused by original sin. What you have to bare in mind is that from my perspective i.e. what the Bible teaches, all creation was effected by original sin, not just man.

Romans 8:22

"In 1999 an environmental catastrophe happened in the town of New Burn, North Carolina. The residents woke up to find the waters of their river - the Neuse - had turned red. More than a billion fish died."

You are assuming that pfisteria was one of the ten plagues; I on the other hand am not convinced. I admit I don’t know exactly what natural explanation could be used to explain the water turning into blood. This is essentially the difference between you and me, I believe that something “supernatural” can occur, but you don’t, so we could end up banging our heads against each other for decades.

Do you acknowledge the possibility that the plagues have a completely natural explanation that these ancient people simply could not comprehend, and that they supplied the only answer that would suffice for them?

Picture this. A very powerful Pharaoh has enslaved Moses people i.e. Israelites. God appears to Moses and instructs him to confront this Pharaoh. Try and put yourself in Moses sandals. Would you do it?

We know the rest of the story. Now do you think a bout of pfisteria would have bothered the Pharaoh? No, obviously not. You’d be correct, it didn’t. What did bother him then?

Might I ask where it came from then? Did it come into existence naturally? Did a different god create it?

God did create everything there is no doubt. But it was mans fall that triggered the chain of events that have occurred up until this time. Man chose to worship false gods and to behave ungodly; this was a choice.

For the human HIV there is the ape SIV etc etc.. This negates the idea that we are inflicted with these diseases due to sin, unless you are to conclude that animals also commit sin, and are also punished by god for those sins.

All creation was effected by the fall.

Now don't get me wrong, I personally agree with you, considering I do not believe in a god. However, this is based as an 'if'. If there is a god and he created everything, then he created 'human-killers', and for no other purpose than to kill humans. Many would conclude that they have been created due to humanities sins, but then we need to look at the questions I have raised.

God gave us a choice. He knew what would happen if we disobeyed Him. For example if we start having sex with a horse you can expect to increase the chance of suffering some how. People can choose to do whatever they want, be it good or evil, it is called free will. God has not forsaken us even though we are sinners, some more than others, He has offered eternal life where there won’t be any pain or suffering, and where even the Lion will lie next to the Lamb in perfect harmony. This shows how great His love for us is. Some of us on the other hand reject this free gift and get on with whatever life they want, which is fine, though this is not what God wants us to choose.

2 Peter 3:9

Did he warn everyone before drowning them?

No, but Noah tried to.

Ah... So I take it from this sentence that you're actually stating that these ancient people had no medical knowledge, or very limited medical knowledge? As a result, do you think they would have been able to diagnose pfisteria?

Well the passage actually deals with only one plague, leprosy, so I would conclude that they knew nothing of this at that point in time, this does not mean that they knew nothing about a common cold though. I’d guess they wouldn’t be able to diagnose pfiesteria, but I could be wrong.

Perhaps I could if there wasn't a thorn sticking in the side of this issue. Not just a little thorn, but a massive, sharp as a needle kind of thorn. I shall present this thorn now:

Exodus 4:11 The LORD said to him, "Who gave man his mouth? Who makes him deaf or mute? Who gives him sight or makes him blind? Is it not I, the LORD ?

So, you are hereby stating that jesus was going directly against what god intended for these people by curing the deaf and blind.

No, Jesus was doing the will of the Father. If you’re the type of person who always looks on the bright side of life, then think how lucky you are that you can write quite well. God has a purpose for everyone, so having a disability could actually be an advantage. It has been for me.

What's amusing to me, is how the NT claims demons cause people to be blind, whereas in the OT god happily accepts responsibility for it. Jesus then goes about undoing god's work and blaming it on the devil.

Demons cause people to be blind? Where is that?

In the Old Testament terminology angels are called sons of god while men are called servants of God. In the New Testament this is reversed. Angels are the servants and christians are the sons of god.

I was going to write a complete analysis of this, but unfortunately didn't get round to it. I will pick up again from where I left off.

If you start a thread on this then I will try to contribute.

and would also bring about a set of rules and way of living that is more relevant to today's society. I mean c'mon, all the stoning people to death, sacrificing cows etc is old forgotten god commands,

I have explained these rules in detail and it seemingly went straight over your head, what was the problem with my explanation?

You could ask that question to two thirds of humanity. Clearly something is going wrong somewhere. As I have stated above, perhaps an NNT is the best all round solution.

If someone chooses to ignore or reject the Bible and Jesus Christ it is a choice. And you honestly think that a new book would explain what exactly?

While I could say it's amazing how you religious folk blame all the bad things on the rest of us humans,

It is only human to initially blame a thief who burgled your house for doing it. But on reflection the blame is on you. Maybe you should have had better security. The thief might have had a drug problem so I would ultimately try to sympathise with the thief, though this can take a while if you never get to meet them again thus not finding out the motives.

yet congratulate a non existant god, (in my eyes) for all the good in life, and thus try so hard to point man as being some worthless reject, I wont.

You are looking through a different set of goggles to me, as I’ve said I believe God works through man for good.

What you need to understand however is that you do believe there is a god, and debating arguments must generally be used as an "If" in order to debate fully. I hope you understand that.

So is my writing style offending you? It has certainly not stopped you from replying. You should also remember to apply the “if” aspect to debates I might add.

And I often comment about this 2000 year dissapearance. Is itperhaps because man has generally progressed? Is it possible that as mans understanding progresses, that god dwindles further into the void, as I suggested earlier?

Understanding of what exactly?

These people had no way of diagnosing or understanding why and how a river would turn red like blood, and as a consequence, gave the only answer they as a people could comprehend.

This is daft. Are you saying that ten natural plagues occurred; the Pharaoh crapped himself and let the slaves go, then changed his mind… The Jews thought that because they couldn’t understand the red water they wrote God did it… And obviously the Pharaoh was delusional because he let them go in the first place! They saw it fit to make up a story, where the snakelord version would have been far more entertaining, I mean a delusional pharaoh who freed them and the sea just happened to part bang on time. Phew. Maybe you’re in the cynical camp which says the Jews made this up so that they could be regarded as God’s people; well if that was the case it only hindered their journey through history.

We have moved beyond that, and god has become completely irrelevant to life, other than a safe passage to a better world for scared and lonely humans.

Your picture of a Christian is flawed and offensive; you need to meet more Christians in the flesh to gain a better understanding.

The best advice god could give was "send them away", and while it is good advice in that respect, it shows but a simple medical knowledge of people, not divine beings.

As you said it was “good” advice, what do you want, paradise?

The people could not treat it, but they recognised the symptoms and summarily booted people out of camp because of it. HIV and cancer are far far more complex to understand than leprosy. What I mean by this, is that leprosy is openly apparent, whereas the others are not. These people didn't have x-rays or the ability to check for and diagnose illness and disease.

We can conclude that the Jews back in those days knew little about leprosy and probably nothing about HIV, I agree.

Oh come now. They kill sinners, just like the ten plagues did. Look at the people during the time of the bubonic plague:

Whores, queers, people who thought incest was a good thing, witches, and other such things that we all know god finds abhorrent. You must have read the scripture?

You’re clinging onto this point and not respecting my position or explanation at all, thus we will not agree on much at this point in time.

Alas I did not realise you were a proponent of evolution and disease coming into existence without the express desire on the part of god. What do you mean by 'natural'?

I know that unclean water can carry disease, this is a fact and it’s natural as far as this world goes. How various diseases originate would require me to investigate it further. But I will say that they wouldn’t have existed if it wasn’t for the fall.

What’s your explanation for the origin of HIV?

However, the hospital did not create them or make their entire purpose in life the annihilation of man.

So disease has a purpose eh?

So, I can only conclude here that you believe that there are things that have not been created by god, but have 'arrived' by some natural means?

Every atom obeys God and was created by God, so yes that includes bacteria. So your conclusion is incorrect.

Instead of thanking the man for saving your life, you'd undoubtedly thank the sky instead, and completely lower the value of man to nothing. You make us all valueless, worthless, and meaningless. For all the worth you give to man, we might aswell be automatons, running this simulation for the amusement of god. Personally I find that absolutely sickening, dare I say abhorrent?

I have no idea why this explanation was written. How about thanking the person and God? Do you think if someone jumps from a kerb to push me to safety from on oncoming car that I will not thank him? Of course I would. Your very little picture of a Christian is distorted greatly.

No way near similar.

Care to explain the huge differences? The only difference I have experienced (my brother is an atheist) is that I have the hope part. This has happened when a close relative of ours died. You could be what you call me, “weak” and cry for decades I don’t know.

It's weak.


It doesn't say "If any real prophet", it says "If any man", which would undoubtedly include David Koresh. He added to it, as did that Joseph guy - and yet none received any of god's small collection of plagues.

But he didn’t add to it, he wrote his own little book. The Bible hasn’t changed.

I haven't concluded anything. I am stating that just because they could build pyramids, does it mean they could diagnose a natural disease such as pfisteria?

True, so we’re both correct as far as we can be i.e. no conclusions have been drawn.

No? everyone would be spooked if a river turned red like blood, especially people that could not analyze it and diagnose an accurate answer.

The funny thing is it didn’t spook the Pharaoh.

According to who? Oopsie, we have a problem.. According to most, Moses wrote this part of the bible. So what we would conclude is that Moses said that the plagues started and stopped when Moses said so.

At least if someone else wrote it we'd have a witness, but with all your knowledge of mankind, you should know how presumptuous it is to trust a man who says that something is true because he says so.

You really have no respect for these men do you? And the Bible is just a fairy tale to you. Well I’m glad you find it interesting, so there is hope.

Did the penny ever drop?

The penny did drop or else the Jewish people most certainly wouldn’t have been freed.

It doesn't exist, but regardless to that, what would I be thanking it for?

The good things that have happened to you.

Are you claiming that there was no morality before jesus?


You do seem to like the 100% literal approach, and being 100% literal, these people did add to it.

Nothing has been added, words/language has just been changed to allow the fulfilment of one of Jesus’ prophecies.

A belief that the bible is completely literal.

No it’s not completely literal, but it is true, but absolute truth implies that there is no truth outside of the Bible, which is not correct, have you read Daniel?

Pretty much, yes - but not in the exact manner someone would percieve the whole "free will" context.

We do have the ability to choose, but the choices we make would be directly because of a billion external influences: How we were raised, the things we experience, etc etc.

I would suggest reading Mark Twain's "What is man". I can provide a link if you're interested.

You believe your choice is fully dependant on external influences? So if you fancy having a snicker, it is all down to external influence for example?

A link would be good thanks.

I was led there by the experiences in my life.

Same with me.

Why do fat people "choose" to go to weight loss clinics, whereas skinny people wont? Is it really just simple choice, or an external influence?

I call it common sense, which some people haven’t got.

Yes and no. Yes people never change what they are, but those that 'choose' to try and change what they think they are, only do so because external influences have made them the kind of person that would try to change what they are.

I used to strongly believe in the saying a leopard never changes its spots. What this leads to is negativity. So really all these drug clinics and criminal programmes that are there to help people change are futile? I know people can change now, thankfully. Nothing is impossible with God.

Would that not be the ultimate of "external influences"?

No, because it’s internal. I’m still a work in progress.

They had the scientific knowledge to know what lightning and shooting stars were?

Maybe the Egyptians did (hence it took 10 plagues), but who said the fire was shooting stars?

Because god made them to light our tiny little planet? Because god made them to allow the angels to play billiards? You tell me, what are they there for?

Maybe you’re correct, who knows?

Man, you can do what you want, or more succinctly, do what is natural to you. That of course doesn't stop me debating the issue with you, because that is natural to me.

But you weren’t debating, you were dictating.

or if they really must be taught religion, then all religions must be taught to the same degree, aswell as beliefs in unicorns, flying hedgehogs and singing bananas.

Good job you’re not PM then.

These offerings were demanded not only for sins, but as a sign of respect. Are you saying that people need no longer respect god?

Would you say that respect is part of the parcel of love? Or even obedience to your parent; is that a sign of respect?

You're more than welcome to your assumptions.

Thanks, so are you.

jesus disagrees, as seen in Matthew 5:17-19

If you read the New Testament, most, if not all the Commandments are covered.

So, stoned anyone to death recently?

You really haven’t taken a blind bit of notice as regards what I have written about this have you? I am reading and evaluating what you write so why don’t you do the same?

Matthew 7
1 Judge not, that ye be not judged.
2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?

Basically, no one since the time of Jesus is fit to judge anyone else, never mind stone them to death.

I do, thanks for the tip.

Sure he has.

Care to prove it?

Amazing. In the OT, god would have closed her womb, struck her down and infected her with plague.

Really, where’s the scripture?

This does not concern 'we', it concerns him.. And the bible shows he hated it, and that people who engaged in it would be vomitted out, so sayeth Yahweh your god. That was his judgement, not ours.

He still does detest it, as He never changes.

This is a contradiction. If there are 'slight changes' it cannot be 'identical'. And I can prove the contrary merely by pointing out the differences in the bible. You know as well as I do that different bibles differ, and although it's generally nothing too major, it most certainly can cause a completely different interpretation of the text.

But every Christian generally feels that Jesus came in the flesh, died for our sins, rose from the dead on the third day, and is in fact The Son of God. Doesn’t matter what Bible you’ve got.

You've already admitted you haven't, so how do you justify the conclusion that it's "fleeting"?

I was going of what you wrote, Flood, Exodus etc.

But just latch on to your beliefs?

Not at all, everyone has their own journey ahead of them, and I certainly won’t stop them.

So you entertain a 'possible' belief in dragons, unicorns, fairies and leprechauns?

I think there is an element of truth in all of the above; our interpretations of these things might not be accurate though.

The Quran aswell, or is that just nonsenical garbage? How about the Enuma Elish, the Mahabharata etc? Surely to decide whether to believe in something or not, children should be given the entire picture, and not just your chosen version of it?

I think in our country we should teach that which is part of our culture and nation. The Muslims for example that come to live in the UK I would expect them to learn about the UK (Christianity, believe it or not, is part of our cultural heritage, same with teaching about the Saxons in History etc.), Just as I would learn about Islam (in greater depth) if I decided to live in Iraq. But this is a pretty in depth subject, and really it would take an entire thread to cover it.

One of the guys had been spoon fed his entire existence, has his bum wiped for him, and can't even walk. He dribbles and drools, and waggles his hands - very often punching himself in the face.

Well God is the perfect Judge; leave it up to Him what happens.

Needless to say, he's never met a christian trying to convert him.

But He might have met God.

Not in the slightest. It's just.. irrelevant and non evidential. Believing in jesus is no more a viable option than believing in floating apple peels. Pride doesn't come into the equation.

This really sums up how futile this discussion is. You’re comparing Jesus to floating apple peels now. So I assume from this you don’t even think Jesus came in the flesh… well you can believe whatever you decide to.

Nothing. (jot this down for future reference).

Ever heard the expression “Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it” So you expected nothing, and got nothing, makes perfect sense.

"Masses" being who exactly? The handful of people who wrote the bible?

Christians, Muslims, Jews etc.

I imagine a world where everyone is killing their family. A man against his father, a woman against her mother yada yada yada. jesus did not come to bring peace, (so that's that out the window), but a sword. Right now we'd probably all be dead.

Well you have simply not read my question correctly and referred to statements Jesus made regarding His Father’s purpose for Him, not what He taught. The sword is the Word, and it has divided families because not everyone believes the same things, this doesn’t mean it’s what He wanted.

"Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother..." (Matthew 10:34)

So from this you have concluded that it was what Jesus wanted. Think about it.

Murder? Who cares? you were earlier telling me all about the meaninglessness of the OT. All I need to do is love my neighbour, and I do love my neighbour.

Those two are the greatest commandments. Now if you love God with all you mind, body and soul then you won’t break His commandments. If you Love you Neighbour as yourself, you won’t go out with a gun and shoot them, will you?

Adam and Eve is not simple by any means. And beings as it's all part of gods master plan, Adam and Eve did something that they were supposed to do. Further to which, having no knowledge of good and evil, means they would not know that what they were going to do was bad until after they'd already done it.

Do you think God would have given them an instruction if He knew they couldn’t comprehend it?

I disagree.

No surprise there then :)

I thought he was crucified to save mankind

He was, but He still went through the whole experience of being rejected and crucified.

Apologies but it seemed you missed what I was referring to.

Gen 1:26 seems to imply other beings of the same status.

I didn’t miss it, you must have included two references, and I choose one.

I could explain this for you, but what would that accomplish? I mean you’ve already said that the Adam and Eve story is a badly written piece of turd, or something along those lines.

The location can be gathered anyway, not just because of the Euphrates but because of the Tigris aswell, the land details, (the Tigris flows to the east of Assyria), and so on.

Yeah, well I’ll let you believe that.

Fallen? No. Arrived at is more to the point.

Even when you fall you arrive somewhere.

I find it interesting. I used to run a chatroom talking to alien abductees. That doesn't mean I believe in aliens, but that I find the topic interesting from a discussion point of view. I didn't choose to find it interesting, I just do.

So now you think it’s interesting to go around insulting people’s belief in God, just because you have no belief, very strange behaviour if you ask me, which of course you won’t.

As a question to this, I would ask then why you would try and convince others of something when you already realise that the fact is only relative to you.

The fact we’re talking about is not only relative to me.

SnakeLord said:
Let me concur with your claim for a moment, and consider that 'all' of god's plagues are those shown in Exodus.

"gods" plagues were quite natural events caused by the volcanic eruption on Santorini. Just as, when Mount St Helens erupted in Washington, they had a plague of frogs due to the plague of insects. And "fire and brimstone rained down and the skys darkened" etc yadda yadda yadda...........
Red Devil said:
"gods" plagues were quite natural events caused by the volcanic eruption on Santorini. Just as, when Mount St Helens erupted in Washington, they had a plague of frogs due to the plague of insects. And "fire and brimstone rained down and the skys darkened" etc yadda yadda yadda...........

Yeah, it's true. There can't be anything unnatural in a natural world... But it's still God who makes these "natural events". You see... you haven't explained them just because you have given them a name: natural events. The original reason is God.
What I am suggesting is that there is a distinction between a plague from God and a natural plague caused by original sin. What you have to bare in mind is that from my perspective i.e. what the Bible teaches, all creation was effected by original sin, not just man.

This seemingly leave us with 3 available possibilities:

1) After man had 'sinned', god created viruses and diseases to kill man, animals and plants as punishment for their 'crimes'.

2) After man had 'sinned', viruses and diseases just popped into existence naturally, or evolved from something other than virus and disease, and then started killing man, animals and plants due to their 'crimes'.

3) Virus and disease were created at the beginning, along with everything else, but their purpose was not to infect or kill anything. Perhaps they had a different function back then.

Now we need to look at these a little closer. Number three doesn't stand to reason. It's like saying T-rex was in the garden of eden but only ate grass. It would also suggest evolution - which goes against the very principle of creation.

Number two is equally unreasonable. Nothing creates itself, god creates everything. Right? As a result, the only accurate answer could be number 1. As a result, it would appear that all illness and disease has been given to us specifically by god for one purpose alone - our annihilation - and due to two people who didn't sin, but were merely mislead through no understanding of good and evil.

Further to that, we must look at the flood. All of these sinners were wiped out - from human sinners, to plantlife sinners. The only remaining life was seen as good in god's eyes, and was kept alive due to his righteousness. As a result, would we not be descendants of the righteous as opposed to descendants of sinners? And if those on the boat were sinners, why were they allowed to live whereas every other sinner on the planet was killed? I guess that's the same as asking why one sinner gets lung cancer whereas another wins the lottery, lives until 108 and then dies peacefully.

Christians regard us all as sinners, and yet people all receive a different punishment during their earthly life. There seems little purpose to this. You might state that it's ok because all sinners get the same punishment once they're dead, but again we see the problem of difference. I would be burning because I killed 100 people, (which sounds a fair punishment), but Ghandi would be burning simply because he didn't know or accept jesus.

Perhaps hell needs sentences.. For instance: the murderer gets 1000 years, whereas the man ignorant of jesus only gets 5 - or something along those lines, and yet we each get eternity. It would be pertinent to keep that same method with our earthly lives aswell, which would most certainly stop us from sinning altogether.

If one man sins and wins the lottery and another man sins and gets lung cancer, there is no true way with which to understand the effects of sin. If everyone who sinned got lung cancer, we'd generally all be sinless.

I'm not a god and yet I can still see that. This would not affect anyone's free will whatsoever, but would certainly present a just system of punishment as opposed to a seriously lacking one.

You are assuming that pfisteria was one of the ten plagues

Well, it could have been that or as some would suggest the result of a volcanic erruption. My point is not to assume what it was, but to ask if they would have known what it was without making a similar assumption.

We're in 2004 - with science, medical understanding. We know of virus and bacteria, etc etc. These people clearly did not, and would have no choice but to assume.

As a result, saying "this plague was gods doing" wouldn't be any different for the bubonic plague, the earthquake in LA or last weeks thunderstorm.

This is essentially the difference between you and me, I believe that something “supernatural” can occur, but you don’t, so we could end up banging our heads against each other for decades.

Your belief is fine, and you are entitled to it, but when faced with a natural answer, do you instantly assign it to the supernatural or accept it as natural? If these people did not understand the natural, they would have no choice but to assume the supernatural. If they had have understood the natural, the supernatural wouldn't have been involved.

Picture this. A very powerful Pharaoh has enslaved Moses people i.e. Israelites. God appears to Moses and instructs him to confront this Pharaoh. Try and put yourself in Moses sandals. Would you do it?

I have seen the things that religious people will do because of their 'faith'. If there was indeed a moses, and he was such a stern believer, then there is no reason to assume he wouldn't - whether he'd really seen a god or not. Personally I wouldn't, generally because I wouldn't care all that much. If my daughter was one of those slaves then I would. We all have a "price", so to speak.

We know the rest of the story. Now do you think a bout of pfisteria would have bothered the Pharaoh? No, obviously not. You’d be correct, it didn’t. What did bother him then?

The reason the pharoah supposedly wasn't bothered was because his magicians could perform the very same 'trick'. The same would be true for the staff-snake, and the frogs. I am starting to admire Egyptian magicians. To be able to compete with god and perform such grand magic tricks thousands of years ago does deserve some respect. I've seen David Copperfield, he's a noobie in comparison.

Let's not forget that pharoah also said it was ok for the Israelites to go, but that it was god who 'hardened' his heart. This is a forced refusal, and as such has no justifiable basis. All of those children killed not because the pharoah led himself there, but because god made it go there. So much for 'free will'. Seems free will goes out the window whenever god wants to impress the locals.

It's odd to see the pharoah coming across as more just and fair than god.

Man chose to worship false gods and to behave ungodly; this was a choice.

A choice based upon what? I mean c'mon, if these people had have truly witnessed god, and this god was a loving god - then these people would happily at least acknowledge him as being god instead of worshipping.... a cow.

That must really piss god off, such an almighty being - all powerful and ever present, and yet mankind chooses a cow before him. I suppose they thought cows were all-important with the amount of sacrifices god demanded.

Which brings me to gods love for his people - the people he kept in slavery while he showed off, the people he forced to spend a life with nothing- wandering through a barren desert, the people he forced to give him cow after cow after cow while refusing to even give them any food of sustenance. When he finally relented and gave them meat, he decided to slaughter his people with a plague before they'd even chewed the food.

"Like lambs to the slaughter" really fits in well here. As they said themselves: at least when they were in slavery they didn't get struck down with plague and got some food to eat.

All creation was effected by the fall.

Why? Do trees sin, were they any part of that "fall", or are they just an innocent bystander made to suffer because of us?

God gave us a choice. He knew what would happen if we disobeyed Him. For example if we start having sex with a horse you can expect to increase the chance of suffering some how.

This comes under the scorpion story's summary.. People don't just sit down and say "hey, I want to bonk a horse today". It is natural to them - due to a vast array of things - but it is not a concious choice. People do not choose to be queer, or choose to like roast lamb, they are what they are due to a million different factors. I would suggest once again that you read Mark Twain's 'What is man?', and indeed 'Thou shalt not kill'.

If you don't mind, I shall quote a little portion here:

"THE Ten Commandments were made for man alone. We should think it strange if they had been made for all the animals.

We should say "Thou shalt not kill" is too general, too sweeping. It includes the field mouse and the butterfly. They can't kill. And it includes the tiger, which can't help it.

It is a case of Temperament and Circumstance again. You can arrange no circumstances that can move the field mouse and the butterfly to kill; their temperaments will ill keep them unaffected by temptations to kill, they can avoid that crime without an effort. But it isn't so with the tiger. Throw a lamb in his way when he is hungry, and his temperament will compel him to kill it.

Butterflies and field mice are common among men; they can't kill, their temperaments make it impossible. There are tigers among men, also. Their temperaments move them to violence, and when Circumstance furnishes the opportunity and the powerful motive, they kill. They can't help it."

This shows how great His love for us is.

No it doesn't - well, nothing more than a biased love, which frankly isn't love - and most certainly doesn't come under the category "all loving".

Some of us on the other hand reject this free gift and get on with whatever life they want

It isn't "rejecting". There is no gift there. Someone says: "the gift is in front of you on the table". If there is nothing there, there's nothing there. While some might be more open to pretending there is and "taking it", the rest of us simply can't - because there's nothing there. That's not a choice, it's how it is.

No, but Noah tried to.

Noah would be irrelevant to your statement that god always warns people. Either way I am surprised he had time trying to gather animals from all over the planet. I can only imagine the hassle he had trying to coax a brachiosaur on board. Paleontology would tell us he failed.

Well the passage actually deals with only one plague, leprosy, so I would conclude that they knew nothing of this at that point in time, this does not mean that they knew nothing about a common cold though.

So why, given that the leprosy came to them because of the fall, would god tell them how to deal with it? It's sole purpose is, after all, to disfigure and kill humans. If he was going to tell them how to deal with it, he might aswell have just eradicated it and done with. We can assume that he made it to kill, so why try and go against that which he made it for?

I’d guess they wouldn’t be able to diagnose pfiesteria,

And being as that's probably the case, they would have to make assumptions as to why the river turned red like blood.

God has a purpose for everyone, so having a disability could actually be an advantage. It has been for me.

I'm sorry, what advantage is there to having eyes that do not work? You would probably be able to hear better as a result, (unless you were both blind and deaf), but the sole purpose of the eyes is to see. To not be able to see goes against the very reason to have eyes. It goes against the very reason to create anything of visual appeal.

Demons cause people to be blind? Where is that?

Matthew mentions it along with other books. I can provide quotes if you want me to. However, this would be a worthy trick. Anyone who knows the bible would know that god makes people blind. As a result, when the devil makes them blind, they'll assume it's god instead - and the devil gains a point. For what purpose and gain the devil would bother making people blind is beyond me.

If you start a thread on this then I will try to contribute.


I have explained these rules in detail and it seemingly went straight over your head, what was the problem with my explanation?

Two things:

1) Perhaps I missed it, what was your explanation.. and

2) You're not god, you have no place to be explaining anything. An NNT would allow god to explain, instead of a human who could easily fudge it up.

If someone chooses to ignore or reject the Bible and Jesus Christ it is a choice. And you honestly think that a new book would explain what exactly?

Many things. It depends what his holiness would write in it. For one it could show us that the bubonic plague was actually one of his masterpieces, instead of rats - that we all assume, and thus place his glory elsewhere.

Further to that you mention choice - but when did this come into effect? People took a choice to worship a cow, and were summarily slaughtered for it. There are people in this day and age worshipping equally stupid things without being slaughtered. It seems the whole 'choice' argument is recent to god and humanity. Back in the old days a choice meant instant annihilation, whereas nowadays he doesn't seemingly care, (until perhaps once you're dead), but then he has changed tactics. An explanation from him for this would be wonderful.

It is only human to initially blame a thief who burgled your house for doing it. But on reflection the blame is on you. Maybe you should have had better security. The thief might have had a drug problem so I would ultimately try to sympathise with the thief, though this can take a while if you never get to meet them again thus not finding out the motives.

This reminds me very much of the muslim poster on this forum who stated that rape victims should learn to keep their legs closed. Is that what you're implying?

Further to that, you seem to fully concur with my explanation that we don't have choice. In your example, the thief didn't have a choice, but was influenced into doing something by drugs, (in this case). Clearly, as you seem to agree, the fault cannot be placed upon this man, who was not acting through choice, but through a forced influence.

We could even move on from there and blame god for making the drugs - but never informing mankind that drugs were a sin, and as a result leaving this man open to addiction - again not through choice, but probably through some serious turmoil like the death of a family member, or a life that he could not entirely understand. I then shot the thief in self defence, and can be seen as a sinner - again not through choice - but because it was forced upon me and neccessary to protect my children.

The whole notion of 'choice' is simply invalid.

You are looking through a different set of goggles to me, as I’ve said I believe God works through man for good.

And when man does something bad? I guess that's the work of the devil? Or perhaps the work of man who is a sinner? But then, why does god not "work his good" through these people? Ah yes, choice.. But then, what choice do those who are doing good because of god working through them actually have? Nada.

So is my writing style offending you?

Not at all. I am unoffendable.

Understanding of what exactly?

The world and everything on it. As an example: Insects do not have 4 legs, even though god said they did etc etc etc.

This is daft. Are you saying that ten natural plagues occurred; the Pharaoh crapped himself and let the slaves go, then changed his mind…

Absolutely. The slaves would undoubtedly be considered as 'lower' people, and many plagues/illnesses would have been blamed on them, (much like some people blame AIDS on queers or black people). The very first thing he would have done is to get rid of them to protect his own, but - as you concur with - they didn't last all that long, and once the danger was over, any slave master would re-gather the slaves. Given that his crop and livestock were suffering, a smart man would not waste his resources on slaves - but would get rid of them until such time where things are better.

All of this started by pollution. I could only imagine how much would be caused by thousands of slaves who all needed to piss and poop daily.

The Jews thought that because they couldn’t understand the red water they wrote God did it…

Hell yes. Religion was alive thousands of years before the birth of these people, and it is obvious to state that these people had religion - but very little world education. It is safe to say that all they were taught was religious belief. Any seemingly benefical action would be attributed to the cultures sky being without any shadow of a doubt.

And obviously the Pharaoh was delusional because he let them go in the first place!

I have 100 slaves in my basement. unfortunately due to a case of some bizarre plant-disease, my crop is suffering badly. As a result I have very little food left. Fuck the slaves. I could happily kill them all, but then would lose a lot in the long run, or I could give them freedom only to recapture them once things had improved. Either way they'd still be my slaves. Where are they going to go exactly?? Ah yes, into the desert. By the time they get even remotely close to somewhere safe, they'd be back in my basement.

They saw it fit to make up a story, where the snakelord version would have been far more entertaining

Make up? No. While there is certainly some historical credibility to disease and illness, these people would have simply explained it the only way they knew how.

I mean a delusional pharaoh who freed them and the sea just happened to part bang on time.

"Bang on time" is somewhat 'dodgy' a statement. They could have been the majority of the way across. Tides come in insanely fast, as any of a mass amount of dead beach dwellers would tell you if they could.

I have a flat down by the coast in England. It's literally right by the sea, and one day I came out of the flat and saw that the entire sea had vanished. It was unbelievable. I walked out so far I could see crabs, eels, and fish lying on the ground. The sea was literally nowhere to be seen.

There is a competely natural explanation for this, and had I have been chasing someone across it when it decided to come back in, I wouldn't have stood a chance in hell. Having been alone, only the crabs would have ever known of my fate- except of course for the ones I was chasing. Not having the ability to explain ocean tides, these people would have given the only answer they did know.

Maybe you’re in the cynical camp which says the Jews made this up so that they could be regarded as God’s people

Nah, that's reserved for the christians. They took the jewish god and made him their own. The jews, as you would agree, are and always have been hindered whereas the people who kept christianity alive, (the romans), were not as hindered as the jew.

Your picture of a Christian is flawed and offensive; you need to meet more Christians in the flesh to gain a better understanding.

I've met many, and I even go to church. The last time I was at church, a woman spoke. I was absolutely apalled. I said: "how dare you let a woman speak here!". They considered me a madman until I quoted 1 Corinthians 14:34-35

"---women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says, If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church."

After which they just gave up on the laws of god and continued with their understanding of the laws of god.

As you said it was “good” advice, what do you want, paradise?

Of course not, but if he was going to give his own people good advice, he might aswell have just told them how to eradicate it, and then his people need not have ded in the most disgusting manner while serving him.

You’re clinging onto this point and not respecting my position or explanation at all, thus we will not agree on much at this point in time.

But who are you to say it wasn't an act of god? This is why I ask for an NNT.

But I will say that they wouldn’t have existed if it wasn’t for the fall.

So disease and virus didn't exist before the fall? This leads us back to my very first response on this post.

So disease has a purpose eh?

Well, god created it, so I would think so. That is of course unless he creates things for absolutely no reason? You tell me.

Every atom obeys God and was created by God, so yes that includes bacteria.

So, looking at the quote before this one, doesn't everything have a purpose?

I have no idea why this explanation was written. How about thanking the person and God? Do you think if someone jumps from a kerb to push me to safety from on oncoming car that I will not thank him? Of course I would. Your very little picture of a Christian is distorted greatly.

Sure but why bother? After all, it wasn't this man who saved you, but god working through him. He really didn't have a choice in the matter.

Care to explain the huge differences? The only difference I have experienced (my brother is an atheist) is that I have the hope part. This has happened when a close relative of ours died. You could be what you call me, “weak” and cry for decades I don’t know.

Difference between us? You know, I like photography, (mainly nature). When I take a picture of a robin, for example, I don't look at it as an amazing creation - with a bunch of inherent faults - but I looked at an animal that has fought it's way into being. It didn't just plop out of thin air, but is the culimnation of billions of years of struggle. This is where we differ. I give the robin credit, you ignore the robin and praise the sky.

That's just one example.

True, so we’re both correct as far as we can be i.e. no conclusions have been drawn.

I'm not a fan of subtlety.

The funny thing is it didn’t spook the Pharaoh.

Well, I guess we have what... a massive 30 words to make a conclusion with? Of course, there's little reason for him to be spooked... apparently his magicians could also perform the trick. You mention all of god's plagues being the ten featured there. Doesn't it seem a tad embarrasing then that simple human magicians could perfom 4 of them themselves? That's almost half of god's entire plague collection.

You really have no respect for these men do you?

With all due respect David, but I never met any of them. I have no reason whatsoever to consider their words as fact - not only because I never knew them, but because from what we can tell, they didn't know much about the world.

I could ask why you would show little respect to the authors of the quran or enuma elish, or one of a thousand "god authors". I can only conclude that this is because you never met them, and consider their words with a skeptical eye. Why have a go at me for doing exactly the same as you would, given any other god author?

And the Bible is just a fairy tale to you.

I never said that. But there is a fine line between reality and assumed reality. I have no reason not to believe that fire was 'discovered', but do not hand it all to a Greek/Roman god. Do you understand what I'm saying?

The good things that have happened to you.

Oops, I thought that was because of 'Lady Luck' or my 'lucky star' or even my fairy godmother.

But tell me.. who do I therefore thank for all the bad shit?


Nothing has been added,

Yes it has.

You believe your choice is fully dependant on external influences? So if you fancy having a snicker, it is all down to external influence for example?


1) My like for peanuts can be attributed to X-reason, and

2) I saw an advert for snickers on the TV, which told me to buy a snickers. You think they spend all that advertisement money for no reason?

Try another example.

I was led there by the experiences in my life.

Such as? Yes, I am interested.

Btw, just worth pointing out very quickly:

You are hereby attributing these things to external influences. It is the very meaning of "experiences in my life" - and being "led". You yourself conclude here that you have decided nothing, but have been taken along a path that wasn't by 'choice'. You were "led there". Finally I feel you're starting to understand what I'm saying - whether that be by accident or not. You have been 'led', as you so rightly say. You have been led to the place where you are now. Who knows, maybe if you had have been 'led' somewhere else, you would be an atheist, gay, or the anti christ.

I call it common sense, which some people haven’t got.

So would you conclude that there's a definite line between thin/normal and fat that 'common sense' should pick up on? What about people that aren't 'fat' but think they are? Would you consider that a lack of common sense, or that these people had been influenced into their feelings by external forces?

I used to strongly believe in the saying a leopard never changes its spots. What this leads to is negativity. So really all these drug clinics and criminal programmes that are there to help people change are futile?

For many, yes they are. The same can be said of anything. Look at patches aimed to help people stop smoking.

1) It takes a certain type of person to bother getting a patch. I have smoked for many years, and "tried" to quit before, but I have never got a patch. My wife has,. and is still a smoker. Why has she failed? We can't exactly call the patch "faulty" can we? And where the patch works on one person but fails on another, we can't consider that the patch nicotene amounts differ, but that each person is different by nature. Some have better 'will power', some don't really want to quit, etc etc. All come down to external influences. If it was simple 'choice' and done with it, I would have chosen to quit smoking the same day I started.

I used to strongly believe in the saying a leopard never changes its spots.

Why does that saying even exist? You think people don't notice people? While a stereotype might be politically incorrect, they exist because of what the majority see.

No, because it’s internal. I’m still a work in progress.

And only progressing due to external influence.. be that friends or god.

Maybe the Egyptians did (hence it took 10 plagues), but who said the fire was shooting stars?

Sure, but what the Egyptians knew isn't an issue. They didn't write the bible.

Maybe you’re correct, who knows?

I'm still interested in your opinion. It's the very point of discussion.

But you weren’t debating, you were dictating.

You read my words wrong. I have never said "this is", but more along the lines of "could this be because?"

Good job you’re not PM then.

Why? You think only your beliefs are valid?

Would you say that respect is part of the parcel of love? Or even obedience to your parent; is that a sign of respect?

Yes I would.

If you read the New Testament, most, if not all the Commandments are covered.[/qote]

I've read it many times. This doesn't detract from Matthew 5:17

You really haven’t taken a blind bit of notice as regards what I have written about this have you? I am reading and evaluating what you write so why don’t you do the same?

Come now, there is little need to be rude. I have read every word you have written, and have evaluated it. It's almost like you're telling me I'm not allowed to disagree or debate anything you say. If I somehow missed you explaining to me why stoning someone to death isn't important even though Matthew says it's is important, I apologise.

Basically, no one since the time of Jesus is fit to judge anyone else, never mind stone them to death.

It's not about judgement, but simply following orders - which are as important as anything else according to Matthew.

Btw, you telling me I haven't taken any notice is actually a judgement.

Care to prove it?

My apologies but I have been drinking. Prove what? I can't remember :D

Really, where’s the scripture?

The part about Abimelech is a good place to start, but pretty much any part of the OT will tell you all about plagues and the like. If you disagree, take the test. Flick through the OT without looking and stop on any page.

He still does detest it, as He never changes.

Dare I ask why? Detesting something instantly negates "all loving", which is the general consensus when it comes to god. What you're saying is that this being is not all loving whatsoever, but detests and vomits out anyone who does something he is clearly not all loving towards.

But every Christian generally feels that Jesus came in the flesh, died for our sins, rose from the dead on the third day, and is in fact The Son of God. Doesn’t matter what Bible you’ve got.

If the latter is true, then the former is but a mere sideshow - a mere card trick. Death is nothing to the ruler of the universe who can't die.. right? Unless of course you're telling me god really did die, and for three days there was no such thing as god?

I was going of what you wrote, Flood, Exodus etc.

Well, it's far from 'fleeting'. While it isn't identical - and no sane man would expect it to be - it is close enough to see that the biblical accounts are not original - and that they either share a common ancestor - or that the Sumerian accounts are the originals.

I think there is an element of truth in all of the above; our interpretations of these things might not be accurate though.

Ok, so how do we determine accuracy?

I think in our country we should teach that which is part of our culture and nation. The Muslims for example that come to live in the UK I would expect them to learn about the UK (Christianity, believe it or not, is part of our cultural heritage, same with teaching about the Saxons in History etc.), Just as I would learn about Islam (in greater depth) if I decided to live in Iraq. But this is a pretty in depth subject, and really it would take an entire thread to cover it.

So the country you were born in or move to determines whether you go to hell or not, and whether a god belief is worth teaching or not? So if you were born in Iraq or moved to Iraq as a child, you would expect nothing other than to be taught that which will ultimately doom you to hell?

Well God is the perfect Judge; leave it up to Him what happens.

Sure, it's not like this guy will understand a word of his judgement.

But He might have met God.

If only one could ask him.

This really sums up how futile this discussion is. You’re comparing Jesus to floating apple peels now. So I assume from this you don’t even think Jesus came in the flesh… well you can believe whatever you decide to.

You're missing the point. To a person who has no evidence of jesus - he is as realistic as floating apple peel. Besides, who are you to reject floating apple peel? I would ask you to provide evidence, but this isn't about evidence - it's about faith.

Ever heard the expression “Be careful what you ask for, you might just get it” So you expected nothing, and got nothing, makes perfect sense.

Remember I asked you to jot down my answer? I was planning in advance.. What I actually asked for was £1 million. So much for "be careful what you ask for..."

Thing is, I knew exactly what you'd say - as if you'd already said it. What's the excuse now? You only "get what you ask for" if it happens to be nothing?

Honestly, so predictable. While I will admit I set you up for that, I can see you would have only given that answer if I had have said "nothing". Anything else and your answer would have been completely different. This doesn't leave your answer with much credibility.

Christians, Muslims, Jews etc.

They wrote the bible?

Well you have simply not read my question correctly and referred to statements Jesus made regarding His Father’s purpose for Him, not what He taught. The sword is the Word, and it has divided families because not everyone believes the same things, this doesn’t mean it’s what He wanted.

Of course it means that's what he wanted, considering that's what he came here for. He came to bring the sword.. who here can go against the will of god?

Those two are the greatest commandments. Now if you love God with all you mind, body and soul then you won’t break His commandments. If you Love you Neighbour as yourself, you won’t go out with a gun and shoot them, will you?

I never shot my neighbour, but I had sex with my wife before we were married - and only because of the 'love'. Perhaps I got conflicted, but we so much loved each other, and jesus had said it's all about loving thy neighbour. The OT seemed irrelevant - after all, I no longer stoned anyone or sacrificed a cow - but I'm still deemed a sinner - all because I did that which is natural to me and every animal on the planet.

Do you think God would have given them an instruction if He knew they couldn’t comprehend it?

It doesn't matter what I think, that's how it is. God concurs with this, as seen in Genesis:

"Man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil".

Before this man didn't know good and evil, otherwise he would have already been like one of 'them' - already knowing good and evil.

The tree itself gives us some indication given that it's called the "tree of knowledge of good and evil".

It's like you telling a mouse not to eat the cheese.

This story most likely refers to the onset of sentience... when man first became awate and became separated from the animals. god could very well have wanted to keep us like the animals - but it didn't pan out that way. This does not make man guilty of anything, considering before this change - "do" and "don't" would have been meaningless.

He was, but He still went through the whole experience of being rejected and crucified.

Oooh... and that's a real hassle for god right? Lol.

I mean you’ve already said that the Adam and Eve story is a badly written piece of turd, or something along those lines.

While I didn't say "turd", you have the general idea. From a historical point of view though, we have to give credit to these people for even being able to do that. Those who came before them, (the Sumerians), wrote a story very similar to this one, (and had artifacts with trees/snakes and people). Basically the tree had two fruits: the fruit of life and fruit of enlightenment.

While I respect their writing given their lack of worldly knowledge, the same cannot be said for people thousands of years later who consider it all true.

Yeah, well I’ll let you believe that.

It's not about me.

Even when you fall you arrive somewhere.

Certainly, and both imply something unavoidable.

So now you think it’s interesting to go around insulting people’s belief in God, just because you have no belief, very strange behaviour if you ask me, which of course you won’t.

Insulting? No, and most certainly not intentional. However, I am not responsible for your fragile sensibilities, and it is rude to try and blame me for them. My cigar is phallic in nature. Just because you have a problem with penis, does it mean I should not smoke cigars?

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if christ returned,how would Atheists take it? The Atheists would say, Look! Those christian fanatics are trying to kill Him or try to lock him up in a mental hospital! The christians would kick Him out of their churches. Many Atheists will in shock because of how the religious are treating Him.

Peace be with you, Paul
Atheists may just have to start thinking about it. I received the following post a few days ago and I don't think those who call themselves 'religious' will like it either! But I've been to the site and downloaded the material and it's no joke and no hoax!

>A new scriptural synthesis and Gnostic interpretation, [authorship unknown] which includes material from the OT/NT, Apocrypha, The Dead Sea Scrolls and The Nag Hammadi Library, to describe and teach the first wholly new Christian moral and spiritual paradigm for two thousand years is on the Net.

>And this is the first ever religious teaching, able to demonstrate by an act of faith, its own efficacy! That is to say, the first living and testable proof of the living God has been published on the Net! However incredulous this may sound, if this teaching is confirmed, and there appear to be many who are attempting to do so, it can only be described as an intellectual and religious revolution in the making! The site where I found my copy of the manuscript [a 1.3mb pdf download] at is at www.energon.uklinux.net

Idiocy. Again - 2/3rds of humanity are NOT Christian. America is however 80% Christian, and so tend to think its THE main belief system of humanity. Its not, and while simple # of adherents certainly don't prove or disprove anything - the chance that a ''loving God'' would be allowing 2/3rds of the human race in the cold. But going to allow most of the Hummer Driving - obese - illiterate - nuke wielding Americans ''in''? Doubtful.
if Jesus existed at all and returned, I'd say you gots some cheek showing you face on earth again, with the amount of human deaths you, and your so called Father, have caused.
the human race would rather follow, Gengis Khan or Hitler they killed less, then a cruel and callous thing like you.

if he met bush he'd say "Hi George"and George would say "And who the fuck do you think you are, Osama Bin Laden, No that would make Osama a pussy, in comparison" .
And how exactly would Christ return? On a magic cloud?

Its impossible that he came back from the dead after he died anyway.
Unless they had him on life support or he never really died in the first place.

He died on the cross, and his followers were so incapable of accepting it that they (due to denial) made up a story about him coming back to visit them.
Word got around, and so it was written.
mis-t-highs said:
if Jesus existed at all and returned, I'd say you gots some cheek showing you face on earth again, with the amount of human deaths you, and your so called Father, have caused.
the human race would rather follow, Gengis Khan or Hitler they killed less, then a cruel and callous thing like you.

Jesus never killed anyone. Only his Father did, through natural laws and such. There's nothing wrong with that. God has permission to kill because he kills only when it's necessary and good. He kills people because he loves them. But if a human kills, he has done a great sin.
Yorda said:
Jesus never killed anyone. Only his Father did, through natural laws and such. There's nothing wrong with that. God has permission to kill because he kills only when it's necessary and good. He kills people because he loves them. But if a human kills, he has done a great sin.

Huh? "He kills people because he loves them"? Psychopathic idiocy! 2/3rds of humanity are NOT Christian - if their Gods/Goddesses/Demons/Trolls/Subconcious command killing its ok then too?
Wow, from all the scrolling I had to do I can tell people in this topic like to type.... so what would I be like..,, I think I would first say "Dude you owe me 5 bucks", then I'd be like, "and tell me your understanding of what all of existence is and don't give me that one word answer (god) cause that is all we got for an answer from you in the last 2000+ years", "oh yea and my 5 bucks." . now if were talking about, if the revelations were to happen, I think I would just be myself as best I could after witnessing millions disappearing and the dead floating into the sky's, because I believe its what you believe not who you believe in that makes every difference in the world.
Finally! After 8 pages:

I think there is an element of truth in all of the above; our interpretations of these things might not be accurate though.

If more christians (especially literalists) would only admit this, we would all be much better off.

Most folks have no problem understanding Aesop's Fables in their proper context, yet this capacity seems to escape many people when it comes to the bible.

if christ returned,how would Atheists take it?
They'd probly just insist on rudely sticking their fingers into his nail holes.
Gravity said:
Huh? "He kills people because he loves them"? Psychopathic idiocy! 2/3rds of humanity are NOT Christian - if their Gods/Goddesses/Demons/Trolls/Subconcious command killing its ok then too?

Yeah, it's ok too, because they're all one and the same things. But it's never ok if a human kills.
Yorda said:
Jesus never killed anyone. Only his Father did, through natural laws and such. There's nothing wrong with that. God has permission to kill because he kills only when it's necessary and good. He kills people because he loves them. But if a human kills, he has done a great sin.
but did jesus not agree with the killing, and incite more. incase your wondering the answer is yes, no one should kill especially a higher being.
so for your god, it's a case of do as I say, not as I do.(bad example)

the red text, is the sickest statement yet on this forum.
you are one sick fuck, and I thought c20 was bad, mind you he did come out with something similar.
c20 said:
God hates wickedness and I am glad He kills the unrepentant. I do not want them anywhere near me or mine. You are glad are you not when murderers found in your neigbourhood are removed from your presence? You are glad because your children are safer? What if whole nations were filled with wickedness? How do you find a prison big enough for them? You do not. You exterminate them. God cannot live with inequity. If you say God is wicked for removing the wicked from the land how stupid are you? I know to keep my mouth shut.



and he's a sick fuck too
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fahrenheit 451 said:
but did jesus not agree with the killing, and incite more.

Oh? You must have different versions of the Bible than I do. In mine in Luke 19:27 has Jesus saying that those who don't worship him should not only be killed, but brought down and killed in front of him!

We don't even need to get into all the much more brutal stuff his dad said!