if christ returned,how would Atheists take it?

Luke 19:11-27 is a parable, it doesn't literally mean that those who do not worship him will die physically. Jesus is one with God.

fahrenheit 451 said:
but did jesus not agree with the killing, and incite more. incase your wondering the answer is yes, no one should kill especially a higher being.
so for your god, it's a case of do as I say, not as I do.(bad example)

Have you ever seen God kill anyone? He expresses himself through humans, animals, natural forces, like earthquakes, which kill many people. From the lowest to the highest. But so that God would be able to fully express himself, he must be in the form of a human and the human must be the same as God, and he cannot do evil. If there were no natural forces/disasters, we couldn't exist. The body is only a temporary garment of skin which we put on, and is thrown into the fire the next day. God only kills bodies, not humans, but since humans obey their bodies rather than themselves, they become the same as their bodies.

the red text, is the sickest statement yet on this forum.
you are one sick fuck, and I thought c20 was bad, mind you he did come out with something similar.

I don't mean what you think I mean. If I meant that, I would call it sick too (but I said it also because it sounded sick/"funny").
I am an atheist, and so is fahrenheit.
so no belief in a god, but two thirds of the planet do( in some form of god/gods)
and that two thirds deem earthquakes, floods, or any natural disaster, an act of god, so you could say, we see god kill every day.
God is allowed to kill through natural disasters since they are necessary for this world to function properly. However, God's purpose with natural disasters is not to kill people.
more than likly i doubt they would care i mean it's not like they believe Jesus is God or anything. what i think would be interesting to know is what would the jews think?
"God is allowed"? I must say, that is one of the stranger little combinations of words I've ever seen!
Yorda: God is allowed to kill through natural disasters since they are necessary for this world to function properly.
M*W: Please explain what you mean by "God is allowed to kill...". Who "allows" this God to kill? Also, while you're at it, explain why "natural disasters are necessary for this world to function properly."
Yorda: However, God's purpose with natural disasters is not to kill people.
M*W: Then why do natural disasters kill people? I don't like this God you believe in. He sounds like an evil sadist.
M*W: Please explain what you mean by "God is allowed to kill...". Who "allows" this God to kill? Also, while you're at it, explain why "natural disasters are necessary for this world to function properly."
Yorda: He allows himself, not specifically to kill, but to do the right thing, which includes some casualties. "Separation" between death and life is necessary since two things can't exist at the same space and time in this world.
M*W: Then why do natural disasters kill people? I don't like this God you believe in. He sounds like an evil sadist.
Yorda: Have you ever seen anything evil in the world except for the evil of humans, which God does not control? Imagine this earth without "natural disasters", how could it be possible? Suffering is a path to enlightenment. Evil comes from the mind, things are what you think of them. Death is evil if you live in the world of separation. If you want truth, take no thought of who is right or wrong or who is better than. Be not for or against.