if christ returned,how would Atheists take it?

Yes, of course, MW, you're right. Also a real appearance by Jesus would be greeted the same way, it would upset their whole scheme, he would contradict half of their beliefs, and throw the whole system into chaos.
spidergoat said:
it would upset their whole scheme, he would contradict half of their beliefs, and throw the whole system into chaos.

In the bible it talks about people and nations rising up against Jesus in revalations when he returns and I didn't understand why. Why would they want to fight him?Now I know why! Because, all these people with different beleifs and those people who are atheist, just wouldn't accept it because it'll go against everything they know. They wouldn't be fighting out of hate , they'd be fighting out of fear because they know what faith awaits them for not beleiving. what do you guys think?
I think it would be mostly Christians rising up against Jesus, since he would probably contradict the traditional teachings that have grown up around the church and he would usurp the authority of bishops, priests, popes, TV evangelists, ect. Certainly George Bush would throw him in Guantanimo for undermining the "war on terror".
lostmind said:
AMAZING! I'm almost speechless. Not one of u would apologize for not having faith and believing.
If you ran into Santa claus tomorrow, would you apologize for not believing in him? Of course not.
then, he would have to prove his self again, then maybe crucified again for not satisfying non believers demands
I'd be happy with him parting the see, turning 50 pounds of lead into 5 pounds of gold, or numerous other things. No need for him to get himself killed.
Tell me this, what are the benefits of being a Atheist? list them
Not basing your life on a lie.
spidergoat said:
I think it would be mostly Christians rising up against Jesus, since he would probably contradict the traditional teachings that have grown up around the church and he would usurp the authority of bishops, priests, popes, TV evangelists, ect. Certainly George Bush would throw him in Guantanimo for undermining the "war on terror".
I doubt that it would be us that rise up because we look foward to the return. It would be a joyus occassion for us. those who didn't beleive would be affraid. bishops, priests, popes, TV evangelists, ect. will all bow down because that day that all preached about will have come. So it doesn't make sense for them to rise up, theres nothing to gain from that. The people that doubted will be the ones who have the most to lose.
let me say it like this: If the atheist are right and there is no GOD, what did the christians lose for beleiving? some sexual freedoms, some money on holidays, free time on sundays, etc.
but if the cristians are right and there is a God, what did the atheist lose for not beleiving? a spot in heaven maybe?
If Christ did come back (and he was real and the son of god and this that in the other) then I would totally tell on the KKK and Televangelists about their completely un-christ like behavior and the deeds done in their name.

I would also watch as he would bitch slapped Bush for starting a war and still calling himself a Xian

Zero Mass said:
If Christ did come back (and he was real and the son of god and this that in the other) then I would totally tell on the KKK and Televangelists about their completely un-christ like behavior and the deeds done in their name.

I would also watch as he would bitch slapped Bush for starting a war and still calling himself a Xian

you wont have to tell him, he already knows.
Persol said:
If you ran into Santa claus tomorrow, would you apologize for not believing in him? Of course not.
I'd be happy with him parting the see, turning 50 pounds of lead into 5 pounds of gold, or numerous other things.
I used to beleive in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. when I got older and found out they were'nt real, I was disappointed for a day or so but, it wasn't a big deal because I got alot of toys and stuff out of the deal. We know for a fact there is no santa, because if i dont by my kids gifts, they wont have any :D
persol, when jesus returns he wont have to do any of those things because the way he'll make his entrance will be something that we've never experienced before.
How would you tell the difference between Christ and the Anti-Christ? If Jesus explained things in the bible that have been misinterpreted for thousands of years, I think Christians would assume he was the Anti-Christ, since they believe with all of their hearts that they are right.

The argument that Atheists have more to lose for not believing than Christians have for believing is an old one known as Pascal's Wager, but it assumes those are the only two options. What about all the other religions of the world, some of which predate Christianity?

lostmind said:
If the atheist are right and there is no GOD, what did the christians lose for beleiving?
You might lose alot. What if the God you are believing in is the wrong one? Then the right one might punish you.

What about the deaths of people who favored prayer rather than medical treatment for an illness?
spidergoat, The rapture is how well know, the anti christ wont be able to pull us up into the rapture. Jesus wont explain anything to us, we wont ask him anything, they wont be any reason too. I understand how your thinking, you think a dude is gonna just walk up and say "hey I'm jesus, follow me". they'll be alot more special effects than that.
I dont think there are more than 2 options because I think there is only one GOD. I think christianity, islam, judaism, buddism, animism,hinduism etc. all worship the same God, just in a different way and by a different name. wont that be a surprise. and if im wrong and was worshiping the wrong god , well, I guess I'll be joining YOU in the river-O-fire.
you think a dude is gonna just walk up and say "hey I'm jesus, follow me". they'll be alot more special effects than that.

Now I'm just a goofy human, there's no way I could ever match up against the might of the most beautiful (fallen)angel. However, as a puny human, I think that the Anti-Christ would to just that– walk up to you say "Hey, I'm Jesus," with lots of special effects, and the people like lostmind would go, "ooh, pretty colors," "I am so dazzled." And another one leaves the flock.
"I think that the Anti-Christ would to just that"

Come now roman, you dont beleive in the anti christ,do you? being that there isn't a christ.
lostmind said:
I used to beleive in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy. when I got older and found out they were'nt real, I was disappointed for a day or so but, it wasn't a big deal because I got alot of toys and stuff out of the deal. We know for a fact there is no santa, because if i dont by my kids gifts, they wont have any :D
Santa Claus and the tooth fairy (with) Jesus of the Bible
toys and stuff (with) a false set of beliefs
if i dont by my kids gifts (with) if i dont by my kids morals
persol, when jesus returns he wont have to do any of those things because the way he'll make his entrance will be something that we've never experienced before.
So your comment about having to sacrifice himself again is somewhat stupid then....
lostmind: In the bible it talks about people and nations rising up against Jesus in revalations when he returns and I didn't understand why. Why would they ant to fight him?Now I know why! Because, all these people with different beleifs and those people who are atheist, just wouldn't accept it because it'll go against everything they know. They wouldn't be fighting out of hate , they'd be fighting out of fear because they know what faith awaits them for not beleiving. what do you guys think?
M*W: First, I believe 75% of the world's population is rising up against Jesus RIGHT NOW! They fight him because they are not christian, and they don't want christianity crammed down their throats. I don't blame them. Fear has absolutely nothing to do with it. Seventy-five percent of the world doesn't believe in Jesus or christianity, and neither do I.

Secondly, christianity is dying worldwide. There's a very good reason for that -- 75% of the world's population believe christianity is a false religion. The more christians talk about their faith, the farther away they are pushing the rest of us away. Atheists are not just people who are uninformed about christianity. The atheists on sciforums have done their homework and will never turn back to a false religion.
spidergoat: You know, Jesus didn't write Revelations.
M*W: And neither did John.
"So your comment about having to sacrifice himself again is somewhat stupid then...."

persol, I said that because of all the post that said they would kill him, and that he would have to prove it and they would have him answer questions. If he would have to perform all sorts of circus acts before they would beleive.
M*W: "The atheists on sciforums have done their homework and will never turn back to a false religion."

Hey, I'm not trying to change anyone or convert you guys. were just having a conversation. i'd like to understand the atheist better. But It seems like some of you have a hostility towards christianity. why the hostility? Im not hostile towards atheist.
lostmind: The rapture is how well know, the anti christ wont be able to pull us up into the rapture. Jesus wont explain anything to us, we wont ask him anything, they wont be any reason too. I understand how your thinking, you think a dude is gonna just walk up and say "hey I'm jesus, follow me". they'll be alot more special effects than that.
M*W: Well, Jesus didn't create a lot of special effects when he was here the first time, so I doubt that he would stir up any special effects should he return. It appears from the way you describe your belief in Jesus and his next coming that it would be more like a Fourth of July celebration. Does your church teach you this?
lostmind: I dont think there are more than 2 options because I think there is only one GOD. I think christianity, islam, judaism, buddism, animism,hinduism etc. all worship the same God, just in a different way and by a different name. wont that be a surprise. and if im wrong and was worshiping the wrong god , well, I guess I'll be joining YOU in the river-O-fire.
M*W: If there is a god, there is only the one god, but it is not like you describe it. We won't be joining you in hell because hell is for christians only (just like the rapture).