if christ returned,how would Atheists take it?

Hmm... sense, reason, intellect, free thought, not being sheep, not being delusional, and above all having the deepest respect for life, knowing people and life are precious, and that killing is an abomination as you deprive someone of their one and only chance at it... are all things that I hold is great esteem. Interesting...
Considering just how few people noticed him last time, he would probably be here and gone before I new anything about it.
How would I take the return of Jesus... no idea really, I would probably try to get him into a religious discussion.

Oh, and I would say to him: "Jesus, I love you so *spreads arms like nailed to the cross* much. :p I am sure he can take a joke.
Igor Trip said:
Considering just how few people noticed him last time, he would probably be here and gone before I new anything about it.

yeah, only about billion people saw him last time.
Yorda: yeah, only about billion people saw him last time.
M*W: Can you provide proof as well as statistical evidence for this claim? References?
No, M*W, he can't, because there weren't even a billion people alive at the time. As far as we know, the earth didn't hold a billion people until around a couple centuries ago (I think... :p... I could be wrong).
Well, the earth population reached a billion people around 1800-1850, when the industrial revolution begun. Jesus was probably seen by about a hundred thousand people maximum.
beyondtimeandspace: No, M*W, he can't, because there weren't even a billion people alive at the time. As far as we know, the earth didn't hold a billion people until around a couple centuries ago (I think... :p... I could be wrong).
M*W: No, I think you're absolutely right!
Maybe a Celebrity Death Match were Jesus and the Pope battle it out and whoever wins gets to be the front Christian figure on Earth.

Just imagine how difficult it would be for the Pope not to be in the center of attention any longer, especially when you are that old. (no offense)
I'd ask him how he pulled off that trick of getting off of the cross without the Roman guards hearing or seeing him. That sure would be painful. But then he'd just say, "They gave me gall with some hyssop on a sponge, remember?". Oh Yea, as in sumerian hil-gal ? "Yep" He'd say. "I thought as much", I'd tell him. Then I'd ask him if it was true that he and Mary Magdeline escaped to southern Gaul without getting spotted.

A Celebrity Deathmatch with a 2000 year old man against a 80 years old man ? Kinda boring, wouldn;t you think ?

But hey, we could have it as a tag team match with Arnold Scwarznegger and Vin Diesel as the partners.
Before I came to this site, I had never had a one on one conversation with a Atheist and its mind blowing. but i guess me believing some God who cant be seen, is equally as mind blowing.
I respect your honesty but my impression was at first, people were Atheist because perhaps, they felt abandoned by God or they just want to live guilt free or they just want to live life however they want without consequence having total freedom.
is any part of this true?
For my part, I see the world and draw my beliefs from what I see. Of course I want to be free, and I would surely not limit myself with something I do not really believe in. Also, I am prepared to face the consequences of my actions, no matter if they come from man or god. But to keep it simple, I see no reason to believe in god.
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Fortuna: I'd ask him how he pulled off that trick of getting off of the cross without the Roman guards hearing or seeing him. That sure would be painful. But then he'd just say, "They gave me gall with some hyssop on a sponge, remember?". Oh Yea, as in sumerian hil-gal ? "Yep" He'd say. "I thought as much", I'd tell him. Then I'd ask him if it was true that he and Mary Magdeline escaped to southern Gaul without getting spotted.
M*W: Welcome to the wonderful and crazy world of sciforums! I've been reading a bit of the story of mother Mary and how the ancient writer Celsus described her being impregnated with Jesus by a Roman soldier called Panthera. If this pans out to be true, then it would have been quite easy to get Jesus off the cross with Panthera's help. Other stories indicate that MM was powerful and made a deal with Pilate to get him off. I've been researching many years now about Jesus and his family sailing to Gaul. My honest opinion about the crucifixion of Jesus is that it didn't happen. There was another man, Barabbas, who was crucified instead. "Bar Abbas" meaning, of course, "Son of the Father." I'd like to hear more of your research on Jesus and MM in Gaul.
lostmind: Before I came to this site, I had never had a one on one conversation with a Atheist and its mind blowing. but i guess me believing some God who cant be seen, is equally as mind blowing. I respect your honesty but my impression was at first, people were Atheist because perhaps, they felt abandoned by God or they just want to live guilt free or they just want to live life however they want without consequence having total freedom.
is any part of this true?
M*W: I found out the truth about christianity back in 1978 when I visited The Vatican and toured Rome. I had been a staunch catholic for many years, but when in Rome and The Vatican, everything was about Peter and Paul with Jesus just an afterthought. I then realized that all those catholic holidays that we had to honor were simply pagan worship days. I came to sciforums in 2001 disbelieving in the christian Jesus but still believing in a creator god, and I learned a lot. I couldn't reconcile what I'd been taught by catholicism to what I was learning on sciforums. Then one day, it was perfectly clear that there could have been no creator god. It was a random event that the Big Bang happened and that we are still feeling the ripple from it. I realized now that the Jesus I met in Rome probably never existed anyway. My jury is still out on that one. I've learned more from sciforums than from any book I've ever read. It's hard for me to understand how people can still gullibly believe in christianity! I'd rather know the harsh truth than to believe in a pagan-bred fantasy.
Dreamwalker said:
But to keep it simple, I see no reason to believe in god.
I understand. when you live in a world with so much suffering, poverty, destruction, & death, that'll make you not beleive in a GOD. I guess you feel, if he cared, he would stop everything at once. Even though I'm a christian, I feel the same way sometimes also and logically the beleif in God doesn't make sense but faith is never logical. All beleivers of a higher power doubt it sometimes and they'll never admit It. To me , taking god out of the equation would be taking away the purpose of life. i feel we were all put hear to do something. Without a purpose, why live at all. I been wanted to leave this place.
when you live in a world with so much suffering, poverty, destruction, & death, that'll make you not beleive in a GOD.

This isn't a reason for not believing for most atheists, (the ones that I know at least).

To really answer your question, I need do little more than ask one return question. Here it comes...

Why don't you believe in fairies? [feel free to insert any non-evidential being you feel like, from vampires/mothmen to the lochness monster/bigfoot]

Once you have answered that question, apply that same answer to why people are atheists. While the whole "god is mean" issue causes some interesting debates, it isn't a real factor for disbelief.

I hope this helps your understanding.
lostmind said:
I understand. when you live in a world with so much suffering, poverty, destruction, & death, that'll make you not beleive in a GOD. I guess you feel, if he cared, he would stop everything at once. Even though I'm a christian, I feel the same way sometimes also and logically the beleif in God doesn't make sense but faith is never logical. All beleivers of a higher power doubt it sometimes and they'll never admit It. To me , taking god out of the equation would be taking away the purpose of life. i feel we were all put hear to do something. Without a purpose, why live at all. I been wanted to leave this place.

No, I am not a nonbeliever for any such reason. The situation on earth is purely man-made, no one else is to blame for that. No, I do not see a reason to believe in a god because all the holy scriptures I know are untrue in many places. So, if you only know about gods from these scriptures, how do you know that those passages about the characteristics and abilities are right?

As to the purpose of life, my life has the purpose of serving my needs and wills, whatever purpose I affix to it. Tell me, do you think everything on earth has a purpose? Everything in the universe has a purpose? Why is that necessary, the existence could just be a chance occurance.
Why live at all? Well, I am living because it is kinda fun. :D
SnakeLord said:
Why don't you believe in fairies? [feel free to insert any non-evidential being you feel like, from vampires/mothmen to the lochness monster/bigfoot]
well, one reason i dont beleive in any those things because i dont think God would create anything like that and the second reason is because with all the technology we have today, we could've found them if they existed.

So basically, I'm here, on this earth, by myself, with no one looking over me, protecting me. :confused:
lostmind said:
...I respect your honesty but my impression was at first, people were Atheist because perhaps, they felt abandoned by God or they just want to live guilt free or they just want to live life however they want without consequence having total freedom.
is any part of this true?
Not for me, you assume that we are somehow burdened with the idea of God, and just want freedom from guilt, however, there are many other ideas about life than God, other religions and philosophies. To a Buddhist for example, God is an alien concept. One can accept the principle that our actions have consequences in this life, and that's one reason to treat people well without bringing eternal damnation into it. You should broaden your mind, it's not just Atheism vs. God, there are as many approaches to life and morality as there have been cultures on Earth. I think we really do have total freedom, and that is scary for some people, especially those that have been conditioned to accept a certain limited pattern of behavior that society finds acceptable.