Idiocy, Compulsion, Gratitude, Nobility or Deception?

OK. Going back to your earlier statement for moment:

How does a pig benefit from being farmed?
Why would a farmer keep a pig that he's not going to eat?
He should not keep. Let the nature be the decider in its own way. We can not anticipate that non farmed beings had/can not survive.
Do you mean animals behave similaraly with other animals as human behave? Domestication, farming, captivity, cooking etc are not practiced by animals. They just do random hunting for their basic need not for greed, taste or luxuary.
Cats torture mice before they kill them for fun.
Concrete houses, yes.
I live in a house with a concrete foundation, wooden frame and sheetrock walls. Is my house "unnatural?"

The more I read your posts the more it seems like you don't spend much time in the real world. Is that the case?
Cats torture mice before they kill them for fun.

Probably, she gives a chance to mice to escape. :)

I live in a house with a concrete foundation, wooden frame and sheetrock walls. Is my house "unnatural?"

The more I read your posts the more it seems like you don't spend much time in the real world. Is that the case?

Let us compare it with a house self erected or used by us on living in wild.
Either that, or he does, but doesn't practice what he preaches.

Let's ask him what his network data rate is.
Not necessary, an addicted or sick person is not entitled to tell, guide or advice about odds related to his addiction or sickness. Probably, he should be a good choice since practically experianced in these.
Like I said, some time spent in the real world might be good for you.

I have a shed outside that I built myself. Is that "natural?"
Do you mean modern real world?
I need to know, which material you used in building this shed? If you used unnatural material or used unnatural technique, it can not be taken as natural.
Do you mean modern real world?
I mean that place outside your apartment. Put down the mouse and go outside for a while. Watch a cat torture a mouse. Go to a farm. Go to a hospital and watch "nature take its course." Walk through a forest. You'll learn a lot more than you will by posting on the Internet.
I need to know, which material you used in building this shed? If you used unnatural material or used unnatural technique, it can not be taken as natural.
Let's see -

Wood, both stick and ply
Drywall screws
Asphalt shingles
Some metal hinges, frames, vents and latches
Latex paint

So is it natural?
I mean that place outside your apartment. Put down the mouse and go outside for a while. Watch a cat torture a mouse. Go to a farm. Go to a hospital and watch "nature take its course." Walk through a forest. You'll learn a lot more than you will by posting on the Internet.
I have seen some people and their kids playing with those animals who are meant for killing. Is it cat mouse type game?

et's see -

Wood, both stick and ply
Drywall screws
Asphalt shingles
Some metal hinges, frames, vents and latches
Latex paint

So is it natural?
NO. Since many unnatural materials are used.
I have seen some people and their kids playing with those animals who are meant for killing. Is it cat mouse type game?
If you mean there are children who play with (for example) a fawn and then kill it, I imagine such children exist. Fortunately most human children aren't so cruel.
NO. Since many unnatural materials are used.
OK. So if it was built with wood only, it would be natural?
Wild level can be more natural. Anyhow, fruits, mild, dead & superfluous parts, milk, nector, honey drops, bamboo, straw,mud houses, caves etc. are still gifted to be more natural.
So, you advocate the human race rolling back progress by 60,000 years or so. Before agriculture.

How long do you think the wild fruit supply will last with 7 billion foragers?
Not necessary, an addicted or sick person is not entitled to tell, guide or advice about odds related to his addiction or sickness. Probably, he should be a good choice since practically experianced in these.
The question was directed at you.

You advocate returning to pre-historical society, yet here you are on the internet.
I guess returning to a pre-historical society is what other people should do?