Idiocy, Compulsion, Gratitude, Nobility or Deception?

Even is nature most of time is out of balance, can not mean nature balance is invalid. Simply mature tendency to achieve balance always exist but rarely achieved. So it may appear to us that it do not exist. I am not sure, if it is named differently now, may be fine tuned universe.
You're looking for some sort of purpose or guiding direction.
Unless you plan to argue the hand of God, nature does not have direction.
I think we can ethically use animals for things like meat and other uses. Being a living thing does not grant beings the same rights as we humans extend to each other. Is it unethical when a shark eats a person? No. Neither is it unethical when a human eats a cow.
Hunting, random killing etc. is bit natural but otherwise not. Like, taking fully ripened fruits of a tree is natural but taking all live parts other than ripened fruits from a crop on farming is not.
Uh - have you ever been to a large farm? There is no "show love and affection." They raise livestock and slaughter them later.

So duck hunting, hiding in a duck blind and using a duck call to attract ducks before shooting them with a shotgun, involves no deception?

Go out with a hunter one day, then stop by a factory farm. Your preconceptions may change pretty radically.
Every farmer does love his crop and nurse that like a guardian upto harvesting. But a hunter or random plucker of fruits even by some natural manipulation can not be said as unnatural. We may need to look, wild animals behaviour as compared to civilized human behaviour to justify naturality or not.
That would be great. If we all wanted to live in caves and hidey-holes and scrounge for every morsel, like we did 40,000 years ago.

The whole point of having a person take more than one person's share of food is so that he can trade some it to the other guy who - because he doesn't have to spend his day hunting for his food - can manage to build shelters for both of them.

Division of labour is what defines civilization and has allowed us to thrive. Instead of claws and night vision, we got brains.
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So mass murderer who kills at random - OK
Jury who sentences the mass murderer to death - not OK
Murder and killing are two different terms. Mass murders are usually not random and natural. Even a lion do not practice mass murdering. It is not necessary, social rules also match with nature's rules.
Murder and killing are two different terms. Mass murders are usually not random and natural.
Some of the most disturbed and prolific mass murderers of history killed at random. Google "Timothy McVeigh" "Steven Paddock" and "Hans Breivik." I guess all those are natural and OK.
Even a lion do not practice mass murdering. It is not necessary, social rules also match with nature's rules.
?? Apes have wars where they will kill everyone in an opposing tribe. Anteaters will wipe out entire colonies of ants. Cats will kill birds all day even when they aren't hungry.
Humans have a brain that is beyond just Nature .

We think , we have a mind , which is greater than the sum of the parts of the brain ,therefore beyond any other animal , we can change our direction of our future .

We tend to focus on the bad side of Humanity .

But it is just routine , repetition . We have to break out of this routine , repetition , in order to evolve .

The focus on psychopaths gets us no where . Fuck the psychopaths , move on people . Grow evolve to a better place .
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Some of the most disturbed and prolific mass murderers of history killed at random. Google "Timothy McVeigh" "Steven Paddock" and "Hans Breivik." I guess all those are natural and OK.

Sorry, I do not know about them. Many times things can also happen to affect nature's balance.

?? Apes have wars where they will kill everyone in an opposing tribe. Anteaters will wipe out entire colonies of ants. Cats will kill birds all day even when they aren't hungry.

This is natural.
Not exactly sure what you are looking for but maybe consider this...
The animals see the owner as their meal ticket and dont realise that the owner is a threat.
And so the animals trust the owner who actually has only his interests in mind long term which means the animals come off second best.
If you believe in a God one must wonder if mans lot is much the same as the animals...the owner says he loves the animal and he probably does...roasted.
If there is a God I wonder what awaits trusting humans.
We already know, pain, suffering and ultimately death. :)
Humans have a brain that is beyond just Nature .
Nothing is "beyond nature". We are a part of nature & nature does not allow us to do anything un-natural.

Un-desirable - certainly. Nature will allow us to wipe ourselves out. But un-natural is not possible.
Nothing is "beyond nature". We are a part of nature & nature does not allow us to do anything un-natural.
Yes, this had often been a source of semantic ambiguity.
While we all recognize that humans are strictly-speaking "part of nature", people often mean something to the effect of specifically intelligent interference.

Whatever label you want to give it, there is a qualitative difference between 'hunting to fill one's belly' and 'anticipating the needs of one's tribe and going about manipulating one's environment to maximize gain' - such as agriculture, and farming*.

* although damn those pesky aphid-herding ants for wrecking the pattern
Sorry, I do not know about them.
Google is your friend!
This is natural.
In that case, so is factory farming.

You seem to have a common misconception - that nature is kind, that we should treat other animals like that heartwarming Youtube video showing a lion caring for a puppy. But nature isn't like that. Usually the lion eats the puppy.

There are part of nature that are cruel, barbaric and sadistic. There are animals that exhibit all the worst things that humans have exhibited. There are also animals that exhibit compassion, kindness, mercy etc. Making "natural" your standard doesn't mean much in terms of behavior.
Google is your friend!

In that case, so is factory farming.

You seem to have a common misconception - that nature is kind, that we should treat other animals like that heartwarming Youtube video showing a lion caring for a puppy. But nature isn't like that. Usually the lion eats the puppy.

There are part of nature that are cruel, barbaric and sadistic. There are animals that exhibit all the worst things that humans have exhibited. There are also animals that exhibit compassion, kindness, mercy etc. Making "natural" your standard doesn't mean much in terms of behavior.
Do you mean animals behave similaraly with other animals as human behave? Domestication, farming, captivity, cooking etc are not practiced by animals. They just do random hunting for their basic need not for greed, taste or luxuary.
Nothing is "beyond nature". We are a part of nature & nature does not allow us to do anything un-natural.

Un-desirable - certainly. Nature will allow us to wipe ourselves out. But un-natural is not possible.
Unnatural word exists in dictonary. If it would have been non existent, it would had not been there. Free will is also thought.
Yes, this had often been a source of semantic ambiguity.
While we all recognize that humans are strictly-speaking "part of nature", people often mean something to the effect of specifically intelligent interference.

Whatever label you want to give it, there is a qualitative difference between 'hunting to fill one's belly' and 'anticipating the needs of one's tribe and going about manipulating one's environment to maximize gain' - such as agriculture, and farming*.

* although damn those pesky aphid-herding ants for wrecking the pattern
Moreover, we may also need to understand with equamity, whether we are gifted with super consiciousness, inteligence and power to nurse and protect lower beings or to use and destroy them in our self interests with unnatural odd meand esp for our greed, luxury and taste?
Do you mean animals behave similaraly with other animals as human behave? Domestication, farming, captivity, cooking etc are not practiced by animals. They just do random hunting for their basic need not for greed, taste or luxuary.
Ants have domesticated aphids, and ants also farm.