Idiocy, Compulsion, Gratitude, Nobility or Deception?

Wood is a very inefficient fuel, and pollutes far more than petroleum. That's why a wood fire has a black plume - as well as leaving solid ash, whereas petroleum can be burned efficiently enough to have no partially-consumed byproducts - just gases: CO2 and water vapour.

Kumar, why do you wish to poison our planet?
I do not underststad, how wood/natural smoke felt less irritating to me and to my near ones than petroleum smoke. May there be a difference due to natutural and unnatural. Measns, our body is more capable to deal with wood smoke due to its nature.
I do not underststad, how wood/natural smoke felt less irritating to me and to my near ones than petroleum smoke.
And many people prefer alcohol to water, prefer sugar to wheat, prefer meat to vegetables and prefer Coke to apple juice. Some things we just like even though they are bad for us.
Measns, our body is more capable to deal with wood smoke due to its nature.
Nope. Wood smoke is full of particulates that will give you high blood pressure, strokes and lung cancer, just as smoking cigarettes will. Compare that to a modern gasoline car which emits nothing but CO2 and water.
And many people prefer alcohol to water, prefer sugar to wheat, prefer meat to vegetables and prefer Coke to apple juice. Some things we just like even though they are bad for us.

Yes but we should also look natural and unnatural angle about any exposure.

Nope. Wood smoke is full of particulates that will give you high blood pressure, strokes and lung cancer, just as smoking cigarettes will. Compare that to a modern gasoline car which emits nothing but CO2 and water.

We should also check the exposures by their natural and unnatural affect on us. All things can be beneficial or harmful depending on how our body is able to deal with those. Obiously, our body mechanism should not be able to deal with newly introduced things normally pre-seasoned.
Yes but we should also look natural and unnatural angle about any exposure.
Why should we choose damaging and toxic "natural" angles over more healthy and less damaging "unnatural" angles? Isn't saving people's lives worth it?

I generate all my electrical power via solar photovoltaics, which is about as unnatural as you can get. Is that a bad thing?
Why should we choose damaging and toxic "natural" angles over more healthy and less damaging "unnatural" angles? Isn't saving people's lives worth it?

I generate all my electrical power via solar photovoltaics, which is about as unnatural as you can get. Is that a bad thing?
Using sunlight directly in normal quantity is only natural. We also need to check side effects related to unnatural things. However things can be more or less unnatural.
Using sunlight directly in normal quantity is only natural.
Using silicon doped with phosphorous and arsenic? With connections made of copper and lead? And wires made of petroleum-based plastic and copper, leading to an inverter full of lead, aluminum, copper, silicon, germanium, lead and ferrite? This is natural, but a wooden shed isn't?

We also need to check side effects related to unnatural things. However things can be more or less unnatural.
Yes we do need to check side effects. That's the important part whether or not you think it is "natural."

Why should we adopt only natural ways?

What purpose does it serve
- the Earth
- human race
- any one of us right now?

Please don't tell me you think it would save our planet. It won't.

Why should we adopt only natural ways?

What purpose does it serve
- the Earth
- human race
- any one of us right now?

Please don't tell me you think it would save our planet. It won't.
Whether then nuclear weapons, creat global warming, pollution etc. will serve and save us?
Using silicon doped with phosphorous and arsenic? With connections made of copper and lead? And wires made of petroleum-based plastic and copper, leading to an inverter full of lead, aluminum, copper, silicon, germanium, lead and ferrite? This is natural, but a wooden shed isn't?

Yes we do need to check side effects. That's the important part whether or not you think it is "natural."
Quantity is the basis of toxiciy. Not single molecule/atom of any sussubstance should be toxic.

Other species are also existing without unnature.
Very true! Quantity, not whether or not something is 'natural' (however you define that word) is key.

And many exist in unnatural environments.
Do you mean unnatural environment created by humans? It can just be compulsion of other species to live in it due to our option, not theirs.
Do you mean unnatural environment created by humans? It can just be compulsion of other species to live in it due to our option, not theirs.
Hmm. Rats seem to prefer living near humans even when there's a natural environment nearby. (More food, material for nests, warmth.) They prefer the "unnatural" option. Same thing for flies, mosquitoes, mice etc.
Hmm. Rats seem to prefer living near humans even when there's a natural environment nearby. (More food, material for nests, warmth.) They prefer the "unnatural" option. Same thing for flies, mosquitoes, mice etc.
Living in unnatural environment is usually not natural. That is usually due to some ease, compulsion or greed. Should not be real health interest.