i wonder...

wouldn't it make more sense to change the nature of the organic systems? why artificial intelligence? that seems like a real stretch. especially considering the untapped potential in our brains, and ultimately in our dna. that's how we've always evolved, with the help of "mother nature", and possibly more than that.

I haven't gone into full detail, but I go further with it. Artificial Intelligence was meant for the construct of Ego and self-awarenss. I'm actually looking at the universe being a completely emulated system, where you see organics and DNA, I'm looking at spacial representations that are the current boundaries of atoms.

Looking at it at that level, suggests the potential for a different method for nanotechnology, rather than building little robots to do things, it's possible to actually alter the systems that make up the emulation thereby altering states at the atomic level. Imagine if you will rebuilding a persons health through this means, currently observation of such a "miraculous" regeneration process wouldn't see the underlining sciences behind if, giving way to misinterpretations... esp. in regards to religion.

Obviously though trying to explain it through here is a complete nightmare since I don't exactly output it in a clear and precise manner and just drop you in at the deep end with a few buzz words.
I haven't gone into full detail, but I go further with it. Artificial Intelligence was meant for the construct of Ego and self-awarenss. I'm actually looking at the universe being a completely emulated system, where you see organics and DNA, I'm looking at spacial representations that are the current boundaries of atoms.

Looking at it at that level, suggests the potential for a different method for nanotechnology, rather than building little robots to do things, it's possible to actually alter the systems that make up the emulation thereby altering states at the atomic level. Imagine if you will rebuilding a persons health through this means, currently observation of such a "miraculous" regeneration process wouldn't see the underlining sciences behind if, giving way to misinterpretations... esp. in regards to religion.

Obviously though trying to explain it through here is a complete nightmare since I don't exactly output it in a clear and precise manner and just drop you in at the deep end with a few buzz words.

that's interesting. so you're not talking about nuts and bolts and wires, like the bionic woman. but what about dna? is it obsolete in all of this?
Is that because it worries/scares you? Makes you feel like you're not in control? Because its isolating? I mean theoretically, if you enjoy music, you should enjoy your gift.

Think about it this way. Let's say you are a brain surgeon. It requires intense concentration / focus. Now, start blasting a Metallica song and try to do your job.

Funny...I thought people were wired to be egotistical.

They are. When egotism is applied is in a different set of scenarios.
Think about it this way. Let's say you are a brain surgeon. It requires intense concentration / focus. Now, start blasting a Metallica song and try to do your job.

I see your point. Is it music you're familiar with? That you recognize?

They are. When egotism is applied is in a different set of scenarios.

What's the determining difference?
Think about it this way. Let's say you are a brain surgeon. It requires intense concentration / focus. Now, start blasting a Metallica song and try to do your job.

They are. When egotism is applied is in a different set of scenarios.
Maybe if you were born in Beethovens day you would have writted a few sonatas/symphonies of some standing instead of suffering a "chronic involuntary experience":)
just thought I'd....

Yep spot on. I know of many people who are having similar dreams and so called hallucinatory experiences along same lines. An emmergence of "his nibbs" seems imminent ....
Most of the time they experience severe depression immediately after the experience due ot the intense isolation experienced when one discovers a truth that others can not possibly comprehend.
A global/universal "priming" "preparation" is under way is the general consensus and it's happening under intense secrecy due to the need to avoid mass hysterics. [paranoia]
edit: and it's not directly associated with religion or theology generally.

What are "his nibbs"? I don't know what nibbs are.
Maybe if you were born in Beethovens day you would have writted a few sonatas/symphonies of some standing instead of suffering a "chronic involuntary experience":)

Who knows; however, knowing how I am... in that era of time I would have likely been a brewmaster :). Either way, I wouldn't consider audio-hallucination "suffering". It's just not a good thing to have either as in the wild, a distracted person might end up as tiger food.
Who knows; however, knowing how I am... in that era of time I would have likely been a brewmaster :). Either way, I wouldn't consider audio-hallucination "suffering". It's just not a good thing to have either as in the wild, a distracted person might end up as tiger food.
just that these sorts of "dreams" whilst conscious are usually caused by some form of denial as to a talent or gift or future career/path journey.
Hearing involuntary auditory dreaming like as you describe is usually because of some past deliberate suppression that has forced an innate talent to manifest in other ways. A form of compensation due to self oppression/denial. IMO
"compensatory behaviour due to self oppression"
just that these sorts of "dreams" whilst conscious are usually caused by some form of denial as to a talent or gift or future career/path journey.

We both know that assertion is not supported by reality.

Hearing involuntary auditory dreaming like as you describe is usually because of some past deliberate suppression that has forced an innate talent to manifest in other ways. A form of compensation due to self oppression/denial. IMO
"compensatory behaviour due to self oppression"

That would be incorrect. Any kind of chronic waking hallucination is a result of a brain not operating correctly. Other common symptoms of a brain not operating correctly are paranoia and / or delusions. It really comes down to which areas of a brain are affected most. For example in your case, after the trauma to your brain you began experiencing a consipiracy delusion about psychic controllers using metal implants to give your family irritable bowel syndrome. You did say you were diagnoised as having shizophrenia. In other words, the parts of your brain affected are different than mine. The difference of course is that I can recognize the problem and put it to the side (i.e. it is not an issue for me). You on the other hand are impacted; however, you still appear to be capable of leading a reasonably normal life as well.
We both know that assertion is not supported by reality.
could read:
"We both know that assertion is not supported by my belief in what reality is"

That would be incorrect. Any kind of chronic waking hallucination is a result of a brain not operating correctly.
Could be explained as:
Or the brain is performing a perfectly normal function in the face of severe truth denial.
I happen to believe that the brain/body is an amazing bit of design that we humans have not the slightest idea about so we shit-can it as soon as it "Appears" to be, not doing what we consider convenient.
You can believe otherwise of course...

Other common symptoms of a brain not operating correctly are paranoia and / or delusions. It really comes down to which areas of a brain are affected most. For example in your case, after the trauma to your brain you began experiencing a consipiracy delusion about psychic controllers using metal implants to give your family irritable bowel syndrome.

There is no doubt about the issue of paranoia as the brain attempts to cope with the intense fear of the unknown. A form of Gastro and intense hyper activity of the thyroid both unable to be diagnosed yet severe enough to require hospitalisation of at least 4 members of family and 2 friends families [ around the world] at the same time. [ including of 4 children under the age of 4 ]

You did say you were diagnoised as having shizophrenia.
I had a stroke which had as some would say schizophrenic type symptoms. It also produced asthma, dementia, flu, and a whole host of other so called symptoms including sever exhaustion and ADHD type symptoms. Not to mention chronic fatigue and a few other proprioception type issues.

So where to start and where to stop....

Schizophrenia's main definition in my opinion is "we don't know what it is but we are going to label it any way"
The term schizophrenia is not a diagnosis but more an observation and always a naive speculation born of societal paranoia of the unknown and unpredictable.
It is more a conviction not unlike a prison term as the so called diagnosis has no time limit and is constant for the person entire subsequent life.
For the rest of their natural life their ability to perform in society is constantly impinged upon regardless of how well they may be.
It is currently impossible to declare a person fit and well after being diagnosed with Schizophrenia [ world wide if I am not mistaken]

And you Crunchy Cat, are an undiagonised schizophrenic [ due to the symptoms you have declared to the board], which you can be entirely thankful for.

Typically a person is diagnosed with schizophrenia suffers his/ her diagnososis* because of societal paranoia and not just their own.
note: the emphasis on suffering their diagnosis as this is generally considerably worse than the actual state they are experiencing as a rule.

In other words, the parts of your brain affected are different than mine. The difference of course is that I can recognize the problem and put it to the side (i.e. it is not an issue for me).

I disagree, it is definitely an issue for you as indicated in 4 years of forum posting. You have demonstrated a severe reliance on knowledge acquired from external sources and not self derived. In fact I doubt you have self-derived anything of value as you are paranoid about your own self insights. It takes courage and intestinal fortitude to self derive and trust you own self derived opinion rather than quoting someone elses. Courage that is so often lacking in the face of such intense societal paranoia.

You on the other hand are impacted; however, you still appear to be capable of leading a reasonably normal life as well.
only because I know what it is and know it for the gift that it could be. [ and actually is ]

but dare I say if I listened to comments from necessarilly ignorant people such as youself and other similar closeminded and paranoid "normal" persons I would be in a padded cell sucking on a Seraquel or a Ryspiradone somewhere. [ have been medication free for over 3 years now ]
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"We as a race chronically underestimate how powerful the truth can be, especially certain truths that can only be dealt with by denial"
It is that deliberate paranoid denial of the truth that generates the issues in discussion. That being schizphrenic type compensatory behaviors of both mind and body. [ and society in general]

"The denial of the truth of your experience ultimately leads to the destruction of your reality"
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Or the brain is performing a perfectly normal function in the face of severe truth denial.
I happen to believe that the brain/body is an amazing bit of design that we humans have not the slightest idea about so we shit-can it as soon as it "Appears" to be, not doing what we consider convenient.
You can believe otherwise of course...
I disagree, it is definitely an issue for you as indicated in 4 years of forum posting. You have demonstrated a severe reliance on knowledge acquired from external sources and not self derived. In fact I doubt you have self-derived anything of value as you are paranoid about your own self insights.

I agree with this.

I too, could say I have "auditory hallucinations", but somehow, it never occured to me that this is a sign of my "brain not functioning correctly".

It seems that I tend to experience especially my feelings through music, or hearing music is a reminder or connection to a particular mental state.

I will have some song playing in my head - and it continues, to the point of bothering me, until I attend to the feelings and thoughts that this song is connected to in my mind.
When I do attend to those feelings and thoughts (which can be very complicated), the music stops.

This seems entirely deliberate, under my control. All I need to do when I notice the music playing in my head, is to ask something like "What is troubling me? What would I like? Is there something I am not seeing?" - and the music stops, or I deliberately continue listening to it to find out what it is that I am actually feeling and thinking.
But the thing is that my feelings and thoughts are sometimes very difficult, I have many philosophical and other questions that I don't have answers to and don't know how to find those answers. This is why I sometimes just give in and let the music play.
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I agree with this.

I too, could say I have "auditory hallucinations", but somehow, it never occured to me that this is a sign of my "brain not functioning correctly".

It seems that I tend to experience especially my feelings through music, or hearing music is a reminder or connection to a particular mental state.

I will have some song playing in my head - and it continues, to the point of bothering me, until I attend to the feelings and thoughts that this song is connected to in my mind.
When I do attend to those feelings and thoughts (which can be very complicated), the music stops.

This seems entirely deliberate, under my control. All I need to do when I notice the music playing in my head, is to ask something like "What is troubling me? What would I like? Is there something I am not seeing?" - and the music stops, or I deliberately continue listening to it to find out what it is that I am actually feeling and thinking.
But the thing is that my feelings and thoughts are sometimes very difficult, I have many philosophical and other questions that I don't have answers to and don't know how to find those answers. This is why I sometimes just give in and let the music play.

I would suggest that at some stage in your life you became privy to a "truth" you failed to recognise as being significant, probably discounting it as a fleeting halucination, imaginary event or delusion, [thinking : what would the doctors reckon of that?]
Promptly denying it's reality and forgetting that it ever occurred. [ as being too minor to bother with ] and then after some time has passed your mind starts to compensate for that denial as it is ambitious [ re: God Complex] and wants you to eventually learn what you missed out on learning.

Because your sub-conscious mind has already learned the truth but your conscious mind refuses to accept it or simply can't understand it. So you are driven like so many people to online forums like this one hoping and intuitively searching for clues as to how to solve an intractible riddle. [ Speaking from personal experience ]
A bit like playing 8 ball and potting 4 balls at the same time, as in a fluke, but your mind knows there is no such thing as a fluke and wants to learn how to do it deliberately and not "instinctively/intuitively"and not "accidently"

any ways just speculation....
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could read:
"We both know that assertion is not supported by my belief in what reality is"

It could but that would be incorrect. Remember, for something to be true, reality has to validate it. You know the routine, make the claim and supply the evidence. Your original statement (and we both know this) is sorely lacking of evidence.

Could be explained as:
Or the brain is performing a perfectly normal function in the face of severe truth denial.

It could be explained as the brain is performing as well as it can when invisibile pink unicorns fart on it. Of course all the explanations that aren't supported by evidence are false.

I happen to believe that the brain/body is an amazing bit of design that we humans have not the slightest idea about so we shit-can it as soon as it "Appears" to be, not doing what we consider convenient.
You can believe otherwise of course...

What your belief does is enables you to do is call all ideas valid possibilities. The reality is that what we have leared about the brain places real constraints on possibilities and immediately invalidates a wide spectrum of creative ideas. For example, you believe that the brain is designed. Reality says its not; therefore, you are incorrect.

There is no doubt about the issue of paranoia as the brain attempts to cope with the intense fear of the unknown. A form of Gastro and intense hyper activity of the thyroid both unable to be diagnosed yet severe enough to require hospitalisation of at least 4 members of family and 2 friends families [ around the world] at the same time. [ including of 4 children under the age of 4 ]

And because a clear diagnosis was unavailable, it suddently makes psychic magic a valid possibility. It's a human condition that is expressed a little bit more for you. When the cause of something isn't easily visible, then external sapient entities are invoked. There's a big glowy thing in the sky... I don't know what it is therefore it must be "God". I am having bowel problems and nobody knows the cause, therefore it must be a psychic conspiracy.

I had a stroke which had as some would say schizophrenic type symptoms. It also produced asthma, dementia, flu, and a whole host of other so called symptoms including sever exhaustion and ADHD type symptoms. Not to mention chronic fatigue and a few other proprioception type issues.

So where to start and where to stop....

The first thing to note is that you probably didn't have these issues before the stroke.

Schizophrenia's main definition in my opinion is "we don't know what it is but we are going to label it any way"

That would be a rather poor definition seeing as it's known exactly what it is.

The term schizophrenia is not a diagnosis but more an observation and always a naive speculation born of societal paranoia of the unknown and unpredictable.

It's a disorder consisting of hallucination, delusion, and / or paranoia. The medical research into it has produced some awesome results; however, diagnosis is still done psychologically due to an absence of biological diagnostic tools.

It is more a conviction not unlike a prison term as the so called diagnosis has no time limit and is constant for the person entire subsequent life.

For the rest of their natural life their ability to perform in society is constantly impinged upon regardless of how well they may be.

It is currently impossible to declare a person fit and well after being diagnosed with Schizophrenia [ world wide if I am not mistaken]

I think it depends on the severity of the symptoms. Here is an example:


And you Crunchy Cat, are an undiagonised schizophrenic [ due to the symptoms you have declared to the board], which you can be entirely thankful for.

My preference would have been a definitive diagnosis of course and I don't really have an issue with any "stigma" associated with one. The onset of audio-hallucination came on very early in my life. It's not an issue for me, as I have adapted to it from an early age and can simply filter it out (much like a person filters out background noise).

Typically a person is diagnosed with schizophrenia suffers his/ her diagnososis* because of societal paranoia and not just their own.
note: the emphasis on suffering their diagnosis as this is generally considerably worse than the actual state they are experiencing as a rule.

Unfortunately I can't relate, but I can semi-empathize.

I disagree, it is definitely an issue for you as indicated in 4 years of forum posting. You have demonstrated a severe reliance on knowledge acquired from external sources and not self derived. In fact I doubt you have self-derived anything of value as you are paranoid about your own self insights. It takes courage and intestinal fortitude to self derive and trust you own self derived opinion rather than quoting someone elses. Courage that is so often lacking in the face of such intense societal paranoia.

I am not sure what exactly what you mean by "self-dervied" knowledge, so I really cannot confirm or deny what you are saying. BTW, I do want to point out that you said "intestinal fortitude"... that irritable bowel slip made me chuckle.

only because I know what it is and know it for the gift that it could be. [ and actually is ]

but dare I say if I listened to comments from necessarilly ignorant people such as youself and other similar closeminded and paranoid "normal" persons I would be in a padded cell sucking on a Seraquel or a Ryspiradone somewhere. [ have been medication free for over 3 years now ]

I am glad you have avoided brain-candy medication (it's always bad IMO). Your statement tells me that you have adapated to your condition and become functional. I think part of that adaptation was to invoke and embrace a psychic conspiracy delusion, but if that works for you and lets you lead a healthy life then so be it. Your only risk of course is if you assert that delusion as truth to others and are called on it.
That would be a rather poor definition seeing as it's known exactly what it is.
this CC, is a very telling statement you have made.....
if you can find one scientists or medical professional that can credibly support it let me know....

and a very dangerous delusion you have there at that.... as there are literally billions of people with lives totally trashed because of such belief/delusion.
And one generated by the paranoia relatated to knowing the incredible failure of that "KNOWLEDGE" to provide relief to a rapidly growing mental health issue for this panets' population.

Scarey isn't it?

A planet load of people getting sicker by the minute because some idiots declare they know what the problem is to placate their lack of knowledge.

A drug dependant planet by when CC?

scarey isn't it?

yes you know what it is don't you?

Now that's scarey!

That would be a rather poor definition seeing as it's known exactly what it is

Not ony scarey but utterly pathetic!
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this CC, is a very telling statement you have made.....
if you can find one scientists or medical professional that can credibly support it let me know....

and a very dangerous delusion you have there at that.... as there are literally billions of people with lives totally trashed because of such belief/delusion.
And one generated by the paranoia relatated to knowing the incredible failure of that "KNOWLEDGE" to provide relief to a rapidly growing mental health issue for this panets' population.

Scarey isn't it?

A planet load of people getting sicker by the minute because some idiots declare they know what the problem is to placate their lack of knowledge.

A drug dependant planet by when CC?

scarey isn't it?

yes you know what it is don't you?

Now that's scarey!

Not ony scarey but utterly pathetic!

This is exactly what this thread is about. To those (not necessarily CC) who scream empirical evidence, empirical evidence every time someone testifies to the paranormal or spiritual. And to ridicule those who find resolution in meaning derived from such an experience. At the end of the day, which perception is more beneficial? I mean, I had a spiritual experience that was so intense and impactful that it almost drove me nuts trying to comprehend it and react to it. But as hard as it was, to think what would have been lost if I didn't seek meaning in it is unfathomable.
This is exactly what this thread is about. To those (not necessarily CC) who scream empirical evidence, empirical evidence every time someone testifies to the paranormal or spiritual. And to ridicule those who find resolution in meaning derived from such an experience. At the end of the day, which perception is more beneficial? I mean, I had a spiritual experience that was so intense and impactful that it almost drove me nuts trying to comprehend it and react to it. But as hard as it was, to think what would have been lost if I didn't seek meaning in it is unfathomable.

Why do you think there is a need for empirical evidence to support extraordinary or unusual claiims or testimony?

Normally in an organised society that society has acheived order by utilising empirical evidence for it's decision and future direction policy making.
So it is not surprising that there is a call for empirical evidence when someone makes claims that have in the past proved unable to be supported by "happen stance" or circumstancial results.
Of course this lack of evidence does not invalidate the claim but merely lowers it's immediate credibility to most "so called rational " people.

Skepticism, or holding an opinion that is incredulous of that testimony is one thing and the realm of an honest skeptic, but invalidation is another and the realm of dishonest arrogance.

However some people Poster "CC" included will attempt to INVALIDATE your claim based on the lack of empirical evidence and a call to an authority, and that attempt to INVALIDATE, is such a unwise position to take.
see below as to why...

The ironic thing is that the call for empirical evidence can work the other way.
When producing a new Gas [Freons, CFC's] for the purposes of refrigeration there was NO empirical evidence that would suggest that the gas would ultimately cause Ozone depletion leading to significant cultural trauma and shift in attitudes towards our environment.
The gas [considered harmless to the environment] was manufactured in huge quantities in the absence of evidence to suggest that it was in fact dangerous to do so. [ the evidence came much later in the form of skin cancers, higher incidence eye problems etc etc.and a booming sun screen industry..]
so empirical evidence AFTER the fact and not before.
BP/ Gulf of Mexico and the USA Government and the plantet in general are now experiencing the worst oils spill in history due to... yep! a lacking in empirical evidence that would have prevented the drilling of an oil well >1km below the water surface in the gulf.
Cost so far: $940 million USD, and the expected cost to the environment is reported to be far worse than the 1989 Exxon Valdez disaster in Alaskan waters.
because there was no empirical evidence at the time to suggest such an event was possible or likely and global greed made any evidence of risk worthless anyhow.
Thalidomide (pronounced /θəˈlɪdəmaɪd/) was introduced as a sedative drug in the late 1950s. In 1961, it was withdrawn due to teratogenicity and neuropathy. There is now a growing clinical interest in thalidomide, and it is introduced as an immunomodulatory agent used primarily,combined with dexamethasone, to treat multiple myeloma. The drug is a potent teratogen in zebrafish, chickens,[2] rabbits and primates including humans: severe birth defects may result if the drug is taken during pregnancy.[3]

Thalidomide was sold in a number of countries across the world from 1957 until 1961 when it was withdrawn from the market after being found to be a cause of birth defects in what has been called "one of the biggest medical tragedies of modern times".[4] It is not known exactly how many worldwide victims of the drug there have been, although estimates range from 10,000 to 20,000.[5] Since then thalidomide has been found to be a valuable treatment for a number of medical conditions and it is being prescribed again in a number of countries, although its use remains controversial.[
straight from wiki...

the trauma experienced by the parents and victims of the Thalidomide incident was/is enormous all due to the lack of empirical evidence to prevent it's manufacture and widespread recomendation.

4. Chenobyl Reactor disaster 1986 - apparently still cookin' in 2010

and there are countless more to choose from if wanted.

so the need for evidence is not always applied in the way that we think it is.
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The other thing to consider if you wish is that when you find someone attempting to invalidate your experience it can be realised that that desire is immoral, unethical, unwise and essentially irrational.
There is only one reason why a normally rational person would stoop to such a tactic, and that simply is paranoia.

Hence the invalidation that goes on regarding most extraordinary, unexplainable experiences can be considered as mainly paranoid in genisis.
Human rights:

Skepticism is ok and in fact a sign of intellectual health.
Invalidation is contrary to human rights and a sign of paranoia.