I will soon achieve parinirvana/ vipassana consciousness record timing

Hehe...(Chimpkin rubs hands and chuckles wickedly)

This is an exercise either invented or ripped-off by Crowley. It's FUN.

1. Sit with your posterior cushioned, feet touching sole to sole, hands touching palm to palm in front of you. Your spine should be in a good, comfortable sitting position.
2. feel each vertebrae on your spine, bottom to top. Include the skull.
4. Imagine a difference between the head and spine. Imagine that the spine is the penis of Osiris, and the head is the vulva of Isis, welcoming him in...the tension centered at the base of your neck, that of the lust of two gods...
5. continue to focus on the active energy of the spine/penis wishing to penetrate the eager, welcoming energy of the head/vulva. Hold both as clearly in your mind at the same time for as long as you can hold position.
6. when you can no longer hold position, break hands and feet apart, and lie for a few minutes in Deadman's pose, relaxing as much as possible.

Also...start doing hatha yoga until you can pop your own back out easily.
Hes talking about a different sensation. Some people can elicit a rather unique sensation in their bodies. It can be started in almost any area of the body and will travel some distance (the distance usually depends on the intensity). It's almost like an electrical wave/pulse. I find the sensation kind of pleasant, but aside from it it can have secondary effects on people.

In the thread starter's case, it *appears* to diminish activity in a particular area of his brain that allows him to distinguish between "self" and "other".

Can you even feel the brain?

Yah, I get the exact same feeling all the time, its no big deal.
I have bad news. Even though there's been a lot of activity going on up my spine and my neck and my brain, I am still powerfully into 'my' own pleasures and needs. I don't think 'I' have deceased at all. I might not be on the path to an actual freedom from the human condition. HOWEVER, I DID FIND AN INTERESTING GEM! AS I WAS EXAMINING THE 'I'S PLEASURES AND NEEDS, I CAME ACROSS 'MY' CONCEPT OF JUSTICE AND UPON SEEING HOW RIDCULOUS IT WAS I BECAME A LITTLE HAPPIER, THIS MIGHT MEAN THAT I MUST PROCEED TO DISMANTLING THE SOCIAL IDENTITY IN THE BRAIN. I'LL LET YOU KNOW IF ANYTHING NEW POPS UP.
It's not something anyone can do. Human thinking is born out of some sort of neurological defect in the body. Therefore anything that is born out of thinking is destructive. You are not ready to accept the fact that you have to give up. A complete and total surrender. It is a state of hopelessness which says that there is no way out... Any movement in any direction, on any dimension, at any level, is taking you away from yourself...
I promise I will indeed achieve total obliteration via altruistic self-sacrifice, and I will do it soon. Facts about the actual physical universe will be mine for the betterment of this body and that body and every body.
Bringing about tingling/electric sensations in your face, spine, chest, back legs, arms, hands don't magically give you knowledge or higher intelligence.
Bringing about tingling/electric sensations in your face, spine, chest, back legs, arms, hands don't magically give you knowledge or higher intelligence.

The door to an actual freedom from the human condition has the word 'extinction' written all over it. Such an extinction is brought about by a mutation in the brain and the neck, the kind of mutation I had experienced last night. I am in a partial state of enlightenment and total enlightenment can come about by total extinction via completion of mutation at any moment. Such a process is precipitated by first monitoring one's feeling being so that one brings it to the bright light of awareness. After this death, a heightened awareness becomes the immediate result and facts about the exclusively physical universe become apparent.
I promise I will indeed achieve total obliteration via altruistic self-sacrifice, and I will do it soon. Facts about the actual physical universe will be mine for the betterment of this body and that body and every body.

Not with that attitude you won't.
Dear everyone,

last night i was sick as fuck except i got scared of my sickness and chickened out of the completion of the mutation. I could have achieved an actual freedom from the human condition if that mutation was allowed to complete, i was scared because the physical sensation felt unfamiliar as though crunchy keyat was right and bitched me out of the completion when he said that the mutation could be blood trauma to the brain on page 3 of this very thread, what a lovable fuck he is. I love the guy, fuck. I am now reading the actual freedom website and will proceed to complete the mutation ... Still in record time ... But delayed because of the fear. Last night the words on the website and the home page title "actual freedom" appeared in my memory and set the process of the mutation in motion, but thanks to my fear of physical death i got scared.
There is now a significant decrease in my psychological being overall. I have simply read the AF website. Those of you who want to endeavour into new territory by reaching the very same experience of consciousness, where the magical physical universe becomes stunningly apparent in its pristine purity and magnanimity, will find the following scientific information about the identity of utter importance. Your ego and soul will eventually disappear and the greatest discovery ever made by the east will become apparent.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Identity?

You claim that ‘this body called Richard hosts no identity whatsoever’. I would like to understand more deeply what it is that the body called Richard does not host. What do you mean by ‘identity’? You also claim that there is ‘a flesh and blood body being apperceptively aware’. Is not that bodily apperceptive awareness, your identity? Identity is ‘the state or fact of remaining the same one, as under varying aspects or conditions’, ‘the condition of being oneself or itself, and not another’ (Macquarie, 2nd. ed.). Are you claiming that there is nothing that remains the same (in you) as (your) sense and reflective experience changes?

G’day Richard, How do I learn and discover the essence of who ‘I’ am? Thank you.

I have yet to get an answer for how to detect ‘I’ ... (and location of ‘I’, ‘me’, etc)

I think that you are making yourself sick.
I think that you are becoming ungrounded.
I worry that you are going insane.
I worry that you are planning some sort of physical self-annihilation: an actual suicide...which isn't enlightenment at all.

Would you please tell me the following:
-Are you eating?
-Are you sleeping? If so how many hours?
-What sort of meditation schedule are you following?
-Are you taking any street drugs to try to achieve these altered states?
I think that you are making yourself sick.
I think that you are becoming ungrounded.

I am becoming firmly grounded with both feet on it. I am not some deluded ignoramous who needs to imagine spirits and demons to cope with the grim reality of the everyday world.

I worry that you are going insane.

You can label it whatever you feel but in your world there exists delusion and the actual world is obstructed by it. An enlightened mind is healthier than a normal mind.

I worry that you are planning some sort of physical self-annihilation: an actual suicide...which isn't enlightenment at all.

Why would you draw such a baseless conclusion?

Would you please tell me the following:
-Are you eating?

Quite healthily yes.

-Are you sleeping? If so how many hours?

Indeed. 8 hours.

-What sort of meditation schedule are you following?

No meditation, contemplation. The actual freedom method is about using thought to become aware of the inner reality, the subjective and the false reality that obscures the actual from becoming evidential in any way.

-Are you taking any street drugs to try to achieve these altered states?

No need for street drugs to achieve enlightenment. At least, I do not need them.
It's that your writing style didn't seem to make any sense-since your profile said your location is Florida, I assumed it didn't have to do with lack of English proficiency.
You did say something about self-annihilation, so I did wonder.

Okay, then carry on...