I will soon achieve parinirvana/ vipassana consciousness record timing

Many people can change their personalities when they really want to but many do not because they don't ever see any need to do so. They feel very good about who they are and what they do right now so why should they give changing themselves any thought at all? Life goes on whether or not you change who you are or not.

You're absolutely correct come to think about it once again. But I'm a fuck, a sincere fuck, but a fuck nonetheless. Therefore I need to change. In parinirvana there is total happiness and contentment, no desires whatsoever, no fears, and the magical fairytale like paradise that is the physical world becomes apparent.
That would be an example of the cynicism espoused by real-world wisdom.

nicholas, its not that I don't admire your tenacity in the face of this 'cynicism', and I know that life can deal you so much crap you feel like your drowning.

But nicholas, this is how the world works.
Why in the world wouldn't you want pain?

Listen, nicholas, pain is there for a reason.

Pain isn't there to make you feel bad, its there to tell you that something is wrong.

If you don't feel pain, then you won't know when something is wrong until it really, actually, 100% kills you.

Pain sucks, anyone here can agree. But its something necessary for us to live. If I don't feel the pain from internal bleeding then I will bleed out and die.

Nicholas, what your looking for IS NOT a life without pain. Its a life with the absence of things that CAUSE pain.

That is a whole other philosophical conundrum.

I am not a spirit, I am a body. I am the universe (not other than). I am this eternal universe experiencing itself as a flesh and blood body. And thus pain is an illusion.
Let us know how it goes. (do you think this is helping?)

Every time I examine what is going on inside me I feel a change in my brain and neck and spine. For example, I examine the fear of embarassment, the fear of being put down, the fear of certain family members who consider themselves my authority, the fear of fictional beings created by the mind, and the mother of all fears... death. I also examine sorrows, the sorrow of not meeting my expectations in something for example, all these feelings are trivial and petty in the grand scheme of the massive universe. As you can see in the link in the OP, the first question "how do I learn and discover the essence of who I am?" is a deep question who's answer can bring any average Joe to enlightenment.
The actual world just became a little more apparent in its magic and wonder. I felt it again in the nape of my neck. This is all so easy. This is the only way to effect a global peace. Because global peace begins with you, but never 'you'.
I am not a spirit, I am a body. I am the universe (not other than). I am this eternal universe experiencing itself as a flesh and blood body. And thus pain is an illusion.

If you are the universe then that implies you have total control over 'your' universe. You make the rules and what not.

Hence, you should easily make pain go away.

Pain might be an illusion, but the things that create it aren't.

Either your not a universe since you cannot control something as simple as an illusion. Or some part of you is in denial and wants to keep the pain.

Your not a universe.
Every time I examine what is going on inside me I feel a change in my brain and neck and spine. For example, I examine the fear of embarassment, the fear of being put down, the fear of certain family members who consider themselves my authority, the fear of fictional beings created by the mind, and the mother of all fears... death. I also examine sorrows, the sorrow of not meeting my expectations in something for example, all these feelings are trivial and petty in the grand scheme of the massive universe. As you can see in the link in the OP, the first question "how do I learn and discover the essence of who I am?" is a deep question who's answer can bring any average Joe to enlightenment.

But they are not trivial to you.

Enlightenment is what you make of it. Enlightenment can be permanent, and it can be temporary.

I personally believe myself to have obtained some amount of enlightenment. The reason is because I have accepted myself for who I am and the universe for what it is.

I've actually created a model of the universe (mental model, not like an actual mathmatical solution or pseudo crap) that works very well for me. The universe is a fascinating place, my model doesn't explain it, it merely exists.

The model I created for myself, its not the answer to the universe, nor is it a question. It merely exists.

I figure I am somewhat enlightened because I can gaze at the universe around me without making ripples and waves in it. I see it for what it is.

Here's a piece of wisdom from someone that has thus far reconciled that one question for himself.

Your nothing, get over it. Stop, and look at the world around you, that is something.

That's not the answer, that's not a question, it is simply there. Use it or trash it, I don't really care either way.

But you should know that the origin of enlightenment comes from Buddhism, it is stated that in truth there is no suffering and no enlightenment.

If you want enlightenment, your gonna need to recognize your 'illusion'.
The actual world just became a little more apparent in its magic and wonder. I felt it again in the nape of my neck. This is all so easy. This is the only way to effect a global peace. Because global peace begins with you, but never 'you'.

Your running in place.
I am not a spirit, I am a body. I am the universe (not other than). I am this eternal universe experiencing itself as a flesh and blood body. And thus pain is an illusion.
So if a big Tongan comes and punches you in the face, he is also the eternal universe experiencing itself as the new found owner of your wallet?
But I'm a fuck, a sincere fuck, but a fuck nonetheless. Therefore I need to change. In parinirvana there is total happiness and contentment, no desires whatsoever.

Hey the world needs sincerity no matter who brings it on. The only thing that life brings is up to you to find. Many people can't find happiness because they look all over for it when it was inside themselves all along. Many seek contentment from others but again don't look within themselves to find they already have it within themselves. Nothing or no one else can give you what you want, you must find it inside not outside for you won't ever become enlightened.
Here's an interesting quote I just read. You'll notice he says there's no compromise in the actual world as facts about the universe and life become stunningly apparent in a PCE or the actual physical universe. When the 'I' disappears, innocence becomes one's nature and therefore it becomes easy to like everyone. You cannot help but smile and shout, for you are alive at last.

• [Respondent]: ‘HEY! Richard!! I like you! I like your Actual Freedom Mailing List!! Now are you able to say Respondent I like you? Hmm?? Or are you too busy making a point’.
• [Richard]: ‘I like everybody irregardless of what mischief they get up to ... and I do not stop liking them when I am making a point’.
• [Respondent]: ‘The point does not seem so important now’.
• [Richard]: ‘The point is important irregardless of what the other does or does not do or does or does not say for there is no compromise possible here in this actual world ... nothing ‘dirty’ can get in’.
• [Respondent]: ‘I’d like you to be my friend. Because you know ... I got tired of all the rape and murder and war and opposition on this planet’.
• [Richard]: ‘As I like everybody anyway I never have to sell out for the sake of a friendship. Besides, I never need the other to fulfil me ... or whatever it is that makes people bargain and compromise for the sake of such a fickle thing as a relationship. I like being here ... I am totally fulfilled and utterly satisfied each moment again’.
• [Respondent]: ‘... and I think people who think like you and me could be friends ... how about it?? Wanna come and have a coffee with me?? Relating is so simple. As simple as freedom actually’.
• [Richard]: ‘There is more to an actual freedom from the human condition than merely thinking alike ... one gets off one’s backside and actually does something’.

Your seeking enlightenment for selfish reasons, thats why your running in place, not getting anywhere.
Yeah, the "record timing" of the claim is suspicious. Why would anyone brag about the speed at which we realize we are fools? Better sooner than later, but still.