I think it's fun to step on ants. So what?

i don't like stepping on insects because it feels wrong and they're creepy, but when i think about it, it shouldn't matter because they are inferior beings. aryans are superior to them.
i don't like stepping on human babies because it feels wrong and they're just plain noisy and creepy (having only one head) , but when i think about it, it shouldn't matter because they are inferior beings. We aliens are superior to them.
nah... i don't think there can be aliens who are superior to aryans. not much superior at least. but we are much superior to insects. it's more wrong to kill a genius than a stupid person, but both are wrong. geniuses are a bit more valuable because they can make inventions.
where have you been?! This thread just screams for your attention. First thing I thought when I read the first post, is "Oh, I can't wait til Enmos reads that" ;)

Yeah, I don't understand killing for no purpose.

I try not to go ballistic about this one, it's seems to be what he want us to do.
I almost feel sorry for the freak though, maybe someone should put him out of his misery.
The proper reason to do something wrong, is because you must.

If the ants could speak - it is all they could do, to say that phrase, before being destroyed.

None-the-less it seems the original poster had the question pop into his head without anyone asking him.
Each life enriches us and each death diminishes us.
Anyone that finds joy in the application of death is insane.
Each life enriches us and each death diminishes us.
Anyone that finds joy in the application of death is insane.

death is not something bad, it's a natural part of life. nature slaughters life all the time (like in a tsunami), it doesn't value life more than death. death is a fun experience.
Life and death is beyond good and bad.
And since you have problems comprehending, what I wrote, let me point out, that I was speaking about the joy in the application of it, not about life and death in general.
So your ignorant reply just wasted my time.
death is not something bad, it's a natural part of life. nature slaughters life all the time (like in a tsunami), it doesn't value life more than death. death is a fun experience.

Then why don't you commit suicide?? :shrug:
Let me ask you a real deep question:

Do you like smashing/stepping on frogs?
Consider this for a while and then get back.
Thrylix, you make me sick..
How old are you anyway ?

Twenty-four. I'm considered pretty normal by most standards, and by most everyone I know. Out of college, I have a job, friends, a girlfriend, and I keep busy outside.