I think it's fun to step on ants. So what?

Well obviously I have witnessed the event... but I think the question on your mind is if I was the driver. Thats a good question.
I hate killing bugs. Don't mind killing vertebrates, but things with exoskeletons? It just doesn't satisfy me.
It's not sadism or being a psychopath. It's just habit or boredom when I'm sitting a picnic with my girlfriend and I see them crawling on to my sneakers (annoying). Or when I'm playing soccer with my friends and I slowly stomp an anthill with one cleat to see how many I can crush at once. I don't do it for any particular reason... I just get a kick out of it. It's like asking someone why they kick a rock when they can just as easily not.

Why should I care about the lives of little bugs that just crawl around and move stuff? As far as I care, I'm a higher and much huger life form, so my temporary amusement is more important to me than their tiny little lives. If the last thing the bastards get to see over their heads are the bottom of my giant, stinking feet about to crunch their puny little selves into jelly because I think it's funny, then tough luck for them. It's survival of the biggest.


Thrylix, you need help.

It would appear that Thrylix is not going to add to his ant killing thread. What could he possibly add? Some good advice about being compassionate?

This sort of behavior is going to settle into a bad pattern that is self generating. This sort of pattern occurs upon and enters into many different levels. Sensitive brain waves and heart waves vibrating and beating, and on into the cell's rythymns themselve. From there it settles into the atomic structure. And then the pattern roots itself into the core that is Thrylix. Killing!!! :splat:

Thrylix, I'd be careful...you might get yourself killed(or kill your own ability to realize greater things)? The pattern curves the inward attraction that your molecules spin out of. Your patterns will changing into spiral loops of self destructive thought processes and you will become a spiritual retard. Do you really want to become spiritually retarded?:confused:
have you ever seen the sidewalk covered with worms after a long rain? Would you stomp those or walk around them?

Walk around them only because they're gross and I don't want them on my shoes. If they weren't wet and slimy though, I wouldn't deliberately aim for them...but I wouldn't care about how many get crushed beneath my feet either. They're just bugs.

I think it's fun to step on humans. So what?

It's not sadism or being a psychopath. It's just habit or boredom when I'm sitting with buddies from planet "Zeta Gamma Eximon" and having a picnic with my kinky alien three headed girlfriend and I see the humans flying on their spaceships around my sneakers (annoying). Or when I'm playing "beat-em-humans" with my friends and I slowly stomp a human with one cleat to see how many I can crush at once. I don't do it for any particular reason... I just get a kick out of it. It's like asking someone why they kick an asteroid with their neutron laser, when they can just as easily not.

Why should I care about the lives of little humans that just fly around and buzz and complain and stuff? As far as I care, I'm a higher and much huger life form, so my temporary amusement is more important to me than their tiny little lives. If the last thing the bastards get to see over their heads are the bottom of my giant, stinking feet about to crunch their puny little selves into jelly because I think it's funny, then tough luck for them. It's survival of the biggest.

Thrylix, you make me sick..
How old are you anyway ?

where have you been?! This thread just screams for your attention. First thing I thought when I read the first post, is "Oh, I can't wait til Enmos reads that" ;)

Yeah, I don't understand killing for no purpose.