i need to ask a Christian a question

Yes, but this is a site which also teaches that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene... I think I prefer some outside source.

This is one of those loony sites:
We teach that Yeshu was married to Miryai (Mary Magdalene).

We teach that Yeshu was not of the Jewish faith, nor was he circumcised.

We teach that Yeshu rejected the Torah as fiction, as did all Nazoreans.

We teach that Yeshu may have travelled to India.

We teach that Yeshu was probably raised in Wadi Essiah Canyon on Mt Carmel.

We teach that Yeshu probably worshipped both God and Goddess in the Temple in Wadi Essiah in northern Israel.

We teach that Yeshu had an earthly father and was conceived naturally.

We teach that Yeshu was a vegan.

We teach that Yeshu taught Nazirutha, the Nazorean system of enlightenment.

We teach that Yeshu was not resurrected physically, but spiritually in a Paranirvana.

We teach that Yeshu is the Savior by light, not by blood.​
This is so flagrantly opposed to the gospels as to be laughable. I see now why you despise Paul so much. The Paulenes and the Essenes were always enemies.
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David F. said:
Sorry, I thought you were just being amusing again.

That's a rather long post, some of which is just saying "I don't believe you - so there" to my earlier comments. To those I already answered, there didn't seem to be any response necessary since I didn't want to spend the energy to argue (did not/did so/did not/did so/did...there is really very little point).

Some of your comments seemed to be arguing whether Moses actually wrote the end of Deuteronomy... obviously not, nor do I see any claim that he did. I can't even be sure that Moses wrote anything with his own hand - he might have had a scribe (Joshua?) I simply don't know, nor does it change anything one way or the other. It makes no difference, it is not a contradiction, and is not worth arguing about.

What specifically would you like for me to answer?

Edit: Oh, I see you asked me who the father-in-law of Moses was (one answer). The answer is Jethro. No doubt you will quote:
Judges 4:11
Now Heber the Kenite, which was of the children of Hobab the father in law of Moses, had severed himself from the Kenites, and pitched his tent unto the plain of Zaanaim, which is by Kedesh.​
This scripture is talking about Hobab. The actual Hebrew is:W-Cheber ha-Qeeyniy nipraad mi-Qayin mibneey Chobaab choteen Mosheh... Notice the word Chobaab which is translated as Hobab. Notice the name Mosheh which is translated as Moses. Notice the word in between the two names - choteen, which means In-Law. Try to find the word for Father - Abba. You don't see it do you? There is no father-in-law here. The translation literally says ...children of Hobab the in-law of Moses.... If you would like to look at the verse yourself, you can go here and click on each of the words themselves to see them in Hebrew. You will of course notice that there is no link on the word father because, as you can see above, it is not really there.
SouthStar, there are a few translation errors in the English version of the bible. With a job this big, with this many books to translate all at once (the bible is not one book but a compilation of books), it would be incredible if there were not a few errors. The problem is that each one of these errors, like the one shown here, seem to create what appear to be inconsistencies in the bible. Most, but not all, can be shown to be simple errors in translation like this one. The rest can be shown to be misunderstanding in the verses themselves.

SouthStar, you have believed a lie - and you want to go on believing that lie because to go back to Christianity would be too much of a blow to your pride - to have to admit you were deceived. Well get over it! You have been lied to and you bought it hook, line and sinker! There are NOT big contradictions in the bible and there are NOT big holes in the teachings of Jesus and his apostles. Yes, others have been deceived before you and have brought paganism into the church - but it is your job to reject the pagan/false teachings and retain the truth (something like "don't throw the baby out with the bath water").

I have shown you how pinpoint accuracy and going back to the source, completely eliminates any contradiction in this scripture. You are continuing to try to manufacture some fictitious, childish excuse because you are now embarrassed about bring up this so-called contradiction in the first place. You should be embarrassed, this was a really easy one to solve.

It is not my job to bring you back or preach at you - I frankly don't care - it's your butt, you save it. What I will continue to do is point out the inaccuracy of ridiculous assertions that the bible is false. (I am not saying that modern Christianity is true - but that the bible, and my Jesus, are true.) I will continue to show that the bible is consistent and true - something like shining the light into dark places...
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David F.: Yes, but this is a site which also teaches that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene... I think I prefer some outside source.
M*W: You're probably right on this one. I didn't look at the whole site. However, I also haven't researched most of these allegations.

We teach that Yeshu was married to Miryai (Mary Magdalene).
M*W: Okay, I agree with that.
We teach that Yeshu was not of the Jewish faith, nor was he circumcised.
M*W: I disagree.
We teach that Yeshu rejected the Torah as fiction, as did all Nazoreans.
M*W: I disagree.
We teach that Yeshu may have travelled to India.
M*W: I've read this, but I don't know.
We teach that Yeshu was probably raised in Wadi Essiah Canyon on Mt Carmel.
M*W: I don't know.
We teach that Yeshu probably worshipped both God and Goddess in the Temple in Wadi Essiah in northern Israel.
M*W: I've read this, but I don't know about the location. Jesus and MM were archetypes for the married Brother-Sister + God-Goddess figures in ancient (pre-Jewish - Early Egyptian) rituals.
We teach that Yeshu had an earthly father and was conceived naturally.
M*W: I have read this, and tend to believe it, and it has been written that his biological father was a Roman centurion named Panthera (strangly, wouldn't this name mean "many gods?, i.e. Pagan?").
We teach that Yeshu was a vegan.
M*W: No, I don't believe this.
We teach that Yeshu taught Nazirutha, the Nazorean system of enlightenment.
M*W: I've read this, but I've never read anything about "Nazirutha." I do believe he taught enlightenment to the Jews (or tried to).
We teach that Yeshu was not resurrected physically, but spiritually in a Paranirvana.
M*W: I believe Jesus was neither crucified nor resurrected, but he did try to teach the Jews about spiritual and physical balance in humanity (Body-Mind-Spiritual enlightenment, and that is probably where the concept of Trinity came from).
We teach that Yeshu is the Savior by light, not by blood.
M*W: I believe Jesus tried to help the Jews find the 'light' within. No blood shed was needed.
David F.: This is so flagrantly opposed to the gospels as to be laughable. I see now why you despise Paul so much. The Paulenes and the Essenes were always enemies.
M*W: I'm not surprised. I've read a lot about the Essenes, and they taught enlightenment and had many purification rituals, including sexual rituals and drinking bodily fluids for purification (to become enlightened or 'whole').
HEHEHE.... God rules heaven and hell... lucifer, prince of darkness... God is the King of Darkness.... that cracks me up

lol, just messin... but seriously think of that =\
M*W: I'm not surprised. I've read a lot about the Essenes, and they taught enlightenment and had many purification rituals, including sexual rituals and drinking bodily fluids for purification (to become enlightened or 'whole').

Out of curiosity, what does drinking bodily fluids do to make you enlightened or whole? And shouldn't sexual rituals actually do the opposite of purifying you?

I know you are probably going to make some crack at communion, but that is really more of a ritual representing what Christ did for us - and wine and bread are not bodily fluids, despite what the Catholics say.

Love of Christ
Truth51: Out of curiosity, what does drinking bodily fluids do to make you enlightened or whole? And shouldn't sexual rituals actually do the opposite of purifying you?
M*W: The Essenes used this as a ritual of purification. It involved both men and women. At the time, it wasn't viewed as anything sexual I would imagine. I've detailed this practice in earlier posts, if you want to look for it.
Truth51: I know you are probably going to make some crack at communion, but that is really more of a ritual representing what Christ did for us - and wine and bread are not bodily fluids, despite what the Catholics say.
M*W: I don't think these ancient sexual rites necessarily represent communion, but that is a possible conclusion. The obvious rituals in christianity may stem from the ancient Essenes purification rites. Wasn't Jesus attributed to have said, "take this and eat this, for it is my body...," and "take this cup and drink from it, for it is my blood?" In my opinion, it was not merely bread and wine.
Medicine Woman said:
Truth51: Out of curiosity, what does drinking bodily fluids do to make you enlightened or whole? And shouldn't sexual rituals actually do the opposite of purifying you?
M*W: The Essenes used this as a ritual of purification. It involved both men and women. At the time, it wasn't viewed as anything sexual I would imagine. I've detailed this practice in earlier posts, if you want to look for it.
Truth51: I know you are probably going to make some crack at communion, but that is really more of a ritual representing what Christ did for us - and wine and bread are not bodily fluids, despite what the Catholics say.
M*W: I don't think these ancient sexual rites necessarily represent communion, but that is a possible conclusion. The obvious rituals in christianity may stem from the ancient Essenes purification rites. Wasn't Jesus attributed to have said, "take this and eat this, for it is my body...," and "take this cup and drink from it, for it is my blood?" In my opinion, it was not merely bread and wine.

It is my belief that Jesus was asking his followers to remember him. Jesus was to become the sin offering for man. Offering His body up for punishment in place of ours, having His blood poured out to seal the covenant for us, those are the things He wanted us to remember. The bread and the wine were supposed to be sweet reminders of the salvation that was to be man's for eternity. His crucified body and His blood on the ground were bitter bitter things, yet sweet Jesus did not utter a word against those who had condemned Him. Sweet Jesus prayed for men, prayed that His sacrifice was acceptable before God so that man might be found to be righteous through faith in His offering. God approved of Jesus' offering which was signified by His ressurection which was recorded by witnesses in the scriptures. This is Good News for those that believe. It basically means that all sins have been pardoned in Jesus' name. This goes for every being that ever lived if that being accepts the free gift from God. If the person does not accept Jesus' offering then that is a choice they make. The bread and wine were supposed to be living reminders of exactly what price was paid for salvation. It is very humbling to remember the price Jesus paid. To be honest I could be drinking blackcurrant juice and remembering Jesus' blood or eating a pop tart and remembering Jesus' crucified body, it is the act of remembering that is humbling. It is recognising Jesus' offering that is humbling and it has absolutely nothing to do with sexual purification through drinking bodily fluids.


David F. said:
SouthStar, there are a few translation errors in the English version of the bible. With a job this big, with this many books to translate all at once (the bible is not one book but a compilation of books), it would be incredible if there were not a few errors. The problem is that each one of these errors, like the one shown here, seem to create what appear to be inconsistencies in the bible. Most, but not all, can be shown to be simple errors in translation like this one. The rest can be shown to be misunderstanding in the verses themselves.

SouthStar, you have believed a lie - and you want to go on believing that lie because to go back to Christianity would be too much of a blow to your pride - to have to admit you were deceived. Well get over it! You have been lied to and you bought it hook, line and sinker! There are NOT big contradictions in the bible and there are NOT big holes in the teachings of Jesus and his apostles. Yes, others have been deceived before you and have brought paganism into the church - but it is your job to reject the pagan/false teachings and retain the truth (something like "don't throw the baby out with the bath water").

I have shown you how pinpoint accuracy and going back to the source, completely eliminates any contradiction in this scripture. You are continuing to try to manufacture some fictitious, childish excuse because you are now embarrassed about bring up this so-called contradiction in the first place. You should be embarrassed, this was a really easy one to solve.

It is not my job to bring you back or preach at you - I frankly don't care - it's your butt, you save it. What I will continue to do is point out the inaccuracy of ridiculous assertions that the bible is false. (I am not saying that modern Christianity is true - but that the bible, and my Jesus, are true.) I will continue to show that the bible is consistent and true - something like shining the light into dark places...

Thank you David F. for your response and sorry for my late reply. I am dismayed by your baseless accusations but will not respond as your assumptions about me are not pertinent to the discussion.

All you need to do to show "the bible is consistent and true" with regard to our topic on Moses is show that the original version did not include "father". That is all.
Time for my 2 cents:

Let say the atheist are right and christians are wrong. theres no God....
Us christians spent our life giving praise to a being that doesnt exist,.... we'd feel stupid but we didnt lose anything.
If the Cristains are right and the Atheist are are wrong and there is a God, well, what do they lose? a lot more than us.

I'm not a gambling man but to me it seems like your taking more of a gamble not beleiving.
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