I need some answers from Atheists...

Originally posted by TheVisitor
First of all, if you had been look for answers, instead of looking to find fault, ..............but what you wish is what you receive.
If you accept every idea, you will end up with a head full of shit that contradicts itself.

And The Serpents "seed" was not destroyed in the flood.

Yeah, you tried to tell me before that there was a second ark, but then backed down with a quick quote from the Bible.

Giants again reappeared shortly thereafter, and took over most of the Sinai, before Abraham's time.

The 'reappeared'? So you have 3 choices. They were on the ark, could hold there breath for a very long time, or God created them a second time. Then there is the question as to whether what you call 'giants' are really just really tall people who invaded the lands.

Noah, his wife....and his three sons and thier wives came over on the ark. 8 people, not 1.

Nobody said 1 person came over.

Ham, Noah's son showed the character of Cain, in his actions, and his son Cannan was cursed of God, because of his actions.
This was likely the source of the Serpent's "seed", after the flood.

So this has nothing to do with genetics then... unless Cannan is an illigitamit son. There goes you whole '2 races' thing.

The Giants were finnaly wiped out in King Davids time about 1000 B.C.. Mortal man today is just the right mixture of both.
This sets the scene for the greatest battle ever fought......

lmao. You take other things as methaphors, but stick to this giant idea to which we have no proof. I was some big skeletons, a reference to giants on a different continent (if they could hodl their breath through the flood surely the also ended up elsewhere). Why isn't this just really tall people?

If you want truth, just read the Bible.

What about the litle voice in your head? Most of the junk that comes out of your mouth is not from the Bible, and uses a poor interpretation of it.
snakelord said

The nephilim, (giants), spoken about by the Sumerians as Anunnaki, and referred to in the bible as 'the children of anak', (num 13:33), show no indication of being related to the serpent.

The hebrew word for giant/s today is Anak and Anakim.

Anunnaki means 'those who from heaven to earth came'
Nephilim means 'Those who fell down', 'the fallen ones'. In historical context it means 'Those who have fallen down from above'.

In both instances the nephilim/anunnaki were descended from the sky.

In the bible they arrived quite some time after the great flood, in sumerian they were already present during the flood.

So you see there's evidence to suggest the serpent and his 'seed' met their fate during the flood and nothing to suggest any of their 'seed' survived. As god himself said he destroyed everything- every creature, every animal on the ground, every bird in the air yada yada.

Thus i concur the serpent and the nephilim have absolutely no relation to each other.


You are getting close to seeing what I'm saying, snakelord,

It's amazing that "atheist's" have more revelation from God, without even knowing it...than so-called "christians" today.

Thats because the "christians" of the nominal or demonational church world today, have been deceived by believing a false interpretation of the word, and have taken the mark of the beast.

This" falseness' is noticed by those in the world and makes them "leary" of religion....that can be a good thing, because until you hear the truth, straight from the mouth of God, a child of God will not be deceived by these organization's, and not accept their false witness of the Word.

Some of these "atheist's" are not real unbelievers, they may be sons of God that just haven't heard the Words of eternal life yet, that will quicken and bring their soul to life.....

In the soul is a seed or germ of life that lies dormaint until it is quickened to life by the sun (The light, Illumination, The Word of God revealed in the fullness of It's power ond glory, the flesh of the Son of Man, Jesus Christ he gives us to eat) and rain (The Holy Spirit of God, in it's fullness, all 7 parts all 7 stars, 7 candlesticks, the Son of man in the midst of them, His blood He gives us to drink.....The life is in the Blood, His life, The Spirit of God from His Blood comes upon us).....
Then it begins to grow..... and in the end manifests that which it was from the beginning.
Faith, from God.
Or doubt, from Satan.

These organizations do not have the words to eternal life, and the bible's Words as "coated", or "QUOTED" by them has no effect.
By teaching for doctrine the comendments of men, they make the word of God of non-effect.

Now.....Satan and his angels are spirits.
They are what comes down.

The bodies were already here, they took up possession of an animal, so close to man (the serpent) they could cross, and mate with man and create a race with no physical difference eventually.
God allowed this to happen for the "testing" of the spirits in this day.
First the Serpent, and his offsring, the serpent's seed Cain, and His children, before the flood.
Then the giants after the flood, returned in the flesh through Ham and his wife's offspring......

Now the mixture is so complete the difference is only in the soul...
Faith or doubt.....in the revealed Word of God for your day, not the fables of another day, even the Words of God turned into fables.....

You see, they come down in this day to take those with the "mark of the beast".....it was the beast in the beginning, and the beast in the end.....today

Follow the "trail" of the serpent.

2 Timothy 4:4 - "And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables"

The truth is a living fire, alive and life-giving.....
they are trying to get warm next to a painted fire, a jesus of history...He is here now.

The word mixed with their creeds and traditions is dead, a lie is 99% truth and still a lie..... the closer to the truth, the more deceiveing it is......

The two spirits in the last days shall be so close it would deceive the very "elect" IF it were posible.

The spirits come down...are "cast out" in other words,. from heaven.

And heaven is also a dimension, not just the "the stars"....
The scriptures have a two-fold meaning....Literal and spiritual.

Satan and his angels are the spirits, who possess the sepent.....an animal, in the beginning, nothing more......
This explains the scriptures perfectly.
Today the difference is only in the soul.....
Faith or doubt...
The Sons of God, feed on the revealed Word of God for this day, the "flesh" of the Son of Man.
And drink of God's spirit....a type of the Blood of Jesus the Son of Man, the bloody Lamb that was slain.

They...the world who is deceived, either to worship the Image to the Beast...or Take the mark of the beast...

Receive blood to drink, as the blood of a dead man.
And the fouls of the air...(think "spiritually" here), eat of the flesh of men......They are deceived.
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The Visitor::: What Bible are you reading, exactly? You speak about the existence of Satan and his "angels" in reference to the Old Testament (the creation story, the temptation, and the fall of man).

Satan and his angels are the spirits, who possess the sepent.....an animal, in the beginning, nothing more......

You can't say this with the backing of the Bible. In fact, Satan in the Old Testament wasn't even evil. He was the "tempter" or the "accuser" as his name means in ancient Hebrew. Furthermore, there was no hell and no demons until the New Testament. The creation of an "Evil Satan" was only after exile to Babylon when the Ancient Hebrews were introduced to Zoroasterism (sp?), the religion of the people in that area. It was there that Jews began to incoorporate the duality of a good and bad guy. Before this, the Jewish faith was strictly monotheistic and the idea of "Satan" was definately dancing with polytheism.

Any ideas of the serpant being the Devil, or possessed by the devil, or one of his minions is interperetation based on ideas that werent even in existence at the time that these stories were written and long after they were said to have happened. So, in short, completely false. You have to look at these ancient stories in the way that they were meant to be read... you have to keep in mind the culture, ideas, and practices of this ancient people.

Anyway, if you want to be an enlightened Christians, learn more about the history of your own religion. I'll be happy to help.

Peace. :m: :bugeye:
Satan and his angels are "cast" out "heaven" in Rev. 12

yeah, ok... whatever. But that's a quote from the New Testament. Written centuries upon centuries before the creation story. So, it doesnt really apply. It was just a then-modern interperetation.

I said he was there in the serpent in the beginning

well, you can say that if you want, but the Bible doesnt.

he was the accusor of the brethren, even in Job's day....this is all scripture.

yeah, so? what are you trying to say? He wasn't evil then. He was an accuser... like a District Attorney.
originaly posted by socialist prophet
The Visitor::: What Bible are you reading, exactly? You speak about the existence of Satan and his "angels" in reference to the Old Testament (the creation story, the temptation, and the fall of man).
Satan and his angels are the spirits, who possess the sepent.....an animal, in the beginning, nothing more......
you can't say this with the backing of the Bible. In fact, Satan in the Old Testament wasn't even evil. He was the "tempter" or the "accuser" as his name means in ancient Hebrew.


Satan is a tool in the hand of God, did I use the word "evil" when I explained the begining with Satan possessing the serpent...
You be the judge then....

He did "beguile" Eve to turn away from God.
He did mis-quote the scriptures.
He did deceive 2/3 of the angels...
He was there when God in the beginning, created Adam.
He was the "designer" of Eve, while Adam slept.
He was in the Serpent, to beguile Eve, who not being in the original creation "could" be deceived. Adam could not.
He seduced Eve, a child of God, and molested her in her innocence
He was the father of Cain, there with Abel, of God.
He stood against God, in Moses, with Korah and his gainsayings, and with Baalam.
He was with Jesus, in Judas..his son.
He deveived the first church left Pauls teachings, by the "deeds" of the nicolatians"

2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ

He is deceiveing all people today,... all the religions, and unbelievers alike.
"if you chose not to believe, you still have made a choise"
He has deceived the entire world, including the"nominal" churches of "christians" today.
He is witheld by the "restainer" Jesus Christ, in His Bride today, the Sons and Daughters of God.
Only Jesus Christ has withstood his every effort.
He comes again today to be manifested in His Bride, the Sons and Daughters of God.....they will do the same as He did them, now.

Lucifer was created perfect untill INIQUITY was found in him.
He desired a kingdom, more beautiful than Michaels.
Said in his heart "I will assend up"
To sit as God and be worshiped as God by all the peoples of the earth, and he has acomplished this in the people of earth,(but...not the people of heaven, not today...He is being cast down as I speak).
Lucifer was "created"....remember that fact.
He is a creation.
The sons of God have more power and authority than the angels...
We are a part of the Eternal One...Elohim.
We are a part of God's own life, and that is not a creation.
We alway were, are, and always will be. This is why we recognize the Word. We are the Word.....from a seed that grows within us.
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A) I'm not an athiest.

B) Your post was pointless really. It is all personal speculation and heresay. There is not one iota of evidence to back up your claims. There is absolutetly nothing to suggest satan or any of his dominions was present in those times. I concur fully with socialistprophet. There is nothing to suggest the serpent was 'possessed'. There is nothing to suggest the nephilim were evil.

You base all your groundless opinions on nothing but total personal speculation and heresay. I will even consider you've never actually read the bible. You expect any credibility whatsoever when you have absolutely NOTHING to back up your claims? Even god himself doesn't seem to agree with your bold but pointless assumptions.

2 Timothy 4:4 - "And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables"

The bible was majorly derived from stories handed down dating back to the sumerians. What's to suggest by that very sentence that your bible isn't the fable?
Snakelord said:
A) I'm not an athiest.
Never said you were

B) Your post was pointless really.
It made the point quite well.....so well, you can point to no specifics were I'm wrong

It is all personal speculation and heresay.
My "speculation" is from a vindicated source, The Son of Man ...Jesus Christ, Himself.... here as promised.
This is not my ideas, nor those passed down from another to me...as heresay.

There is not one iota of evidence to back up your claims.
Yes there is, Jesus has not left this generation without evidence with which to prosecute them with. They have been indited formally by the Word of God...here on earth.
The evidence God has, speaks for itself.
The Queen of Sheba will rise in judgment against this generation, for she belived the testimony of Solomon.
The wisest man that had ever lived born of a women to at that time...
And I say, a greater than Solomon is here.

There is absolutetly nothing to suggest satan or any of his dominions was present in those times.
Gen. 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?...vs 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

Matthew 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. 2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. 3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Same tempter.....

Look at these two....
Romans 16:20 - And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Gen 3:14 - And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Revelation 20:2 - And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

Matthew 16:23 - But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men....(He could even work through Peter, for we are flesh also)

Matthew 23:33 - Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

this is only the surface of the revelation.

I concur fully with socialistprophet.
That's too bad.

There is nothing to suggest the serpent was 'possessed'.
I covered that, completely and there was so much evidence I had to just stop typing
Jesus was the first begotton of MANY BRETHREN.
You are contending with one now.
The promise: He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

There is nothing to suggest the nephilim were evil.
They were the giants....possessed of Satan and his angels.
Here's a type.....
"Oh, isn't he beautiful, great big tall fellow." That's the same thing maybe Eve thought. She brought a hybrid child, and the hybrid child was Cain; and through Cain come giants. It's always been the cursed of the Lord: hybrid.
Eve is a type of the church today, as in a scripture quoted above...
She mixes the Word of God with the words of man.,
A Harlot "spiritually"..... It's a hybrid religion.

I will even consider you've never actually read the bible.
Consider away...

You expect any credibility whatsoever when you have absolutely NOTHING to back up your claims?
We've covered that above......

Even god himself doesn't seem to agree with your bold but pointless assumptions
God revealed this to me, but as you say, it seems to you.....
"There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the ends thereof are death.

Point for point, in your own style of battle.....you have been defeated, ....by The Word of God, quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
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The sciforums information minister:

Originally posted by TheVisitor
[BPoint for point, in your own style of battle.....you have been defeated

That's rich. OMFG, is that rich. This guy hasn't made ONE even remotely plausible or feasible point since he's started posting here, yet this is claim. Reminds me of a certain guy in Iraq. :rolleyes:

TheVisitor, I know you mean well... but you're mentally ill and sadly out of touch with reality. You have not defeated anyone except for maybe having made some people really really frustrated by banging their head against your invisible neo-biblical forcefeild of circular logic and refutations of all that is reasonable.
Never said you were

Never said you said i was. I just felt like clarifying the issue before someone assumed i was. *Yawn*

It made the point quite well.....so well, you can point to no specifics were I'm wrong

The whole thing is groundless. I have no need to quote from your previous post as you have said all the same shit in this one.. Let's analyse...

My "speculation" is from a vindicated source, The Son of Man ...Jesus Christ, Himself.... here as promised.
This is not my ideas, nor those passed down from another to me...as heresay.

That's unfounded speculation, and is actually quite irrelevant to discussion. Let's stay at the beginning of the bible where the serpent, in your words, seduced eve. What Jesus decided to preach a huge time later is not of relevance here.

Yes there is, Jesus has not left this generation without evidence with which to prosecute them with. They have been indited formally by the Word of God...here on earth.
The evidence God has, speaks for itself.
The Queen of Sheba will rise in judgment against this generation, for she belived the testimony of Solomon.
The wisest man that had ever lived born of a women to at that time...
And I say, a greater than Solomon is here.

Aha, yes yes, yawn, snore, belch. What has the queen of sheba, solomon, or anyone else got to do with the serpent in the garden of eden, the nephilim or anything we were actually discussing? Answer=fuck all. Nice little paragraph from you, but it was pointless.

There is absolutetly nothing to suggest satan or any of his dominions was present in those times.

That's what i said.....

Gen. 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?...vs 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die

O.....k. Now where in that small paragraph i've read countless times does it mention satan or any dominions of satan? If you read it you'll see it mentions a serpent who questioned Eve. He didn't say: Go and eat the apple, he questioned what god had said. There's no reason for a serpent to do otherwise. At that time it is shown there was no knowledge of good and evil UNTIL they had eaten from the tree of knowledge of good and evil thus what the serpent did was not through evil thought but through questioning. The serpent is the first to show signs of wanting to learn- call him the worlds first agnostic. However either way you look at it he could not have known the difference between good and evil and thus is innocent of the crime accused. If he had knowledge of good and evil then the sole person responsible for his actions is god who created him and put him there with eve. Satan has no basis, no mention and no apparent existence here. The only mention is of the lord god who created the serpent and put him in the garden of eden. We can acknowledge adam and eve had no understanding of good or evil and thus wouldn't have considered the serpent as being evil, if he was, because they had no knowledge of good or evil. Understand yet? Because they had no knowledge of good or evil they listened to the serpent of evil, created by god that's supposed to be all good- but of course they wouldnt have known god was good, or for that matter any better than the serpent seeings as they could not distinguish good from evil so why wouldn't they listen to the serpent- that is in fact a serpent and nowhere in this text does it say the serpent was evil, was satan, was nephilim or even related to any of them. *deep breath * The fact remains from YOUR word of god that the serpent, eve, adam and the rest of us are innocent of any crimes accused. The fact remains there is nothing of substance to suggest any evil doing, any activity of satan within the garden of eden or anything along those lines. GOD made the serpent. GOD made the serpent 'more subtil than any yada yada'. GOD gave the serpent the ability of speech. Either the serpent DID know good from evil or he didnt. Either way we can safely say Eve did NOT know good from evil until she had eaten the apple, (whatever). As she didn't know good from evil how could she distinguish between the good of god and the evil of the serpent? The answer is= She couldn't. If god gave her the knowledge of good and evil she would have smacked the serpent round the head and done with it. You have NO basis whatsoever to claim the serpent was evil or that he was directly or indirectly related to, or was in fact, satan.

Matthew 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. 2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. 3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Same tempter.....

This bears absolutely NO relevance to the garden of eden or the serpent, end of story.

Romans 16:20 - And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

OMG that's amazing....... Now let me tell you what relevance that has to the serpent in the garden of eden.............. NOTHING! It is an intresting passage though in that it says: God of peace. Is that to suggest there are other gods as has been believed since day 1? Why say 'the god of peace'? Why not just say: 'God will bruise satan yada yada'? But that's about as off topic as your replies so i'll stop my line of questioning.

Gen 3:14 - And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Ok..... now in this paragraph show me where it states the serpent is evil, is satan or a worker of satan. God got pissed at the serpent because he opened mans eyes to know god was good and the serpent was evil. As such by that token the serpent did god a favour. If he didn't get eve to eat the apple mankind wouldn't hold god as being all good and not evil because they wouldn't know the difference. As such if satan then came up and said: "Come with me" there would be nothing stopping humans from doing so. It is the very reason she ate that apple that we can tell god is good and satan is evil. if it weren't for the serpent we wouldn't have the slightest clue and jesus would have just been labelled as a babbling fool. God punished the serpent for his help, punished eve for a betrayal she would have had no knowledge of and punished adam. He also cursed the ground- like the ground was involved in the whole affair.. :bugeye:

However to remain in line with this debate nowhere in any of your pointless quotes so far is there any mention of evil or of satan.

2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

SHOULD be corrupted? Either way, and to remain on topic: This passage has absolutely squat to do with the serpent. It says the serpent beguiled eve but it doesn't mention evil or satan.

Revelation 20:2 - And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years

Is it a dragon or a serpent? Either way he 'bound the devil' for a thousand years so i guess the devil aint so powerful after all. I'm sure eve could have also bound the serpent for 1000 years but she had no knowledge of good or evil UNTIL she had eaten the apple by which time it was too late. She was condemned and the serpent was dealt with. Of course there's nothing to suggest the word serpent here bears any resemblence to the serpent in eden- unless of course there's only ever been one serpent in existence. Ask god i guess- he made it/them and place it/them where he wanted to.

Matthew 16:23 - But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men....(He could even work through Peter, for we are flesh also)

Again, has bugger all to do with the serpent, eden, nephilim or anything we were discussing. You're off on a world of your own heh.

Matthew 23:33 - Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

Aha.... and the relevance to our discussion is what exactly? Matthew's having a bitch. Bears no relevance to the garden of eden, nephilim or the original serpent. I will read the rest of this passage on my journey and add more later.

I concur fully with socialistprophet.
That's to bad.

Why's that? Get pissed off when someone disagrees with you?

I covered that, completely and there was so much evidence I had to just stop typing, plenty more where that came from too.

Oh, you typed alright, but i think it belonged on a different thread. The fact is you didn't cover anything. You grabbed any old unrelated sentence and tried to show....... a point. You failed.

You better stay out of the bible

You better start reading it.

trying to twist God's Word, when a Son of God is present. I'm not the only one....we'll be "around".

Awww, in the same nature as your big daddy you resort to pathetic and highly questionable threats. The facts remain you grab any old word, any old sentence and apply it to things completely unrelated. Who twists the word of god? Now i offer the Visitor version of the bible:

Gen 3:15 you

Judges 6:31 are

Luke 6:39 blind

We are the Word. I and my Father are One.
My doctrine is not mine own, but Him that sent me.
Jesus was the first begotton of MANY BRETHREN.
You are contending with one now.
The Word of God, is our domain.....

You're a pompous twit. Your braincell is one, dunno about you and god.

There is nothing to suggest the nephilim were evil.
Oh, isn't he beautiful, great big tall fellow." That's the same thing maybe Eve thought. She brought a hybrid child, and the hybrid child was Cain; and through Cain come giants. It's always been the cursed of the Lord: hybrid.
Eve is a type of the church today, as in a scripture quoted above...
Stay away from it: hybrid religion. Don't mix it.

Through this there's still nothing of worth to suggest the nephilim were evil. You fail to make any substantial point. As for hybrid always being cursed of the lord i would state the answer is quite simple: Dont put a serpent in the garden of eden. Especially when mankind has no understanding of good or evil. Seems both you and god are stupid. Once again i am forced to state none of your above bears any relevance to topic of discussion.

I will even consider you've never actually read the bible.
Consider away...

Ok you might have read it, but in the style i depicted above. Any word, any sentence, any paragraph. Rolling dice with gods words is, in your own opinion, a bad thing to do. Read it or don't read it- do not just read whatever you want and use it in arguments completely unrelated.

We've covered that above......

You haven't covered shit. All you've done is made pointless comments relevant to nothing.

God revealed this to me, but as you say, it seems to you.....
"There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the ends thereof are death.

God could be slapping you for the next millennium to reveal anything to you. Your brain is a cross between fort knox and a toilet pipe- Nothing gets in, only shit comes out.

Not to mention i will be bold enough to assume you are a man? As such what you're doing may 'seemeth right, but ends in death.'

Is that to say you're wrong? Or that particular sentence picked from a hat applies to everyone but you?

Point for point, in your own style of battle.....you have been defeated

You couldn't defeat a pregnant, brain damaged sea slug with leprosy. Once you realise what the topic of discussion is then we'll talk. Of course feel free to waffle shit for the next millennium but expect nothing other than laughter aimed your way. You claim this is a battle.... Stop firing blanks.

....by The Word of God, quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Awww how sweet. It still has no relevance here.
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except for maybe having made some people really really frustrated by banging their head against your invisible neo-biblical forcefeild of circular logic and refutations of all that is reasonable


Well, I'm going to take that as a compliment....thank you

I kinda like this part......."Banging their head against your invisible neo-biblical forcefeild of circular logic and refutations"
quote: from snakelord
There is absolutetly nothing to suggest satan or any of his dominions was present in those times.

Gen. 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?...vs 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die
O.....k. Now where in that small paragraph i've read countless times does it mention satan or any dominions of satan


You only copied one scripture, you need them all to see the picture....the whole bible is the revelelation of Jesus Christ.


Now refute this.....

Gen. 3:1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?...vs 4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

Matthew 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. 2 And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungred. 3 And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. 4 But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Same tempter.....

Look at these two....
Romans 16:20 - And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.

Gen 3:14 - And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: 15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

2 Corinthians 11:3 - But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.

Revelation 20:2 - And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,

Matthew 16:23 - But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men....(He could even work through Peter, for we are flesh also)

Matthew 23:33 - Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?

Whatmakes you think you can dismiss scripture because it was written years after the fact....God's word stand true "outside" of time.
It IS God...and He alway was, is and shall be...
Prophetic revelation is how God wrote the scriptures....
All of them not just the first ones....
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Lol man can you read and understand english? There's little point pasting the same old garbage a third time round. I have already given my analysis of the situation. Either read it and refute the points raised or dont. Posting something we've all seen spewed from your mouth countless times does nothing to progress the issues.

Now refute this.....

I already have. Now go and refute my refute.

You only copied one scripture, you need them all to see the picture....the whole bible is the revelelation of Jesus Christ.

I cpoied everything YOU wrote. You claimed it's absolute truth and the word of god yada yada yada. I did not add to or take away from what you wrote. In the context of discussion i said it was pointless text grabbed from any page you deemed fit. Go back, read my last post and make comments on it. This is not groundhog day and as such i feel no need to go round and round in circles posting exactly the same text.
Thats what I thought, you have no answer for the truth....

Im not quite pompous and self righteous enough to assume, or even boldly state, i do know the truth.

Now, you gonna be man enough to debate over my post or just sit there being a fool?
there are a lot of reasons for not believing in God, not the least of which is that there is no evidence for his existence. But you cannot prove the non-existence of God. There is no test you can perform to do this. You can only fail to disprove the non-existence of God. That's the scientific method.
All you've done is restate your opinion that it cannot be proven. You have not said why you think it cannot be proven. Things can be proven not to exist through sheer logic. There are no square circles. It's not too hard to show that this statement is a true universal negative, because of the definition of a circle and a square. So it's entirely possible we can prove the non-existance of god as well.

The only way I can see for God to retain being all-powerful in this arguement is to suppose he can make the rock but chooses not to because as soon as he does he no longer remains all-powerful.
Actually, there's really no way out of it. It doesn't matter what god would choose, the point is he cannot do it.
If you want truth, just read the Bible.
It has been repeatedly proven the bible is flawed. Open your eyes.

I said,
The only way I can see for God to retain being all-powerful in this arguement is to suppose he can make the rock but chooses not to because as soon as he does he no longer remains all-powerful.

You said,

Actually, there's really no way out of it. It doesn't matter what god would choose, the point is he cannot do it.

I suppose what your saying then is that you disagree that any being can be all-powerful then? If an all powerful being cannot make the rock than there is something he cannot do and therefore not all-powerful.

It a very interesting puzzle the more I think about it. It's like you said before about square circles. If an all-powerful being exists he should also be able to create square circles, but we know this to be illogical. Could such a being choose to create square circles but choose not to?

Again I have to assume he chooses not to. Or perhaps such a being does not exist.
Originally posted by Alpha
All you've done is restate your opinion that it cannot be proven. You have not said why you think it cannot be proven. Things can be proven not to exist through sheer logic. There are no square circles. It's not too hard to show that this statement is a true universal negative, because of the definition of a circle and a square. So it's entirely possible we can prove the non-existance of god as well.
The statement that there is no God is impossible to prove because it is an assertion that, if true, cannot be tested in a finite amount of time (i.e., assuming we knew exactly what to look for and had the ability to find it, we could not look in every part of the universe). Therefore we can't be absolutely certain that God does not exist. We can only infer this because there is no evidence to indicate that he does.

As for logic, I agree that certain definitions of God (such an omnipotent being) are not logical and those versions are not likely to exist. But this does not rule out other definitions of God that can be described logically. Also, who is to say that only things that are logical can exist? Logic is one of the best tools we have to determine truth. But this is only from our limited human perspective. Who is to say that something that is not logical cannot exist? Take, for example, the particle-wave duality of light. Is it logical to say that light is both a wave and a particle? Even if you believe it is logical to say this, the universe is still under no obligation to make sense to us.
The statement that there is no God is impossible to prove because it is an assertion that, if true, cannot be tested in a finite amount of time (i.e., assuming we knew exactly what to look for and had the ability to find it, we could not look in every part of the universe). Therefore we can't be absolutely certain that God does not exist. We can only infer this because there is no evidence to indicate that he does.
This is a logical fallacy. The claim that omniscience is needed to prove a universal negative presumes that the concept which we are discussing is logically coherent. If the attributes which we assign to a hypothetical object or being are self-contradictory, then we can conclude that it cannot exist, and therefore does not exist. I do not need a complete knowledge of the universe to prove that cubic spheres do not exist. Such objects have mutually-exclusive attributes which make their existence impossible. A cube, by definition, has 8 corners, while a sphere, by definition has none.
As for logic, I agree that certain definitions of God (such an omnipotent being) are not logical and those versions are not likely to exist.
Not likely? Impossible actually.
Also, who is to say that only things that are logical can exist? Logic is one of the best tools we have to determine truth. But this is only from our limited human perspective. Who is to say that something that is not logical cannot exist? Take, for example, the particle-wave duality of light. Is it logical to say that light is both a wave and a particle? Even if you believe it is logical to say this, the universe is still under no obligation to make sense to us.
The universe doesn't have to make sense to us, but it does have to make sense. ;) In other words, it must be coherent and consistent with itself, whether we understand it or not. Logic is like a theoretical framework for finding truth. It works, there's no substitute, no better 'theory'. We say something logical cannot exist because logic is self consistent and coherent (as far as we know), which mirrors reality. Something in reality may appear to contradict our logic, but that's because our logic is flawed, or we had incomplete or innaccurate information, or started with faulty assumptions. There are no contradictions (paradoxes) in reality. So if something is logically inconsistent or incoherent, it cannot exist, just like in reality. Any 'subsititute theory' must explain the success of logic in order to replace it.