I need some answers from Atheists...

TheVisitor, Holy Crap,
You really need to stop throwing inane babble at us and type to us as if we weren't born with a bible shoved up our asses.

And if you're going to quote the bible (as stupid as that is) give us the common courtesy of explaining what you quote, b/c it is one of the worst written pieces of crap I have ever read. And it is important that we have your understanding/translation of the texts, b/c that damn thing is so vague.

Some people are left to suffer, when they seem to be the best people and God could just take it away from them.
Those people may be the best ....because of the suffering God has alowed them to go through in some cases, others we just can't expain why.

Resistance makes us stronger, suffering helps define who we are....there seems to be in place a law of "opposites" as we were just discusing.
Whats seem good, is really bad for us...sugar, sweets.....ect..
And visa versa.....No pain no gain.
The rich man in hell was told...you had your good things in this life, and Lazarus was left to suffer, now he has his reward, and you have yours.....

Opposition makes us stronger, adversity is our teacher, and God is giving His people a "crash course" in this the last days.
We are to be brought into His image and He knows what we have need of.
"It's the spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing."

Heb:5:8..."Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered"

The greater the adversary the greater the God in you has to have pre-eminance to overcome .
Satan is a good adversary, God knew what we had need of, to get us where we need to be.
When the enemy comes in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord raises up a standard against it.
We must put on the whole armor of God

Ephesians 6:13 - Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

This is that "evil day" spoke of to come...
Everyone but the elect in this day will be decived.

Rev. 3:21 "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne. "
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Fine. Resistance and opposition makes us stronger. What is the point of being stronger if it kills you?

Your explanation boils down to 'We can not understand the ways of God'. You just don't want to say it because you know someone will jump on you for it.
well said, persol!!! well said!!

the common answers of "we are too feeble to understand the ways of god" and "it's a matter of faith" are used to deny facts and dismiss well pointed questions. Bout time someone got called out for it!

Peace. :m: :bugeye:
Fine. Resistance and opposition makes us stronger. What is the point of being stronger if it kills you?

Your explanation boils down to 'We can not understand the ways of God'. You just don't want to say it because you know someone will jump on you for it.


Not at all...

We are expected to know the ways of God today....
It's a natural thing for the children to know their own fathers ways.....It's so simple a child could not err therein.....

A child of God, that is...the children of this world aren't meant to see it.....
He hids from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and is revealed unto babes such as are willing to learn.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.
s.p. said

well said, persol!!! well said!!

the common answers of "we are too feeble to understand the ways of god" and "it's a matter of faith" are used to deny facts and dismiss well pointed questions. Bout time someone got called out for it!


This was explained..........The rich man in hell was told...you had your good things in this life, and Lazarus was left to suffer, now he has his reward, and you have yours.....

I was being polite because I thought someone was refering to a loved one suffering.....

You mistook that for a sign of weakness, "certain" types aways see kindness and mercy as weakness.......
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Originally posted by TheVisitor
We are expected to know the ways of God today....
It's a natural thing for the children to know their own fathers ways.....It's so simple a child could not err therein.....

If you believe you understand all your father's motives you are clearly mistaken. Have you read his mind or are you just all-knowing?

A child of God, that is...the children of this world aren't meant to see it.....He hids from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and is revealed unto babes such as are willing to learn.

Ah, so you can't explain it, but claim to know it. Well I know the cure for cancer, but aren't allowed to tell you.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Or not. You may be able to argue that Christ's spirit is always the same, but Jesus obviously changed over time. (Unless of course he popped out of Mary fully grown, which would be exceptionaly cruel of God)

This was explained..........I was being polite because I thought someone was refering to a loved one suffering.....

He asked a question... you spit out the answer you 'think' he wants to hear. How is this being polite?

You mistook that for a sign of weakness, "certain" types aways see kindness and mercy as weakness.......

Thanks for the over generalization. It's actually just that "certain" types always say thing which are questionable, and "certain" oyher types point out the question, and then the orginal "certain" types decide they don't want to answer.

But I'm sure you are "certain" that you are right

But on a more serious note, let me ask you something?

What was it that got Jesus crucified......the life He lived?
The priests had more friuts of the spirit on display than He did....
He ran the money changers out in a fit of rage.

Was it the miracles he did?
The people followed Him for the fishes and loaves

What was it?....The Words he spoke.
"I and my father are one"....You make yourself God, they said...

My doctrine is not mine by my father's who sent.
The father is in me, and I in Him, and we are one....
He thought it not robery to be equal with God
They said He was a blasphemer, claiming to be one with God.

Same here, It's not my words you fight against, it His..
Not my truth it's His, Not my glory, it's His.....
"For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God"
"He was the first-born of many brethren"....

Romans 8:18 - For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Romans 8:17 - And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together
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Well thank you for completely changing the topic. Did you get bored or something?
Persol said
Well thank you for completely changing the topic. Did you get bored or something?


What was it?....The Words he spoke.
"I and my father are one"....You make yourself God, they said...
My doctrine is not mine by my father's who sent.
The father is in me, and I in Him, and we are one....
He thought it not robery to be equal with God
They said He was a blasphemer, claiming to be one with God.

Same here, It's not my words you fight against, it His..
Not my truth it's His, Not my glory, it's His.....
"For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God"
"He was the first-born of many brethren"....

It's a natural thing for the children to know their own fathers ways.....It's so simple a child could not err therein.....-cont.

If you believe you understand all your father's motives you are clearly mistaken. Have you read his mind or are you just all-knowing?

-cont.....a child of God, that is...the children of this world aren't meant to see it.....He hids from the eyes of the wise and prudent, and is revealed unto babes such as are willing to learn.

Ah, so you can't explain it, but claim to know it,
Well I know the cure for cancer, but aren't allowed to tell you.

I just said a child of God can explain it

Same topic (you aren't reading between the lines).....
And I can't just come out and say it.....I hope some out there see what I'm getting at in a round about way.
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The long answer

Originally posted by socialistprophet
I ask this only to be educated: i was under the impression that if there were absolutely nothing inside of something, than it would implode. Does this not apply to the vacuum? Or is the vacuum actually the "vessel" in which this nothingness is contained.
A vacuum is simply the absence of matter, any matter at all even gasses such as air. We can create vacuums on Earth by pumping all of the air out of a container. Outer space is also essentially a large vacuum because gravity has gathered pretty much all the matter into relatively small areas such as planets, stars and nebulas. Between these clumps of matter space is almost entirely empty.

Returning once again to Earth, to answer your question, Earth's atmosphere exerts a pressure upon everything on Earth. Normally, you would not observe much in the way of effects of this pressure... it's fairly constant and air gets into everything very easily so when you have an open aluminum can the air gets inside, so that the air pressure is the same on the inside as on the outside. However, if you have a closed can from which you pump out all of the air there is no pressure on the inside of the can. If the can is not strong enough the pressure outside will crush the can (the amount of force of air pressure at sea level is about 14.6 lbs per square inch). So to create a vacuum on Earth you must have a fairly strong container capable of resisting this pressure or it will be crushed.

The opposite is also true. If you take a container of air into outer space the air will exert pressure from the inside but there will be no pressure outside. The amount is far less than atmospheric pressure so probably not even an aluminum can would suffer any drastic effects but if you took, let's say, a balloon full of air into space it would expand and probably burst because of the air pressure inside.

As an interesting side note, atmospheric pressure is the reason why we can breathe the way we do. The space in our chests is a vacuum, atmospheric pressure pushes air into our lungs so they expand like balloons, filling the vacuum. When our diaphragm and chest muscles move they increase the amount of "empty" space in our chests. Atmospheric pressure then forces more air into our lungs to fill that space. The muscles contract forcing the air out again, and so on. This is why chest wounds are so dangerous; they let air leak into the chest cavity equalizing the pressure on both sides of the lung(s) the lung(s) then deflate, which is why it's called a collapsed lung.

Hope that helps. :)

Originally posted by TheVisitor
In the beginning God dwelled alone with His attributes. That's His thoughts. There was nothing, just God alone. But He had thoughts. Just like a great architect can set down in his mind, and draw out what he thinks he's going to create. He gets in his mind what he's going to do, and that's his thoughts; that's his desires.
A perfect and omniscient being would have no desires, no thoughts, and no reason to act.

A perfect and omniscient being would have no desires, no thoughts, and no reason to act.

Says who? Are you saying love is a byproduct of imperfection and ignorance?

A personal God (who would be able to create beings with personalities), would be able to experience emotion, thoughts and desires, not limited by doubt, fear or ignorance.
A perfect and omniscient being would have no desires, no thoughts, and no reason to act.


You do not descibe a Living God, The God of Heavens and Earth.
He alone is the God of gods, the King of kings, the LORD of lords.

You descibe an inanimate object, such as a stone or block of wood...
This was the god of heathens...from below.

The saints of God are perfect in His sight, though Jesus's cleansing blood.
The Sons of God are higher in power and authority than the angels.
They that are led of the Spirit of God, these are the Sons of God.
Eternal beings, outside of creation a part of God's own life
What, know you not,.the saints shall judge the angels..?

Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus..........
..that He thought it not robbery to be equal with God.
He was the first-born of many brethren.
He made us in His image.
When he appears, we shall be like Him...and He has.
Time shall be no more.

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of all wisdom"
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Originally posted by Jenyar
Says who? Are you saying love is a byproduct of imperfection and ignorance?
No but then before he created anything there was no one to love.

A personal God (who would be able to create beings with personalities), would be able to experience emotion, thoughts and desires, not limited by doubt, fear or ignorance.
But if you know everything there is nothing to think about and the suggestion that God has desires would indicate that he lacks for something.

No but then before he created anything there was no one to love.

God is complete and has complete love. The only way to put it in human terms is: God had his Son to love before we existed. He knew what love was.

But if you know everything there is nothing to think about and the suggestion that God has desires would indicate that he lacks for something.
Have you ever loved someone who did not return your love? It is not for the lack of your knowledge, effort or love that they fail to return it. It is their choice. God wants us to love. It is not for His lack of knowledge that we don't. As a matter of fact, He knows our shortcomings and weaknesses, which enables Him to understand us, and love us for who we are. This is much more than you can ask of any lover.
Originally posted by Jenyar

Have you ever loved someone who did not return your love? It is not for the lack of your knowledge, effort or love that they fail to return it. It is their choice. God wants us to love. It is not for His lack of knowledge that we don't. As a matter of fact, He knows our shortcomings and weaknesses, which enables Him to understand us, and love us for who we are. This is much more than you can ask of any lover. [/B]

If he knows our shortcommings and weaknesses then why does he send people to hell for them....eternally at that.

We should fear the Lord? I don't fear my God, why do you fear yours?Afriad of judgement? ridiculous. that's like being afraid of judging yourself.
the REAL story of adam and eve

god made EVE first.. and he gave her three breasts. after a while he visted her and asked how she loved the garden of eden. eve replied, well, it's lovely..but why 3 breasts. i think two would be more balanced and easier to handle. 'oh, said God, i have you 1/2 of what most mammals have..but you are right, i see that now." so god took one breast and threw it in the bushes.

later god asked eve..so how are things now in the garden? "it's beautiful, said eve, but i am lonely here." god answered, 'ok, i will make you a partner, now where did i throw that boob?'
as for 'fearing' god..

fear is from the lower primitive brain area, it bypasses our higher intellect. it is instinct in regards to danger.

so this fearing god..makes no sense.

fear is a mind killer..a happiness killer, a health killer, a people killer.