I AM an Astrologer!

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Well re. the youngest having to work harder. Your putting words into my mouth that I didnt say so maybe you should re-read the post. I merely suggest those kids are the exception because they are very intelligent. It runs in the family:)

Your merely proving an ignorance of astrology which is a qualititative science. However you cannot deny the proof of the pudding. In EVERY case the person who inspires through fiery rhetoric (for good or ill) MUST by definition be of a fiery element. This is written in stone.

No amount of scientific wriggling by a Dawkins or a lesser amateur from a forum can possibly disprove the FACTS.

He may complain about the ingredients or the way its made..but if the Pudding flies of the shelves then who has got the recipe correct?

I have seen things that you and your ilk will never truly understand, mainly because you are like the mimicking monkey trying to capsulate what the scientific world does.

For instance a person picks up a mobile phone and talks to someone on the other end, the mimicking monkey doesn't understand the science behind the phone or understand about the person on the other end but he will proceed to pickup the phone and chatter to his hearts content.

Astrology is much the same, While some were going about early astronomy there would have been those chattering monkeys just not getting it.
What's my credit card number?

Silly to show on the internet
Longer than 3 digits
Something Nigerian 419ers would love to have
Something that could be got through a couple of methods (none linked to Astrology)
What is it you don't happen to agree with - specifically rather than mere pompous airy dismissal so popular with arrogant sceptics.

Like Pr. Charles..I'm all ears!

You havent actually shown us anything... how could we disagree ?
Im with one_raven, ill volunteer too. Tell me what you need.
This whole astrology bit is nothing but hokum intended for the ignorant and the superstitious. It has much more in common with witchcraft and voodoo than with anything even close to being science.
First let set aside sunsign astrology. The fact is that it only came into vogue around 1920 in an effort to sell newpapers. The effect is negligible but apparent to a sharp eyed observer. Without a working knowledge of astrology it isn't apparent but nevertheless lets get it out of the way once and for all.

You'd agree that Canadians are slightly different in character than Americans. Even taking environmental factors out of the equation we'd perhaps expect the Americans to be a tad more extrovert and gung ho than the average Canadian. However its a huge generalisation and I am almost as likely to find an extrovert Canadian as I am an introverted American. Sunsigns work in the exactly the same way. The difference is too slight although an astute astrolger can turn it to favour. For example if someone says show me a Leo then I'd make sure that I;d make sure AS MANY PLANETS AS POSSIBLE are in Leo. I use the rapier truths of astrology to my advantage. In other words..I CHOOSE the ground to do battle on. As any good war leader would do. The cards are stacked in my favour.

This is only fair - I am by all accounts the underdog here. But by doing so I know I can defeat the scientist. In fact if the rather bumptious Dickie Dawkins came on her to argue the point I could swat him aside with some ease.

Why concentrate on the Elements.

Again the cards are stacked in my favour. I can use EXTREME examples. Famous people with a lot of Fire are Fiery and Inspirational...whereas in contrast people with lots of Water are more introverted and ruled by emotion.

The scientists dont like this. I've wrong footed them and they are out of their depth.

Oh but you can't use exetreme examples...thats cheating.

ROFL...in what way you poor dears!

I dont get how this explains the charts.
Shouldn't HE be able to give ME that?

I was born September 18th, 1971 at 7:46 PM in Passaic, NJ.
The youngest of 4 to a pair of Scorpios.

What's my credit card number?

I dunno. I've read dozens of astrology books and never seen anyone claim they could get credit cards numbers from people's charts. Perhaps you are responding to someone who did. They are then a bad representative of astrology.
This whole astrology bit is nothing but hokum intended for the ignorant and the superstitious. It has much more in common with witchcraft and voodoo than with anything even close to being science.

By what scientific method did you draw this conclusion?
I dunno. I've read dozens of astrology books and never seen anyone claim they could get credit cards numbers from people's charts. Perhaps you are responding to someone who did. They are then a bad representative of astrology.


Don't waste your time on me and my silly joke.
I am not one who has said it's hogwash.
Not only is the jury still out with me, I spent some time in this thread explaining how it could possibly "work".
For that claim, what other force besides gravity has the ability to reach the individual? And even that force is dismissed with even the barest understanding of physics.

He did address this issue. It is not a causal relationship. The baby and the planetary pattern are part of one pattern.
Not determined by, signified by.
I didn't say anything about being determined by these things.
Did you read my posts about fetus and child development at different times of the year?

One of the fundamental assumptions of science is that it is best to assume two things are DISconnected unless otherwise proven. The people you were arguing with are so used to this assumption they do not notice it and when it is pointed out, laugh and think it needs no justification. Other people who come from systems where CONNECTION is seen as fundamental are much more likely to notice and respect intuitive connections between things. The first group thinks in terms of Newtonian causation - see their arguements - rather than other kinds of correlations. Science has to some degree found - for example in QM - that the universe has non-local connections. But the trickle down of such ideas is very slow and most people look out at world they think is Newtonian. From this smug posture they view astrologers and shamans and others as naive.

They have no idea that they have a culture and a religion based on assumptions. They think that only other people have assumptions. this thread seems to be winding down into nothingness, but I appreciated your shot at opening some eyes at the beginning of the thread so I tossed this in.
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