I AM an Astrologer!

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Well there is Astrologgers, however thats pretty much Astronomy.

Admitted there is times where the planetry movement generates specific alignments that are all too important for certain men. Especially if they happen to be on a Mars mission since they wouldn't want to miss the planet.

But that I'm afraid is the only time that I can think of such alignments as being any real significance.
Coincidence does not necessarily imply causation - nevertheless, it does not necessarily imply randomness either.

Can you not accept the possibility that being born in a certain month of the year could affect your personality, disposition and inclinations?

That would be a possibility, if there were any reason to suggest such a thing.

Time of the year affects what food you eat - therefore what nutrients your mother was injesting when she was pregnant - not to mention that it could affect what food you will eat when you transition to food.

With the advent of huge supermarkets, we can eat pretty much the same thing year round, if we want.

But, if you're categorizing someone living in the US compared with someone living in Communist China, then there would be a difference in foods and possibly nutrients, although nutrients can be found in a variety of foods.

I suspect ones physical health might differ, which may lead to further mental complications. Is that what you meant?

The temprature outside could affect how much you were outdoors in the first few months in your life - which could affect how much sunlight you recieved and how much stimulation your brain recieved.
The height of the sun in the sky could also affect how much sunlight you recieve at critical times in your development.
Being indoors in cold weather could result in more close physical contact with parents during certain critical developmental periods.

Possibly, but those aren't the same effects as what Astrology claims; ie. the effect of planets, galaxies and stars great distances away. You're referring to effects of local temperatures, direct sunlight and physical contact with humans. Certainly, we should be able to make a clear distinction citing extreme differences when comparing?

The constellations in the sky signify different times of the year.
Just because Virgo is in a certain place in the sky on your birthday, doesn't imply the that the constellation affects you directly and personally in any way (though power of suggestion most certainly should not be ignored), however, being born in the beginning of the harvest season, and it being winter when you are ust a few months old, very well could.

Perhaps, but you would also agree there are millions of people who were born in that time of the year, with completely different personalities. In fact, I've met a number of people who have the same birthday as me, none were anything like me. Further, I actually met one person who was born on the same day and same year, and only a few hours earlier. We couldn't have been more different.

It would be hard pressed for most here to not have met others with the same birthdays. I'd like to hear their stories.

If Bill get's grumpy at 5:30 PM every day in rush hour traffic, that doesn't necessarily mean that the angle of the sun is making him grumpy, but you could time it that way, couldn't you?

It's not the time of day or the sun as to why Bill gets grumpy, it's the stress of getting home in rush hour traffic.
Here's one persons astrological forecast for someones birthday today born in 1980 created and chosen randomly from a google search. Can this be relevant to everyone living on the planet whose birthday is this day?

"By Mark Lerner for Astrology.com - Roll up your sleeves and get down to brass tacks. The Moon in earthy and meticulous Virgo places an emphasis on resolving health and dietary problems. Stock up on vitamins, fruit, veggies, seasonings, cereals, nuts and seeds. Consider using a juicer in order to maximize your absorption of trace minerals so vital to enhancing your immune system. Learn more about the benefit of medicinal herbs and advances in healing. As mentioned in yesterday's entry, maintain a cautionary disposition when it comes to romance due to an awkward, 150-degree link between Mars in Taurus and Juno in Libra (1:42AM PDT). Going overboard in any direction is not advised since the Sun makes an abrasive, 135-degree link to giant Jupiter (5:11AM PDT). It may be possible to transform this alignment into something more favorable - particularly in the realms of education, publishing and athletics. Nevertheless, actions based on pride and extreme egocentrism are bound to fail. Add a little humility to your multi-faceted personality. You have an excellent chance to increase productivity levels in your main fields of work today - courtesy of a Sun-Ceres 72-degree quintile pattern (11:16AM PDT). Be extra sensitive to maternal figures, elders and the disenfranchised. Enjoy a nature trek or visit to botanical gardens. Storm warnings are posted overnight due to another 150-degree association that tops the Mars-Juno bond from this morning: The Sun moves 150 degrees to distant Pluto tomorrow afternoon. While this Sun-Pluto interaction won't fully manifest until Thursday, its turbulent essence can infiltrate the psychic atmosphere this evening. Pushing people's buttons is not necessary. Express yourself in a kind-hearted manner. Board, card and word games are back in the spotlight."

Here's one persons astrological forecast for someones birthday today born in 1980 created and chosen randomly from a google search. Can this be relevant to everyone living on the planet whose birthday is this day?
No. An astrological map doesn't consider just the sun sign. Depending on the hour you were born, you have a certain ascending, which completelychanges your map. Just the hour alone changes the whole face of the map. Then there are the years. Each year would have a completely different picture of the constellation, given the same day. Then there are the position of the planets, and where they are on the map. You have to take into account first in which constellation the planet "is", then you have to take into account the "house" the planet is according to the ascent, and then you have to take into account the relationships between the planets. And you can also take into account the poles of the moon, the poles of the earth and finally asteroids! THEN, you have the bigger picture.

Whether astrology is correct or not, it is certainly extremely detailed!
No. An astrological map doesn't consider just the sun sign. Depending on the hour you were born, you have a certain ascending, which completelychanges your map. Just the hour alone changes the whole face of the map. Then there are the years. Each year would have a completely different picture of the constellation, given the same day. Then there are the position of the planets, and where they are on the map. You have to take into account first in which constellation the planet "is", then you have to take into account the "house" the planet is according to the ascent, and then you have to take into account the relationships between the planets. And you can also take into account the poles of the moon, the poles of the earth and finally asteroids! THEN, you have the bigger picture.

Whether astrology is correct or not, it is certainly extremely detailed!

Before we should "consider" anything that you refer, please do explain exactly how any of it can affect anyone? What have those objects have to do with us here, other than gravity?
Its a very old and detailed "science" in India, but I have never looked into the particulars.


Jyotiṣa (Sanskrit jyotiṣa, from jyótis- "light, heavenly body": also spelled Jyotish and Jyotisha in English) is the ancient Indian system of studying the movements of the heavenly bodies and divisions of time dependent thereon. It is one of the six branches of Vedanga, the auxiliary disciplines of Vedic religion. Jyotiṣa is also known as Indian astrology, Hindu astrology, and Vedic astrology.

The practice of Vedic astrology primarily relies on the visible or sidereal zodiac, which is different from the tropical zodiac used in Western astrology in that an ayanamsa adjustment is made for the gradual precession of the vernal equinox. The tropical zodiac is used in vedic astrology only predict the course of nature itself - as in weather, etc.

Philosophically, the Vedic system of astrology is one of the six disciplines of Vedanga. As such, Jyotish has historically been part of a continuous holistic approach to living and an integral practice emanating from this ancient spiritual tradition of India[citation needed]. Its purpose is to offer humanity a means to understand the role and expression of karma in individual and collective life
Its very easy to prove on a day to day level. I'm suggesting on my site and I think its self evident if you care to think deeply about it and use the most 'extreme' examples..hence..Sir Winston Churchill would be VERY inspiring..and so on..so its basic astrology in that Astrology at its simple level is split into 4 elements.

My premise is to be an 'inspiring' leader then you need to have more 'fiery' qualities than that of other elements. I use it for politicians for example..its difficult to be truly inspirational without some element of fire. I then take that premise and move it to extremes in a jocular way. I mean its just a hobby but a seriously studied hobby. I use it on my site and recieve the usual amount of interest mixed with scepticism. The more scepticism the better as far as I;m concerned.

The link is in the Smoking Room..so I'm quite libertarian.

Its very easy to prove on a day to day level.
Then do so.

I'm suggesting on my site and I think its self evident if you care to think deeply about it and use the most 'extreme' examples..hence..Sir Winston Churchill would be VERY inspiring..and so on..so its basic astrology in that Astrology at its simple level is split into 4 elements.
Astrology is about earth, air, fire and water?
Not the stars?

My premise is to be an 'inspiring' leader then you need to have more 'fiery' qualities than that of other elements. I use it for politicians for example..its difficult to be truly inspirational without some element of fire.
Of course, you'd have to show that "fire" as such exists...

The link is in the Smoking Room..so I'm quite libertarian.
Where in the smoking room?
Actually one_raven might have a point here. Seasonality is a major factor in quantitative differentiation. It might sometimes be partially a masked effect of size or age or something, but there's no doubt it's there. Still, you couldn't use astrology to predict anything in a specific sense, although you might have a general trend in your disposition on the basis of seasonal origin. Then again, early seasonality really ought to be discarded with increasing age, like much of nongenetic maternal variance.

Well its very guardedly hidden under the secret code of FIRE!


Ah, my apologies: when you said "link" I was looking for a link, rather than a couple of pages with specious charts and no supporting evidence...
It's not the time of day or the sun as to why Bill gets grumpy, it's the stress of getting home in rush hour traffic.
That's exactly what I said - but it can be tracked by the sun, can't it?
Just because correlation does not equal causation, that does not mean that correlation is not useful.

Now you're stretching.
You sound more like an apologist than a skeptic.

Do you really think that seasons do not influence what people eat regardless of what is "available" where you live?
Most of the world does not have 24-hour supermarkets stocked with foods from around the world - and even where there IS...
How many people grill hot dogs and hamburgers on a regular basis in the winter?
People eat more starchy, more fatty and heavier food in the winter and more hot food.
Yes, you can buy strawberries year-round in most major metropolitan areas, but if you think eating habits, exercise habits and other behaviors are not influenced by the time of the year, you are foolish.
That's exactly what I said - but it can be tracked by the sun, can't it?

How, the sun appears at relative different positions at 5:30PM each day.

Now you're stretching.
You sound more like an apologist than a skeptic.

That merely demonstrates the availability of any kind of food one wishes to eat at any time of the year.

How many people grill hot dogs and hamburgers on a regular basis in the winter?

Plenty, me for one. Many people I know BBQ year round. Although, I usually grill better stuff than hot dogs and hamburgers.

People eat more starchy, more fatty and heavier food in the winter and more hot food.
Yes, you can buy strawberries year-round in most major metropolitan areas, but if you think eating habits, exercise habits and other behaviors are not influenced by the time of the year, you are foolish.

Ok, I'm foolish.

But, I swim, play hockey, football, tennis and a variety of other outdoor sports year round. I eat a wide variety of foods and am rarely influenced by seasonal foods, whatever that might be.

Again, food stores aren't like clothes stores in that they primarily sell seasonal goods. You get what you want, when you want.

Although, I don't normally see Egg Nog during summer.

But then, I can make it myself whenever I want. And I do. :D
But seriously, what the heck does that have to do with the claims of Astrology?
Ah, my apologies: when you said "link" I was looking for a link, rather than a couple of pages with specious charts and no supporting evidence...

It's nothing, really. I just spent a full five minutes reading everything there and it was a total waste of my time. :bugeye:
Before we should "consider" anything that you refer, please do explain exactly how any of it can affect anyone? What have those objects have to do with us here, other than gravity?
I was just informing you that astrology is not all about the sun sign... :rolleyes:
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