Hypocrisy Issues in the Bible !!!

Proud muslim :rolleyes:

Now you start LYING !! I am Muslim and I DONT consider all western women to be sluts !!

Can you read english? I said most and I stand by what I said.

No, you are wrong, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS in fact !!

The total population of Algeria was estimated at under 33 million 32,818,500 (July 2003 est.) And you are saying that hundreds of millions have been killed there in the last decade in the name of allah?????? talk about pathetic :rolleyes:
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Proud_Muslim said:
what the hell [are] those hopeless athiests are doing here in the first place ???
hey, what's your problem? what do you have against athiests now? are they "haters" of Islam just because they don't believe in it? this is a place to express ourselves, and athiests have every right to be here and make comments. And athiests are definitely not "hopeless", and no offense, only hopeless people think others are "hopeless"

One more thing,
Pakman said:
Proud Muslim, although you are Muslim like me, I will not make exceptions to the fellow brother. Although you claim Christians to be hypocrites, you yourself my brother sound like one too. Let me ask you. Have you gained anything from the "hatred" in your post? No, I believe not. You are simply going in circles. You are an intelligent fellow, but it is the hatred from your posts that causes credibility to be lost from your posts.
this is a quote I liked, it was posted almost a month ago by Pakman, and I agree with him. PM, did you ever read this, are you going to make a comment or response of any sort? I am definitely looking forward to your response to this quote...
Thanks :)
Adstar said:
Proud muslim
Can you read english? I said most and I stand by what I said.

If you stand by what you said you have to prove it otherwise you are a LIAR.

The total population of Algeria was estimated at under 33 million 32,818,500 (July 2003 est.) And you are saying that hundreds of millions have been killed there in the last decade in the name of allah?????? talk about pathetic :rolleyes:

I was laughing at you, you fool ! you did not get it ?? :p
eddymrsci said:
hey, what's your problem? what do you have against athiests now? are they "haters" of Islam just because they don't believe in it?

They are haters because they ridicule Islam and indeed religion in general.

this is a place to express ourselves, and athiests have every right to be here and make comments.

This is RELIGION section, do you understand what that means ??

And athiests are definitely not "hopeless", and no offense, only hopeless people think others are "hopeless"

They are certainly hopeless.
Proud_Muslim said:
They are haters because they ridicule Islam and indeed religion in general.

So your own reasoning means you are a hater because you start threads that ridicule christianity like for example this one "Hypocrisy Issues in the Bible !!! That is what hypocrisy is PM accuse others of doing something wrong that you do yourself, PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH HATER

This is RELIGION section, do you understand what that means ??

If we look at your example then the religion section is for mocking all other religions except your own.
path said:
So your own reasoning means you are a hater because you start threads that ridicule christianity like for example this one "Hypocrisy Issues in the Bible !!! PM PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH HATER

I said before, my anti christian thread is response to the anti muslim threads started by christians...once they stopped their anti muslim threads, anti christian threads will stop...very simple.

If we look at your example then the religion section is for mocking all other religions except your own.

Religion section should not be used to mock any religion, I made that very clear in James poll, I voted to ban all threads that bash or attack other religions.

Religion section should be for people of RELIGION to talk and learn from each others, those who have no religion should go somewhere else.
Proud_Muslim said:
The problem with the haters like yourself is that you are too cowards to tell muslims face to face what you tell here ( hiding behind a screen ) !

I tell every religionist I know, including Hussein, my Mohammedan friend, that god is a fallacious and stupid idea.

I am not a coward.

Do not pretend to know about my or anyone else's life. You are not Allah.
Proud_Muslim said:
I said before, my anti christian thread is response to the anti muslim threads started by christians...once they stopped their anti muslim threads, anti christian threads will stop...very simple.

So you are like a naughty 6 year old aren't you mature enough to be the bigger man? PM you are still guilty of hypocrisy and being what you call a hater when you do this. You can't call others hypocrites and haters when you do the exact same things. Show me ONE link to a thread where a christian ridicules islam that isn't in response to your ridicule JUST ONE.

[Religion section should not be used to mock any religion, I made that very clear in James poll, I voted to ban all threads that bash or attack other religions.

Then why don't you try and set an example ;)

Religion section should be for people of RELIGION to talk and learn from each others, those who have no religion should go somewhere else.

No we have as much right to discuss here as anyone to point out what we feel to be flawed in religious dogma and give you the chance to answer. You are muslim I am not therefore you believe I am damned to hell and if you or any christian believe I am damned to hell then I have every right to argue why I believe you are wrong.
path said:
So you are like a naughty 6 year old aren't you mature enough to be the bigger man? PM you are still guilty of hypocrisy and being what you call a hater when you do this. You can't call others hypocrites and haters when you do the exact same things. Show me ONE link to a thread where a christian ridicules islam that isn't in response to your ridicule JUST ONE.

Show me ONE link to a thread where I ridiculed christianity that isnt in response to christians ridicule of Islam ?

Then why don't you try and set an example ;)

I am not utopic person, if someone hits me, I hit him back.

No we have as much right to discuss here as anyone to point out what we feel to be flawed in religious dogma and give you the chance to answer.

Really ?? why you dont do that in NON RELIGION section ? why sciforums for example dont set a place for our hopeless atheist friends to go there and bash religion as much as they want ?

You are muslim I am not therefore you believe I am damned to hell and if you or any christian believe I am damned to hell then I have every right to argue why I believe you are wrong.

You can argue that and you have everyright to know why you will go to hell for denying God but you can ridicule religion just because you are damned to hell.
They are haters because they ridicule Islam and indeed religion in general.
LOL, how many atheists have said they have religious friends? We are all haters now because we dont agree with you? Theres a big difference between not believing and hating something and you cant seem to understand that and many times you become a hater with your posts.
Religion section should not be used to mock any religion, I made that very clear in James poll, I voted to ban all threads that bash or attack other religions.
Then perhaps if you wish to show that you are better than anyone that hates you then you should take the 1st step and stop posting anything that attacks a religion, somebody has to stop and from what i've seen you are clearly not willing to rise above it and be the better person.
Religion section should be for people of RELIGION to talk and learn from each others, those who have no religion should go somewhere else.
So because we dont have a religion we cant talk about it, i dont have a car so can i talk about cars???? Very poor logic as many atheists are interested as to why people believe and what religious people have against us, we have as much right to be here to argue our views as anyone else.
Show me ONE link to a thread where I ridiculed christianity that isnt in response to christians ridicule of Islam ?
Its the old 'he started it' arguement, very childish.
I am not utopic person, if someone hits me, I hit him back.
The thing is if you stopped hitting for just a few weeks then perhaps people would be more willing to accept other people provoke you.
why sciforums for example dont set a place for our hopeless atheist friends to go there and bash religion as much as they want ?
Most atheists dont bash religion and are capable of a better discussion than you, and the point of a religious forum is to discuss religion, thats why we dont do it in non-religious places because it doesnt belong there.
So this thread is supposed to be an anti Christian thread by telling people that the bibles tells of incidences of Hypocrisy in it? How can that do any Damage to the Word Of God. Christian know of these examples of peoples acts of hypocrisy in the bible. PM your hate is so deep that you go to an illogical extent to attack The Word Of God. You don't know how silly you are looking.

Even your name truly suits you PROUD muslim

Psalm 40:4
Blessed is that man who makes the LORD his trust, And does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.

Proverbs 16:5
Everyone proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD; Though they join forces, none will go unpunished.

Proverbs 6
16These six things the LORD hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
17A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
18A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.

James 4:6
But He gives more grace. Therefore He says: "God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble."

Jeremiah 13:15
Hear and give ear: Do not be proud, For the LORD has spoken.

May you be forgiven

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Adstar said:
So this thread is supposed to be an anti Christian thread by telling people that the bibles tells of incidences of Hypocrisy in it? How can that do any Damage to the Word Of God. Christian know of these examples of peoples acts of hypocrisy in the bible. PM your hate is so deep that you go to an illogical extent to attack The Word Of God. You don't know how silly you are looking.

Even your name truly suits you PROUD muslim

Psalm 40:4
Blessed is that man who makes the LORD his trust, And does not respect the proud, nor such as turn aside to lies.

quote me something I believe in or I trust, this bible that you are using is filled with contradictions and cant be trusted.

Nice try though !
Proud_Muslim said:
They are haters because they ridicule Islam and indeed religion in general.
I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH YOU THERE! First of all, you are generalizing again, not all athiests actually hate religions, they just don't believe in it. There is a huge difference between hating and disagreeing, you know.
Proud_Muslim said:
They are certainly hopeless.
No, they are certainly not hopeless. What makes them hopeless? could you explain?
Proud_Muslim said:
Proud Muslim, although you are Muslim like me, I will not make exceptions to the fellow brother. Although you claim Christians to be hypocrites, you yourself my brother sound like one too. Let me ask you. Have you gained anything from the "hatred" in your post? No, I believe not. You are simply going in circles. You are an intelligent fellow, but it is the hatred from your posts that causes credibility to be lost from your posts.
hey PM, I don't mean to bother you all day, but have you read this? I am anxious to hearing a response of some kind from you.
And please don't ignore this again, I just want to hear what you have to say to this statement. Nothing offensive or disrespectful.:)
Proud_Muslim said:
Show me ONE link to a thread where I ridiculed christianity that isnt in response to christians ridicule of Islam ?

THIS THREAD! If you claim this is in response to christian ridicule then PROVE IT otherwise you are a hypocrit and a hater

I am not utopic person, if someone hits me, I hit him back.

Then you are the wrong person to be a proud representative for islam

Really ?? why you dont do that in NON RELIGION section ? why sciforums for example dont set a place for our hopeless atheist friends to go there and bash religion as much as they want ?

I point out cruelty, bias or hypocrisy in religious teaching and I only use that religions own texts to do it. Is it possible to bash a religion using it's own texts then there must be something wrong with the religion or the texts.

You can argue that and you have everyright to know why you will go to hell for denying God but you can ridicule religion just because you are damned to hell.

I can point out the flaws in any doctrine that claims to have a "final solution" for me all I want this is called freedom of speech. ;)
Proud_Muslim said:
Really ?? why you dont do that in NON RELIGION section ? why sciforums for example dont set a place for our hopeless atheist friends to go there and bash religion as much as they want ?
again, athiests are NOT hopeless, and I ask for some respect from you for all athiests. All they did was disagreeing, and that does NOT mean hatred.
I think it's time now for some LOOKING UP WORDS IN THE DICTIONARY, yay! :D

hate [hayt]
v (past hat·ed, past participle hat·ed, present participle hat·ing, 3rd person present singular hates)
1. vt dislike somebody or something intensely: to dislike somebody or something intensely, often in a way that evokes feelings of anger, hostility, or animosity
2. vti have strong distaste for: to have strong distaste or aversion for something, somebody, or something that has to be done
I hate this show; it’s so boring.
They hate cleaning the horse stall every day.
I hate to say it, but I know we’re going to lose.

ha·tred [háytrəd]
intense dislike or hostility: a feeling of intense dislike, anger, hostility, or animosity

Microsoft® Encarta® Reference Library 2004. © 1993-2003 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

I have not yet notice any intense or strong dislike or hostility from Athiests, they may have disagreed, or have thought you are wrong, but that's still not hating Islam. However I may be wrong, so if you could point out certain posts to support this claim, it would be much appreciated :)
Pakman said:
Proud Muslim, although you are Muslim like me, I will not make exceptions to the fellow brother. Although you claim Christians to be hypocrites, you yourself my brother sound like one too. Let me ask you. Have you gained anything from the "hatred" in your post? No, I believe not. You are simply going in circles. You are an intelligent fellow, but it is the hatred from your posts that causes credibility to be lost from your posts.
PM, I really don't want to sound annoying, and I am sorry for bothering you all day with this. But I really am eager in hearing a comment from you on this. so please don't ignore this again, tell me what you have to say for this rare statement made by Pakman almost a month ago.
Thank you
Pakman is entitled to his comments, but I refer you to another Muslim comments:


Proud muslims,As always your posts are thought-provoking and informative.Really appriciated,i was in search of such articles,

Thanks for sharing
First of all, thanks for the response
yes I have read stacy's comments, and many other comments from other Muslims who strongly agree with you
But what makes Pakman's statement unique and interesting is that he is a Muslim too, yet he disagrees with you and says you sound like a "hypocrit" and writes with "hatred", and I am not saying that Muslims cannot disagree with one another. But don't you think it's a bit odd that this comes from a person with whom you share the same faith?
