Hypocrisy Issues in the Bible !!!

Proud_Muslim said:
You see, suddenly all the professed hopeless athiests become so concerned about the bible and instead of leaving this thread to the christians to answer, they started talking about the noble quran and Islam !! you guys are HYPOCRITES, no wonder not a single one of you DARED to answer the original post !!!

I am still waiting for answers from christians!! or are the athiests here only fake christians who are too scared to declare their christianity like DOCTOR HATE !!! :rolleyes:

this thread has got your back UP AND YOU STARTED IT

the thread the evils that lead to hell is yours too

well think of the other person you leave behind on other threads as you to scared to answer there QUESTIONS I am not angry
just offended you did not have the politeness to answer
I hope you are not tipical of your religion
tomasito said:
Hey , proud muslim. I think your encounter with those who hate you while saying they are christians has veiled your mind to what it is to be a christian.

I already know who is the true christian, the one who think his FALSE GOD is the only true God !

God is love. And Jesus is the love of God that came to the world.
God does not hate! Hate is an evil emotion. The bible in the book of 1st John says those who hate will be judged as those who commited murder.They by hating commit murder in their hearts.

Well, what I have seen from christians so far indicates serious problems on their understanding of their own holy books.

The God of the bible strongly dissaproves of sin. the hebrew,greek and arabic languages have the right word wrongly translated in english to be hate.
So proud Muslim a true christian will not hate you but love. Jesus himself loves you. The God of the bible loves you too, and he knows you are a muslim.

As to Jesus loves me, I know that very well, in our holy book, the noble quran, we have 2 whole chapters dedicated to prophet Jesus (pbuh ) and his mother, MARIAM, the purist woman ever walked on the face of this earth according to Islam.

The principal message of christianity is that all men have sinned. A sin according to the bible is evils such as anger, jealousy,covetousness,lying,adultery,fornication, witchcraft,stealing etc.

As Muslims, We dont believe in the original sin, we dont believe 2 days old baby who die after birth is sinner.

For this sinful nature man became separated from the creator-God.
Abraham,moses, Jacob,ishmael,isaac among other prophets used to sacrifice animals as payment for their sins and their household/friends.
But in this day God provided himself with a sacrifice the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. That was and is Jesus.

Gos is unlimited, he does not need to be sacrificed, if God was sacrificed, who was running the world after God's death ??

How can we believe that the JEWS killed GOD ???? this is all illogical nonesense.

No more animal sacrifices for our sins for he paid for them at the cross.we have to repent from sinful ways and believe in christ jesus and then live a godly lifestyle.

Again, we muslims dont believe he was ever crucified, EVEN THE BIBLE itself confirms Jesus was NEVER CURCIFIED:

Hebrews 5:7-8 confirm Islam's claim about Jesus never got crucified

Hebrews 5

7 During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.

8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience from what he suffered

In Hebrews 5:7 above, notice how it says that GOD Almighty heard Jesus' cries of not getting crucified because of Jesus' "reverent submission". This not only further proves that Jesus is not the Creator of the Universe, but it also clearly and irrefutably confirms Islam's claims about Jesus never got crucified on the cross, but rather he was saved and lifted by GOD Almighty.

satan won't let you believe that Jesus was crucified as he does not want you to have a savior.

Well, Satan himself tempted your God 3 times according to your own bible, what kind of God is that ???????

That is the big difference between being a christian and a Muslim.
Islam denies the sacrificial death of christ among other things. The bible affirms it.

The bible DOES NOT affirms it as I showed you in Hebrews 5 , even Jesus begged HIS GOD to let the cup passed away from him, he DID NOT want to die...and he never DIED.

Dear proud muslim ask the "God of Heaven' to show you the truth about jesus.

Allah almighty already shown us, Muslims, and indeed the rest of the world the truth about Jesus, the prophet, the son of mary:

"That they rejected Faith; That they uttered against Mary A grave false charge; That they said (in boast): 'We killed Christ Jesus The son of Mary, The Messenger of Allah.' But they killed him not, Nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts ,with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjunction to follow, for of a surety they killed him not. Nay, Allah raised him up Unto Himself; and Allah Is Exalted in Power, Wise. And there is none of the people of the book (Jews and Christians) But must believe in him (Jesus) Before his death; And on the Day of Judgment He (Jesus) will be a witness Against them." (The Noble Quran 4:156-159 )


Unfortunately some of the worst witnesses for christ will be those who purport to be christian. so don't be turned off if you encounter hostility from a christian person especially if you are of a different race/culture. they forget the God of the bible is LOVE.(Prophet muhammad also said that some of the worst witnesses for islam are some muslims.)
I hope one day you encounter the presence and life-transforming power of Jesus.

Thank you for your great wishes, I already knew Jesus, loved him and believed in him and his miracles and his second coming to save the world, when will you recognize prophet Muhammad (pbuh ), his micracles, his message that corrcted the corrupt message of christianity and the great holy book that revealed to him from God, The Noble Quran ?????
I suspect the reason you dislike atheists taking part in the discussion is because it negates your "my religion is better than yours" strategy which is really all you have to work with.
invert_nexus said:
I for one have always been interested in religion. It is a primal desire that all human's on this planet have developed. It is basic to our needs. I seek to understand religion, so I might have a better understanding of people and the society which we have created.

Bravo !! very well said.

And no, no christians will answer a thread like this, except for perhaps militant christians with whom you could simply have a verbal sparring match with. Neither of you would convince the other, so why bother.

Of course they wont answer, their answer might be JESUS LOVES YOU ! :rolleyes:

Meanwhile, you didn't answer the questions about the koran.

Where was the question ?

Does the koran tell the flood story? If so, what does it say?

yes, the Noble Quran confirms the flood story:

Here is the best link and the best Muslim site on the internet regarding Noah's flood:

The Prophet Nuh and the Flood in the Qur’an


Does it speak of the 10 commandments and the jews conquering of the holy land (I would guess not, because this is after the time of abraham)? If so, what does it say?

yes, it does, and yes, it speaks about the jews whom God is very angry at conquring the holy land:

The Termination of "Israel"- a Qur'anic Fact


C'mon PM, stop being a die-hard militant and try having a conversation for a change. You might be surprised by the results you would get.

By all means, I welcome rational intelligent discussion based on mutual respect and genuine desire to learn and understand..I am not militant at all, I am only militant at the haters, the bigots and the Islamophobes. ;)
invert_nexus said:
I for one have always been interested in religion. It is a primal desire that all human's on this planet have developed. It is basic to our needs. I seek to understand religion, so I might have a better understanding of people and the society which we have created.

And no, no christians will answer a thread like this, except for perhaps militant christians with whom you could simply have a verbal sparring match with. Neither of you would convince the other, so why bother.

C'mon PM, stop being a die-hard militant and try having a conversation for a change. You might be surprised by the results you would get.

i agree totally

have you noticed on this thread that he still has not answered me
this thread is about Hypocrisy well i'd rather talk to you or someone else as this person is an total hypocite and should called pigfat muslim( and yes I'm angry)
Proud_Muslim said:
... they started talking about the noble quran and Islam !! you guys are HYPOCRITES, no wonder not a single one of you DARED to answer the original post !!!

I gave you fairly substantive answer in the second post of this thread.

I confidently conjecture that you chose to ignore it because you have a very poor comprehension of the English language and you'd consequently prefer not to challenge posts whose diction surpasses an eighth grade level.

I'm not joshing you, either; I'm quite serious.
Proud Muslim, although you are Muslim like me, I will not make exceptions to the fellow brother. Although you claim Christians to be hypocrites, you yourself my brother sound like one too. Let me ask you. Have you gained anything from the "hatred" in your post? No, I believe not. You are simply going in circles. You are an intelligent fellow, but it is the hatred from your posts that causes credibility to be lost from your posts.

Also, please do not take this as a personal insult, for that was not my intention.
Rappaccini said:
I gave you fairly substantive answer in the second post of this thread.
I confidently conjecture that you chose to ignore it because you have a very poor comprehension of the English language and you'd consequently prefer not to challenge posts whose diction surpasses an eighth grade level.

I hope you speak 1% Arabic what I speak in English...I do understand English very well, but I dont answer Pagan atheists, I dont do Atheists...I only do christian and Jewish haters.
Unfortunately, we aren't communicating in Arabic, but in English.

You misused the ellipse twice, missed an apostrophe in your dont, and forgot to capitalize christian.
You obviously don't write English "very well," though, indeed, you might speak fluently for all I know.

Of course, on account of both the fundamental connection between writing and reading and your otherwise inexpicable aversion for my posts, I must maintain my conjecture, which is that you do not understand my writing sufficiently.
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Rappaccini said:
Of course, on account of both the fundamental connection between writing and reading and your otherwise inexpicable aversion for my posts, I must maintain my conjecture, which is that you do not understand my writing sufficiently.
Greetings Rappaccini:

Is not "you do not sufficiently understand my writing " preferable?
It's not preferable.


The word is a weak, practically decorative adverb, for heaven's sake.

Seeing as you've always seemed a reasonable bloke, I think you'll understand if I tell you that you're out of your league.

I wouldn't dare claim that you're unable to catch me in a legitimate error, something greater than, say, a stylistic peccadillo, but I doubt you will.
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When someone is defeated in any argument, they restore to some cheap tactics in order to feel good, one of these tactics is rubbishing the other side's understanding and in my case: My comprehension of the English Langauge.. !! pathetic really !! :rolleyes:
I couldn't have been "defeated" yet, since you haven't engaged me in an "argument" up to this point.

Oddly, all you've done is dismiss me as an atheist.

I'm only taking a shot at explaining your hesitation.

... they restore to some cheap tactics...

This is a misuse of the word "restore" and, additionally, they should definitely have been "he or she," so as to correspond to someone.

Obviously, your comprehension is lacking, whether or not you realize it.
There must be serious hypocrisy issues in the Bible, Muslims even claim that Mohammed is mentioned as a prophet. What a load of bullshit!
I'm sure muhammad.net is the perfect place to go for explanations of the Bible.

Completely unbiased...
Jesus forbids calling someone a fool (Matt 5:22), then he does it (Matt 23:17, 19, Lk 11:40)
I think the reason why no Christians are busy trying to explain this to you is that we spent a whole thread explaining the first verse, with the end result being that you refused to understand the meaning of the word context, so it hardly seems likely that you will be able to understand how this is not hypocrisy.

I think most of it could probably be found in the different meanings that the same words have in English, and also in the intent behind the words.

In the first verse he is talking about insulting someone in anger, whereas in the other two he is trying to explain something the people just don't seem to get, much like a lot of what goes on here.
Rappaccini said:
I'm sure muhammad.net is the perfect place to go for explanations of the Bible.

Completely unbiased...

www.ihatejesus.com is also a good place to learn about Christianity and it's goodwill message.

luuk simply dismiss PM, he is ignorant and "Proud" of it.
luuk said:
I think the reason why no Christians are busy trying to explain this to you is that we spent a whole thread explaining the first verse, with the end result being that you refused to understand the meaning of the word context, so it hardly seems likely that you will be able to understand how this is not hypocrisy.

Typical christian !! once you run out of any answer you start the '' you dont understand'' bullshit !! :rolleyes: