'Hybrids: Genetic Couriers'

Stryderunknown said:
current experiments have proven that it's impossible to get genetic alteration right 100% of the time.

That must be true otherwise the experiments would have stopped if the goal was reached, also meaning all the halfbreeds so far have been failures.
We are what we are by way of our thoughts. Our thoughts determine our course – our direction within this environment of ours.

Thoughts (whether consciously or subconsciously) precede our actions. We think, and then do.

It is our thought process – that process by which we think – that determines who and what we are.

Jocariah said:
that process by which we think – that determines who and what we are.

I thought it was the gene splicing aliens. Make up your mind.
Or at the very least, ask the gene splicing aliens to make up your mind for you.
Jochoria, is there still a part of you that has fight in you.
A disagreement with what is going on?
That they are slowly breeding out the human race?
Or have you accepted that another races' own interests have become our neccessary step in evolution?
I know right now you are neither us nor them, this puts you in a very delicate posotion.
Do you still feel you have a sense of independence, your own life to do as you choose, .....or do you feel more assimilated?
Well we can rule out Jocariah is a Scarecrow cause he claims to have a brain, maybe Jocariah is the Tinman looking for a heart.
What most separates us from so-called alien creatures is not our physical features, our DNA, our modes of transport, our gadgets or even the knowledge that they possess, which we don't.

It is 'our thought process - that process by which we think'.

Not all creatures think as we do. And thinking that they do, or thinking that they should, for that matter, is our biggest mistake.

It is a natural assumption - one oftentimes made without thought.

“This is the way in which I think, therefore, all thought exists in this similar fashion, only." It may not be a conscious thought, but rather a subconscious assumption that we carry with us.

Our thought process – that process by which we think – is a result of our genetic traits and tendencies as well as our environmental influences.

Far-and-away the greatest influencing factor is genetic.

We cannot exceed our god-given intellect, regardless of those environmental influences such as education, for example, which were present in our lives.

Genetic influences (traits and tendencies) entails both 'the presences of' as well as 'the intensity of' traits and tendencies.

So that the question becomes, is that trait or tendency present, and if so, to what degree is it present? It may exist – but merely to a lesser degree, or appear in a lesser capacity.

A person’s sexuality is a genetic trait or tendency. And the degree to which it exists is also genetically based (a predisposition as it were) as well. Some people have a stronger sexuality than others – and conversely, although a person’s sexuality may be present, it may be of a lesser degree or amplitude as it were.

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So then, genetics is the quintessence of our thought process as it functions within us. At the very core, as it were.

moementum7 said:
Jochoria, is there still a part of you that has fight in you.
A disagreement with what is going on?
That they are slowly breeding out the human race?
Or have you accepted that another races' own interests have become our neccessary step in evolution?
I know right now you are neither us nor them, this puts you in a very delicate posotion.
Do you still feel you have a sense of independence, your own life to do as you choose, .....or do you feel more assimilated?

I'm sorry, I am not sure I understand your questions.

Humans have always been in an evolutionary mode. That is what humans do - that is the very nature of humans.

Apes don't evolve - humans do.

Humans have been shepherded down the road of evolution.

What other creature – in all of the millions and billions of years – has evolved intellectually as have we?

That is because humans have been shepherded down the evolutionary road via the introduction of ‘hybrids’ on a continual basis throughout our evolutionary history.

We have been genetically altered, on an on-going, continual, basis, as a means toward our intellectual evolution.

Humans have been shepherded down the road of evolution.

What other creature – in all of the millions and billions of years – has evolved intellectually as have we?

These two statements would indicate you have no clue as to what evolution is all about.

We have been genetically altered, on an on-going, continual, basis, as a means toward our intellectual evolution.

Which of course contradicts every known observation ever made.
Your SSTD is becoming SSED. I know you suggest some mass conspiracy is at work with tactic alterations to keep you guys on your toes, but in reality the ones that are attempting to conceal a mass conspiracy are usually the finger points *elsewhere*.

I apologise Joch. for Encroaching your thread to mention this to Fiery.
“We have been genetically altered, on an on-going, continual, basis, as a means toward our intellectual evolution.”

People have evolved and continue to evolve intellectually - generation upon generation.

This is a result of our being shepherded along the way by those beings of a higher order. One facet or aspect of this has been the introduction of ‘Hybrids’ into the general populace, as a genetically altered segment of the population, with the intention of having these hybrids simply do what humans do – procreate – over the course of their existence – one generation upon the next – thereby spreading the desired genetic trait onto the next generation – so on and so forth.

Apes have not evolved intellectually - they have not been shepherded as we.


Evolution - as it pertains to biology.

Biol. a) the development of a species, organism, or organ from its original or primitive state to its present or specialized state; phylogeny or ontogeny b) DARWINIAN THEORY (see LAMARCKISM, MUTATION)

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Evolution is an inherent genetic trait or tendency of ours – the introduction of ‘hybrids’ into the general populace, merely acts to shepherd our evolutionary journey along the path desired, by those doing the shepherding.

There again, the human intellect is a function of genetics, so that as our intellect evolves, it evolves along genetic parameters.

Intellectual evolution is genetically based.

It is our continually condition – within this human state of ours – to be evolving out of our ignorance at all times; our present ignorance on many fronts.

As we become informed, we evolve out of our ignorance – so that day by day, year upon year, we evolve from one state (ignorance) to another (informed).

Enlightenment is the (1.) acquisition, (2.) comprehension and (3.) utilization of information.

It was once thought that the earth was flat, that one could never travel faster than the speed of sound, or escape earth’s gravity.

Today we are informed; we have evolved out of our ignorance as it pertains to those and other matters as well.

Evolution can exist in many guises. But whatever form it takes, nevertheless it is our constant companion.

So that to say at this point in time (today) we can not do this or that – cannot see this or that, or do not know this or that is irrelevant; at least in the grand view of our existence (the overview of our human existence).

Many things exist to which we are not privy - but just wait, we will get there soon enough. Our intellectual evolution will see to it, no doubt.

