'Hybrids: Genetic Couriers'

Self-awareness, in part, is realizing the way in which one perceives the universe, and their place within it, is not necessarily the way in which the universe exists - it is simply one's perception of it.

Our perception is based on our genetic traits and tendencies, our life experiences (i.e., environmental influences) and our thought processes.

All of these things go about to color our worldview.

There again: "Self-awareness is not an either or proposition - rather it's a matter of degrees I imagine."

is not necessarily the way in which the universe exists - it is simply one's perception of it.

Why could that line of reasoning not apply to your story?

All of what?

What was the point of making hybrids?
You still don't understand why they are so interested in our human DNA or what is so significant with our human DNA, Q?
(Q) said:
is not necessarily the way in which the universe exists - it is simply one's perception of it.

Why could that line of reasoning not apply to your story?

I can't presently think of any reason why it could not.

And you keep avoiding the question - what was the point of making hybrids?
(Q) said:
And you keep avoiding the question - what was the point of making hybrids?

'THE' point, aye?

As if there was only one point to this process.

First off, why would you endeavor to think in the singular as far as human hybrids, or anything for that matter, are concerned?

Are all answers singular ones?

You think in the singular - therefore all answers must appear to you in singular form ... interesting.

You are attempting to force everything (all things that exist) into your singular viewpoint.

What is ‘THE’ point to all of this? And the answer … preferably homogenized, pasteurized and processed into its quintessential state, no doubt – so as to be easily digestible. Just give me the bottom line here – and do it in singular form, if you will. Then I’ll be on my way.

Succinctly, I cannot answer your question as you might wish it to be answered.

The above notwithstanding, if it is easier for you to digest - consider me stumped.


you:is not necessarily the way in which the universe exists - it is simply one's perception of it.

me:Why could that line of reasoning not apply to your story?

you:I can't presently think of any reason why it could not.

So, it can be assumed that you merely perceive yourself to be an alien when in fact you are as human as the rest of us.

me:what was the point of making hybrids?

you:Succinctly, I cannot answer your question...

And you have no idea why hybrids exist, if in fact they do exist, yet you can provide explanations as to the processes involved.

The only conclusion I can draw from your responses is that you've fabricated the whole story, and not very well, I might add.

Might I suggest more fiber in your diet?
(Q) said:
you:is not necessarily the way in which the universe exists - it is simply one's perception of it.

me:Why could that line of reasoning not apply to your story?

you:I can't presently think of any reason why it could not.

So, it can be assumed that you merely perceive yourself to be an alien when in fact you are as human as the rest of us.

me:what was the point of making hybrids?

you:Succinctly, I cannot answer your question...

And you have no idea why hybrids exist, if in fact they do exist, yet you can provide explanations as to the processes involved.

The only conclusion I can draw from your responses is that you've fabricated the whole story, and not very well, I might add.

Might I suggest more fiber in your diet?

Draw whatever conclusions you like - that is not my concern. Your conclusions are yours alone.


Draw whatever conclusions you like - that is not my concern.

You've taken the time to acquire a computer and internet access, registered here and posted your story, most likely with some time taken for thought. You appear very concerned or you wouldn't have gone to the trouble.

Your conclusions are yours alone.

That is doubtful - I was merely the only one who bothered to respond.

You may find that those amongst the tenable here will draw similar conclusions.
FieryIce said:
You still don't understand why they are so interested in our human DNA or what is so significant with our human DNA?

There is one uncomplicated answer, so simplistic in its logic that all of you looking for technical detail get lost in the matrices, even the halfbreed seems to not know the WHY.
even the halfbreed seems to not know the WHY...There is one uncomplicated answer...

How do YOU know?

Jocariah cannot provide any reasoning nor can he distinguish whether his story is little more than delusion.

I can't draw any other conclusions other than fabrication - to what purpose the fabrication might be, one could draw a number of conclusions.

But clearly Jocariah is deeply concerned about his situation as he has taken the time to present it to us.

And I'm not disagreeing with your conclusions, I'm only trying to get them from the horses mouth, so to speak.
A woman walks into a bakery and buys a chocolate cupcake, walks over to the baker and shoves it under his nose and says, “What is ‘THE’ ingredient in this cupcake”?

The baker looks at the lady and says, “Succinctly, I cannot answer your question as you might wish it to be answered”.

The woman says, “Ah … and you call yourself a baker” and storms out.

Who then is the more ignorant of the two – the baker or the woman?

Who then is the more ignorant of the two – the baker or the woman?

The baker - what's your point?
Jocariah, science requires evidence, religion requires faith.
You require people to believe your story.
Go post in the religion section of these forums.
Thank you!
Then for you, that is your answer.

Is there some reason you feel the need to talk in riddles? An answer to which question?
Aliens are nephilim. The product of a demon impregnating a human. They have used our flesh to create and propagate their genetically engineered demonic brood throughout history. And yes, they have altered our flesh...through our genetics. Back in the garden...the forbidden fruit...caused a genetic alteration that changed us forever...the fall of man. And as that genetic alteration brought about a veil between us and god through sin, the next genetic alteration that they are offerring will serve as the final nail in the proverbial coffin. It is the same temptation...to become like god...to become more spiritually enlightened. It is the same process...the fruit...the blood. To offer a false salvation...offerred by our false creators...a false rebirth...a false eternal life. It is a lie, and it is the mark of the beast as described in the book of revelations. This alteration brings eternal life of the flesh, by the flesh, and kills the spirit...cuts us off from god forever. Because eternal life is not of the flesh, but of the spirit, and rebirth does not come by the flesh, but by the spirit. Do not be deceived.

"The fifth angel sounded his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to earth. The star was given the key to the shaft of the Abyss. When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months. And the agony suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them."

The fallen star is a demon. The locust are the nephilim...or aliens. The sting is the mark of the beast. The reason they can not die is because their flesh has been made immortal. And yet they seek death. Sounds like hell doesn't it?
Avatar said:
Jocariah, science requires evidence, religion requires faith.
You require people to believe your story.
Go post in the religion section of these forums.
Thank you!

The reader may choose to believe or not, as they see fit. That is their prerogative. They may even choose to remain neutral on the matter - neither believing nor disbelieving. That is their choice as well.

I don’t preach a specific doctrine that all should follow - I simply state my perspective as being what I am, a hybrid human. Consider it a point of information, if you will ... no belief necessary.

I have ‘faith’ that those readers reading my posts can think for themselves.

This thread suits me – so long as Stryderunknown sees fit to allow me, I shall remain here at my leisure.

If you see a problem with my presence here, that is your concern, not mine. As this is the second time you’ve mentioned my leaving, you may want to avoid the threads in which I appear altogether … for your own peace of mind, that is.

You see, you have the power to ignor me - you just haven't made very good use of it.


Sounds like hell doesn't it?

Actually, it sounds very much like a nightclub I went to last week.