'Hybrids: Genetic Couriers'

craterchains (Norval said:
There is that part in the bible where God has all the members of Goliath’s family killed because they all have 6 fingers and six toes. :D

Some out there are very pissed off about the tampering with humans perfect genes. The jealousy of other races and their attempts to use the human genes for their own purposes.

craterchains (Norval said:
It is so often that one reads these statements and if one knows the bible for what it really says about these ET’s it becomes very comical.

STDD Same Tactics, Different Day. :D

Direct or indirect DNA tampering with the human race’s DNA is a NO NO. Punishable by death if I remember correctly. As we were a created race and so were those ET’s it seems that they are very curious about our DNA. I would be also if I knew that they were to one day be my judges across this universe. Wouldn’t you?

But. Any thing less than human, mixed DNA, would be a detraction from the human perfection. It may give those ET’s some of our traits, but we still remove the sixth fingers and toes, .usually at birth.

Jocariah, have you asked your "beings of a higher order" about the war? The next time you channel or are abducted make sure you ask your "beings of a higher order" about the war in our solar system, about the crater chains, about who lost that war, where those ones are that lost the war, what those ones that lost the war have been doing.

It is acceptable to put the answers all in one post, unless your told by your "beings of a higher order" to put each ones answers in a separate post.

Jocariah, don't forget to check with these "beings of a higher order" under whose authority they are under, under whose authority they are causing this harm to human?

You may be in for a surprise.

Evolution - as it pertains to biology.

You see, I was right, you didn't have a clue and had to look it up in a dictionary. You still don't have a clue though.

It was once thought that the earth was flat, that one could never travel faster than the speed of sound, or escape earth’s gravity.

Was that before or after the genetic engineering?

Evolution can exist in many guises.

Perhaps you should find out exactly what evolution is all about aside from a dictionary's definition. Read a book.

Many things exist to which we are not privy - but just wait, we will get there soon enough.

And some things exist only in the imagination, right Joc?
Imagination precedes reality, many times - through our imaginings, we are able to set our course.

Reaching the moon was first imagined - then realized, was it not?

(Q) said:

Evolution - as it pertains to biology.

You see, I was right, you didn't have a clue and had to look it up in a dictionary. You still don't have a clue though.

It was once thought that the earth was flat, that one could never travel faster than the speed of sound, or escape earth’s gravity.

Was that before or after the genetic engineering?

Evolution can exist in many guises.

Perhaps you should find out exactly what evolution is all about aside from a dictionary's definition. Read a book.

Many things exist to which we are not privy - but just wait, we will get there soon enough.

And some things exist only in the imagination, right Joc?

I have used the word 'evolution' in its proper context – the point of my reference to the dictionary definition was to establish the more common usage of the word, thereby avoiding any confusion that might surface.

You seem to be arguing with yourself; a trait that I have noticed many times within your discourse.


One thing that seems to exist here, from my perspective at least, is rather than the sharing of concepts and ideas, there is an ‘I’m right – you’re wrong’ outright adversarial and hostile mentality - I for one, fail to see the advantage in participating in such dialog.

Adversarial, mean-spirited and hostile dialog does not appeal to me, whatsoever.


Basically, I have been saying that human evolution has been and continues to be shepherded.

Evolution alone (in and of itself), does not lead to vastly greater intellect in those creatures that have been around long enough to experience it (e.g., sharks, apes and aligators).

The mechanism used, in part, to shepherd human evolution has been and continues to be human hybrids introduced into the general populace – in a timely and continual fashion.

Those cultural and religious influences, which were established for us, simply foudationalize those genetic changes introduced into this human biological system of ours.

Enlightening the human race can only be accomplished in a gradual manner.

Those performing this task have a vested interest in doing so – it is not for our benefit alone, although we do indeed benefit.

Reaching the moon was first imagined - then realized, was it not?

The moon is there and was reached by overcoming technical and physical problems, somewhat different than gene splicing aliens replacing the human race with hybrids. Only one of the previous is not a delusion.

You seem to be arguing with yourself

What's new?

Adversarial, mean-spirited and hostile dialog does not appeal to me, whatsoever.

Delusional paranoid ramblings do not appeal to me, what's your point?

The mechanism used, in part, to shepherd human evolution has been and continues to be human hybrids introduced into the general populace – in a timely and continual fashion.

My point exactly!
Enlightenment is the acquisition, integration and utilization of information. As we become informed, we evolve out of our ignorance – so that day-by-day we evolve from a state of ignorance to one of being informed.

This happens on many levels – we are continually becoming more informed, and thereby losing our ignorance. Today we are more informed than we were yesterday – we are more understanding of our surroundings and the world – the universe – in which we find ourselves. Throughout history we have evolved out of our ignorance as it pertains to those things with which we interact.

It is our continual condition – our fate as it were for us to be evolving out of our ignorance at all times. Evolution exists in many forms. But whatever form it takes, nevertheless, it remains a constant companion of ours.

Jocariah said:
I for one, fail to see the advantage in participating in such dialog.

dialog does not appeal to me, whatsoever.

When you look closer at just what Jocariah is stating, they would rather not engage in discussion or dialog with either their controller or other party but rather be ignorant of the truth and just continue to be someone or somethings puppet.

Interesting perspective, NOT!
Reminds me of an ostrich with their head in the dirt and giving off hot air.
Alligators, if memory serves me correctly, have existed by most counts for more than 200 million years. In all of that time, their intellect has not evolved. They exist now as they were, so many millions of years ago.

An infinite number of creatures spanning millions of years, and only man has evolved intellectually.

Evolution alone does not create intellectual capacity – regardless of the time involved.

Humans have been shepherded - genetically altered at keys points – along their evolutionary journey, to enhance their intellect.

The problem is, we are unaware of our shepherds.

Jocariah, you can be a sheep if you want but I'm not going to bow to the beck and call of some self-ascended being or human, I doubt I'm the only that would feel this way.
I don't perpetuate that I'm greater than others, or that the human race is the higher species but I'm not perpetuating we should be trod underfoot either.

What annoys me is to see the aspect of attitude that we must be sooooo small to everything else, or that we generate bloated self opinionations of grandure. What I mean is if we found a planet of what would be deemed lesser evolved lifeforms, would we condemn them to believe we were their gods? To some this would be a way of manipulating their society for their own goals, however who says that needs to be a planet of lesser beings, how about poorly educated ones that could potentially be fed alot of bogus information in regards to particular espionage schemes?

Heres a point, "The Wizard of Oz" was a magnificant wizard that people trekked miles to attempt to catch a glimpse of him or his wizardry, however within the story you eventually find that the Wizard himself is just a nerd with a big ass computer controlling smoke and mirror effects to "please" those that saw him.

(In the real world that wouldn't be about pleasing, it would be about control or money).
Hello Stryderunknown,

Whatever we are, we are – whether sheep or gods. The perspective I imagine depending on what is at hand; our present circumstance.

Some religions consider us all sheep – yet we can create life in a test tube.

Maybe our answer is all of the above. We exist in many facets simultaniously.

It may be that those over us have higher beings over them as well – so on and so forth, so that the hierarchy spans many levels, or tiers if you will.

All creatures are somebody’s water boys, I imagine.

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"All things are possible, so long as they abide by the laws and precepts inherant within the universe - irrespective of whether those very laws and precepts are known to us or not ."

It is the possibility of those things unknown or even unimagined that we must allow for. We should be diligent to see to it that our perspectives remain malleable – ever at the ready to entertain those things, ideas and such, which we could never on our own have imagined.

Evolution, our personal evolution, is part and parcel of our humanness - unique to the individual.

Should not we therefore remain open to all possibilities – even those, which might not align themselves with our beliefs, or our understanding of the world in which we live?

Our perspective is ours alone - we can choose whether or not to allow for any possibility.

Why should we close off our minds simply because we can neither understand nor imagine it.

Entertain the possibility of the unimaginable...

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To my way of thinking, it’s always about perspective. Mine has been inexorably altered by my experiences, so that I have been forced to entertain the unimaginable.

To my way of thinking, it’s always about perspective. Mine has been inexorably altered by my experiences, so that I have been forced to entertain the unimaginable.

Your perspective seems to accept everything that these others tell you and your influenced by your feelings. You have not even checked to find out if this entire scenario is correct or not, or if this entire scenario is acceptable or not. But you find it okay to spread the information about it without checking for acceptablity and authority.

Therefore, you are a puppet and spreading someones lies and mis-truths.
The unimaginable is possible. All things are possible, so long as they abide by the laws of the universe – irrespective of whether or not we know those laws. Our problem, if one might choose to call it that, is that we, for the most part, are ignorant of those laws.

Our thought process gives us the opportunity to choose what it is that we entertain. We may choose whether or not we will entertain something.

Rather than choosing whether or not to believe something, we may simply see it as information that may or may not be of interest to us at the time, and if it is of interest, we have the option to remain neutral as to its validity from our perspective (i.e., deciding whether we believe it to be true or not).

Nothing says a decision needs to be made with regard to everything we encounter. One has the option – at all times – of remaining neutral on any numbers of things that might be encountered.

No need for us to entertain those things that are not of interest – and those things that are of interest, for the most part, don’t need a decision limited to a right/wrong, good/bad or true/false choice.

All things need not be pigeonholed in such a fashion.
