'Hybrids: Genetic Couriers'

I simply state my perspective as being what I am, a hybrid human. Consider it a point of information, if you will.

How useful can your perspective be as information if it is indistinguishable from delusion, as you have previously stated?

And of course, why wouldn't we have heard about it - have you never visited a doctor? Never had a blood test?

Surely, if you're a hybrid, that would have been revealed.

So, the next step would be to understand the reasoning for fabricating this story. Are you doing a test study? Looking for attention? Having a bit o' fun?
Well if you look at a Darwinistic viewpoint and suggest that all life came from the first formation of protein in a Protozoic soup, you could suggest that as life evolved it's had many starts and stops and altered paths to change to what lifeforms you see today on this planet.

In fact you would find common denominators of genetic traits throughout all our species on this planet, some would be there because of the overall development of the evolving multicelled organisms, while other traits will have been picked up from the intergration of the food chain.

It's suggested that Cross-breeding different species is impossible, although I don't know how many sick twisted individuals and cultists have been attempting to make other species on this planet pregnant. (since thats something I don't investigate or have interest in personally)

So you could suggest that "Evolution" and the "Food Chain" have caused all life on this planet to be "Hybrid" in form, without any form of "Demons" or "Aliens".

Jocariah, It's not my place to decide if your thread is fit or not in this instance, afterall you currently aren't shifting attention to a website, selling products or attempting to summon forth for converts but mearly discussing something that you suggest, which in turn during discussion will have people argue both for and against it's possibility.

My personal thoughts are already stated, I don't think that its true, along with many others, however I can't say that you fabricated this on your own to "con" people, as either you don't see it as a fabrication or you have been made to believe it.

You base your present concept of what may or may not be possible with regard to genetic manipulation on the current state of affairs within our scientific and medical community – as you know them to be.

That of course is your prerogative.

However, it was not long ago that the thought of creating test-tube babies was inconceivable – of the devil – totally against God, the Creator. That was the state of affairs then. Now of course we can create them – artificially inseminate the female and, in a sense, create life – or more correctly, the proper conditions for life to take place.

Make no mistake; life can be created outside the womb. The fertilized fertile egg then implanted.

Aborted babies are alive, are they not?

The point here is that the means exist to accomplish the unimaginable – we simply haven’t reach that point in our ability, as yet. So that there is no logic in saying that our inability to perform anything, in and of itself, makes it impossible ... it’s just impossible for us – at this point in time.


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The following, taken from my intitial post, outlines my thoughts on the purpose of hybrid humans. There are others purposes served, no doubt. Things don't exist in the singular.

" Hybrids, or abductees as they are more often referred to, function or perform their task as a point of origin, a point at which genetic variations are introduced into the general populace. The result of this introduction is the propagation, over subsequent generations, of those desired genetic variables or traits (as determined by those beings of a higher order) throughout the general population.

This very scenario has been played out countless times, throughout man’s history.

Hybrids are nothing new; they have been around since man’s inception and have existed throughout human development. This is how the human genetic pool has been, and continues to be, progressively enhanced according to parameters set by those beings of a higher order".

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And yet not a single case of non-human DNA has ever been found in a human - can you explain why?
Then perhaps you're not a hybrid alien but are in fact a hybrid chimp?

I said non-human but perhaps I should have stated non-terrestrial.

Can you explain why no non-terrestrial DNA has ever been found in humans or anywhere else on Earth?
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There is that part in the bible where God has all the members of Goliath’s family killed because they all have 6 fingers and six toes. :D

Some out there are very pissed off about the tampering with humans perfect genes. The jealousy of other races and their attempts to use the human genes for their own purposes.
We as a civilization are continually being shepherded by those beings of a higher order. Through the use of hybrids, genetically altered humans, civilization is slowly and methodically being altered – one generation upon the next.

Our evolution is not accidental – caused by happenstance.

What is being altered in us, generation upon generation, is the amount of information we are able to house. Our ability to accept, house, integrate and utilize information.

Continual genetic alterations (variations) being introduced gradually into our civilization is the point and purpose of those so-called abductees.

Calling abductees – abductees - is rather like calling schoolchildren school-bus-riders. Of course they ride the school bus, but riding the school bus is not the point - just a necessary task.

We as a civilization are continually being shepherded by those beings of a higher order.

That is your only your assertion based on your inability to discern whether or not it is fantasy, according to your own statements. And of course, that begs the question, "Who altered the aliens?"

Our evolution is not accidental – caused by happenstance.

That on the other hand has been observed, so it appears your wrong on that one.

Continual genetic alterations (variations) being introduced gradually into our civilization is the point and purpose of those so-called abductees.

I still don't see the point to it. Why would they bother? To what ends to the so-called alterations? It simply makes no sense at all.

Calling abductees – abductees - is rather like calling schoolchildren school-bus-riders.

Most abductees are called lunatics and kooks quite simply because their stories cannot be verified. Some have been shown to be a hoax.

Not one of them has ever been verified.
(Q) said:
... On second thought, Jocariah, I think you’re the greatest … please write more – frankly, I can’t seem to get enough.

Thanks Q

I love you too :) .

Jocariah said:
Look Q, I've been making the whole alien hybrid thing up as a joke to get some chuckles, and I thought I'd better come clean. No hard feelings?

No problem, thanks!
craterchains (Norval said:
There is that part in the bible where God has all the members of Goliath’s family killed because they all have 6 fingers and six toes. :D

Some out there are very pissed off about the tampering with humans perfect genes. The jealousy of other races and their attempts to use the human genes for their own purposes.

I find it amusing how the computer keyboard would fit 6 digits just perfectly.
People may think that abductees are like them, except for the fact that they have experienced the abduction phenomena. What they don’t realize is that abductees are actually genetically altered hybrids, programmed by their breeders.

Hybrids, or abductees as they are often called, are unlike ordinary people in two ways. First they have been genetically altered. Secondly, they have experienced the so-called abduction phenomena and the programming associated with those events.

Hybrids exist, with respect to the intent of their breeders, to perform multiple tasks or functions simultaneously. They are the point of origin for genetic variations being introduced into the general populace, test subjects for other various aspects of genetic manipulation, as well as being subconsciously programmed, to name a few.

When it comes to beings of a higher order, all things have multifaceted purposes. There are no singular thought processes or endeavors.

It is so often that one reads these statements and if one knows the bible for what it really says about these ET’s it becomes very comical.

STDD Same Tactics, Different Day. :D

Direct or indirect DNA tampering with the human race’s DNA is a NO NO. Punishable by death if I remember correctly. As we were a created race and so were those ET’s it seems that they are very curious about our DNA. I would be also if I knew that they were to one day be my judges across this universe. Wouldn’t you?

But. Any thing less than human, mixed DNA, would be a detraction from the human perfection. It may give those ET’s some of our traits, but we still remove the sixth fingers and toes, .usually at birth.
What they don’t realize is that abductees are actually genetically altered hybrids, programmed by their breeders.

Isnt' breeding and genetic alterations two different things?

Hybrids exist

Why have no hybrids ever been discovered? Surely, if they are running around all over the place, someone would take notice, don't ya think?
craterchains (Norval said:
remove the sixth fingers and toes, .usually at birth.

Guess they are running around all over the place but who really pays attention to someones cosmetically altered hands and feet, maybe not even the person themselves if the parent doesn't tell them.
Genetic tampering is seen as a "NO NO" purely because current experiments have proven that it's impossible to get genetic alteration right 100% of the time.

This would mean that if any "Hybrids" existed on the planet, there should be at least 98% of them resulting in genetic failures with the last 2% evolving in some form. Thats what makes Jocariah claim too unbelievable to actually be true.