Human Mutalation!!!!! SHOCKING!

A Canadian said:
If I told you all I had REAL PROOF of aliens and posted a photo, clearly, the majority of you all will easily try to contradict me..

People do tell us they have real proof. That 'proof' varies though, from the mundane, to the ridiculous. Some show evidence of anomolous radar trails, video, or pictures. Others however, offer much less compelling 'proof' and merely mumble gibberish and tell us they are pscyhically channelling aliens.

Being a scientist, I like quantities I can measure, and am a real fan of physical evidence. So far, there's no physical evidence, and what we can measure doesn't lead to a single explanantion.

On photos. The problem often here, is that all we are offered for the most part, are single pictures, often not that clear, and usually without context. Why we cannot get a series of pictures, which would give us an idea of flight path, in focus, to show us the shape of the craft, and with some landmarks or other landscape in scene, to give us idea of scale of the craft.

Video is never good quality either, is it, if you're honest. Strange lights in the sky captured on video, never seem to me that mobile, when they are filmed in context with other objects, buildings, or landscape. We usually only see motion, at high zoom, which we can attribute more to camera shake (my video camera has an x18 zoom, and holding that steady is pretty hard), and often defocussed, because the light source is so small, and so far away the auto-focus has trouble keeping up through the rapid zoom in, and we often end up with a fuzzy light source dancing around, or, if the camera is an older Sony camcorder, a lozenge shape, this being the defocussed shadow of the iris on the CCD.

So, if you did have good evidence, good picture, I'd love to see it. Don't say it won't sway us, we're scientists, and are prepared to change our mind in the face of good evidence. We just need more than a mumbling medium, or a false hypnotic memory to convince us.
You might think my skeptism means that I see from a skeptics viewpoint, however I have something I occasionally bring up in the forum that the only shred of evidence I have would be from getting a secondary Catscan to look at the alterations with the first that I had approx. a year ago.

The reason I had a scan, well it's a long and very unbelievable story since what it comprises of is to some as unbelievable as the alien encounters you mention. However to me it's been very real, very incapacitatingly real.

I have for the past 5-7 years had a team of individuals utilising hardware to generate a form of artificial telepathy on me. They have until this point remained 100% clandestine, they would not phone to explain their reasons, they would not stop to let me rest. To some such a suggestion of people working in shifts to watch/interact with a person over a radiological system would seem incomprehendisable.

They would suggest what I have been seeing/feeling/interacting with is nothing more than a mear dillusion and usually state the old Skeptics assertation of "seeking medical help". However the skeptics fail to understand that the Medical Profession can't help if they are being manipulated to misdiagnose based on the pseudo-generation of ailments and conditions. It's as if someone has taken the time to attempt to fill in the "exact textbook definitions" of a particular ailment in a question to have me "dealt with".

So IMHO such help is clearly not help, it would be like going to a doctor with a common cold and having them trying to remove an appendix to cure it.

As for the things I've seen, I've seen things that look solid that are manifested within my own brain through manipulation but I have also seen things that are manifested outside of my brain like Holograms that others could potentially see.
This is why to me things like Ghosts, Aliens and legendary old monsters are pretty much a "Scientific Possiblity" however what people should realise is they can not trust their first impressions because they can be manipulated to be an easy answer to coverup the truth (e.g. An Alien picture, might be stated to be an "Alien" but it might be hoaxed in an attempt to convince someone of "Aliens").

Throughout my time on this system I have seen areas of science in the press that have crossed into this region of Pseudo-Telepathy that aren't "black budget".

For instance the Robo-Rodent that was originally a cybernetic rat that could call through small holes that could help in saving people in fallen building scenarios.
The usage of sexual arousement in the rodent to making them complacent with an operator "handling them".

A different story involved a scientist that developed a kind of dish that emitted waveformations that could interact with the brain. His usage was playing waterfalls and soothing music, or hiding in the shadows to say "Boo" to his collegues.

More recently was the usage of Rodent brain cells in Neural-Networking were the cells themselves became apart of the network to process data.

(each of these stories I'm sure could have a link found to them since they are a little old now)

I mention these stories because singularly they are each a preportion to a puzzle, a Public understanding of how such "Non-Public" projects can be done in the backgrounds. I am still attempting to talk the people around that are doing this project to me into outputting a Public Admittal and change in their policy of business, however it's difficult to change things that seem set in stone to them.

The only thing I can suggest to them and others like them, is that their system that they follow now is an old and inadequate system. One that people cling to because they are scared of change. However as I've mentioned before the world as we know it has been opened to a faster rate of change thanks to the internet, and if society is going to have to cope with the same trend of change like Hardware and Software techniques have been over the past decade, then the systems they follow now should be scrapped, because they will not be able to cope with such significant alterations.

As for more on the mutilation front:
A film I was watching suggested that there are potentially "Escaped Convicts" that hide out in forests and remote places from the law. Anyone stepping into their territory potentially puts them at risk of being killed for what ever money/clothing/food they have and the way they are killed could be dependant upon the convicts original criminal past. (for instance a Serial murder etc)
Phlogistician, why not bring evidence that it doesn't exist to the table.

I know why you commented is purely because of the contents of that one line, as any forms of written output explaining about what has happened might seem written with "being read" in mind. (Namely the particular way descriptions of characterisations are formed).

This is one of the main reasons why I had been rethinking about my ordeal in the sense that persons like you "Sheep" shouldn't know about such equipment, because you would only make a mockery of those used or abuse the usage yourselves.

However those abused suffer tortures as bad if not worse than those groomed by paedophiles when young, so please realise that you should not mock.

I'll ask you a simple question that should an answer be concluded would be proof enough of existance:

Can the current level of Technology generate a Cybernetic system that interacts with the human mind through some means of Artificial Telepathy?

I know that it can from the examples I mentioned in the previous post, but how about you?
Did any of you see "The Village?" I love that movie because it shows just how much a group of leaders in society can do to the minds of the people. Coincidently, the movie did involve mutilated animals and even a human victim; and it was all the idea of the leaders of that society. Muahaha.

Just as you say that some things you saw were fake, I can say all things that you saw were fake, or at least most of them; I can also say that the things you saw, those fake ones, were or were not induced by aliens. Well? It is fun to think this way but one can't function in a healthy manner with a state of mind like that. Stryder, can you provide any reasons why you believe things you saw were illusions, besides the mere possibility of such a thing? More like, was there something you saw and others said there was no such thing?
Stryderunknown said:
I'll ask you a simple question that should an answer be concluded would be proof enough of existance:

Can the current level of Technology generate a Cybernetic system that interacts with the human mind through some means of Artificial Telepathy?


I know you believe such technology exists, but that belief is part of your delusion. Without extensive implants, the considerable number of neurons that would be needed to be stimulated to produce a coherent and controlled hallucination could just not be targeted.

You say you've had a CAT scan, more than one, did they find any implants in your brain? Any receiving devices?

Or, do you think it's possible to target thousands of neurons in a moving target, and remotely pump information into them? Of course you do, stupid question, but what other applications does this technology have, and why don't we see it applied elsewhere? That's major hardware, should it exist. If it were being trialled, why would 'they' pick you? Picking on random people isn't the way science is done, is it? Of course, if you mention some covert operation, that is leading towards paranoia, which is also a symptom often associated with your other symptoms.

I'm not denying that you have very realistic experiences, like I'm not denying that the girl I knew that said she was assaulted nightly by demons didn't. I do doubt that either of you have found the correct source of your torment, however.
There was a discussion on how to generate a "Super Neuron" by Dr Penrose some time back I believe. It involved the destruction of multiple cells membrane as a singular cells, the membrane would then regrow around all the cells nuclei's, making a multinuclei'd single cell.

It was suggested that interaction with such a supercell would be easier to work with than normal braincells that originally people had problems braking communication past the Bloodbrain barrier, where the flow of the blood generated electromagnetic interference in reception.

So it in all it was suggested that there was a way to develop a method without the use of implants.

As for why should they pick me?
Why should they pick anybody???

Quite simply it could be any reason, perhaps I jumped a queue in a supermarket, or happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I'm not suggesting they picked me to glorify my existance, if it was up to me I would have prefered them to pick someone else if of course I could live in the knowledge that some other poor guy is getting harassed by them.

In certain respects I hate the fact that such people have picked me, however I thank the chance to stop them hurting other people with the equipment, perhaps tieing their equipment up is actually a blessing Phlog, otherwise you might be on here.

Btw, CAT Scans are supposedly not the best scans for finding out about whats in a persons head. Apparently some things just don't show up, however I haven't actually got a response for anything being found since I was palmed off by one of those Receptionists doctors have that gave me the "You don't need to bother the doctor for your result, they said it was 'Okay'". I could never work out if that was "You are Okay" or "It's Okay they got the result", I'll find out eventually though.
Stryderunknown said:
There was a discussion on how to generate a "Super Neuron" by Dr Penrose

Ah, quantum effects in cognition. Yes, I'm aware of some of these theories, I nearly mentioned it yesterday, wrt the complexity of control.

OK, you are familiar with the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, yes?

To control a mind, first you make a mathematical model of how it works. the creation of that model requires the brain to be measured, as the model is mathematical. It _must_ be a mathematical model, if we are to be able to use it for predictions. A model involving quantum effects cannot be used for prediction, therefore the validity of the model cannot be proven.(thanks to Chaos theory and Heisenberg, you can't accurately record quantum states, and any slight variation now, could mean a large deviation later.)

If you _could_ make a model somehow, gathering the data required here is an immense task, it would require SQID measurements of the source first, and then have to somehow account for braincells dying naturally, and synaptic re-routing. This model would have to be more than a logical model, it would also have to model the very biology of the brain. So onto control. Say we have a solid model of a brain, we can now predict what it can do, so we can give it stimuli, and predict how it will react, to create our control software.

We then need to be able to calibrate our machine, and software, and do all this remotely. This would require the proposed 'entangled particles' to use data teleportation. Again, data transfer would have to be near instantaneous, and massively in parallel, as again, Chaos rules, and delayed data means an inaccurate model.

So, we now have a perfect model of your brain. We have entangled particles at each synapse to measure the quantum state to feed into our model. We can manipulate our model, and now what data to send back to control. We can perhaps use the entangled particles to control transmission at the synapses, but we still have to control brain chemistry some how, it's not all quantum, but physical, and chemical too.

So, for you to really be the target of brain manipulation, some of the biggest
tasks and problems in physics need to be solved. Heisenberg circumvented. Chaos turned to order. Quantum teleportation made to work on a fairly massive scale, and computers to run it all that are really, really fast. (Quantum computers, realistically).

All this technology, to mess with your mind? Does that sound remotely feasible? It's no more feasible than the hypothesis of Jocariah who thinks he's a genetically altered hybrid for alien communication. You both suffer the same delusion, but interpret it different ways.

Btw, CAT Scans are supposedly not the best scans for finding out about whats in a persons head. Apparently some things just don't show up,

... and that's the best system there is available for imaging your brain, and it fails to see some things at the physical level. Now extrapolate the cost of making a machine that can capture all the data required at a quantum resolution, and honestly think, are 'they' going to point it at you, or George W?
Firstly Phlog your wrong for a few things.

Chaos can be order if look at over a small distance. For instance if you were to drive someone down a road with many turn-offs and you could randomly decide which one to take, the person in the seat next to you can view a form of order through the process of deduction. Namely every turn-off you pass you didn't take, and the turn-off they focus on is the next one in the road not the one right up the end.

Heisenberg's Principle of Uncertainty only works when your dealing with Single Universes, when your dealing with Multiworlds, the original uncertainty becomes a defined predestined universal constant, it's no longer chaotic, however Observation theory does declare that it could have chaotic factors when viewing somethings destiny so.

As soon as Multiworlds are brought into the equation it also deals with the complexities of modelling the brain, afterall if spacial folding is occuring to view predestined algorythms then obviously routing information around a brain would be possible to.
(Spacial folding would be what you assign as quantum teleportation. Heres a question for you, when the Australians teleported a particle across the room... Was the particle they received the "SAME" particle, or one from another universe?)

Admittedly the science would be an advanced one, but above all plausible (and not through paranoia).

Heres something I theorised on previously with Multiworlds:
Lets say you have a remote controlled car with a minicam mount and it's held by a computerised arm, which works on the same basis of Schrodingers Cat in the sense that exists as a multiworlds equipment setup.

In one universe the arm remains static, the Radio controller is within range of the car so that it can increase the cars speed, turn etc.
In the other universe the car is released by the arm so that it can run along the ground.

The theory here is that "IF" the information obtained from the universe with the arm still clenched for the movement of the car transfers to the universe where it's been released, the Radio signal to control the car has "Unlimited range" as aposed to it's original range. The only limitation on the car would be that of it's batteries.

The suggested theory above would cover some of the factors from EPR, the understanding that a short ordered communication between the car and the controller in one universe is heard by the car miles from that spacial position in the other universe.

It could be preposed that the same method could be used for the insertation of a SQID implant which wouldn't have any solidity to it as it would be percievably "dark matter", just electromagnetic backgrounding of the implants duality state.

However I'm sure you'll think this all scifi, this is one of the main reasons that such theory/experiment was really being saved for something real like a Uni course.
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Stryder, there is ONE Universe. Check out the discussion that took place elsewhere. The very definition of Universe states clearly what it is. There is nothing more.

And yes, the rest reads like bad sci-fi. You are inventing things to excuse the difficulties in your hypothesis. Well, Occam's razor has to come into play here.

Oh, by the way, Heisenberg Uncertainty principle would apply in any space that is coupled to ours. Anyone who knows quantum mechanics knows that there can never be a dislocation in a wave form, edge parameters always have to match up. So if anything could travel from one part of space (say, in the part of the Universe that you count as being in a different Universe), a particle, photon, or whatever, just can't go and shed a dimension, or property crossing some arbitrary line. If Heisenberg applies anywhere (which it does) it applies everywhere.
Wouldn't it be simpler to create hallucinations by attaching a 'receiver' to
the optic nerve? Kind of like to interact or interfer with the signals from
the eye itself?
Heisenbergs Principle of Uncertainty still follows Relativity. For instance for a "Parallel" to exist it requires a "Paradox", a Paradox is usually formed when one percieved "Destined" occurance is purposely altered to no longer be the percieved occurance. (i.e. turning right at a junction instead of heading left which is the route that would have been taken)

Such a deviation however requires FTL communication which Einstein did not rule out (he only ruled out FTL transversement of Mass because of his renound equation.)

This basically means that if you have two universes with two different occurances occuring at either the "same time" or with FTL communication those occurances could actually be staggered in reverse (the direction you chose to be the paradox occurs first before taking the direction you would of originally taken ["Skipping Record"]).

Since universes are not just born of a paradox but exist from the beginning of the universe to the point the paradox arises, where it "junctions" to it. It suggests that multiple timelines can be staggered, because of their staggering and the method of "Junctioning" it's hypothesised that from one universe a universal constant that would seem Chaotic in nature (for instance a meteor crashing into the earth) could actually be viewed from another universe "before" it actually occurs in that universe it's viewed from.

There is alot more to it, however it's hardly mutiliation material and it's difficult to explain but then again if it was that simple the universe just wouldn't work.

As for the generation of the hallucination, It is possible to generate holographic matrices from antenna arrays to create a "vision". It's even possible to see the parallel universe that are created can have some visual effects. (For instance someone moves an object creating a parallel in a lab, in both universe the whole universe is pretty much the same apart from this displaced object. However the scientist that moves the object is now also potentially out of sync with themselves, they could leave work 5 minutes early in one universe and suddenly displace a bunch of people in traffic. Before you know it the "Butterfly effect" caused by such a paradox is now filtering it's way through everybodies interaction on the road, in the street "on the internet". If a person is displaced and you were not, you were still bound to both universes in a multiworlds state, you would see the person in one frame of reference [one universe] and potentially see their "Doppleganger" from the other universe at a later point in spooky circumstances.)

However all this again isn't related to the original mutiliation thread and I would prefer to state that this thread should stay on track, instead of the Craterchains one.
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