Human Mutalation!!!!! SHOCKING!

Even if they were Ming the Merciless on his wedding day, i still dont think they would get the point :p
Star_One said:
In England, farmers dont go not seeing there livestock for days, hence most mutilated cattle are found well within 24 hours.

Yes they do. I often go walking on the North Yorks Moors, where sheep are left to roam freely and graze. They ARE NOT counted daily. Cattle are often left alone for days at a time if they have grass to graze on. It's only milking cows that would be missed so quickly. Where do you get your ideas from? Not experience, obviously.

I was reading that a farmer had 500 sheep stolen, ... the only way they could have been stolen was from the air!.

Got a reputable source for this story?

Was also reading about whale/dolphin mutilations, most are fisherman etc, but there were a few strange cases!

Actually, most are not caused byfisherman, but natural causes again. Everything that lives in the sea, dies at some point. When larger animals, such as whales, and whale sharks die, occasionally, they'll rot, and wash ashore. The worst decay is always found around the orifices, and in particular, in whales and sharks, particularly around the gills, as this is a large area of opening. Predation by small fish, and sea birds striips the soft tissue, leaving a rotten, bloated, unrecognisble carcass, that looks more than a little disturbing. It's these carcasses that fuelled legends of sea monsters among the superstitious. Congratualtions, you have the same mindset as the 'here be dragons' types!

Autopsy's carried out on these animmals RULE OUT!!!! predators being the cause, and also it rules out maniacs using crude tools to mutilate the cattle, im refering to the "mystery" cases, not cases where the culprit is a twisted man

Natural causes also means heart attacks, disease, and illness, death doens't always have to be violent. Once maggots have eaten away the organs, there's not a lot left to autopsy, so original cause of death is difficult to determine. There is no reason to assume tha the lack of organs is what killed the animal however. The two events are disconnected.
phlogistician said:
Natural causes also means heart attacks, disease, and illness, death doens't always have to be violent. Once maggots have eaten away the organs, there's not a lot left to autopsy, so original cause of death is difficult to determine. There is no reason to assume tha the lack of organs is what killed the animal however. The two events are disconnected.

Have you even bothered to look at ANY OF THE LINKS in this thread so far. Your not getting the picture here phlogistician. Either crawl out of your hole for once, or go back in it and stay there for good.
As it has been said before, there are those ET's that you can trust with your kids and cows and there are those ET's that you cannot trust...period.
How can someones entire organs be sucked out thur small holes?
I highly doubt the cause of the injuries are "natural"

Eh well looking past Phlogistician's description, I believe there was an incident involving a close cousin of the ebola virus. Although I'm not impling that it was done with this phage but what this virus can do is liquify a person's organs (including its brain) and that person would literally bleed their organs out of every opening in their body including the penis, anus, vagina, eyes, ears, mouth and even the pores on its skin. This is obviously a lethal virus and while it may not be the same situation as what this person in the link was exposed to, it is very possible to "suck" out someone's organs even WITHOUT techonology. For those of you who don't know, pores are much smaller than those "small holes" on that man's body.

Why the the amount of blood limited around the wounds?

Good question. My guess could be they were devoured (the pools of blood that is) by an animal or cleaned up by whomever could have murdered him (if this was a murder).

Why would any human do this?

Umm...why would any human kill another one? Why did Hitler do what he did to the Jews? Because humans are fucked up that's why (and yes I'm including myself).

this man would be long dead after anyone of these procedures.... thus he could of no longer be tortured as he would be DEAD....

Unless his ears and skins was ripped off before his organs were sucked out. As well he could be a victim of an example set up by some organization (the mob? lmao) to scare others. In this case they would want to mutilate him as much as possible whether or not he was already dead.

The initial police report, however, was not extraordinary in nature except for the recognition that the body, although extremely mutilated, had not met with unusual violence; that is, there were no signs of struggle or the application of bondage of any kind."

Simply could have been knocked out by force, or by drugs.

Yeah, humans are more than capable of mutilating stuff for a prank/hoax or even "just for a laugh", but something is doing these "mutilations" to these animmals, and i dont think the culprits are human!

You really are sheltered then aren't you?

Anyways to top it off for all of you who keep saying this can't be done by humans and that no humans could possibly pull off such mutilation. Well you'd really be surprised. I recommend looking up Emmett Till (surprised if you don't know who he is). Take a look at his picture when they found him dead, and don't forget that the killers did that to him with their bare hands. His own mother couldn't recognize him if it wasn't for the ring on his finger.
You know, you don't see this stuff on the news anymore because of people like you. Most cattle farmers don't even report these incidents anymore, because nothing can be done about it.

This has been going on for 200 years... this happens more than you think. Even top scientific minds cannot figure it out. And if they can't, then what makes you people think you can. Scientists has clearly ruled out that these cow are mutilated in such a way that no human, or natural predator found on this earth (or virus or maggots) could of done this.

Modern Science cannot figure this out, at least the science that governments are hiding from us. Still doesn't explain that this has been going on for 200 years.
To quote Votorx a few times:

Simply could have been knocked out by force, or by drugs. <----- "although extremely mutilated, had not met with unusual violence"

Good question. My guess could be they were devoured (the pools of blood that is) by an animal or cleaned up by whomever could have murdered him (if this was a murder). <----- No animal tracks, no human foot prints, and I'd like to see you clean up that much blood in dirt or sand and leave no trace. Animals won't even go near these corpses, flies refuse to land on them.

For those of you who don't know, pores are much smaller than those "small holes" on that man's body. <-------- Really Dr Watson! I had No IDEA. No virus of any kind, has been know to jump around the world killing cattle and other critters, over night, by boring selected holes into the bone... and somehow make every oragan and drop of blood VANISH off the face of the earth. You know I not some nut who belives everything out there, I've done more real research on this than I possibly can. The next best thing would be going out to a see a actual mutalited cow.

And even reports in my own province of Alberta:
This link has some amazing pictures and personal reports.

This next link has nothing to do with cattle mutalitions, but it shows alot of News Paper Clippings converted to text:
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Modern Science has pretty much figured out it's sicko humans doing it and therefore don't waste their time contemplating about sicko aliens.

Namely why should a scientists bother researching something that has already had multiple research groups and government organisations look into that have come up with the usual result of "natural causes". Admittedly I suppose it must seem to some observers that the governments "Must" be lieing to come up with a "Natural Cause" sentiment when a local police/sheriff departments autopsy suggests something else, however who has the better lab to test for results???
Blah blah blah.

Oh, and I am sure the USA government is going to tell you what they really know when it comes to outside threats.

Natural Cuases is a buncha lies. Havn't you been paying ANY ATTENTION?
Did you even bother to check out one little link?
I agree with Stryder's theory of drug cartel business and psycho humans.
I see no need for aliens there.
In the old ages if you couldn't understand something -> ACT OF GOD
nowadays it is -> ACT OF ALIENS
religious people... never change... :rolleyes:
Sorry, but human involment just does not fit. How many times do I have to repeat myself.

You poeple are clearly not looking into any of this, rather you are just making up excuses that attempt to debunk the truth.
It doesn't fit to you, but it fits to me and Stryder.
The truth is out there :m:
You both can come up with a million explainations, and I can repeat myself a million times. But there is more excuses that say Alien didn't do it, than excuses that they did. So clearly, poeple are refusing the truth.
You are just a Crazy Canuk and I am a reality error, Stryder is a nice example of a Cybernautic Hologram.
How do you think to who people will believe => you or us?
Of course you! Stupid world...
"Modern Science has pretty much figured out it's sicko humans doing it and therefore don't waste their time contemplating about sicko aliens."

Have they? :rolleyes:

Im really surprised at some of the suggestions and examples that have been put forward here by the skeptics.

A Canadian, ill scan the article in tommorow, sorry for the delay.
Did you scan that artical Star One? I am still reved to read it :D

Feel free to post it in here.
A Canadian said:
You know, you don't see this stuff on the news anymore because of people like you.
... or because it doesn't happen.
A Canadian said:
Most cattle farmers don't even report these incidents anymore, because nothing can be done about it.
Absolute rubbish. My uncle has thousands of sheep. If space aliens were coming down and cutting up his sheep believe me he would report it. He needs them to make a living.
A Canadian said:
Even top scientific minds cannot figure it out. And if they can't, then what makes you people think you can. Scientists has clearly ruled out that these cow are mutilated in such a way that no human, or natural predator found on this earth (or virus or maggots) could of done this.
What "top scientific minds" ?
A Canadian said:
Modern Science cannot figure this out, at least the science that governments are hiding from us. Still doesn't explain that this has been going on for 200 years.
Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. Modern science has figured it out, you just refuse to accept it. I guess it would make the world less interesting to you.

The official investigations done have found nothing mysterious happening. Oh wait, they must be in on it too. :rolleyes:
A Canadian said:
Natural Cuases is a buncha lies. Havn't you been paying ANY ATTENTION?
Did you even bother to check out one little link?
I have checked your links and they are all ufo/new age websites. Do you have one that is a bit more reputable? Some of us don't believe absolutely everything we read.
shaman_ said:
Absolute rubbish. My uncle has thousands of sheep. If space aliens were coming down and cutting up his sheep believe me he would report it. He needs them to make a living.
Clearly his sheep are not being adbucted eh? yes? My pet cats have not been abuducted, so.... whats a guy to do?

shaman_ said:
What "top scientific minds" ?
Poeple much smarter than you and me.

shaman_ said:
Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. Modern science has figured it out, you just refuse to accept it. I guess it would make the world less interesting to you.

The official investigations done have found nothing mysterious happening. Oh wait, they must be in on it too.
Modern science has not proved it was UFO or Aliens, but they have said OVER AND OVER again, this is not done by any know natural preaditor, and no evidence suggests it was or could of been done by a humans so far. There is a thing called autopsys, forensic science and even witness testimony that leans it away from any possible human factor.

All we get are poeple claiming "Oh, it is some mythological beast", "No, no, it must be a virus", "No, its just natural cuases of death and maggots and other scavangers cleanout selected areas of the organs in less than 24 hours". It seems that poeple want to deny the truth than to really accept it.

Official Investigations.... The US gov. denies the existance of area 51 and anything that goes on in there. Do you really think they are going to tell you anything about what they really know about our "out of town" visitors.
A Canadian said:
Clearly his sheep are not being adbucted eh? yes? My pet cats have not been abuducted, so.... whats a guy to do?
So you completely ignored my point.

A Canadian said:
Poeple much smarter than you and me.
So a ufo website says. I want to know who these people are.
A Canadian said:
Modern science has not proved it was UFO or Aliens, but they have said OVER AND OVER again, this is not done by any know natural preaditor, and no evidence suggests it was or could of been done by a humans so far. There is a thing called autopsys, forensic science and even witness testimony that leans it away from any possible human factor.
Who is "modern science"? The mutilations have been investigated and natural causes were found. Oh you must be referring to your ufo websites. Again, show me some credible evidence.

A Canadian said:
All we get are poeple claiming "Oh, it is some mythological beast", "No, no, it must be a virus", "No, its just natural cuases of death and maggots and other scavangers cleanout selected areas of the organs in less than 24 hours". It seems that poeple want to deny the truth than to really accept it.
Mythological beast? Who thinks it is a mythological beast?
A Canadian said:
Official Investigations.... The US gov. denies the existance of area 51 and anything that goes on in there. Do you really think they are going to tell you anything about what they really know about our "out of town" visitors.
Yes yes it's a big conspiracy. You are not after the truth you just want to reinforce the ufo fantasy.
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