Human Mutalation!!!!! SHOCKING!

Oh Goodness Phlogger, maybe we should call these maggots, intelligent surgically equipped maggots.
You are a real piece of work.
"body could have been ejected from an aircraft and it could have been mutilated from the fall through the tree branches."

I thought the body was found in the middle of the dessert?
Phlog, your explaination kind of reminds me when I moved a dead rat with a stick when younger, to see what I thought was it's intestines fall out... until the ball of pseudo-tract started wriggling. I agree that maggots will find the easiest way out of body, if a section is wrotting it's easier for them to chomp. (as well as into it).

Simply everybody that believes it's aliens believes "The equipment used is too advanced" however the reality is far different, barbarism has been round for centuries and it didn't need any guise of spaceage tools.

So the victims (including cattle) weren't grotted with a rope, however Cattle "Jump" when being herded and notibly can even push each other over the edge of ravines. They can get injured on their own attempting to leap a fence and then bleed to death through a severed artery.

(Btw, I'm only this morbid around Halloween)
Stryderunknown said:
Phlog, your explaination kind of reminds me when I moved a dead rat with a stick when younger, to see what I thought was it's intestines fall out... until the ball of pseudo-tract started wriggling. I agree that maggots will find the easiest way out of body, if a section is wrotting it's easier for them to chomp. (as well as into it).

Simply everybody that believes it's aliens believes "The equipment used is too advanced" however the reality is far different, barbarism has been round for centuries and it didn't need any guise of spaceage tools.

So the victims (including cattle) weren't grotted with a rope, however Cattle "Jump" when being herded and notibly can even push each other over the edge of ravines. They can get injured on their own attempting to leap a fence and then bleed to death through a severed artery.

(Btw, I'm only this morbid around Halloween)

So you are saying, cattle themselves are the cause of the "cattle mutilations" phenomina?
Star_One said:
So you are saying, cattle themselves are the cause of the "cattle mutilations" phenomina?

It's natural causes, plain and simple. It just looks a bit weird, but then, nature is. Some animals just up and die. When they do, they start to rot, get infested with various creatures, and these are the results.

I'm sure there's a web site with the results of FBI experiments on this. People leave their body to medical science are sometimes left out in the open, so various effects can be measured in an attempt to determine time of death more accurately. This include predation, rotting, and infestation by maggots, all of which produce the images we see here. Go research, it's all there. And when I say that, I mean on reputable, not crank, web sites.
phlogistician said:
It's natural causes, plain and simple. It just looks a bit weird, but then, nature is. Some animals just up and die. When they do, they start to rot, get infested with various creatures, and these are the results.

I'm sure there's a web site with the results of FBI experiments on this. People leave their body to medical science are sometimes left out in the open, so various effects can be measured in an attempt to determine time of death more accurately. This include predation, rotting, and infestation by maggots, all of which produce the images we see here. Go research, it's all there. And when I say that, I mean on reputable, not crank, web sites. be honest, ive not read to deeply into cattle mutilations, but a while ago i bought some back issues of "ufo magazine", and in them is ton's of articles and accounts of these incidents, so ill have a read of them toninight.

I highly doubt the cause of the injuries are "natrual" :p
Yes, cattles entire internal organs get eaten by maggots over night and eat thur BONE in perfect drill hole sizes.

All in one night....
I would love to meet these super maggots.

And if maggots ate this poor mans body, I am surprised on how selective they where about "WHAT THEY ATE".
So it looks like evidence of aliens to you merely because it is brutal and inhumane to do such a thing? Silly.
whitewolf said:
So it looks like evidence of aliens to you merely because it is brutal and inhumane to do such a thing? Silly.

The cattle that are mutilated arent hacked at with some weapon, they are found (often near ufo sightings) with PRECISE incisions and organ removal.

Yeah, humans are more than capable of mutilating stuff for a prank/hoax or even "just for a laugh", but something is doing these "mutilations" to these animmals, and i dont think the culprits are human!
Does that mean all mass genocide is done by aliens too? If that was the case why was everyone looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq in the first place?
The relavence is simple, There are many human monsters out there why do we need to invent "alien" ones?
The 'precise' part is just a factoid reported by a crank magazine. Don't give it too much credence,

Also, the 'overnight' bit is spurious. Farmers don't inventory their livestock every day, uness they are milking cows, which would be missed as they are milked regularly. Cattle raised for meat production are allowed to roam, and not counted accurately every day. So, does the article specify what type of cow they were?

It's simple, there is evidence for this type of degradation happening naturally in humans and animals, but there is no evidence for aliens perfomaing the mutilation. So it's just a flight of fancy to leap to 'aliens did it', and shows a lack of understanding of the real world.
You are wrong, many of the cases that have been reported happen overnight, AFTER the farmers took count.

And are we to assume that a preditor did it? No, no bite or claw marks, and the lack of blood is a dead give-away.

Is some sick mind human doing it? Possible, but highly unlikely, considering this is a world wide phenomenion.

phlogistician, you are a fool, who doesn't know anything.
phlogistician said:
The 'precise' part is just a factoid reported by a crank magazine. Don't give it too much credence,

Also, the 'overnight' bit is spurious. Farmers don't inventory their livestock every day, uness they are milking cows, which would be missed as they are milked regularly. Cattle raised for meat production are allowed to roam, and not counted accurately every day. So, does the article specify what type of cow they were?

It's simple, there is evidence for this type of degradation happening naturally in humans and animals, but there is no evidence for aliens perfomaing the mutilation. So it's just a flight of fancy to leap to 'aliens did it', and shows a lack of understanding of the real world.

:eek: :rolleyes:

phlogistician said:
The 'precise' part is just a factoid reported by a crank magazine. Don't give it too much credence,

Also, the 'overnight' bit is spurious. Farmers don't inventory their livestock every day, uness they are milking cows, which would be missed as they are milked regularly. Cattle raised for meat production are allowed to roam, and not counted accurately every day. So, does the article specify what type of cow they were?

It's simple, there is evidence for this type of degradation happening naturally in humans and animals, but there is no evidence for aliens perfomaing the mutilation. So it's just a flight of fancy to leap to 'aliens did it', and shows a lack of understanding of the real world.

In England, farmers dont go not seeing there livestock for days, hence most mutilated cattle are found well within 24 hours.

I was reading that a farmer had 500 sheep stolen, he only left them for 4 hours, he said it would have needed many heavy duty lorrys' to have done this, yet there were no tire tracks or anything! the only way they could have been stolen was from the air!.

Was also reading about whale/dolphin mutilations, most are fisherman etc, but there were a few strange cases!

Autopsy's carried out on these animmals RULE OUT!!!! predators being the cause, and also it rules out maniacs using crude tools to mutilate the cattle, im refering to the "mystery" cases, not cases where the culprit is a twisted man
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The article is in a magazine, ill scan it in tommorow and email it to you (or post it hear).

Very interesting link!