Human Mutalation!!!!! SHOCKING!

Is it the body that was found in the dessert?, the wounds on that didnt seem to accurate or advanced.

The last time i looked at those pictures i was scarred for life, couldn't eat for weeks.
When he says disturbing, he means it. The pictures are of a very "Dead" man, with his face torn off and mulilations across his body. I mention this because "Multilation" could mean just an in-grown toenail normally.

This is not an image for youngsters, I would moderate it, however it should really be viewer discression.

As for the actual subject... Theory suggested that previous animal mutilations that were supposedly the work of a "Chupacabra" were more likely to be the work of drug cartels making locals superstitious of drug grounds since animal mutilations didn't cause that much concern policewise.

However the image of the man with his face torn off would draw too many police to the scene to be used in a way of superstition, however it is possible that he was either a torture victim of either Rebels or Drug cartels, or had a servere wound and was attempting to get out of the reserve. (Like a gunshot to the arm)

It's possible that he then died there and the body was eaten/mutilated by animals tearing/eating the softer tissue areas. Not too much proof of UFO/Alien's.

Slight alteration to above other further thought, What if the Mulations are in fact caused by Blackmarket Plastic Surgens practicing their Dark arts for use in any forms of industry that involves criminals assuming other identites.

It could explain that the guy was potentially in an Operating theatre having his identity assumed before being dumped out in the wilderness.
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There's only one word I can think of that describes my feelings about this . . .

. . . Fuck!
Looks like a simple torture victim to me.

I don't see the big deal (as in why it must be aliens).
I will never understand peoples complacency.

This is not a new happening, it was very reminiscent of the cattle mutalations.

There has been reports from abductee's seeing vats of human body parts, containers of deformed fetuses, reports stating the downed craft contained human body parts.

Why are people so complacent? Do they think there is a live amptuee to match up with those body parts?

Thousands and thousands of missing person, still not found. Does your complacency tell you these missing persons (children, runaways, babies etc.) are just walking around some large metropolis, living their lives and not showing up on government databases, not paying taxes etc.?

When will all this complacency end, when will people stop concerning themselves with daily menial tasks and start to pay attention to the things going on all around them?
Stryderunknown said:
As for the actual subject... Theory suggested that previous animal mutilations that were supposedly the work of a "Chupacabra" were more likely to be the work of drug cartels making locals superstitious of drug grounds since animal mutilations didn't cause that much concern policewise.
Sounds like an episode of Scooby Doo.
Well people want a conspiracy, it's just sometimes the one they immediately point to isn't the correct one, therefore speculation is about "mixing it up".

And yes I guess it does seem like a ScoobyDoo plot, just need the menacing deranged "Human" to be unmasked and say:

"... and I would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you pesky meddling kids".
**** why the ******* hell did i just look at those picture's again., damm my curiosity :mad:.

It does seem cause for concern though, i mean in all honesty, does it look like people of this earth did those things to this poor man?

I dont think so :confused:
I feel that most of you failed to read the artical before looking at the pictures themselfs.

How can someones entire organs be sucked out thur small holes?
Why the the amount of blood limited around the wounds?
Why would any human do this? And if he was a torture victem, what would be the point of sucking out his organs, removing parts of the ear and remove parts of the skin on the face.... this man would be long dead after anyone of these procedures.... thus he could of no longer be tortured as he would be DEAD....
And I am quite certain that Brazil does not have such precision tools to do such a cruel thing.

Quote from the artical: "The initial police report, however, was not extraordinary in nature except for the recognition that the body, although extremely mutilated, had not met with unusual violence; that is, there were no signs of struggle or the application of bondage of any kind."

Quote 2: "Encarnacion Garcia received copies of seven photos. I have included the five most revealing ones here with a description and commentary. The work of the perpetrators of this atrocity: the kinds of cuts made, the precision of the cuts, the removal of whole internal organs through small apertures, the lack of bleeding, the failure of the body to smell or decompose rapidly - all these are hallmarks of UFO-related animal mutilations. These peculiarities would seem to rule out Satanists, revenge- seekers or casual mutilators and go beyond even the capacities of a modern Jack the Ripper. "

It is quite the odd case indeed. Since we still do not what exactly what cuases cattle mutalations, this case falls into the very same catagory. But whatever is cuasing it, it just doesn't seem "of this world".
I guess that rules out torture then, this is VERY disturbing, with all the evidance people have regarding cattle mutilations, surely if everyone put there heads together this could be solved.
That link proves nothing. Poeple vanish off the face off the earth all the time for starters. (not literally of course)

This "operation condor" lacks information concerning human mutaltion. I fail to see what it has to do with the subject at hand....

People vanish all the time... but to find such a thing as a mutalated human body that has the same evidence linked with cattle and other bizarre animal mutalations.........

Besides... this so called "operation condor" is set in the 1970.... the case we are talking about is quite recent. If you want someone to disappear off the face of the earth, you do not leave thier body lying in the middle of no where.

Assassinations and Bizzare Unexplainable Mutalations are 2 differnt things.
As I mentioned I can't suggest "Operation Condor" is what I believe, but I have seen video footage of ruined buildings that are filled with Skulls from those that "disappeared".

If covert cartels can cut the heads from people as apart of a method of making them disappear they sure as heck could torture someone or mutilate them. Heck the body could have been ejected from an aircraft and it could have been mutilated from the fall through the tree branches.

However all should note, without First person reports it's anyones guess, as apposed to the third party reports we always tend to see on these sites that are usually writeups of what someone told them, who was told by someone else.
A fall from any air craft would not produce such "injurys" to the body as seen in the photos... Plus, bones would be crushed, which was not mentioned in the artical.

Have you even taken the time to read the words on the link Stryderunknown? You seem to want to turn this into a missing person thread rather than Human related UFO mutalations.

It seems that these photos alone are UNEDITED or fake (but you never know). What would one have to gain by saying that a man with missing organs, ears and muscle tissue was found in Brazil? Besides the only fake photos at the moment we have to worry about is alein autopsies, inwhich hundreds of movie studios have proved that they can easily fake them. This is however, the first case I personaly know of, of human mutalation.

But I bet within the next few years, more human mutaltion cases will pop up. And again like any UFO or Alien related tibit, 99% of them will be fakes or hoaxs.
Those pictures are hot.

Human related UFO mutalations
Haha, ufo mutilations.

The whole "ufo" angle relies on animal mutilations being ufo related. Throughout the article thats the only tie that is made "this is very similar to what has been seen in animal mutilations" like "everyone knows its aliens that mutilate animals".
They can't use the similarity between this mutilation and the animal mutilations as evidence that aliens did it, thats so idiotic. If we already accepted aliens mutilated the animals we'd be a pretty easy sell obviously. It wouldn't be a stretch at all.
As if anyone's going to be at home thinking "well obviously aliens mutilated those cows, but I think its a bit far fetched to suggest aliens mutilated this guy *snort* I mean really". This "article"(and I don't even like calling it that) reads as if that is its target audience, people who fully accept aliens mutilated animals but need convincing that they also mutilated this man.
Its mind numbingly retarded. No such audience would exist.

That said, it could have been aliens, how the fuck would I know? Doesn't change the fact that the article is really stupid though.
well, cow mutalations have been reported since the 60s, no modern technology on earth could of done such things to thoes cows back then. And the same is ALMOST true today.

I do not accept something just becuase some source tells me it is aliens....
BTW you seem to of quoted me wrong, I was actully trying to say "Mutalation cuased by aliens."

You must of known what I ment, but you seem to of wanted to post a post in attemp to foolishy steer the conversation from any thruth what-so-ever.

FYI: no audience exists becuase poeple like you refuse to open your mind for once in a life time.
I mean no audience who believes in aliens mutilating cows would have trouble believing in aliens mutilating a brazillian.
The article relies on the assumption that everyone accepts that aliens mutilate cows, but some might not accept they mutilated this man, which is why it's amateurish and stupid.
People either believe aliens come to earth and mutilate things or not.
That stiff shows the usual signs of having bezn eaten by insect larvae etc. Flies lay eggs in orifices, and the soft tissue around the orifices rots, so the eyes, nose, mouth ears, and anus are always degraded. Any wounds will also suffer the same, so we may also see similar degradation of tissue elsewhere, unless we expected the victim to have died of a heart attack, or some other non-traumatic cause.

The organs would be eaten away by the maggots that grow from the insect larave, this is why seemingly large organs get out through small holes, they go out piece by piece, as young flies.

Jesus, you people who think aliens did this must live sheltered lives. You should get out more, and experience some real life, rather than guessing how you think things should be, and making wild assumptions when the world doesn't look right, in the view that you have of it, from your armchair, to your window.