How is faith in God attained?

Those who are demanding proof before they accept the Message have in fact rejected the Message already.

Nice circular admission to a context. Thus it's upon faith, that you rely the message to be true, not that it's truth, It's you that have to have faith, that what you read, must be literally believed. Thus admitting truth, before any evidence of the context can be proven to be reliable.

That's why the old cliche "Don't question our doctrine, to believe that it's truth you must have faith"
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is music to some people's ears, and a huge bummer to others, but the bummer crowd can grow to appreciate it through prayer and study.
To any theist:

As humans, as souls, how does one attain faith in God? Also, can each person attain an equally high level of faith due to equal free will, or are certain people born with a limited potential for gaining faith?
How about meditation on true knowledge? Simple fixate your mind upon the truth, as Jesus says "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free" (John 8:32)
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is music to some people's ears, and a huge bummer to others, but the bummer crowd can grow to appreciate it through prayer and study.

You'll get far more out of reading Aesop's Fables, after all, one fairy tale is as good as another. Besides, the concept of talking animals is just slightly less far-fetched than virgin births and resurrections.
Apparently nothing, considering you're talking about magic, which is impossible for us mere mortals to understand, and instead, just accept it, right?
When you analyze it per the rest of the writings of the Bible into which it fits hand in glove, it's truly remarkable, so many writers over some many centuries and it has "the scarlet thread" of salvation throughout, very impressive.
How did the followers of Moses, the Hebrew slaves, attain faith in God?
How did the people of Noah's time attain faith in God?
How did the people of Abraham's time attain faith in God?
How did the people in David's time attain faith in God?

Can Muslims attain faith in God?
Yes you obtain the Message of Jesus.

Faith is your agreement with the Message. It is not something that you "obtain" it is something you either have or do not have depending on your judgement upon the Message received.

What is the Message of Jesus? Please explain what I have to agree with in order to attain faith.

Also, on what basis do you personally agree with the Message of Jesus? Is the message logically sound? Is it appealing to you? Can you please explain how I should judge the Message?

Should I judge it based on its being logically sound?
Should I judge it based on its extreme attention to detail?
Should I judge it based on weather it sounds truthful or not?

So how should I judge the truthfulness of the message?

What separates the Message of Jesus from the Message of Mohammad?

nds1 said:
In any case, if we attain faith by reading the gospel, then how did Abraham or Moses attain faith in God?

Adstar said:
Through direct revelation. God came to them in an undeniable manifestation But in the end the manifestation did not cause them to trust in God. (Trust is a central part of faith) Trust came after revelation.

If God came to them in an undeniable manifestation, then they would have knowledge of God's existence, not faith.
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Why did you say:

"Through what had been written and other traditions."

What question was this a response to?
writing confusionism, non-serquitus, hyperbole non sense leads to confusion, as demonstrated by the last few posts.