How is faith in God attained?

“ Originally Posted by Kendall
My faith in god is attained easily by watching the world around me, knowing what I am capable of and what the world around me is willing to except, I guess I just see the difference in my world between the truth and what certain people say or believe and know that a truly wise and confident man or women would not need or want these lies, if it was not for God I would not know what to believe because of all the lies that people have tried to convince me of over the years! ”

"Originally posted by Q
Seems more likely that you prefer easy answers to hard questions and that a dream state takes priority."

Kendall: When I was in level 1 and level 3 in high school public exams were cancelled, you think you know what is going on do you?
Kendall: When I was in level 1 and level 3 in high school public exams were cancelled, you think you know what is going on do you?

Were you delighted or disturbed by this sudden turn of events? The inquiring mind wants to know.
At the time I was kind of delighted, it was years later when I realized why! Now I am disturbed by it!
Photizo, how about answering superluminals question?

How do you know the Bible is the true inspired word of God?
Do you have faith that it is?
Don't have a clue how to answer my simple questions, do ya? Figures.

Heh, yes, "simple" about sums it up.

What "figures" is your irrational 'leap of faith'...yes...and again, the very method employed (by you) to foster/bolster the madness of suppressing what you already know to be true...i.e. YHWH/Jesus Christ Exists as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
the very method employed (by you) to foster/bolster the madness of suppressing what you already know to be true...i.e. YHWH/Jesus Christ Exists as the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Yeah, just like how you suppress what you already know to be true... i.e Lenny the leprechaun - the king, the head pot of gold keeper, the only leprechaun worth following.

Seriously man, think about what you've said and how utterly fucking stupid it is.
Clearly my reply to your post was sarcastic, and it was sarcastic for the sole purpose of getting you to say what you have just said.


Tell me why you would want me to say what you quoted me as saying.

All Praise They Ancient Of Days

PS Don't waste my time.
PS Don't waste my time.

So what are you doing here? Don't you know that every time some crap comes out of your typing it, is a waste of time to read it? ;)

However what is not a waste of time, is to answer as I have above! :D
Could you not figure it out that i was talking about reading the Words of Jesus.

This is what I wanted you to say Adstar. Instead of talking in Bible symbolism, I wanted to speak clearly so that people who arent enlightened as you could understand what it is that you are saying.

You said hearing the "Word of God" is the key to attaining faith. Then, you translated that symbolism to mean literally "reading the Words of Jesus." Why couldn't just say the literal translation the first time? That's why I got aggravated and replied with a sarcastic remark.
Okay Adstar and Photizo:

So how de we attain faith in God according to you?

We read Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.
The next question: How do we attain faith that the gospel is true?

In any case, if we attain faith by reading the gospel, then how did Abraham or Moses attain faith in God?
To any theist:

As humans, as souls, how does one attain faith in God? Also, can each person attain an equally high level of faith due to equal free will, or are certain people born with a limited potential for gaining faith?
One gains faith by sticking one’s head so far up one’s own ass that the darkness makes him see sparkling lights in his colon…thusly one has a spiritual experience caused by the absence of air – except for toxic waste gases – and the darkness.

If a retard manages to push himself far enough up his own ass, he eventually turns himself inside-out thusly causing his spin and guts to spill out; ergo he becomes a gutless, spineless imbecile with his eyes looking into his own absent skull.

Here is where reason ceases and the epistemology of the ontology of an absolute begins.
One gains faith by sticking one’s head so far up one’s own ass that the darkness makes him see sparkling lights in his colon…thusly one has a spiritual experience caused by the absence of air – except for toxic waste gases – and the darkness.

If a retard manages to push himself far enough up his own ass, he eventually turns himself inside-out thusly causing his spin and guts to spill out; ergo he becomes a gutless, spineless imbecile with his eyes looking into his own absent skull.

And the basic symptom of such a tragedy, is talking "shit" ;)
Because reading the Word of God is not how everyone comes to the knowledge of the Word of God. Some people hear it on street corners some people hear it from friends or workmates. Some people do get it from hearing it from others. So what i was saying was not talking bible symbolism at all.

sarcasm has to be the most unprofitable mode of communication when people are restricted to letter based communication. Give it up, it does not pay.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Okay Adstar and Photizo:

So how de we attain faith in God according to you?

We read Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Yes you obtain the Message of Jesus.

The next question: How do we attain faith that the gospel is true?

Faith is your agreement with the Message. It is not something that you "obtain" it is something you either have or do not have depending on your judgement upon the Message received.

So you decide wether the message is foolish or wise
So you decide wether the message is truth or a lie
So you decide to accept or reject the message.

Proof?? To those who believe, the proof is within the Message itself. Any other kinds of proofs are just decorations unnecessary and not to be relied upon.

Those who are demanding proof before they accept the Message have in fact rejected the Message already.

In any case, if we attain faith by reading the gospel, then how did Abraham or Moses attain faith in God?

Through direct revelation. God came to them in an undeniable manifestation But in the end the manifestation did not cause them to trust in God. (Trust is a central part of faith) Trust came after revelation.

Now is that a straight enough explanation for you nds1?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days