How do you love Jesus?

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"Yeshua says: If those who would lead you, say to you: Behold, the Sovereignty is in the skyº!, then the birds of the sky would precede you. If they say to you: It is in the sea!, then the fish {of the sea} would precede you. But the Sovereignty {of God} is within you and it is without you. {Those who come to recognizeº themselves shall find it, and when you come to recognize yourselves} then you shall know that you are the Sons of the Living Father. Yet if you do not recognize yourselves then you are impoverished and you are impoverishment."
Gospel of Thomas, 3.
(Gen 6:2, Dt 30:11-14, Hos 1:10, Zac 12:1, Mal 2:10, Lk 11:41 17:21, Tom 89, Plato's Philebus 48c 63c)

Jesus tought that we can achieve the same level of enlightment that he did.
Don´t come to me with the argument of: "this is not in the 4 Gospels". The Gospel of Thomas is far more accurate than those 4, that were changed by the Romans.

In order to know ourselves, we must know Christ because it is through Him we were created. We must accept Christ who brought us repentance and acceptance of Him as our Saviour through His blood so that we can have eternal life, becoming sons of God. Christ is the source of all Truth and to know the Christ, who is the Word, is to know ourselves in Truth.
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