How do you love Jesus?

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Sure, thats because most of those modern ideas are derived from Paul, not Jesus.

Paul and latter Church fathers and aplogists.

The only books worth reading from the New Testament (if you are looking for Jesus' teachings, that is) are the Synoptic Gospels - Matthew, mark and Luke (New International Version).
Paul and latter Church fathers and aplogists.

The only books worth reading from the New Testament (if you are looking for Jesus' teachings, that is) are the Synoptic Gospels - Matthew, mark and Luke (New International Version).

It is really a matter of choice, my favorite one is The Gospel Of Thomas, I don´t think we should discredit stuff just because we don´t understand it. This one is kinda hard to figure out, thats why I like it, it makes me think and meditate the most.
It is really a matter of choice, my favorite one is The Gospel Of Thomas, I don´t think we should discredit stuff just because we don´t understand it. This one is kinda hard to figure out, thats why I like it, it makes me think and meditate the most.

I quite enjoy the Gospel of Thomas (I don't think it is very difficult to grasp either, if you approach it correctly) but I was saying that there are only three of the books of the New testament that can be said to teach Jesus' philosophy. The Gospel of Thomas is not in the New Testament.
Except there's no good reason to believe that these "instructions" are valid or legitimate. I'll concede that most of the ones that don't involve superstition are common sense and agreeable, however.
Except there's no good reason to believe that these "instructions" are valid or legitimate. I'll concede that most of the ones that don't involve superstition are common sense and agreeable, however.
then the next question is why there is no good reason - it comes across more as a value statement from an atheist projecting their needs, interests and concerns rather than a valid argument
Because no good reason has ever been demonstrated. Unless, of course, you're given to buy into cult mythology simply because others tell you its true.
Because no good reason has ever been demonstrated.
Obviously this is not true because there are many people, philosophers included, who find good reason - you could say however that there is no good reason for you, but that would call in to focus your knowledge base and value station as an atheist

Unless, of course, you're given to buy into cult mythology simply because others tell you its true.
you can also buy into the cult mythology that says its not true because they are told
Obviously this is not true because there are many people, philosophers included, who find good reason - you could say however that there is no good reason for you, but that would call in to focus your knowledge base and value station as an atheist

Wow. An argument from popularity. I wouldn't have expected such a blatant logical fallacy from you, LG. Lots of people found good reason to buy into Hitler's philosophy and worldview, too. Did that provide his beliefs with validity? Millions of people believe that con artists like John Edwards can commune with their dead aunts and Benny Hinn can heal their ills. They all think they find good reason to believe in them.

The difference is, none of these who think they found good reason truly did. They were/are deluded. With application of critical thought and reason, the "good reasons" for these charlatans disappear.

you can also buy into the cult mythology that says its not true because they are told

Nope. I buy into no religious cults. I leave that to deluded "souls" like you.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Obviously this is not true because there are many people, philosophers included, who find good reason - you could say however that there is no good reason for you, but that would call in to focus your knowledge base and value station as an atheist

Wow. An argument from popularity. I wouldn't have expected such a blatant logical fallacy from you, LG.
given that all we have to go for the claim to god being unreasonable in all circumstances is the unbacked claims of yourself, I thought it might be helpful to put it into perspective - 2000 years of philosophical history (that is persons celebrated as being 'reasonable') and a large portion of them giving arguments for the nature of god's existence
Lots of people found good reason to buy into Hitler's philosophy and worldview, too.
Hitler however was famous as a fascist and not a philsopher
Did that provide his beliefs with validity? Millions of people believe that con artists like John Edwards can commune with their dead aunts and Benny Hinn can heal their ills. They all think they find good reason to believe in them.
I do believe we were talking about philosophers weren't we?
The difference is, none of these who think they found good reason truly did. They were/are deluded. With application of critical thought and reason, the "good reasons" for these charlatans disappear.
hence religiosity without a philosophical basis (meaning backed up by persons with credentials as philosophers,as opposed to fascism or charlatanry acts) is as much as a waste of time as philosophy without a sense of the absolute)
Needing You
I need you in my life, Jesus.
I can't live without you, Jesus
And I just want to feel you deep inside me, Jesus
Don't ever leave me, Jesus. I couldn't stand to see you go.
My heart would simply snap, my Lord, if you walked on out that door.
I promise I'll be good to you, and keep you warm at night.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, why don't we just... shut off the lights.
I love you, Jesus. I want you to walk with me
I'll take good care of you baby. Call you my baby, baby!
You died for my sins, and you know that I would die for you, right?
What's the matter, baby? You tremble at Jesus, baby!
Your love... is my life! You know when I’m without you, there's a black hole in my life! Oo-ohhh!
I wanna believe. It's all right, 'cause I get lonely in the night and it's up to you to
Save me! Jee...sus...bay-by!
Oh Lord you are my Savior! You know I miss you so much when you are gone.

I Wasn't Born Again Yesterday
Yes I may be born again, but I was wasn't born again yesterday.
I wanna get down on my knees and start pleasing Jesus! I wanna feel his salvation all over my face!

The Body of Christ!
The Body of Christ! Sleek swimmer's body, all muscled up and toned!
The Body of Christ! O, Lord Almighty, I wish I could call it my own!
Lord Almighty oooooooooo, I must've been sellin' ties!
Oh I wish I could have the body of Christ!
The Body of Christ! The Body of Christ! The Body of Christ!
Lord Almighty oooooooooo, I’ve never been so enticed!
Oh I wish I could have the body of Christ!

Three Times My Savior
You're one time, two times, three times my Savior...
Whenever I see Jesus up on that Cross I can't help but think that he looks kinda hot...
Disgusting. You find a man tortured/whipped beyond recognition and then crucified 'hot'? That's beyond horrendous.:(

Jesus said blessed is he who has not seen but believes.:D

I choose to believe. As far as loving Jesus, I do it with every ounce of who I am. I love Him more than I have ever loved anyone/anything. Words cannot contain my love for Him.:worship:
Disgusting. You find a man tortured/whipped beyond recognition and then crucified 'hot'? That's beyond horrendous.:(

Jesus said blessed is he who has not seen but believes.:D

I choose to believe. As far as loving Jesus, I do it with every ounce of who I am. I love Him more than I have ever loved anyone/anything. Words cannot contain my love for Him.:worship:

But you are not willing to give up all your worldly possessions for jesus.
Sandy, I see you are an avid Christian. Can you give me a brief description of what it means to be "saved," and how one goes about becoming "saved"?

Also, is being "saved" the exact same thing as being born again?

And is born again the same thing as being baptized with the Holy Spirit?
I don't have to. I already give away 33% of my gross income to charities. God
grants you the desires of your heart when you follow Him and accept His son as your Lord and Savior. I have had little. I have had much. Little can be better--especially when it is your favorite things.;)
I don't have to. I already give away 33% of my gross income to charities. God
grants you the desires of your heart when you follow Him and accept His son as your Lord and Savior. I have had little. I have had much. Little can be better--especially when it is your favorite things.;)

66% of your soul belongs to the devil. That ain't good enough for Jesus.
Sandy, I see you are an avid Christian. Can you give me a brief description of what it means to be "saved," and how one goes about becoming "saved"?

Also, is being "saved" the exact same thing as being born again?

And is born again the same thing as being baptized with the Holy Spirit?

"Saved" is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is a verbal declaration. To me it means saved from hell. Saved from myself. There is the salvation prayer you say and sincerely mean. Then you're in. It really is that simple.

Yes, saved and born-again are the same. Baptized with the Holy Spirit is different. It's a physical process where you believe for the gift of tongues. (Awesome beyond imagination--the Holy Spirit speaking mysteries to God through you.) It is differrent from water baptism.
"Saved" is accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. It is a verbal declaration. To me it means saved from hell. Saved from myself. There is the salvation prayer you say and sincerely mean. Then you're in. It really is that simple.

Okay, thanks for the response. I get confused here because I always wonder how pre-Jesus men and women like David, Abraham, Moses, Noah, etc. became "saved." If there was no Jesus to believe in or accept as Lord and Savior, then what did they have to do to attain the "saved from hell" status? I'm not trying to throw you a curveball, I just am trying to understand the Jesus concept as a whole.
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