How do you love Jesus?

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Hey girl, Jesus might not even know you luv him. :confused: You go to church and pray and sing and kneel and smile all your life but he never speaks back to you. I gave up years ago, maybe befor you were born.
People who stay luving Jesus all their lifes probably have no big life problems, so they dont ever feel he's ignoring them.

Weed may not luv you back, but it does take the pain away.

What:confused: Jesus knows I love Him. I tell Him all day.

And for some moron to insinuate there was racism in my little rhyme is pathetic.:(
Jesus said this:
“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name..

True and for all history, people have struggled to know just WHAT God the father's will is, for them or for others. The planters and mine owners who used my ancestrs as slaves thought they was godfearing men. They prayed and preached like clokwork but did evil to others all their lifes. So did the Founding Fathers Stateside.

Sandy said:
And for some moron to insinuate there was racism in my little rhyme is pathetic.
Your right there gal, you didnt say anthing about "non christians not going to heaven."
Are not.
If you define Christi8an as someone who follows the teachings of Jesus, I can't recall ever meeting a Christian.
If you define a Christian as someone who follows modern ideas that define Christianity, I don't think Jesus would be a Christian.

That sounds like the "No True Scotsman" argument. The word 'Christian' has two thousand years of history behind it already - some good, some bad, like most groups of humans.

Your concept may be better described by Unitarianism, or maybe Unitarian Universalism. But I may be wrong, I'm not altogether familiar with their faith.

Wikipedia said:
their belief system is structured around "following the religion of Jesus, not a religion about Jesus."
How do I love Jesus? With a fourteen-inch double-ender. More appropriately, I love Jesus by not going out of my way to hate him. This is the love we can give anyone on the planet.
is love only sweet when one of us dies?

Nice picture you got there man, but how can love be sweet if one partner dies? That would be bitter 1-time love wher the living one spends years after weeping for a lost lover (like in the Titanic movie, yuck).

If you mean love of Jesus - well he's been dead a long time, so it dont really count.
What:confused: Jesus knows I love Him. I tell Him all day.

And for some moron to insinuate there was racism in my little rhyme is pathetic.:(

The Christ will turn His back on you if you don´t love thy neighbor. NOT only your Christian Neighbor Sandy.

"A new commandment I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." John (13, 34)

"Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 38Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." (Luke 6:37)

Or do you have any kind of specific "Christian Bible"?

I mean, sorry for the sarcasm, but as far as I know, Jesus only gave ONE commandment, as stated above, and you are not following it.

Go and tell Jesus you love him, He knows you are lying.
I met Him, mind to mind, in physics

I have met Christ (mind to mind), through faith given to me by Him, in physics through the creation of the world through His word, which contains the fingerprint/backbone for the Word of God.
I have met Christ (mind to mind), through faith given to me by Him, in physics through the creation of the world through His word, which contains the fingerprint/backbone for the Word of God.

Interesting my friend, just a fe questions for you:

- How have you met Christ?

- Could you elaborate this "mind to mind" concept please?
Interesting my friend, just a fe questions for you:

- How have you met Christ?

- Could you elaborate this "mind to mind" concept please?

Simply put, the fingerprint/backbone for the Word of God is left in creation as the heavens and the earth were created through Christ. Unfortunately, every time I post this information onto this forum, it gets deleted. Through the Holy Spirit, a part of the mind of Christ was shown to me insofar as the fingerprint/backbone of the Word of God in physics imprinted since creation. How do you suggest I go about sharing this knowledge and possibly get some feedback? - Christenstein
Simply put, the fingerprint/backbone for the Word of God is left in creation as the heavens and the earth were created through Christ. Unfortunately, every time I post this information onto this forum, it gets deleted. Through the Holy Spirit, a part of the mind of Christ was shown to me insofar as the fingerprint/backbone of the Word of God in physics imprinted since creation. How do you suggest I go about sharing this knowledge and possibly get some feedback? - Christenstein

You seem to have Christ all figured out, could you by chance elaborate what Jesus meant by what he said in the following statement?:

"Yeshua says: The sky and the earth shall be rolled up in your presence. And he who lives from within the Living-One shall see neither death [nor fear]— for Yeshua says: Whoever finds himself, of him the world is not worthy."
(Gospel of Thomas, 111)
(Isa 34:4, Lk 21:33, Rev/Ap 6:14)
You seem to have Christ all figured out, could you by chance elaborate what Jesus meant by what he said in the following statement?:

"Yeshua says: The sky and the earth shall be rolled up in your presence. And he who lives from within the Living-One shall see neither death [nor fear]— for Yeshua says: Whoever finds himself, of him the world is not worthy."
(Gospel of Thomas, 111)
(Isa 34:4, Lk 21:33, Rev/Ap 6:14)

Here is my take on it, not responding the the gospel of thomas (which is not the Bible), but the Bible verses.

John 1: 1-14, Proverbs 8:22-23; Hebrews 1:10; Proverbs 3:19-20; Colossians 1:15-20

Christ existed in the beginning with God the Father and everything is created through Christ for Christ, as Christ the firstborn of all creation, the image of the invisible God. (The Holy Spirit was there too!) Through Christ, the foundations for the heavens and the earth were laid. And, as such those foundations can be easily "roll up in a scroll" and Christ still exist because He laid those foundations with God the Father before they even existed. Those who are part of the "Body of Christ" will sruvive.
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Here is my take on it, not responding the the gospel of thomas (which is not the Bible), but the Bible verses.

John 1: 1-14, Proverbs 8:22-23; Hebrews 1:10; Proverbs 3:19-20; Colossians 1:15-20

Christ existed in the beginning with God the Father and everything is created through Christ for Christ, as Christ the firstborn of all creation, the image of the invisible God. (The Holy Spirit was there too!) Through Christ, the foundations for the heavens and the earth were laid. And, as such those foundations can be easily "roll up in a scroll" and Christ still exist because He laid those foundations with God the Father before they even existed. Those who are part of the "Body of Christ" will sruvive.

You lost me man, I believe there is more wisdom in the apocrypha than the canon, and you cannot even answer one question about it.
Being the firstborn, (of the created), means jesus can't be god and thus should not be revered as such.

No one should be revered as God, Jesus never said that, never. Jesus provided the tools for us to learn for ourselves how to become Christ.

Jesus and Gautama had the same seed we all have, but not all seeds turn into trees.
Being the firstborn, (of the created), means jesus can't be god and thus should not be revered as such.

In the same biblical passage, the fullness of God dwells in Christ. Colossians. John 1 clearly states that the Word is God and the Word here is Christ.

You lost me man, I believe there is more wisdom in the apocrypha than the canon, and you cannot even answer one question about it.

Without the Christ, there would be no creation. Colossians. The Christ is the glue that holds the universe together. Colossians.

No one should be revered as God, Jesus never said that, never. Jesus provided the tools for us to learn for ourselves how to become Christ.

Jesus and Gautama had the same seed we all have, but not all seeds turn into trees.

Jesus Himself said, "I am in the Father (God) and the Father (God) is in me."
Without the Christ, there would be no creation. Colossians. The Christ is the glue that holds the universe together. Colossians.

Jesus Himself said, "I am in the Father (God) and the Father (God) is in me."

You seem to not have an opinion of your own man, what do you interpret from that? You keep quoting the scriptures, but there are many interpretations.

I personally believe the quote: "I am in the Father (God) and the Father (God) is in me.". It is just like saying "I am the Buddha", or "I am the Christ". It means he was enlightened.

"The Christ is the glue that holds the universe together." - That is true, since we are both flesh, and soul. Most people have these two aspects separated. We are in the constant struggle of "the animal vs the saint", if we manage to concentrate our energy in the unification of the animal and the saint, make the two one, like Jesus did. Each of us can become the Father, and the Father would be in us.

"Aham Brahmasmi": "I am the Brahman" - Yajur Veda (1500 BC)
This people said it 1500 years before Jesus.
You seem to not have an opinion of your own man, what do you interpret from that? You keep quoting the scriptures, but there are many interpretations.

I personally believe the quote: "I am in the Father (God) and the Father (God) is in me.". It is just like saying "I am the Buddha", or "I am the Christ". It means he was enlightened.

"The Christ is the glue that holds the universe together." - That is true, since we are both flesh, and soul. Most people have these two aspects separated. We are in the constant struggle of "the animal vs the saint", if we manage to concentrate our energy in the unification of the animal and the saint, make the two one, like Jesus did. Each of us can become the Father, and the Father would be in us.

"Aham Brahmasmi": "I am the Brahman" - Yajur Veda (1500 BC)
This people said it 1500 years before Jesus.

Scripture says what it says and it says what it says rather clearly.

Your interpretation of "the Christ is the glue that holds the unverse together" is contrary to sciprture. The universe are the heavens and the earth, everything that exists in all its glory bearing witness to the Christ who holds everything together.

Stating that one can become the God (Father) borders in blasphemy. Additionally, you stated earlier that Christ is not god, but say not that one can become the father. It seems to me that the theology is not as reasoned out as it should be.
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"Yeshua says: If those who would lead you, say to you: Behold, the Sovereignty is in the skyº!, then the birds of the sky would precede you. If they say to you: It is in the sea!, then the fish {of the sea} would precede you. But the Sovereignty {of God} is within you and it is without you. {Those who come to recognizeº themselves shall find it, and when you come to recognize yourselves} then you shall know that you are the Sons of the Living Father. Yet if you do not recognize yourselves then you are impoverished and you are impoverishment."
Gospel of Thomas, 3.
(Gen 6:2, Dt 30:11-14, Hos 1:10, Zac 12:1, Mal 2:10, Lk 11:41 17:21, Tom 89, Plato's Philebus 48c 63c)

Jesus tought that we can achieve the same level of enlightment that he did.
Don´t come to me with the argument of: "this is not in the 4 Gospels". The Gospel of Thomas is far more accurate than those 4, that were changed by the Romans.

Irenaeus of Lyons was the one who chose the 4 Gospels ammong more than 30 others.
"Irenaeus declared that the four he espoused were the four Pillars of the Church: "it is not possible that there can be either more or fewer than four" he stated, presenting as logic the analogy of the four corners of the earth and the four winds.!

I get angry everytime I see this, WTF kind of logic is that?
It is like saying that the Old Testament should consist only on four books, get a dude to choose these 4 books, and burn all others.
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