How do you love Jesus?

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by peace he shall destroy many
Registered Senior Member
How do you love someone you have never met?
So do you just love the 'idea' of Jesus?
Faith is not love, faith is hoping something is true, and believing it to be true.
We all have the potential of becoming what Jesus became, its all matter of the only commandment he gave in the last supper:

“A new commandment I give you: love one another.” (John 13:34)
John 10:34, “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?”

soo wait maybe we can love jesus by loving other peeps. cause he was like, pretty much what u do to other people you do to me. if you beat them you're beating me, if you're kind to them you're kind to me...

there is the answer then. so just learning to love someone u love jesus!
How do you love someone you have never met?
So do you just love the 'idea' of Jesus?
Well, most of the teachings in the Bible are live teachings that is helpful in our everyday lives, so when a teaching comes true so to say we love Him for that reason, but not that reason alone, love is something that is more than it's parts I guess.
The vast majority of Christians would end up strangleing Jesus...if they had to live with him.

What they want is a blood sacrifice, to release them from responsibility...not a guru telling them what to do all day.

Or rather...what NOT to do.
The vast majority of Christians...

Are not.
If you define Christi8an as someone who follows the teachings of Jesus, I can't recall ever meeting a Christian.
If you define a Christian as someone who follows modern ideas that define Christianity, I don't think Jesus would be a Christian.
one_raven has a good point here, Christ means "the annointed one", like Buddha means "the enlightened one". I currently believe those are the same things, Christ & Buddha are synonyms.

So I would never refer to Christians as "the annointed ones", because that statement can´t be more far away from the truth.
So actually calling Christians as they call themselves, is a lie per-se.

Anyone who gives you a belief system is your enemy.
Are not.
If you define Christi8an as someone who follows the teachings of Jesus, I can't recall ever meeting a Christian.
If you define a Christian as someone who follows modern ideas that define Christianity, I don't think Jesus would be a Christian.

jesus would convert to buddhism.

jesus would convert to buddhism.


He did.
He left home the age of 12 and travelled East on the Silk Road to meet the mystics he had heard about (like the monk who burned himself to death in Alexandria) and sometime between 12 and 30 he converted to Buddhism and at 30 came back to spread the Dhamma westward.
one_raven has a good point here, Christ means "the annointed one", like Buddha means "the enlightened one".
'Annointed' in ancient Hebrew tradition simply means marking the high priest or the king with fragrant oils...usually Balsam Oil, as part of their initiation.

A priest's forehead would be annoited with a diagonal cross. Kings would have oil poured around the top of their head as a symbolic wreath.
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