How do you feel about people who kill animals for the sheer fun of it?

Enmos, you're being so... masculine in your defense of wee animals. Nice. :D THAT'S manly. I'm being serious.
Sure dude. That's why they purr and roll around in ecstasy with blood on their faces.

You're making it sound like it is almost orgasmic for them to that. It isn't, and even cats don't bathe in the blood of their prey or whatever weird nonsense it is that you're making up. They may get blood *on* them, but they don't roll around the dead thing's carcass and purr.

Can you give me an example of a predtor that won't kill prey for pleasure?

All predators in the wild.

Incorrect. Many predators disable an animal as quickly as possible. There are countless instances of disabled prey being eaten alive instead of being killed first.

Such as?

Much of the time this part would be correct for hungry animals.
Incorrect. Persisting is the aim of animals in or out of the wild. That include psychological health/satiation.

Survival is always number one.
Except for many mammals, avians, and fish.

Why can't you name any. Except for domesticated and repressed housecats?

Most predators avoid hard-to-kill species if possible. They usually go for the weakest and dumbest prey available; however, if they have an opportunity to kill really weak prey for the fun of it; they are not likely to let that opportunity go.

And yet they do. Humans floating around at the surface of the oceanwater are easy prey for large sharks. They're defenseless and sharks don't know that humans intelligent, nor would it matter. They still avoid them. Hence, that idea is completely invalid. The same goes for almost all animals. Any example you can name (and you can't name any naturally occuring ones) will be far outnumbered by the animals who simply have no interest in that crappola.

Or alternatively, and more likely, I pretend more about nature.

No argument here.

Here's an idea: instead of insisting that animals somehow find it pleasurable to kill, even though serves zero purpose from a survival standpoint, which is all that an animal in the wild is really concerned with, explain *why* they would find it pleasurable. Go ahead.
The whole argument that it is "natural" for humans to kill animals for fun is an example of the [enc]appeal to nature[/enc] logical fallacy that assumes that everything "natural" must be good. That's even assuming that it is, in fact, "human nature" to kill for fun - an arguable point on its own.

I'm forced to agree with the above. It's an unverified claim that doesn't actually have relevance. Posting on the internet isn't natural, GTFO.:cool:
lol ok :p
You should read more of my posts then :D

Yeah, but you like little animals. That gets you a huuuuuuge leeway with me. If you turned out to be a serial killer, I'd be like so, "SO? He's Northern European and likes cute little animals!"
I also want to point out that the vast, vast, VAST majority of hunters in the USA do not behave so wantonly. Most are decent people who trim and eat the animals they kill. The ones who don't do that aren't hunters. They are killers... and most hunters will likewise tell you that. Such people are illegal poachers, and they ruin the reputation of real hunters.

The freaky folks that you guys (szycgys, norsefire, crunchy_cat) are defending and even encouraging are in the extreme minority here... so whatever psychotic behavior it is you are trying to justify clearly isn't prevailing here. The people who are you describing have a fascination with killing. It is as though they want to kill people, but are afraid to do so, so they kill animals instead.

Well sorry, but it ain't natural to be a sociopath, no matter how badly you guys identify with them
. :cool:
Yeah, but you like little animals. That gets you a huuuuuuge leeway with me. If you turned out to be a serial killer, I'd be like so, "SO? He's Northern European and likes cute little animals!"

I like all of nature, but the little ones just need some extra defending ;)
It just pisses me off when people kill small animals just for the hell of it. And I don't get why almost everyone finds insects disgusting and creepy. There's something wrong with people, I tell ya..
Soon there won't be many animals left to go out and shoot for the fun of it so I guess we humans will be the next targets for those hunters who cannot control themselves and must seek out critters to kill for sport.:rolleyes:
I like all of nature, but the little ones just need some extra defending ;)
It just pisses me off when people kill small animals just for the hell of it. And I don't get why almost everyone finds insects disgusting and creepy. There's something wrong with people, I tell ya..

I don't get it either. Except mosquitoes; I smash those for the hell of it. They're like Mother Earth's personal STD.
Soon there won't be many animals left to go out and shoot for the fun of it so I guess we humans will be the next targets for those hunters who cannot control themselves and must seek out critters to kill for sport.:rolleyes:

I would encourage it for them to start hunting each other now, rather than when they run out of animals to kill.
I don't get it either. Except mosquitoes; I smash those for the hell of it. They're like Mother Earth's personal STD.

They have a function as well. But I smash them when they try to bite me though, it's self-defense. It's their job hazard.
Can I kill people who are moronic, narrow minded, hostile, intolerant of difference, and don't really care about the world?
Can I kill people who are moronic, narrow minded, hostile, intolerant of difference, and don't really care about the world?

No, because that is not your decision to make. The world would become a battlefield if everyone would do that.

But just between you and me.. go ahead :D