How is this different from a magic hat?
a) that's not for me to answer
b) they don't relate
Point out the similarity if you feel it's relevant.
Otherwise it's nothing but nonsense.
Plenty of reasons. To comfort fear of death.
Why all of a sudden would death be feared to the extent that
an imaginary being would be concocted, where one was previously unecessary?
To explain what is yet inexplicable.
Again; why go to the extent of creating something that does not exist?
It doesn't make sense.
To control the primitive masses and make them adopt a behavior that is beneficial to society/the rulers. I'm sure someone can think of more.
There are other ways to create this control.
Why go to the extent of creating an imaginary being.
I'm trying appeal to your sense of reason here, as I'm sure you can
think of less dramatic ways to acheive these goals.
To give life meaning + see above.
You keep coming back to the same points.
There is no need to create an imaginary being to give meaning to anything.
Animals don't do it, children don't do it. Why would anyone do it?
If God doesn't exist, then you live, grow, and die. What more meaning to life
would there need to be why a person would invent an imaginary being?
If you cannot see the possibility that maybe God wasn't an invention of the human mind, then why bother to post?
It's not the primitive man that invented religion that makes it twist and turn. It's the religious people of today.
By ''today'' do you mean 5-6000 years ago?
You're going to go with it no matter what. Your mind is made up and that is absolutely fine.
Your reasons have been duly noted, but they do not justify the need to
make up an imaginary being as there are other more plausible scenarios that
explain the mentioned situations.
And to add, if those are the only reasons you have, then your arguments are in bad shape.
Just don't pretend that any argument can sway you.
They're not arguments, they're reasons that have been pulled out of that
(magic one if you like). They do not relate to anything that humans or animals have done. In fact tell me of any human that has created something that there is no prior concept of, then we'll have somewhere to begin.
Just like God, invisible unicorns cannot be proved non existant.
I'm not interested in proving existence, I'm interested in proving whether or not God was an invented concept, or, maybe He wasn't.
Anybody can say anything.
You saying man invented God to explain stuff, is no more enlightening than
me saying, He wasn't.