Homosexuality and the Bible (gay Christian perspective)

ok..im not gonna get into any serious disscussion here in this thread..only to state my opinion and leave..

i have not read all the posts in this thread so forgive me if i am rehashing some arguements..

homosexuality is a stupid topic to discuss..
its not like they can get together and breed more gay ppl..
as long as they keep their sex lives to themselves,i dont have any problems with them..i dont put my sex life in their face..keep yours out of my face..
i dont agree with homosexuality,but im not gonna make it an issue, as i said before..they cant breed..let them get together,live out their lives..then die childless..no more homosexuals...
to persecute them is to say more about how we are than it does about them..
(lets find someone worse than us and persecute them..it would make me feel better about myself)..stupid attitude!

nuff said..
let them get together,live out their lives..then die childless..no more homosexuals...

to persecute them is to say more about how we are than it does about them..

nuff said..

Yes, nuff said, indeed. You've said plenty about yourself, and little else.
its not like they can get together and breed more gay ppl..

Being gay doesn't make you infertile. Plenty of gays and lesbians have kids. Some adopt. Some find a willing surrogate parent for the other half. Some buy sperm or eggs.

Also, having gay or lesbian parents doesn't increase the chance of the kids being gay or lesbian. So far the only thing which seems to be a predictor is how many older brothers a man has, and even that is in dispute.

as long as they keep their sex lives to themselves

They would love to. Just stop persecuting them and give them equal protection under the law.

i dont agree with homosexuality

I'm sure every one agrees that its best you keep it to yourself.

they cant breed..let them get together,live out their lives..then die childless..no more homosexuals...

What a wonderful display of ignorance. So where exactly do you think homosexuals come from? Why didn't they die out long ago if this is the case?

Homosexuals exist because they played an important role in our evolution. They supply a reserve of individuals who generally don't have child bearing needs that can help support the group and fill in if a parent is injured or dies. Many animal species, especially social species, employ this strategy. Particularly in places where food is scarce.
Isn't there a difference between defining God [final] and having [provisional] definitions of God?