Homosexuality and the Bible (gay Christian perspective)

sex doesn't have anything to do with love. you're supposed to love everyone equally. sex is about mating, and sexuality is romanticized, emotionalized bullshit.
The old testament only mentions homosexuality once I believe. There is no punishment for it, God just thinks it's detestable or deplorable or something like that. Jesus never mentions it so what the Old Testament said shouldn't matter, Jesus wiped the slate clean and laid down the new world order. And thanks to Jesus' death you don't have to go out and catch two doves every time you sin. As the Old Testament demands sacrifice. So if you don't sacrifice doves, don't keep your women in the unclean tent for a week each month, eat meat that didn't chew cud, and think abortion is murder then you don't follow the Old Testament so why quote from a book you don't actually practice from?
sex doesn't have anything to do with love. you're supposed to love everyone equally. sex is about mating, and sexuality is romanticized, emotionalized bullshit.

So gay people can't have sex, which means they can't fornicate, which means they can't commit that sin. No wonder they all had a man on the side, God wouldn't punish you for sleeping with him, while your wife was in the unclean tent for menstruating.
So gay people can't have sex, which means they can't fornicate, which means they can't commit that sin. No wonder they all had a man on the side, God wouldn't punish you for sleeping with him, while your wife was in the unclean tent for menstruating.


Guys can stick their dicks in lots of things and gals can rub their stuff all over everything, but wouldn't it be easier and make more sense to just have sex? The answer is no.
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No it is not. This is a lie. Paul said in the NT that a Christian can divorce a non-believing partner, and Jesus himself said that divorce is permissible when one of the couple has committed sexual sin (adultery, sodomy, ect ) So This is a flat out lie by the one who wrote this pamphlet. Of course the whole pamphlet is a lying piece of junk.

Where in the Bible does it say you can divorce a Non-Christian? Also, you can divorce an adultress if he/she cheats on you during the marriage.

"Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery" (Matthew 19:9; see also Matthew 5:31, 32).

If a spouse commits fornication, then divorce is allowed, although God still hates it.

To reply to the original post, for a while, I was strongly apposed to homosexuality. But, I realized it's hypocritical, I condemn homosexuals, when I am lusting all the time! Although I still think homosexuality is wrong, I, a sinner, cannot condemn another sinner.
To reply to the original post, for a while, I was strongly apposed to homosexuality. But, I realized it's hypocritical, I condemn homosexuals, when I am lusting all the time! Although I still think homosexuality is wrong, I, a sinner, cannot condemn another sinner.

I applaud you. This statement is like a breath of fresh air. Thank you.
sex doesn't have anything to do with love. you're supposed to love everyone equally. sex is about mating, and sexuality is romanticized, emotionalized bullshit.

Sex, according to the Bible, is where a man and woman become one. Although, children are considered a gift. (Not that I have any experience with raising children).
Sex, according to the Bible, is where a man and woman become one. Although, children are considered a gift. (Not that I have any experience with raising children).

I was just talking with my mate the other night about this very thing. That we becoming one...mind, body, and spirit, through sex, actually manifests into a being that is comprised of both of us. Its beautiful and perfect.
I was just talking with my mate the other night about this very thing. That we becoming one...mind, body, and spirit, through sex, actually manifests into a being that is comprised of both of us. Its beautiful and perfect.

You don't actually become one in mind, body and spirit you know. And even together you're far from perfect. It all sounds like
...romanticized, emotionalized bullshit
to me.

You hurt my delicate romantic sensibilities with your harsh words so I'm throwing them back in your face just like any mature adult on the internet would.

Anyway, that's enough smart ass sarcasm...

Taking a stroll along the beach with your partner isn't about love. It's about taking your shoes off and walking in the sand. It's about the cool ocean breeze and the pretty sunsets.

Going out to dinner with your partner isn't about love. It's about getting all dressed up and enjoying delicious food. It's about not having to cook or clean and it's an excuse to get a little tipsy and talk about yourself.

Having sex with your partner isn't about love. It's about enjoying the sensation of flesh again flesh. It's about having an orgasm with somebody else there to make it feel that much better.

All of the above things are absolutely true. But they only tell half of the story, half of the time. It's up to you if you want to live the other half, or not.

When there's love, real love, everything you can do is just another situation that you can use to express or demonstrate that love. Sex, when it is at least as much about love as anything else, is typically a lot more satisfying than when it's only about sex, and so is everything else.
swarm, i dont understand why you have to disagree with someone just for the sake of disagreeing with them.
Sex and love are not separate.

They're not for me. I love my mate dearly, but I love lots of people I don't have sex with too.

You are supposed to lots of stuff no one actually does.

Well that's a damn shame and what's wrong with humanity now isn't it?

And I suppose drinking is about urinating?

No, sex IS mating. Drinking IS NOT urinating.

Is deeply and irrevocably part of who we are.

We are sexual beings yes, but all of these romantic and emotionally driven stipulations and discriminations we place upon it are destructive. A little objectivity goes a long way, even with sex...especially with sex.
So my question is that if the old testament is out dated, weightless, and invalid why is is part of the bible? Also, the bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry for all of you who dont think so. just look in leviticus and then again im romans. There is no getting around it. And if the OT is no longer valid and the NT is what you are supposed to follow then is it safe to assume that god changed his mind? After all, these are his words are they not? So why would an all knowing, all present god EVER have to change his mind?
So my question is that if the old testament is out dated, weightless, and invalid why is is part of the bible? Also, the bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry for all of you who dont think so. just look in leviticus and then again im romans. There is no getting around it. And if the OT is no longer valid and the NT is what you are supposed to follow then is it safe to assume that god changed his mind? After all, these are his words are they not? So why would an all knowing, all present god EVER have to change his mind?

The bible also says that sin is a condition that we're born into via our flesh, meaning its inherent in all of us, in our physical bodies. To single out homosexuality is kind of ridiculous.

The difference between the OT and the NT is jesus. The law is still the same but jesus took on all of the punishment and was the ultimate sacrifice, thereby replacing the punishments and sacrifice in the OT.
So my question is that if the old testament is out dated, weightless, and invalid why is is part of the bible? Also, the bible clearly states that homosexuality is a sin. Sorry for all of you who dont think so. just look in leviticus and then again im romans. There is no getting around it. And if the OT is no longer valid and the NT is what you are supposed to follow then is it safe to assume that god changed his mind? After all, these are his words are they not? So why would an all knowing, all present god EVER have to change his mind?

Genesis says you should be a vegetarian.
Leviticus says you should prepare your meat according to kosher laws.
Jesus says you should eat any meat you want.

Each of the Biblical patriarchs made a new covenant with God and each covenant came with new rules.
Was it God changing his mind, or was it simply the development of mankind and the reality of the situation changing?
Either way, the rules changed.
sex doesn't have anything to do with love. you're supposed to love everyone equally. sex is about mating, and sexuality is romanticized, emotionalized bullshit.
Sex is more human and more natural than love .
People do not fall in love with strangers all the time .
People use hookers, strangers.....etc for sex .