
Right and wrong?

Interesting info on homo animals, forturnately, humans have not only choice but the knowledge of right and wrong, unlike animals.
I'm not sure what this has to do with homosexuality. I mean, what does right and wrong have to do with homosexuality specifically?

Tiassa :cool:
I'm afraid Lady will come out of the closet as a fundamental Christian who knows that homosexuality is wrong.

Lady, I hope you don't, and if I am wrong, I apologize in advance.
The reason lots of people fear homosexuality has to do with other circumstances and situations which are associated with homosexuality. (IE pediphielia). Though their are contradictory studies, many studies have indicated that the majority of pediphelia is in fact homosexual (male male in most cases). It's been pointed out that most pediphiles admit to being heterosexual, the pediphile act they involved with was homosexual.

One might find also, that STD's have been for a lont time associated with homosexuality. In France, the early cases of AIDS detected their were primarily from males who went to bath-houses. Unfortunetly, people moaned and flamed this fact as "anti-gay" when in fact it was merely the circumstances. In turn, anti-gay people used this as an example of why homosexuality is bad, as gay rights people flamed it as BS, and in the end it ended up being a big political upheval instead of people treating it for what it really was - a public health crisis. AIDS spread a whole lot quicker partly because people on both sides of the Gay vs. Straight war were too stupid to deal with what was going on.

Their are lots of other examples, but intollerance as I have discovered, isn't just an issue of "You were taught stupid myths." It has to do with wether or not some memebers of the considered enemy act in ways which enforce your beliefs. For example, if a homosexual man rapes another man, the act was very violating and homosexual so the person attacked will associate homosexuality with their forced violation. The rape of men is in fact, a big issue in this country which is NOT spoken of. According to some studies, as many as one in 12 men have been raped, and 50% of all those cases are by men. By comparison, 98% of the rape of women is by men. It's a no brainer why men are less tollerant of homosexuality than women are!

In the end, it's really up to gays I think to deal with the negative things they are associated with by joining the causes on those fronts. Be honest - how many articles and protests do you see by homosexual movements against rape and pediphilia? You don't see much of any, which is why the associations of rape, pediphilia, and the like stand and in fact, the more extreme facits of the homosexual movement (not the mainstream) have associated themselves with the underground movement to accept pediphilia and homosexuality.

I am not anti-gay. I do believe however, that their are reasons why homosexuality has for thousands of years been considered an immoral act.
Originally posted by A4Ever
I'm afraid Lady will come out of the closet as a fundamental Christian who knows that homosexuality is wrong.

Lady, I hope you don't, and if I am wrong, I apologize in advance.

as far as i am concerned, lady already sounds like a fundamental christian.
(serpents, animals=no reasoning,soul...etc, homo=abomination)
so what??
i have no problem with her beliefs. unless they (fundamental christians) pick up swords and go on a jihad to convert the heathens, i can coexist with them. hell, i might even marry one of them (how kinky would that be!!!)
Years ago I was curious about this issue, of whether there was anything specifically right or wrong about (adult, consenting) sexual preferences. For a while it was big in the news, everyone was talking about it. I guess that was when the press and sitcoms and all were busy thrusting homosexuality in our faces (eeww!) all day every day, and Ellen was popular just for being gay, et cetera.

So at that time I considered it and investigated the relevent matters. I found that most serial killers in my country are heterosexual. Most child abusers are heterosexual, and married, and fathers. So I couldn't really find any correlation between homosexuality and "evil". On the other hand, I know a few gay guys, and they basically shag anyone they can, any time they can, without really getting to know them, and without protection. Basically, the few I know are complete sluts. Of course I can't base a judgement of all gay guys on the three or four that I know. As for homosexual females, I know quite a few, and only one of them I would consider a slut. Basically, I never found anything which would link homosexuality to being evil or wrong. The worst thing I found was that the gay clubbing culture in my city is quite unsafe and shallow, which of course is why there is so much disease going around in those circles (yes, there is).

PS: And if you're wondering, I'm about as straight as it gets.
Originally posted by Tyler
"I understand what your saying, however I still personally believe it lies in a person moral compass. True..... homosexual urges can tempt the strongest of us..... but ultimately it's choice."

Sexual preference is a choice? For the next 5 years I want you to only be a lesbian. After all, it's just a choice, right? So you should have zero problem and be 100% content and feel healthy spending, say, the next 40 years as a lesbian!!!

I don't choose too.............Why don't you be a lesbian?
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Adam admits:

Years ago I was curious about this issue...

PS: And if you're wondering, I'm about as straight as it gets.

I wonder who Adam is really trying to convince, us or himself....Hmmmm....

Sexual preference is a choice? For the next 5 years I want you to only be a lesbian. After all, it's just a choice, right? So you should have zero problem and be 100% content and feel healthy spending, say, the next 40 years as a lesbian!!!
That makes no sense. It is a choice, and the choice to be heterosexual does not invalidate the idea that homosexuality is a choice.

Why do you feel the need to blame homosexuality on something? It's a choice, respect their decision.
Originally posted by (Q)
Adam admits:

Years ago I was curious about this issue...

PS: And if you're wondering, I'm about as straight as it gets.

I wonder who Adam is really trying to convince, us or himself....Hmmmm....
Actually, Q, I was just thinking that you're looking mighty sexy right about now... :p
Re: Right and wrong?

Originally posted by tiassa
I'm not sure what this has to do with homosexuality. I mean, what does right and wrong have to do with homosexuality specifically?

Tiassa :cool:

The knowledge of right and wrong..............but I personally believe God doesn't condone many things including homosexuality.........therefore upon recieving this info(Bible).........I personally conclude it must be a wrong or unintended behavior.
The knowledge of right and wrong..............but I personally believe God doesn't condone many things including homosexuality.........therefore upon recieving this info(Bible).........I personally conclude it must be a wrong or unintended behavior.

I have a question Lady. Say that a person (whether you believe is a choice or not) is not happy mentally with someone of the opposite sex. So they find a mate of the same sex, and they live happily ever after. Will this person burn in eternal flames the same as say... Adolf Hitler?
Originally posted by spookz
as far as i am concerned, lady already sounds like a fundamental christian.
(serpents, animals=no reasoning,soul...etc, homo=abomination)
so what??
i have no problem with her beliefs. unless they (fundamental christians) pick up swords and go on a jihad to convert the heathens, i can coexist with them. hell, i might even marry one of them (how kinky would that be!!!)

Obviously your not a Christian............that's O.K...........TAKES ALL KINDS.

Just so you know, although I disagree with you, and I don't believe in your god, I have no problem with your personal preferences in this matter. Often those who go against the current trends in the press are derided for being anachronistic or such, because the politically correct crowd are basically thought-police for anyone who disagrees with them. So, whenever you say something like "I don't like homosexuality" or "I think Saddam is a sexy beast", you know you'll get people complaining.
Originally posted by *stRgrL*
I have a question Lady. Say that a person (whether you believe is a choice or not) is So they find a mate of the same sex, and they live happily ever after. r?

not happy mentally with someone of the opposite sex.

Thats the story of my life and many others but I can't say that everyman in the world is going to treat me bad.. I've decided if God has a mate for all of us than I wait my turn.....I've stopped trying to pick out men.. I'm no good at it.

Will this person burn in eternal flames the same as say... Adolf Hitler

I don't care to get to preachy but you asked, I can't say if someone will go to hell (death bed confessiong - who knows) however blaming God for creating a behavior he considers an abomination.........will never bring a person to repentence..... if they truely believe they were created a murder, thief, adulter, homosexual.....etc ....that might put one in Hell.. but thats just my opinion.
Originally posted by Tyler
And furthermore, what's immoral about being gay?

Homosexuality and whether its immoral is the decision of the individual. My argument lies in leading people to believe God is satanic........... I could respect----choice. Crack heads, murders, adulterous.......ect.... don't blame God for their choices.... why not blame Satan.
Re: Lady

Originally posted by Adam
Just so you know, although I disagree with you, and I don't believe in your god, I have no problem with your personal preferences in this matter. Often those who go against the current trends in the press are derided for being anachronistic or such, because the politically correct crowd are basically thought-police for anyone who disagrees with them. So, whenever you say something like "I don't like homosexuality" or "I think Saddam is a sexy beast", you know you'll get people complaining.

How many God's are there? Anachronistic... perhaps
Originally posted by Lady
How many God's are there?
Gosh, zillions! The Greeks had a bunch of them, as did the Scandinavians ages ago. The various Americans groups have different Creator myths and crazy feathered dragons and all. The Australian natives have the Rainbow Serpent and others. The Middle East had Baal, Ishtar, Mithra, and of course the christian god is from the Middle East as well. India has more than anyone could be bothered to count. Various gods and goddesses representing aspects of nature were worshipped in Europe prior to Roman expansion. Heaps of gods and goddesses. Personally, I don't believe any of them exist, although some stories may be based on overgrown tales of the exploits of mere humans. Still, some of it makes for interesting reading.

It's been pointed out that most pediphiles admit to being heterosexual, the pediphile act they involved with was homosexual.
Leading up to the 1992 general election in Oregon, the conservative-Christian PAC Oregon Citizens' Alliance published in the official voter guide the statistic that 95% of all child molestations are committed by homosexuals. Apparently, that's a gay man that's raping your daughter.
One might find also, that STD's have been for a lont time associated with homosexuality. In France, the early cases of AIDS detected their were primarily from males who went to bath-houses. Unfortunetly, people moaned and flamed this fact as "anti-gay" when in fact it was merely the circumstances. In turn, anti-gay people used this as an example of why homosexuality is bad ....
One of the reasons the US government allowed the HIV epidemic to grow in the US is that Ronald Reagan thought of it as god's punishment to gays for sins committed, and apparently did not say "AIDS" or "HIV" until the sixth year of his term. Reagan was alleged in a poli-sci text I read in college, to have called AIDS "the gay measles". Thought I'd share that one.
According to some studies, as many as one in 12 men have been raped, and 50% of all those cases are by men. By comparison, 98% of the rape of women is by men. It's a no brainer why men are less tollerant of homosexuality than women are!
How interesting. A couple of points I'd like to throw in there.

•_As homosexuals are alleged to make up 10% of the population, I find it interesting that they're committing so few rapes, and since many of those rapes are against homosexuals to begin with ... I'll have to do some math.

• On the other hand, 1 in 4 women in the US will be raped. I haven't heard of that number getting any more severe over the last decade, but I am darn sure it hasn't gotten any less severe.

•_I agree wholeheartedly about men, women, tolerance, and sexuality, but after I do the math ... will heterosexual homophobia (fear) be justified?
Be honest - how many articles and protests do you see by homosexual movements against rape and pediphilia?
They turned the University of Oregon on its head that way. Men were expected to cross the street to avoid being near women. A woman panicked and sprayed some random dude in the face with pepper spray and all was cool because that's the peace of mind we nasty men owed the women. "Men Against Rape" was an organization founded and peopled entirely by homosexual men. I found it interesting that no heterosexual men joined an anti-rape movement. However, I see "women's" groups working against rape. I don't see a whole lot of heterosexual-male-celebration type groups protesting rape. I mean, come on ...
You don't see much of any, which is why the associations of rape, pediphilia, and the like stand and in fact, the more extreme facits of the homosexual movement (not the mainstream) have associated themselves with the underground movement to accept pediphilia and homosexuality.
Funny that the first time I ever heard the definitive "link" of homosexuality and pedophilia, it was from the aforementioned OCA. Funny also that I've never seen that link demonstrated convincingly. Certes there is NAMBLA, but I can also point to the Communists, since I know for a fact from reading editorials nine years ago that the Spartacist League (Worker's Vanguard newspaper) protested the removal of an admitted NAMBLA member from New York public schoolrooms. (It's not like they fired the guy; they gave him a higher-paying job at the district office, where he was away from kids.) I mean, most of the time when people speak of the dangers of homosexuality toward other persons, I'm usually left with a sensation of, "Yes, and?" Just because people choose to pay attention to homosexuality does not oblige homosexuals to conduct themselves any differently or to devote any greater effort to anything than their heterosexual neighbors. After all, heterosexual activity is responsible for 100% of birth defects, but you don't see me picking on that do you? ;)
I am not anti-gay. I do believe however, that their are reasons why homosexuality has for thousands of years been considered an immoral act.
I hear you. But please understand that's the same line I always hear. However, since you're demonstrably not one of the I'm-not-anti-gay-but-God-says-they-should-be-put-to-death crowd (they're worth a laugh before they get really frightening) I shan't question the validity of the claim. I just don't think that anyone can objectively establish the troubles of homosexuality as being any worse than heterosexuality when left to exist without prejudice, politics, and hatred. That's why tolerance is such an odd thing for me. I really don't understand what there is to tolerate.

Please remember that negative associations of homosexuality, sin, and HIV resulted in Americans burning children out of their homes for being so sinful as to receive an HIV-infected blood-transfusion in the days when nobody realized that they needed to screen blood for HIV.

But I noticed, Xevious, that your language was mostly quite specific about who and what is thought or thinking. I thank you for that, and it's part of how I know you're not part of that oddly spiteful crowd that often makes the same disclaimer you did.

Tiassa :cool:
Re: Xevious

Originally posted by tiassa

One of the reasons the US government allowed the HIV epidemic to grow in the US is that Ronald Reagan thought of it as god's punishment to gays for sins committed, and apparently did not say "AIDS" or "HIV" until the sixth year of his term. Reagan was alleged in a poli-sci text I read in college, to have called AIDS "the gay measles". Thought I'd share that one.How interesting. A couple of points I'd like to throw in there.
Are you serious?