Holocaust Denial

Then you seriously need to take a look at your moral perspective. Given the proper light, even a criminal can seem human. Especially those that are there by circumstance. And If you refuse consistently to see that, then you are close minded.

Of course I understand that we, in the end, are only Human and some criminals act naturally on emotion and passion. That doesn't justify their actions, however, but I understand that.

But not all of them do! Some truly are cold blooded psychopathic murderers who rape and kill small children. And sorry, but NO human rights can be given to monsters.
I'm going to go out on a limb here, and say that really, some criminals deserve it,

But a lot don't. Society would rather not take the risk there. I would expand, but it's late. I'll just say that not every criminal is evil, and not every evil person is evil by choice.
Go to any history department of a university where the Holocaust is studied.

So just give me some examples of historians in Germany and Austria who have studied aspects of the Holocausts and contributed a differing perspective from the dogma without being targeted.
It would be impossible, except within some small subculture, like the neo-nazis who believe the holocaust never happened.
It would be impossible, except within some small subculture, like the neo-nazis who believe the holocaust never happened.

It would be simple. Teach it in schools, fabricate this "evidence" in the form of testimony and media, etc etc, and silence anyone who opposes it. After a generation, it's a fact.
The films of liberated camps, the recorded testimony of captured Nazi officers, those were not faked. It's rather offensive to even suggest so. I supposed we never landed on the moon, either?
The films of liberated camps, the recorded testimony of captured Nazi officers, those were not faked. It's rather offensive to even suggest so. I supposed we never landed on the moon, either?
How do you know they weren't faked? The point is, none of it can be proven.
*clears throat*

I'm all for natural progression, but can we at least stay on topic?

In fact the point of this thread was not to steadfastly assert that the holocaust was entirely fabricated - it in all probability did happen (although I think many have agreed that the given figures have been exaggerated by those with a separate agenda).
My intention was to ask how our human right of free speech could be thus robbed in such supposedly enlightened times.

I feel real hatred for those who say that "I believe in free speech, but not when it causes offence." How can you put restrictions on free speech? (See thread on the morality of censorship).
The fact of the matter is that a large part of the evidence for the holocaust is testimony. This doesn't mean that the holocaust is false history, it just means that it is more open for investigation and revision than other events in the past. Why is that so wrong?
Cellar Door, I am not a believer in complete free speech. I support political freedom, but I believe there is a certain way to address certain issues, for the stability and safety of society. Censorship is justified.
I think its ridiculous to be jailed for having an opinion.

Die Gedanken sind frei, wer kann sie erraten,
sie fliehen vorbei wie nächtliche Schatten.
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen, kein Jäger erschießen
es bleibet dabei, Die Gedanken sind frei!
Cellar Door, I am not a believer in complete free speech. I support political freedom, but I believe there is a certain way to address certain issues, for the stability and safety of society. Censorship is justified.

You cannot support political freedom and not free speech - it's contradictory.

The stability and safety of society is maintained by restricting freedom of action; a society without free speech is a dictatorship, and with the benefit of hindsight, we can see that dictatorships rarely remain stable for long.

I disagree. Although denying the obvious is idiotic, I support your freedom to do so. Holocaust deniers should not be prosecuted.

Absolutely. Plus, do you not agree that stemming any opportunity to question the holocaust will only increase the number of people who say it never happened at all? Oppression creates the desire to rebel.
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free speech is useless when there is no criticism. most people wont objectively criticize holocaust deniers, 100 years from now and they can become the mainstream interpretation when in reality, their only motives are racial.
*clears throat*

I'm all for natural progression, but can we at least stay on topic?

In fact the point of this thread was not to steadfastly assert that the holocaust was entirely fabricated - it in all probability did happen (although I think many have agreed that the given figures have been exaggerated by those with a separate agenda).
My intention was to ask how our human right of free speech could be thus robbed in such supposedly enlightened times.

I feel real hatred for those who say that "I believe in free speech, but not when it causes offence." How can you put restrictions on free speech? (See thread on the morality of censorship).
The fact of the matter is that a large part of the evidence for the holocaust is testimony. This doesn't mean that the holocaust is false history, it just means that it is more open for investigation and revision than other events in the past. Why is that so wrong?

In all probability!! What planet are you on? There are people still alive who were in the camps! In Germany before the WWII there was a population of jewish Germans. As the war ended they were dead or dying of disease andd starvation in the concentration camps. A few were 'lucky' enough to be kept alive because they possessed a vital skill.

What is approximately 6 million minus approximately 6 million? Approximately 0!

CELLAR DOOR can you read more than two sentences strung together? Have you ever picked up a book? There's a few on the subject. Have you visited a museum on the subject? Try it sometime.

Anyway -
There is already a large body of evidence about WWII and the holocaust probably more evidence than any other event in history. I repeat. The evidence is not just circumstantial, nor is it just 'testimony' but documentation, photographs, film, objects, the camps themselves, blue prints, plans, notes - alongside witness testimony; not just from surviving victims of the holocaust but allied soldiers, war journalists and the perpetrators themselves who were quite open and honest about what they wanted to do to the jews and any other 'types' that didn't fit their picture of aryan supremacy (ie any who wasn't blonde and 'germanic'). It's all there in their own words and the evidence that they actually carried out their plan is in plain view for all to see.

Tell me cellar just how much evidence does a jury need to see in order to convict because there's a bleeding landslide of evidence!! Any prosecutor on earth would tell you so and would take the case!!

The three people who were held up by SAM as shining examples of free speech. Shall I tell you the sort of activity they engage in? The 'historian' David Irving, for example? He was the 'establishment' poster boy for far right nazi groups across Europe recruiting young people in an attempt to recreate a modern day 'Hitler Youth'. Hitler the hero; the great leader who was simply a victim of an allied forces/Jewish character assassination plot; the poor misunderstood little lamb.

These 'grown ups' who should know better spread their particular brand of hateful shitty propaganda to vulnerable young men most of whom couldn't even spell their own names let alone pick up and read a history book. These young 'cheeky chappies' all puffed up on the 'truth' that the 'holocaust didn't happen' then go out descrating graves, intimidating and attacking folks who just don't fit the aryan nation bill. They hate Jews, Muslims, people with foreign accents, brown skin, commies, etc. Once upon a time in Britain they started a fun little 'game' known as 'paki bashing'. Of course they wouldn't actually know a Pakistani from a potato because they are so fucking thick but there you go. They posted shit through people's doors, vandalised property and violently intimidated anyone who didn't fit their twisted little 'picture'. Oh and have I mentioned they still do it from time to time.

That's how it starts you see and that's how it started in 1930s Germany. Recruit the youth, fill their minds with nationalism, find a suitable scapegoat for your ills along with a large chunk of historical innacuracy and away you go...