Hitler did the right thing.

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I find it strange that, as maticilous as the Germans were in keeping files and being organised, not one political paper was signed or written by Hitler that had to do with orders of genocide. So if there is no written proof ....then we are all assuming in the first place that he ordered it.
Hitler's goons did work hard on destroying such docs when they were about to lose.

I still do not get how Hitler can be considered to have done the right thing.
:eek: it's mind boggling to perceive <--looks at that last word suspiciously..i before e except after c) ok. what i was saying ..it's hard to believe that a society that produced a Beethoven and a Newton has also produced a Hitler or a Herod..know what i mean?
I admire Hitler for the way he did things, not what he did. You cannot disagree; the man was a brilliant leader, able in body and mind to command his soldiers, to inspire passion and to disregard the very human emotions that would have prevented the entire event from happening. He was amazing. We need people like Hitler, to turn all the sheep that we have become into a singular body, an entity with a goal and purpose. I salute Hitler, not for his intentions, but for his ruthlessly masterful technique.


With you all the way, man, about population control. But I don't want to do it so subtly, because AIDS is hard to control. I'm thinking worldwide extermination ... just global annihilation, know what I mean? Kill them all, and let God decide. And if there isn't a God, well then hey, all the better. No more suffering. No more cruelty or pity, sorrow or crime. Peace for all.
"You cannot disagree; the man was a brilliant leader"

I might disagree, actually. I'd say Hitler was a brilliant oppurtunist. He was very charismatic. Add those two together and you have all that you need to get in the positions Hitler did. And let's not forget, he was a terrible military commander.

"to disregard the very human emotions that would have prevented the entire event from happening"

So, blue, allow me to ask; you would say it a virtue to have the mindset that other people do not matter?

"We need people like Hitler, to turn all the sheep that we have become into a singular body, an entity with a goal and purpose."

Now blue, you just completely contradicted yourself. "We need people like Hitler to change all our sheep into a different kind of sheep". Hitler did the exact opposite of making people free of themselves and society, he enslaved them (and I'm talking about the German citizens, not the Jews). He basically made it illegal to have an opinion different than his. Will you kindly show me how this makes people anything other than sheep?


"I'm sure Hitler is relatively mild compared to the NWO Bush is about to serve us."

Care to make a bet? So far I've asked about 8 sciforumers who think Bush will start a world war or bring terrible slavery or such to the world if they want to bet money on it and I've yet to receive a yes. I hope you're up for it!
1) Any proof for your claim?
2) Once again; care to make a bet? Or are all you folk just a bunch of idiots who know you're wrong?
Bush is not fighting a holy war. Bush is playing politics and finishing the job of killing the bad man that his daddy didn't like.
That's why his daddy didn't like him. OH, and oil falls under politics.
Bush is fighting a holy war. Oil alone doesn't explain this problem; there's plenty of crude.

But Israel and the Christian right/left have something in common...
You seem to be denying the obvious.

Isn't this a war against the "evil" Saddam Hussein, when North Korea is making a mockery of the USA by actually being a greater threat?
Prozak, let's discuss a number of 'obvious' things.

I am alive. Can I prove this? Yes (without getting too philosophical), obviously if I am really writing this I am alive, as only a living human could type.

Gravity applies to me. Can I prove this? Yes. For one, I don't float around. Two, I am human and gravity applies to humans.

Bush is fighting a holy war (which I would define as a war based upon and encouraged by religious command). Can you prove this?
I still do not get how Hitler can be considered to have done the right thing.

Zero, I think that Gb Gil Trans European Multinational was just saying that right and wrong are relative principles. Something is only right or wrong because we consider it to be so.

The end.
Originally posted by prozak
Isn't this a war against the "evil" Saddam Hussein, when North Korea is making a mockery of the USA by actually being a greater threat?


1) Bush's rhetoric draws exclusively upon Judeo-Christian mythology.
2) Bush himself referred to the war as a "crusade."
3) Bush is pursuing an enemy of Israel while North Korea, a more credible threat, taunts him.

Seems clear to me. Can you disprove it? What is his motivation, in your view?
1) This means absolutely nothing in proving that this is a "holy war"
Holy War: A war declared or fought for a religious or high moral purpose, as to extend or defend a religion
That Bush draws much of his social beliefs from religion does not in any way say that he is declaring the war in the name of Christianity. Do you know what would say this? If he said something like "We the Christians must attack the Moslems in Iraq".

2) The word "crusade" only carries the religion connotation when one wants it to.
A holy war undertaken with papal sanction.
A vigorous concerted movement for a cause or against an abuse

3) One reason? Because it would greatly, greatly hinder North-South Korean peace talks. Another reason? There's no oil for us in North Korea. Another reason? The relations between US and NK and US and Iraq are two very different stories. Another reason? A war with North Korea could drag a massive Chinese army into the mix and I'm willing to bet 99% of Americans aren't pro-war with China. Do you need any more reasons?

So prozak. Any proof it's a "holy war"?

So prozak. Any proof it's a "holy war"?

Bush can NEVER admit to this because we have a separation of church and state. I do agree that there is alot of evidence that does cloud and clarify both sides. The US gov is involved with the India/Pakistan thing (Bush is not Muslim), Palestine/Jeruselem (not Jewish), but you have to admit that this particular war holds a very religious connotation.

It does hold a certain aspect for oil, and Saddam is fucking insane (he has a copy of the Quran written in his own blood!!!). I beleive that the solution lies in assassinating Saddam and any EVIL succeeding leaders. Just leaders would obviously be alright. A major morale crusher is just what the middle east needs, not a war that would destroy the people nd the land.

Can we agree on that?
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