Hitler did the right thing.

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Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
:eek: ok. ok. but, my question still stands. since you were playing devil's advocate by even posting this thread...

No, I wasn't.

I really, truly think that what Hitler did was the right thing to do, although I would be out of my mind to say that in public, where people would think that I meant that in a neo-nazi-ish way.

Hitler did the right thing. He did what he thought was right. That is the right thing to do. End of story.
Oh, if our dear friend Gil_W passes through here, he will think I am obviously anti-Semitic and not read what I really said.
grr............well, quit changing your tune. *wants to make the words large, but, can't quite figure out how to* :mad: :p anyways, Hitler was a moron. genius, maybe...moron, yes.
GB, I am going to take a very very wild guess here. Does this thread has anything to do with the way the world is today and Israel's role in it that you thought Hitler, in his demented mind knew this is how things would turn out and therefore ordered the genocide, which according to the rational of his demented moral system - is the right thing to do?

I know this is presumptious of me but I don't believe you'd think genocide is a right thing per se.

**edited - sorry, kept getting the sentences wrong.
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Just an aside...if we were debating about a serial killer and how he justify his killings, I think we would still be addressing the same issue.

The serial killer would feel his actions were right based on the schizo-demented moral system of his that he saw no wrong in it.

This was just an example. Cannibals who believe eating other humans is the right thing to do are doing the right thing when they eat other people.

There are plenty of other examples.
GB, the point is, if what anyone does is right because they believe it is the right thing to do, then what is the purpose of debating it? One man's wrong is another man's right.

i see what your saying and fully agree with it. I would just like to say tho, youve brought on this attack on you because you mentioned hitler (its a no no, people dont like to stray from the ordinary), u should have applied your theory to something alittle subtler like Snoopy or something.

Right and wrong are only what you believe to be right and wrong-thats what i agree with gb gil transglobal. (just incase people start calling me a racist, anti-semitic, bigotting, preduduce person)
GB I read your posts... they make me mad most of the time but I do read them.

I do agree with you though. On another not I think that Robert Heinlein once said "One mans religion is another mans belly laugh." or something like that.
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global

Hitler did the right thing. He did what he thought was right. That is the right thing to do. End of story.

"hitler did the right thing"
this indicates your opinion of hitlers actions

"He did what he thought was right''
an unnwarranted presumption tho probably true

if right and wrong is merely subjective, i would like you guys to go discuss that with your parents (pad yer pants first)

It all depends on whether you believe in absolute more law. If you believe that objective, universal moral law exists then you could say that Hitler did the 'wrong' thing. If you don't believe in absolute moral law, then nothing matters and you can do what you feel like.
"some of them just don't get it"
"And never will"

Tiassa, Xev, I'm not sure who you meant but I hope it is not because some members' replies were not agreeable with GB. I believe some of them did get GB's question but were trying to point out that there are other relevant aspects than just coming to a "agree/disagree" reply.

Nasor's reply is a good example. He was pointing out that If you believe in a universal moral law/system in which Hitler can be objectively judged, the you will arrive at a certain answer. But if you don't believe in a universal moral system but a personal moral system instead, then you will come to the conclusion that what Hitler did was right - based on HIS moral system.

And because personal moral systems are as varied as individuals themselves, then nothing matters because you will do whatever YOU think is right. Same goes for everyone else.


Originally posted by tiassa
Some of them just don't get it.

Tiassa :cool:


Originally posted by Xev
And never will.

Take care.


Originally posted by Spookz
elitist pigs!

enlighten me

lol. On one half, there's the feeling that you're smarter than everybody else because you and a select few others (that are also smarter than everybody else) can understand a concept that everybody else interprets as exactly what it was meant _not_ to be interpreted as.

On the other half, there's the frustration over knowing something, but not being able to successfully convey it to others that aren't as smart as you are. :p ;) :D

I think this: there is absolute morality. it's called logic. things are moral as long as whoever does them thinks they are by their personal morals.

Now if you don't understand that, go and shove this topic up your not-as-smart-as-I-am :)p) ass and don't respond.

On a side note, I'd like to ask Coffee why my posts irritate him. Most of the time, he seems to agree with me.
Calling morality 'absolute' implies that it exists separately and independently of any human opinion or perception. Absolute morality would be represented by the idea that you should never kill people because it goes against god, the cosmic order of the universe, or whatever.

The idea that people each define their own moral system and that we shouldn't judge people based on our own ideas of morality is called 'moral relativism.' Moral relativism implies that ideas like 'good' or 'evil' are effectively meaningless because each person is free to decide what is good or evil for themselves.
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