Hitler did the right thing.

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Originally posted by Slacker47
...and Saddam is... insane (he has a copy of the Quran written in his own blood!!!).
Propoganda. This story has never been verified and is probably hype to bolster" his image amongst his subjects.
I beleive that the solution lies in assassinating Saddam and any EVIL succeeding leaders.
Fortunately, assasination by the U.S. is illegal, and you would do well to consider the door it would open for those who might see America's leaders as evil, and claim the same right.

:m: Peace.
Tyler, you're just stupid and will never admit this is a holy war no matter what is set in front of you. Get fucked.
Oh geez... someone disagrees with you... get mad and insult them! :rolleyes:

:m: Peace.
Did Hitler do the right thing?

It is absolutely possible that he thought annihilation of a race (Jews) was the right thing to do. For example, right now in Palestine, there are many who want to see the annihilation of a race (Jews). Many people think the American media (run by Jews) is biased in it's news reports. Who's right?

Damn, the Jews sure do know how to piss people off!

Anyway, just because someone thinks it is right to kill me doesn't mean I should stand still while they throw rocks at my head trying to kill me. If I think I'm right in wanting to live, there is a problem. The only solution will be someone's death. Sorry, but if someone comes at me with the desire to kill me with rocks, and I have a gun, -pop- -pop-. I win. I didn't wanna kill ya' but ya' left me no choice, pardner!
Do I have the right to kill you if I think it's right to kill all people that eat liver because they like it?
I will kill you because people who eat liver should die. Therefore, it is the right thing to do! :D
"Tyler, you're just stupid and will never admit this is a holy war no matter what is set in front of you. Get fucked."

I'm sorry, next time I'll have to abandon logic, proof and the actual meaning of words.
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