Hitler did the right thing.

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Originally posted by Nasor
Calling morality 'absolute' implies that it exists separately and independently of any human opinion or perception. Absolute morality would be represented by the idea that you should never kill people because it goes against god, the cosmic order of the universe, or whatever.

The idea that people each define their own moral system and that we shouldn't judge people based on our own ideas of morality is called 'moral relativism.' Moral relativism implies that ideas like 'good' or 'evil' are effectively meaningless because each person is free to decide what is good or evil for themselves.

You do not understand what I am saying. There are moral absolutes: 1, to be exact.

That is: people are judged the way they judge themselves. If I think I did the right thing, I did. If you think you did the right thing, you did.
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
He did what he thought was right. Meaning he did what was the most right according to his moral system. Or at least what he did wasn't "wrong" according to his moral system.

I'm saying, it's right to kill Jews if it does not go against your moral code, but it's wrong if it does.

Hitler had some extreme misconceptions about the world (probably, he was a paranoid-schizophrenic) which he incorporated into his moral system. This doesn't make him "wrong" in what he did.

I'm not saying I would encourage killing Jews (of which I am one).

Just that sometimes, genocide is the right thing to do.

Genocide sometimes is necessary. Look at what we tried to do to tuberculosis, smallpox and other infectious diseases.
Originally posted by GB-GIL Trans-global
You do not understand what I am saying. There are moral absolutes: 1, to be exact.

That is: people are judged the way they judge themselves. If I think I did the right thing, I did. If you think you did the right thing, you did.

Is this even a *moral* absolute, or a philosophical conclusion instead? In my mind, there is no judgment and there is no right or wrong; there are only effective actions or failures.

I think it makes sense to put all of the religious people and criminals in a large oven and roast 'em until toasty. What the hell could be "wrong" with making the world a better place?
Genocide sometimes is necessary. Look at what we tried to do to tuberculosis, smallpox and other infectious diseases.

I don't get it. How is genocide related to infectious diseases?
On a side note, I'd like to ask Coffee why my posts irritate him. Most of the time, he seems to agree with me.

Yeah but you always post the interesting stuff first.... You make me feel inferior.
I think he was just giving a cynical example of how morally relativistic thinking can work.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
On a side note, I'd like to ask Coffee why my posts irritate him. Most of the time, he seems to agree with me.

Yeah but you always post the interesting stuff first.... You make me feel inferior.



I thought you meant like how our dear friend Joeman goes and cries his heart out into a pillow every time he reads one of my posts (after all, he's a sensitive gi... man, isn't he? or at least he's "peaceful" ;))
Well, the one is helpful to the other

How is genocide related to infectious diseases?
Well, infectious diseases are a useful tool in genocide. The US has a history of biological warfare, including an attempted genocide. Just as a for-instance.

But Aseedrain, you did raise a couple of other issues that I owe you responses to.
Tiassa, Xev, I'm not sure who you meant but I hope it is not because some members' replies were not agreeable with GB. I believe some of them did get GB's question but were trying to point out that there are other relevant aspects than just coming to a "agree/disagree" reply.
It's never the mere fact of disagreement.

Rather, it's the basis for disagreement.

The purpose of this thread seems to be somehow related to the pointing out that such ideas exist. Moral relativism, as an example, taken to the extreme can destroy nations.

Any number of interpretations are possible: one of the first things that occurred to me when reading the topic was the idea that such logical devices are not too far removed from my world. Most everybody I know employs them at some time, but it's fair to say that they don't take it to the genocidal level.

We can isolate the device, of a sort: He did what he thought was right. Meaning he did what was the most right according to his moral system. Or at least what he did wasn't "wrong" according to his moral system. I can say that this pertains to stealing, lying, having an extramarital affair, killing someone, or, as such, genocide. The idea exists; Hitler's manifestation of the idea, however, is quite extreme. It can also be said of Thomas Jefferson, bypassing the beloved Constitution to pull off the Louisiana Purchase.

I just want to look at people and say, "Kinda makes you think, hmm?"

The Inquisitions? Manifest Destiny? American slavery? Encomienda? These are a few of my favorite things. I mean, wait. Er ... these are a few things which can be justified by the moral perspective GIL has outlined.

We cannot afford to mistake the process for the result, or ignorer the process altogether. That kind of mistake gets you, well ... Americans.

I agree that Nasor's reply, as you noted, has merit. That's why we're limiting ourselves to some.

It's not a particularly easy concept to cope with. Generally, it makes people angry the first few times they come face to face with it.

I'm waiting around to see what GIL does with it after he's made his point. That's where the real show will begin.

Tiassa :cool:
Morality is by nature relativistic. After all, there is no God active in the world* who can determine an objective morality.

* - This is not an argument about whether or not there's a "God" (hahaha) but merely an assertion that his/her activity has not been seen in the physical world recently at least.
With Hitler, the bad far outweighted the good.
Hitler did do things that were good for his country. They are forgotten and what he did bad is what is remembered.
I agree to this. He did things in respect to his country. Just like you for example, do things that are good to yourself only..
I believe he was a great and dedicated leader..
That he was a great leader, is already proved by the fact that most people in germany were willingly following him.. Now that is leadership..

I am not very aware of history, but scientifically he was advancing his country well as well..
Morality of doing things has bugged me a hell lot...
who has given these moral lessons to us?
Dont you and I that make society?If yes,then why do we get F**cked up over doing some things by worrying about what other will say.
Let me put it this way:
If we can give birth to a child,then its a good Omen,but Death is considered Bad in our society.this goes on to show we havent grown mentally tough in all these years to understand the phenomenon.

But on the contrary i would say if Hitler thought that way is what the question is?!...I once read this old G.W.South hampton Book and it said that Hitler was once Insulted by Jews on the street over his Height...
you can guess the rest of stuff urself...

As Quoted By NDRS:
I am not very aware of history, but scientifically he was advancing his country well as well..

Yes.i remember when Americans Arrived they werent able to recognize most of the military stuff made.Luft's design is what was the most intriguing thing they found...

Re: Re: Hitler did the right thing.

Originally posted by prozak
Genocide sometimes is necessary. Look at what we tried to do to tuberculosis, smallpox and other infectious diseases.

Stupid. I didn't say it was nessecary. Just that it is sometimes OK. Go read a few books and get elitist lessons, and then we'll have a REAL debate.
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