Like I've stated before, I cannot verify 95%. I may be much more accepting of these theories (or laws?) and my approach more liberal, but 95% seems to be phenomenal!
Kinsey and other studies, when factored together give a grand total of predominantly homosexual males anywhere from around 2 to as high as 15 percent. The highest figures according to some researchers may not be high enough due to fear and pressure, and refusal to acknowledge.
When people are simply asked to grade their amount of sexual attraction on a scale, the numbers for both those who are predominantly same-sex attracted and those who admit to some moderate attraction seem to fall between 20 and 30%.
Given also that at least one study showed an unusual amount of homoerotic arousal for men who were considered to be quite anti-homosexual (or the term homophobic will work), and that although to a lesser degree, a fairly significant number of non-homophobic men also registered arousal. The arousal was categorized as none, semi-aroused, and significantly aroused.
All men self-identified as being heterosexual.
They were given a test to determine the amount of anxiety/fear/hatred they expressed towards homosexuality in general to determine which group they were in (homophobic and non-homophobic). Then they were shown different types of pornography, both heterosexual and homosexual, and a special apparatus was used to monitor the degree of penile erection.
Overall arousal for the homophobic group was quite a bit higher than the less hostile group. The researchers considered that maybe internalized homophobia (revulsion and disgust at their own latent or suppressed feelings) was a source of their anger. Curiously, they also considered that maybe part of the arousal came from their disgust, and somehow their intense aversion to homoerotic activity actually served to heighten their stimulation, for whatever reason that would be.
The degree of arousal in both groups, who again self-identified as heterosexual, does very much add credence to the other studies that at least 20 - 30 percent are bisexual to homosexual in nature. At least.
Now, whether it's 95% or not, that to
ME sounds improbable.
But from all I've read and experienced, and by the sheer fervor and conviction of Buddha1 for his mission, I'm willing to go beyond 30%. How much further depends on Buddha1 and his work with other men. :bugeye:
Now, he
CLAIMS he is a counselor, and that he has been studying this aspect of male psychology for a while. I cannot vouch for the validity of what his occupation truly is, or his experiences in this occupation with these young men and their testimonies. (I believe the word testimony is related to the word testicle. Now whaddya think about that?!?!?) I did ask him for some related information about what exactly he does and maybe to read some papers he's written for conferences, lectures, etc. He seemed reluctant, but apparently he's a little wary of revealing his identity. I don't blame him for that. All I can say, is that I've found this topic extremely intriguing since I stumbled onto it, and I probably am more willing to believe his ideas than most people on here. I think he's greatful at least ONE person is trying to take him seriously!!!
I feel like writing more at this time, but I'm not sure whether to put it here, or in the Pressures of Masculinity thread, or both! He jumps around alot.