Heterosexuality is unnatural

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Padmora said:
And Buddha, if a person comes with a statement that conflicts with previous knowledge and what experience shows, it's his duty to prove his statement right. Not for others to prove him wrong.

The only "evidences" you have come up with so far are talks about your "own work" and your "own experience".
Padmora, you are wrong. I think you have this great mental block that prevents you from really considering my posts.

There is a lot of 'talk' and my interpretations. But to seggregate the evidences clearly, I'm putting them under a bold heading in red colour. Surely, you would have read several of them, and hardly anyone has dared to respond to them.

You are right it's my duty to give evidences, but then when I do give (and I have given innumerable evidences on all threads -- I agree I still have to give evidences on this thread, but its because people try to disrupt and hijack the thread!) you cannot go on with your biases unless you consider those evidences.
Padmora said:
And Buddha, if a person comes with a statement that conflicts with previous knowledge and what experience shows, it's his duty to prove his statement right. Not for others to prove him wrong.
Oh, if you're talking about the challenge, then it was only for those weaklings who were throwing their fake 'social power' at me by being abusive, in the hope of browbeating me!

I know it's my moral duty to give proof and I'll keep giving them, albeit with my time constraint.
Padmora said:
The only "evidences" you have come up with so far are talks about your "own work" and your "own experience".
You are wrong again. I have cited many evidences from scientific records of the wild life, although only a few from other sources (but they are there, e.g. evidences from mythology, from modern western culture and from traditional cultures), but I'm at it. You should realise that some prople make it hard for me to go on --- I am entangled in useless arguments.
Heterosexuality is an unnatural, queer and harmful ideology

Only a few males by nature are inclined to form romantic bonds with women , and it is not a particularly manly quality (although it is a useful quality as long as it is restricted to those in which it naturally occurs!). Most men who do form such bonds in a heterosexual society do it either --- out of intense social pressures or because they have lost the capacity to bond with men and now are solely dependant on women for their emotional/ sexual needs .
Heterosexuality is an unnatural, queer and harmful ideology

Only a few males by nature are inclined to form romantic bonds with women , and it is not a particularly manly quality (although it is a useful quality as long as it is restricted to those in which it naturally occurs!). Most men who do form such bonds in a heterosexual society do it either --- out of intense social pressures or because they have lost the capacity to bond with men and now are solely dependant on women for their emotional/ sexual needs .
Heterosexuality is an unnatural, queer and harmful ideology

Only a few males by nature are inclined to form romantic bonds with women , and it is not a particularly manly quality (although it is a useful quality as long as it is restricted to those in which it naturally occurs!). Most men who do form such bonds in a heterosexual society do it either --- out of intense social pressures or because they have lost the capacity to bond with men and now are solely dependant on women for their emotional/ sexual needs .
- Youth should be reserved for bonding with the same-sex --- both for men and women.

Are you saying segregate youth based on gender? So "youth" grows up not knowing ANYTHING about the other 50% of the population? What rubbish.
EDIT: I went to an "all-boys" school for 3 years and had to leave because I hated it, it was horrible, and full of bullying.

Wouldn't that further divide people based on their gender?

Men have plenty of past-times and bonding experiences they share together.
Its fathers who aren't allowed to spend enough time with their children - because they have to be the fucking providers all the time.
Do you know how difficult that is? Always "providing" for the family but spending the least amount of time with them? That's something which some men are trying to change.
No wonder the family adopts the father's name.

Obviously most men are going to be dependent on women for their romantic and sexual needs because most men are heterosexual.

Your not going to start referring to Mayan tribes in the rainforest who have fire-ant rituals and make the young boys eat the men's sperm, are you?
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@ Buddha1,
Fuck that, youv failed to pay any attention, whatsoeva, to anyone elses argument, but your own, you relly do deserve this;

devils_reject said:
Are you guys still bothering with this fuck tart faggot.

buddha1 said:
You are just plain incapable of an intelligent discussion, unlike what you have claimed in your first few posts. Not unlike Avatar.

Yep, just as i expected. The classical 'everyones against me' tactic, used by many who have found that their own argument is utterly baseless, if you were a man, you would be able to admit this!

buddha said:
Then why do people from Americal and...

What, where the Holy Fuck is 'Americal'???

Buddha1 said:
Who cares about Mr. Smith unless he meddles with real men , then he's gonna get burned

I sure am scared to meet real men!! :eek: Especially if you class yourself as a real man!!! :D

Buddha1 said:
So this fag is dependant on women to tell him he is a man. Pathetic, pathetic!

Quite a contradiction, but i wouldnt expect much more from you.

Buddha1 said:
I'm attacking the heterosexual idenitity because I have learned that it is a lie (apart from some people).

That, in itself is a weak statement.Let me reiterate.

Buddha1 said:
I'm attacking the heterosexual idenitity because I have learned that it is a lie (apart from some people).

That part shows how weak you ENTIRE argument is.

Buddha1 said:
The correct solution will be to look atl the evidences and facts.

Something which you have entirely failed to do.

Buddha1 said:
And not to abuse, threaten or ridicule in a personal manner.

So all of this;

Buddha1 said:
What do you want from me you wimp! Go play ropes with the girls, that's where you belong!

Buddha1 said:
He was reminiscing about how you two did your things with girls together. Only sometimes it was difficult to tell you from the girls. He narrated how he had mistook you for the girl, and god were you in pain!

Buddha1 said:
But I don't understand you taking the side of this wimp

Buddha1 said:
But you know you are not a man! Pansy!

Buddha1 said:
Don't Call me mate. I don't associate with your kinds. Only a man may call me a mate!

Buddha1 said:
You could be f* queen for all I care! You are a blot on the male race!

Buddha1 said:
So this fag is dependant on women to tell him he is a man. Pathetic, pathetic!

is definatly not abusing, threatening or ridicule, on a personal level!!
its also definatly relevant, tell me do you know the meaning of the wordRELEVANT ? The structure of your argument shows of the utter drivel you so continuously spout, by the way, well done.I can see that this thread, and your arguments within it, have ever so successfully managed to pursade people into your way of thinking, once again concratulations. :D
*looks at So all of this; quotes

He probably has had some bad experiences with women, has urges to fuck men and maybe saw a shocking s&m film as a teen. That would explain this male bonding "grandeur" centered psychic incline.
Bhuddah1 uses the "apart from some" caveat to dissuade people from contradicting him given that he will then flatter them by calling them 'two spirited' men or some other hogwash. He talks about 95% of men wishing to have same sex relations with men but has never provided evidence to back that up and yet this apparent 'fact' would seem to prop up every other argument he has put forward.
He does not accept that men choose women because of sexual preference, rather he theorises that society suppresses the true desires of men to sleep with other men.
He will not accept that the survival of the species depends upon heterosexual bonds and tries to argue that because asexuality exists in nature, this somehow disproves heterosexuality as natures choice for propogating the 'human' species.

Bhuddah1, will you please provide evidence that 95% of men have STRONG sexual feelings for other men or admit that you are basing your assertions on your personal feelings alone.


Nobody is denying that homosexuals in most cultures are subject to prejudice, ridicule, and homophobia, making their lives very difficult.

Buddha1, A lot of people agree there are some problems with the current state of our culture, but these claims you make are extreme.
Huwy said:
Nobody is denying that homosexuals in most cultures are subject to prejudice, ridicule, and homophobia, making their lives very difficult.

Buddha1, A lot of people agree there are some problems with the current state of our culture, but these claims you make are extreme.

Exactly. Extreme claims that are actually counter-productive to his cause.
Rather than telling oppressed homosexuals that they are the enlightened ones among all the other men who have been castrated of their sexual desire for men by society, he should be pointing them (oppressed homosexuals) in the direction of support groups. If he was more accepting of the actual state of play in society rather than fabricating some sort of conspiracy against same sex relations in society as a whole, then he would be able to focus his efforts against the minority of bigots and bullies in society rather than tackle society as a whole, which on the whole doesn't add to the problem of bigotry and bullying as Bhuddah1 asserts.


That and that the fact that he is so willing to criticise western society, but western society has the most free, liberal, and accepting views when it comes to sexual preference, sexual behaviour, and gender roles in society - when compared to asia, the middle east, africa etc.

Where is the complaint about parts of China aborting 90% of female foetuses?
i would say your pressuring us to be homosexual with all of your unethical gay threads :).

nah seriously man if anybody is bieng pressured by anything, its natural desires to reproduce with the opposite sex,

im sorry for bieng straight buddha give me 10 lashes,
but dont get any ideas.

and can i ask 1 question please man?, are you straight or gay yourself????

Buddha1 said:
Not in your society, because you are rich and use advanced technology --- nevertheless harmful ones to rid heterosexuality of procreation. But in other parts of the world it has created a havoc.

However, it's funny that the ideology of heterosexuality wants to have its cake and eat it too. It wants to use both the sides of an argument to validate itself. On one hand it claims to be natural, biological and superior because of procreation, on the other hand it goes all out to rid the male-female sex of procreation both biologically and socially.

That's the silliest thing about it! I see people with poor grammar and spelling writing that very nonsense on the internet.
Giambattista said:
That's the silliest thing about it! I see people with poor grammar and spelling writing that very nonsense on the internet.

And by that I refer to the irony of male-female coupling being superior
because of reproduction, and yet only a small percentage of these people DON'T practice birth control. They really do want cake and to eat it. I don't know very many people who could financially and emotionally afford to be having truly natural sex.

I want pie.
john smith said:
Join the club 'Giambattista', of the NORMAL people!! :)

I meant living in a different FOREIGN society. I can't join the normal club. I've never been a normal person by normal standards, and I never will! And let's keep it that way. :)
Huwy said:
Are you saying segregate youth based on gender? So "youth" grows up not knowing ANYTHING about the other 50% of the population? What rubbish.
Welcome to the world of nature. That's how human beings are supposed to live and that's how they have been living everywhere even today --- even in your own country before heterosexuality set in.

Your own society was forcefully converted into a 'heterosexual'/ mixed gender society and your people are doing that in my country. You're wierd.

People will know enough of the other fifty percent as much as they want to or need to know. In your society people do not know what's going on with their own sex --- as is evident by the discussions on this board.

Huwy said:
EDIT: I went to an "all-boys" school for 3 years and had to leave because I hated it, it was horrible, and full of bullying.
Wouldn't that further divide people based on their gender?
You can't deal with the guys and still want to be known as straights.
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