He was busy... doing nothing.

In some cases yeah.
Then atheists are needed by God. So why punish them ?

The movement to kill Jesus came from the Jewish religious authorities who manoeuvred the local roman authorities into a position where they where damned if they killed Jesus and they where Damned if they did not. But right near the end of the crisis the Jews took back the responsibility when they shouted to Pilate; “His blood be on us and on our children.”

Matthew 27
22 Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”
They all said to him, “Let Him be crucified!”
23 Then the governor said, “Why, what evil has He done?”
But they cried out all the more, saying, “Let Him be crucified!”
24 When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it.”
25 And all the people answered and said, “His blood be on us and on our children.” 26 Then he released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified.
It was still the romans that actually killed him, no ?

LOL Anyone who declares that God does not exist is working to deconvert followers of Jesus.
Those are your views, not mine.

Yes it is. If it wasn't a belief it would not have a name. Atheism is the belief that there is no God.
What kinda nonsense is that ? "If it wasn't a belief it would not have a name."
So peanutbutter is a belief ?

Atheism, as a philosophical view, is the position that either affirms the nonexistence of gods or rejects theism. When defined more broadly, atheism is the absence of belief in deities, alternatively called nontheism.
either affirms the nonexistence of gods

Your own definition shows that atheism is a belief. If you affirm a belief (the non-existence of gods) then you have a belief in the non existence of gods.

It is so simple, so clear, why can’t you understand it? atheism is a belief.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Then atheists are needed by God. So why punish them ?

Because they have rejected the Love of the Truth, Gods using atheists or not using atheists has no bearing on the issue of their eternal destination.

It was still the romans that actually killed him, no ?

The Romans where the tools used by the religious authorities of the jews to carry out their desire.

Those are your views, not mine.

Why even make such a statement?

What kinda nonsense is that ? "If it wasn't a belief it would not have a name."
So peanutbutter is a belief ?

Ummm.. are you serious?

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Because they have rejected the Love of the Truth, Gods using atheists or not using atheists has no bearing on the issue of their eternal destination.
God made them no? And he needed them to be atheists no? :bugeye: These are your beliefs not mine.

The Romans where the tools used by the religious authorities of the jews to carry out their desire.
You are delusional right ?

Why even make such a statement?
Someone that simply has no belief in whatever God is not automatically working to convert those who do believe in a God.

Ummm.. are you serious?
Are you ? It follows from your statement.
Your own definition shows that atheism is a belief. If you affirm a belief (the non-existence of gods) then you have a belief in the non existence of gods.

It is so simple, so clear, why can’t you understand it? atheism is a belief.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

How does that follow from the definition i gave you ? I does not.
God made them no? And he needed them to be atheists no? :bugeye: These are your beliefs not mine.

I did not state that as a belief. Please do not put words into my mouth. I do not believe this. ok.

You are delusional right ?

Is this an well thought out argument to promote your view?? If it is then your not convincing anyone.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Enmos said:
Most if not all theists belief God always was.
If that were true what did he do for kicks the eternity before he created the heavens and earth and all that ??

Not trying to bash religion here, im just curious as to what believers make of this.

Since noone is interested in asnwering this question anymore i suggest this thread to be closed.
It once again turned into somesort of fight about God, which was not what i had in mind for this thread.
At the beginning, it was all a unity, it was God. But then God separated himself in order for all the parts to realize they are all one, and become God again. This is a process of billions of years, and it is cyclic.
At the beginning, it was all a unity, it was God. But then God separated himself in order for all the parts to realize they are all one, and become God again.

"I god am one! Wait.. I'm going to separate myself into bits so I realise I am one".

What complete, utter, absolute, mind blowingly moronic horse shit.

No offence.
"I god am one! Wait.. I'm going to separate myself into bits so I realise I am one".

What complete, utter, absolute, mind blowingly moronic horse shit.

No offence.

non-taken, I don´t even know what came to me in that post, I think I was possessed by forces external to my control :D
At the beginning, it was all a unity, it was God. But then God separated himself in order for all the parts to realize they are all one, and become God again. This is a process of billions of years, and it is cyclic.

Hmm.. Ok but you cant say "At the beginning" if God always was.
M*W: If there were a god, there would be no atheists. Then we'd all be believers.
if there was a material world, there would be room for atheists in god's creation

So God created atheists then ?
Why? So he can throw them into the flames of hell, so he would never have to be bored again ?

Question: How can it be that a complex being such as God just always was ?
Hmm.. Ok but you cant say "At the beginning" if God always was.

As I said, it is cyclic. I say "beggining" as in the "Big Bang", when God separated himself to understand himself better. I say beggining to put a starting point on the circle.
So God created atheists then ?
Why? So he can throw them into the flames of hell, so he would never have to be bored again ?

Question: How can it be that a complex being such as God just always was ?

Yes, God created everyone. The thing is, we are all in here to learn more about ourselves, that is the pupose, to learn.
Most if not all theists belief God always was.
If that were true what did he do for kicks the eternity before he created the heavens and earth and all that ?? :confused:

Not trying to bash religion here, im just curious as to what believers make of this.

You're applying a timeline to God's eternity.

Before God created time, there was no such thing as "eternity", or, the amount of "time" before God created the Universe.