He was busy... doing nothing.

Yeah I figured that; after all even you post in the religion forum more than the science forums

Yeah I figured that; after all even you post in the religion forum more than the science forums


At least I'm quite able to post in both, what's your excuse?

As an aside, many of the kooks and nutters who flock to sciforums are also under the impression that getting the last word is equivalent to winning.

At least I'm quite able to post in both, what's your excuse?

As an aside, many of the kooks and nutters who flock to sciforums are also under the impression that getting the last word is equivalent to winning.


Dahling, no one can accuse me of being partial to any one forum. ;)
I was responding to quote above..
He is a punchbag because i can call him anything i want and there wouldnt be any punishment. So therefore, according to you, God is inadequate at his job?

you're in a medium where you are forced to get sick, old and die, where any moment you can get assailed by sufferings caused by natural phenomena, other living entities (mothers, ants, sting rays and elephants included) and one's own mind and body, yet you are not being punished/controlled/limited in any way?

Sure you can call him whatever you want, just like a person in jail can call the law whatever they want - such a freedom of choice however doesn't indicate freedom from punishment
you're in a medium where you are forced to get sick, old and die, where any moment you can get assailed by sufferings caused by natural phenomena, other living entities (mothers, ants, sting rays and elephants included) and one's own mind and body, yet you are not being punished/controlled/limited in any way?

Sure you can call him whatever you want, just like a person in jail can call the law whatever they want - such a freedom of choice however doesn't indicate freedom from punishment

Are you serious ?
I dont consider "get sick, old and die, where any moment you can get assailed by sufferings caused by natural phenomena, other living entities (mothers, ants, sting rays and elephants included) and one's own mind and body" any punishment by God, those are natural phenomena.
..mothers ? LOL
If this were true all theists are being punished as well, they all get sick, old and die too. Further more, this would not be a God i would love.. it sounds more like Satan to me.

You arent seriously comparing our lives here on earth to being in prison, are you ? If so, then God would be the warden ?
If this is your faith i pity you.
Are you serious ?
I dont consider "get sick, old and die, where any moment you can get assailed by sufferings caused by natural phenomena, other living entities (mothers, ants, sting rays and elephants included) and one's own mind and body" any punishment by God, those are natural phenomena.
as an atheist, its understandable - my point is that as long as you remain adverse to god, you are subject to a continuation of such "natural" phenomena

..mothers ? LOL
I thought i would throw that one in because you sound like a teenager
If this were true all theists are being punished as well,
the difference is that theists are addressing the nature of their adversity to god, whereas atheists are cultivating it
they all get sick, old and die too. Further more, this would not be a God i would love.. it sounds more like Satan to me.
not even mundane law operates out of the principle of not upsetting your personal likes and dislikes, so its not clear why god is duty bound to construct the universe to operate on this principle

You arent seriously comparing our lives here on earth to being in prison, are you ?
you aren't seriously suggesting that our life here on earth is the medium of the unhindered expression of our desires are you?

If so, then God would be the warden ?
no - he has a deputed agency that looks after the material world - just like a king has a deputed agency to look after the prison
If this is your faith i pity you.
if you have faith that material life is the medium of freedom of expression it is you who is a subject of pity ....
as an atheist, its understandable - my point is that as long as you remain adverse to god, you are subject to a continuation of such "natural" phenomena
right, as an theist you get to adress it to God, big difference.

I thought i would throw that one in because you sound like a teenager
Believe me i could say they same about you. I am only sure you are wrong.

the difference is that theists are addressing the nature of their adversity to god, whereas atheists are cultivating it
So whats the actual difference ?

not even mundane law operates out of the principle of not upsetting your personal likes and dislikes, so its not clear why god is duty bound to construct the universe to operate on this principle
Ok, so why im i being punished again ?

you aren't seriously suggesting that our life here on earth is the medium of the unhindered expression of our desires are you?
I am, but morals keep me from doing the immoral.. not God.

no - he has a deputed agency that looks after the material world - just like a king has a deputed agency to look after the prison

if you have faith that material life is the medium of freedom of expression it is you who is a subject of pity ....
You are free to think that.

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
as an atheist, its understandable - my point is that as long as you remain adverse to god, you are subject to a continuation of such "natural" phenomena

right, as an theist you get to adress it to God, big difference.
yes certainly

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
the difference is that theists are addressing the nature of their adversity to god, whereas atheists are cultivating it

So whats the actual difference ?
like the difference between overcoming a sickness and getting more sick

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
not even mundane law operates out of the principle of not upsetting your personal likes and dislikes, so its not clear why god is duty bound to construct the universe to operate on this principle

Ok, so why im i being punished again ?
the same principle as mundane law - if you can't operate out of one set of rules (society at large or god's domain) you are forced to operate out of another (jail or the material world)

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
you aren't seriously suggesting that our life here on earth is the medium of the unhindered expression of our desires are you?

I am, but morals keep me from doing the immoral.. not God.
morals don't hinder your desires?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
if you have faith that material life is the medium of freedom of expression it is you who is a subject of pity ....

You are free to think that.
the heroin addict is also free to pity non addicts too
the same principle as mundane law - if you can't operate out of one set of rules (society at large or god's domain) you are forced to operate out of another (jail or the material world)
According to you im being punished right now because in dont belief in God.

morals don't hinder your desires?
Ofcourse they do, dont yours ?

the heroin addict is also free to pity non addicts too
Seek help, heroine is bad for you.
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
the same principle as mundane law - if you can't operate out of one set of rules (society at large or god's domain) you are forced to operate out of another (jail or the material world)

According to you im being punished right now because in dont belief in God.

you are being punished just like a prisoner is being punished (ie accepting the norms of prison life) because they can not operate out of the greater societal norms

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
morals don't hinder your desires?

Ofcourse they do, dont yours ?
so its not clear why you assert that the material world is the medium of fulfilling one's desires unhindered

(on a side point theism aims at coming to the point of loving god, hence obedience to the strictures of morals are superseded)

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
the heroin addict is also free to pity non addicts too

Seek help, heroine is bad for you.
life in the material world with the prospect of more to come also warrants a health hazard warning
Isn't that religion in a nutshell ?

Well a lot of religions try their best to make God more understandable to people by pasting human emotions and concepts on Him. But i think they do it as a way of trying to make it easier for people to relate to God and a human rather than God as God.

It’s like the interpretations of the trinity you will read. They are not an accurate description of the nature of the relationship between God Jesus and The Holy Spirit, but they satisfy a lot of people who need some kind of explanation that they can handle.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Because atheists are taking swings at him, well rather at the concept of him. And God doesnt exactly do anything about it...


God is allowing atheists to remove people from belief in God. People who while believing in God do not have a love for His truth.

Let me put it in another way.

God is using atheists as a purging agent to purify the Body of Believers. So your only drawing out those whom God allows you to draw. Those who want out anyway and are looking for some kind of justification or logic to walk away. Atheists can never remove one from the faith who believes Jesus and loves the truth of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

God is allowing atheists to remove people from belief in God. People who while believing in God do not have a love for His truth.

Let me put it in another way.

God is using atheists as a purging agent to purify the Body of Believers. So your only drawing out those whom God allows you to draw. Those who want out anyway and are looking for some kind of justification or logic to walk away. Atheists can never remove one from the faith who believes Jesus and loves the truth of God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

So youre saying God wants me to be an atheist so i can be used as "a purging agent to purify the Body of Believers" ? So if its not my fault, then why do i still have to go to hell ?
So youre saying God wants me to be an atheist so i can be used as "a purging agent to purify the Body of Believers" ? So if its not my fault, then why do i still have to go to hell ?

No i did not say that.

God does not plan someone to spend eternity in the lake of fire. But God can and does use the intent and deeds of those who reject Him to work to his purpose.

He used the Jews intent to kill Jesus to His purpose of achieving the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. He did not do it by forcing them but by taking advantage of their evil intent. Their intent to silence and destroy the Word OF God turned out only to achieve the goal of the one they wanted to silence and destroy.

So likewise the hard working athiest who is intent on deconverting followers of Jesus are only cleaning the body of Christ like those fish that clean whales when they visit coral reefs.

As for your personal future. I do not know if you will persist in your current beliefs or if one day you will come to believe Jesus. So i do not know where you will spend eternity. God knows of course. But not me.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
No i did not say that.

God does not plan someone to spend eternity in the lake of fire. But God can and does use the intent and deeds of those who reject Him to work to his purpose.
So atheists help God do his job ??

He used the Jews intent to kill Jesus to His purpose of achieving the atoning sacrifice of Jesus. He did not do it by forcing them but by taking advantage of their evil intent. Their intent to silence and destroy the Word OF God turned out only to achieve the goal of the one they wanted to silence and destroy.
I thought the romans killed Jesus.. :confused:

So likewise the hard working athiest who is intent on deconverting followers of Jesus are only cleaning the body of Christ like those fish that clean whales when they visit coral reefs.
I am not intent on converting theists. I think everybody has the right to belief what he or she wants.

As for your personal future. I do not know if you will persist in your current beliefs or if one day you will come to believe Jesus. So i do not know where you will spend eternity. God knows of course. But not me.
Atheism is not a belief.

God is allowing atheists to remove people from belief in God. People who while believing in God do not have a love for His truth.

Let me put it in another way.

God is using atheists as a purging agent to purify the Body of Believers. So your only drawing out those whom God allows you to draw. Those who want out anyway and are looking for some kind of justification or logic to walk away. Atheists can never remove one from the faith who believes Jesus and loves the truth of God.
M*W: Technically, you are correct. Atheists don't have the power to "remove" a christian from their heartfelt belief in god. It's other christians who are to blame.
So atheists help God do his job ??

In some cases yeah.

I thought the romans killed Jesus.. :confused:

The movement to kill Jesus came from the Jewish religious authorities who manoeuvred the local roman authorities into a position where they where damned if they killed Jesus and they where Damned if they did not. But right near the end of the crisis the Jews took back the responsibility when they shouted to Pilate; “His blood be on us and on our children.”

Matthew 27
22 Pilate said to them, “What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?”
They all said to him, “Let Him be crucified!”
23 Then the governor said, “Why, what evil has He done?”
But they cried out all the more, saying, “Let Him be crucified!”
24 When Pilate saw that he could not prevail at all, but rather that a tumult was rising, he took water and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this just Person. You see to it.”
25 And all the people answered and said, “His blood be on us and on our children.” 26 Then he released Barabbas to them; and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered Him to be crucified.

I am not intent on converting theists. I think everybody has the right to belief what he or she wants.

LOL Anyone who declares that God does not exist is working to deconvert followers of Jesus.

Atheism is not a belief.

Yes it is. If it wasn't a belief it would not have a name. Atheism is the belief that there is no God.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days